Animator vs. Animation II (HD)

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Animator vs. Animation II -drawing stick figure- -trying to give name- -escapes using fire- -aims at pointer, then throws- -gets a tool- -fighting pointer- -opens animator tools- -throws glass- -get's axe, aims axe at stick figure- -breaks glass with axe- -aims, -aims and fires gun- -destroys gun, meanwhile animator getting 2- -guns misses shots- -lasers the program- -breaks glass- -escapes- -minimizes program- -taking stuff out of recycle bin- -moves recycle bin, stick figure falls- -puts stuff back in- -destroys paper "songlist"- -fires through- -kicked Mozilla Firefox- -opens "data"- -folders out- -Firefox fires at stick figure- -Fighting starts- -Firefox put in bin- -Recycle bin was destroyed- -More fighting- -Animator chatting with buddy- -Adobe Photoshop destroyed- -Thrown program- -program closes- -fighting with computer- -about to shut down computer- -virus detected- Caution. A virus was detected. -last fighting- -put in chest- -Random pop-ups-
Channel: Alan Becker
Views: 20,055,954
Rating: 4.9264302 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 30sec (210 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 04 2015
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