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okay before this video starts I just want to see all the footage from this video was all Tien from my stream this game go follow up if you guys want some more content like this um my next video isn't going to be as long as this one so sorry for the long video today but I hope you guys still enjoy this nonetheless so yeah hope you guys enjoy peace it's probably the same on let me see Yo in Sp n shot this [Applause] ising what the [ __ ] Dam get your ass off me bro reversal y my I'm using the floor I need you yo what in the [ __ ] yo don't use your C get your ass off me now what the about your other one oh my God I had noing stamina I would have counter that what's up come here no sir no Dam it no sir NBO no sir what theck see what is every time like I'm on the Roop trying to lock in like what just you know that me oh I did it wrong okay y oh Lord I did not mean to do that either oh yeah I'm selling oh Traer yeah that was literally [ __ ] it slid me to the other half of the map bro where did my he what I'm spinning back on camera yeah this is great crazy oh my gosh do it never mind how many people how many people going key blast Jesus Christ feel like a a freaking public there's only eight people though that's crazy can the owner see this you see I'm tripping turn your graphics down I what the hell hey hey I played do that Y where that Goku went where did Goku invisible why why s been actually good oh crap you ain't even mini mode [ __ ] that mini way bro how y Eli you know what it is bro oh Lord you know what it is Sir you got it bro you got it you got it bro what the [ __ ] is that sound what is that oh that no sir no sir no sir I dodged those oh yeah I'm third partying y'all [ __ ] I keep missing everybody else why you jumping [ __ ] I get the what in the hell just happen just for a bom to throw that at me all right that that move is not good man myw oh I just spawned in I was recording y he yep yep it has no range it's hard to land that [Music] crap you know that's War you know that's just a one two three how the character was meant to be played like look at this [ __ ] oh my you have a rush no [ __ ] way that wow y die for me no now e is it that just help cuz what the [ __ ] let off let's how you dash out of that I'm that's got to be okay really hell right li no way you're not getting hit bro this come here Goku come here Goku my Lord I was kind of doing it to him yo watch out bro bro what is bro what is going on on my screen right now okay that move just moon hit cuz of the lag whatever all right like d how did you hit me from that far old [ __ ] to your left and you decide to come after me I'm start I'm start pressing buttons bro want us to do that bro it's freaking lot okay I know who I'm taking hell no okay that hits me oh you're in oh goodbye I want oh never mind there's no way I wasn't expecting to win with my God no sir no sir oh you're odd buddy don't do that at me oh time I swi my character that Goku oh okay okay okay okay my bad my bad [ __ ] lit you up my fault that's that's my fault that's my fault oh yeah where the hell what the hell is happening bro Chad this looks ridiculous wait hold on hold on oh get your ass off me oh my God yes sir already budy I'm watching your game oh my God I missedi you oh yeah this [ __ ] deleted me Eli no Eli what happened deleted me bro fre what Isen no don't get me away from you [ __ ] oh my God bro oh yeah good move good move good move right there you like y y thr that you know I've come to realize there there is something just so unjoy watching why can you continue that why is she on me why is she on me I don't get oh wow okay good good comment oh that behind you no sir what the [ __ ] no sir oh my God damn how am I fake bro how am I fake what the [ __ ] did I do oh come that went K hold on yep yep yep what the oh my God yeah you're dead [ __ ] you're dead you're dead you're dead him oh I'm going to [ __ ] stamina oh my God this is [ __ ] crazy Goku team oh good throw good throw good throw ich go hold on you want it this a little crazy you're press one as soon as you turn around but I'm not freaking was that SK literally hits everything looks at bro what the hell is that oh I forgot time wait who wins oh you said we have how many eight yo why got because I nked you guys he just he literally just dragged everyone across the just play bamb if you want a farm pubs bro K curry good yeah he pretty good last time oh how long have I been muted bro [Laughter] thought yo my FPS should not be this low oh shoot oh The Flash thingss yo this like I got off guys you play and ranked or whatever sure go crazy but like dude I just get behind that get right behind that kick out a plane like this K oh [ __ ] oh my thing was on cool yo what is this fight hold on I need an energy I don't have I don't have uh what's it called yeah I be forgetting you need to charge sometimes myug right for this session holy [ __ ] bro that jump scare puts on the bured from the session goodby my dick bro wait what oh my God wrong [ __ ] bro is zoom class at 9 at 900 p.m. oh what did I just look at grab me for a prime got off a [ __ ] he got off Bambi to get off [ __ ] what's his name bro Oh wrong scope yo like charge all right I wi this yo you [ __ ] I want that I want that I want that I want that no I Ed the other one five oh my gosh [ __ ] watch is Aude please point game is so slow point game is bad excent excent work BL pubs cuz she has two counters I'm getting come here no no wait wait oh it's fine I got that move too sir I'm oh my gosh in all right this my last one I got beautiful the game wait that just go through my block okay I tried to teleport armor talking I love hyper armor bro oh good good stuff cam good stuff camer nice oh that do not work oh can you all right yo get off me now all right all right they didn't grab you easy what okay kind ofd come here cuz you want to be M1 [ __ ] die freaking bastard put that [ __ ] put that [ __ ] off on the floor dude I'm starting to hit bro I'd rather Quee against renai have oh my God you're a [ __ ] idiot I would unex I don't care bro bro Eli move bro you came from me oh wow okay might I'm yeah you are it's true bro that is it yeah oh hell no okay yeah don't me back here no CS it's over going to get out of that my game is like two FPS bro what do you want me too what is going on right now oh that's uh that did not do any [ __ ] damage how did he not get put in okay I got I actually thought you miss I don't have I don't have hide in a [ __ ] is there like seven people Ming at the same time oh hell what okay [Laughter] eite my [ __ ] yall [ __ ] oh my God [ __ ] I didn't have to go mode what the [ __ ] that was dude I got T's thing like okay no I got pushed into it I didn't run into it yo I just spawned in you bastard nice oh what the I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead here okay thato why the screen flash so much yeah bro somebody going going be playing this game and have a seizure bro hell no and give this game mobile comp your phone explode literally okay you that was clean though oh [ __ ] across the map doesn't even you cancel that I don't I don't yo get off me shut your ass up bro why are they taking turns beating my ass bro kid right now no bro can you please stop okay no way I didn't PE me no way I didn't Goku got solo ass kid all right bet come here then did you want to pull up on me like that that block broke me for what reason this skill isn't over hello bro if I had more [ __ ] bar was only targeting Dao like 50% of the time holy [ __ ] these [ __ ] are having fun making these characters I don't know how far am I I'm oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] no go bro chill I don't get it beautiful okay abely beautiful so you like to sit in the bush pulling people but I can't I can't run around all right bet cam no no no no no no come here come here come here come here I was only in the bush hiding from all the modes bro it's different I got a Target locked down camon you know I'm not stopping come here about to pop freaking man I was not even looking how do you how do you play a character like EO or gone easy easy easy oh yeah oh yeah I no way bro bro how is your m is a beautiful character I have for years I love punish frames I'm not going to lie I don't hold on Chad I'm pausing this no I'm pausing this Chad Lord my super armor is crazy yo okay my make a move make a I'm just going to shoot down whoever no [ __ ] way that hit me oh my gosh I'm blocking those way no you're not come here bro what's up with Goku black what you mean that [ __ ] just randomly hit my ass bro chill the Box oh yeah oh yeah Dan y what's the emo button please of God get off bamb oh my [ __ ] God I I'm allp I'm matching all d d [ __ ] bro what is this character for the level come here where the [ __ ] is that thing why is that so slow all right it's lagging [Applause] broed that [ __ ] took sweet time this map is too [ __ ] small I don't have no motion oh yeah yeah hold on hold on was not [ __ ] holy I'm just getting dragged across the map bro bro cam it's cam yo stop saying my name not you the other one oh lord said stop saying my oh my God yo whoever this slman is bro don't do anything nope I'm sorry oh my God okay [ __ ] we're trying to touch something [ __ ] oh my [ __ ] God these [ __ ] what doing TN okay it ran to me it to you D what the what the [ __ ] is hitting me oh shoot how did more people get can you move someone leak the server what the [ __ ] how more people oh [ __ ] bro can't breathe my right oh my oh Jesus Christ need to make a brand new channel stop tapping out uh I was working on the checking if the freaking video is still cop I'm good that that is over here please is Sprint toggled sh this game is so laggy can you disable Sprint toggle or no oh my God FPS oh no I I barely like doing three v3s in any game holy [ __ ] I'm never doing this again I'm never doing this [ __ ] again too crazy one time occurrence come here doing this [ __ ] again what the hell the [ __ ] just hit me oh my God okay I see you I knew you going to throw that no way oh [ __ ] this they got to C pubs at six I can't even cap you they got to cap just take me out my misery cuz I physically can't play the game yeah okay I don't know why you're playing Vegeta anyways Vegeta is [ __ ] M Sho ouch ouch I don't have any moov how am I getting hit my infernal powder CH chill chill chill chill chill chill oh 16 you you literally just dragged them across the map with one [Music] no CH no more oh my [ __ ] god whoever never mind you got it bro my bad I oh my gosh oh [ __ ] no what is happening anymore I don't [ __ ] know oh my God I'm going to [ __ ] die I'm going to [ __ ] die oh [ __ ] where everybody at no no you don't need to hit that bro I don't even know what the [ __ ] Ked me I just moded that's that's F I get you out of there bro I think it's my Mo bar go to zero when I die you somebody that was one HP was Cyberman bruh yo hello I got okay what the hell I just saved you Cam you're welcome thank you not what can I I don't have [Music] t what bro every time I get to a fight bamb just throws me back throws it back what let me see no that bck ass no sir that was skill that th ass what have you been doing what's up oh you're playing Bamba all right hey get that boy gone get that boy gone all right now who next I think is a demon if you just if you just take a some of the people in the match I can't believe watch they're just running and spamming the [ __ ] three y are literally just playing [ __ ] kickball and and the [ __ ] with the projectile and they're just using blood vein too so they take like no damage that's my yeah I'm not I'm not going to lie taking less damage is kind of crazy yo where is Eli at where is Eli posted at oh my gosh what's up with you bro where's Eli where's why are yall playing like this this a match look at take a look at the last characters Alive by the way just inspect it you you don't say anything coincidental what the was that all characters that [ __ ] M I'm trying to find this [ __ ] Eli bro I'm on him right now this [ __ ] hiding Broly [ __ ] oh yeah oh yeah that's you come here then come here all right wor so you want to die okay cool that's all you have to say shut up that's all you have to say that blocking it come here now when I now when I press I see you yo you don't you don't you don't want to fight me bro you don't want to fight me yes I do no you don't bro you don't want to fight me yes I do he might just have more I'm not going to lie I'm not scared maybe I am oh that's in there are you dead yeah yeah I'm dead I'm dead [ __ ] not dead I'm dead bro oh my God you this was like a [ __ ] what's that [ __ ] I did for 50k Robux the [ __ ] tournament tournament that was that was no we we didn't we didn't have to say here and and watch this cuz I know how this I'm ending it dir ass babers damn did you have v i I had B I pulled up in the sorry baby [ __ ] is the truth my don't my SM [ __ ] like a sick then I'm back in the St big body BS I pulled up in the C sorry baby yeah that [ __ ] is the truth try my n don't tie mys smoke a [ __ ] like a SI then I'm back in the I got a few views one day
Channel: Disgame
Views: 2,893
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, roblox gaming, roblox anime, axs, roblox axs, anime showdonw, axs roblox, roblox anime showdown, anime showdown aba, anime showdown roblox, aba
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 6sec (1506 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 07 2023
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