Animating in Clip Studio: an introduction

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since lately I've been teaching myself a little bit about animation several folks have asked me about clips to do and have I tried any of the animation features in there till a couple of weeks ago the answer was no but today I'm gonna walk you through some of the basics and things that I've learned over the last couple weeks so here on my screen you see I have clip studio paint open I'm using it on a Mac however it is available as well on Windows and on the iPad in fact the iPad version just came out a couple months ago it's nearly identical also as a side note the price of the iPad app was like $12 a month or something like that it may been a little more a little bit less it was very expensive but now they've just reduced that it's now $25 a year which is far more reasonable of a price I use Adobe animate for the animations I've been doing right here on this channel but several people ask me hey have you tried out the animation stuff in clip studio so that's what I wanted to do today as I wanted to walk through it now I am using the standard version of clip studio I think it's called clip Studio Pro there's also clip studio paint e.x which is a higher-end version has more features and in that version you can make much longer animations I think I'm stuck to like 24 frames or something like that in in this version but that's okay for the sake of demonstrating and testing it out this is gonna work just fine so you can see here on the screen I have different options whether I'm doing an illustration or a comic or something else the last one here is animation and of course if you're setting up your animation you can you can kind of fiddle around with everything you can actually change the size of your animation I'm cool with the 720p just the sake of experimenting here also you can set your frame rate 24 frames a second usually is what I'm used to drawing in and with that I'm just gonna go ahead and click OK and it's going to create my canvas here that I'm going to be drawing on now I already have my timeline opened down below but if you don't you can go to window and scroll down here to timeline and open yours up now one of the cool things about drawing or animating here in clip studio is that you have everything that clips to do it has available to you you can use that here to draw so I'm gonna start out I'm just gonna sketch a little guy get get a little head going on here draw straw me some eyes maybe get a little nose in there actually I did that notice wrong I probably should keep this simple in fact I'm gonna keep this really simple I'm gonna I'm gonna get rid of like my normal writing shapes there we go now down below in the timeline just like most animation programs I can go to a certain frame and I can go to one of these icons which is I create a new animation cell and you can see it just broke in there and it created a new cell I'm gonna just simply make this head not up and down how do I do that I can no longer see my head well it's really easy I can come in here and go to my onion skin which is this little icon down here gonna click that on you see it's blue now blue means that it's it's behind you in my animation so I can actually just come in here and draw my little head and trace it let me get his eyes nose and mouth in here and I already have a very simple animation in fact if I shorten this animation down to just four frames and hit play you see I just have a really shaky head like he's about the sneeze maybe what I want him to do instead is slowly look up so I'm gonna grab my eraser and I got to get rid of the eyes nose in the mouth so maybe the head shape is about the same but I I can go in here frame by frame and slowly move the eyes and nose up maybe I keep the mouth where it is gonna redraw the mouth it's gonna get really shaky that's okay this is just a demo I'm gonna come in here create another frame do the same thing again draw my head this is gonna take a minute so I'm just gonna forward through this part you okay I have all this drawn in I have no idea what's about to happen but let me click play let's see okay he's looking up down up down up down up down okay yeah so that's how you would do a frame by frame animation now it did take me a couple minutes to actually just blast through that fast-forward part and draw this frame by frame that's really time-consuming is there any way to duplicate what you already have in the previous frame and use that absolutely yes there is so so let's walk through that really quickly I'm gonna go ahead and close this and I do not need to save that and I'm gonna go to file new we're just gonna use the same animation file setup as we had before but maybe this time what I want to do is I want to have you know his body and he's looking this way maybe that's his head and then I want the head to swoosh around this way and look this way but when I do that frame by frame animation I'm not a good enough animator drawer illustrator to actually get the lines perfect if I wanted to it would actually take me a really long time and a lot of drawing let me undo all these lines here alright to start out let's let's uh let's just rough in his body and then let me draw his head I don't like that I'm gonna try way over here instead I don't like that that's even worse there we go and then I'm gonna go down here and I'm going to expand my timeline out as far as it'll let me which is 24 frames can expand this this part out and I'm going to expand my background as well if I could do it with this stylus there we go so the halfway point is my twelve frame marker so I'm gonna put my stylus right there then I'm gonna go up and I'm gonna go ahead and create my second frame there and then I'm gonna go to the end let's say my twenty third and I'm gonna go up and I'm going to create a frame there and then what I can do once I get the roughs in place is I can fill out the animations in between those two points let's look over here on the right hand side at our layer palette can I expand that I can so what you see is we have a 1 a 2 and a 3 what those numbers are what they represent is it's basically created a layer for every new frame I have here in my animation when I click on one obviously it takes me to frame 1 I haven't drawn anything in 2 or 3 yet but what I want to do is I want to take frame 1 want to duplicate it and then I want to flip it and since you can do that in clips to do when you're drawing you could do that in clips to do when you're animating so the first thing I'm gonna do is on my layer palette I am going to go to number one I'm gonna right click on it and I'm gonna go up here to duplicate layer so you can see it has duplicated it and it is called it layer 1a let's go back over to our timeline where it says - I'm gonna put my cursor there and I give a look at my options right here along the top there's one with a little chain by it and if I hover over it you can see that it says specify cells let's click that you'll see what it does what this lets me do is it lets me pull in any cell that I want and designate it for this cell so I click on one a which is the duplicated solid is created I get a click on OK and there's one a now I can grab my selection tool I can select that I can go to edit I can go to transform and I can say flip horizontal voila I have flipped that I'm going to unselect that I don't need that anymore I'm also gonna turn on my onion skinning so I can see the previous frame I want I want the body itself to stay kind of stationary so I'm just gonna come over here and I'm gonna line that up this way now if I if I wanted to I don't have to call this one a I could call this head facing right and I could go down to layer one and I could call this head facing left and there we go you can see that in the timeline it's listed pretty well so if I go to the end where I want this to end is where it starts which is head facing left so I can go here I can click on that and I said yep I want that to be head facing left I'm gonna click ok so it's going to end in the same position where it began I'm gonna grab my pencil here I'm gonna go ahead I'm gonna draw a nose with the eyes I'm gonna go to head facing right to draw my nose gonna draw my eyes go back to frame one here now there's this Lydian animation called anticipation and so I'm gonna have the head snapping this way really really fast maybe before I do that for a frame or two I have it nod forward and down that way it's kind of goes forward and then snaps back and then on the other side it's gonna nod forward and back I'm gonna fast-forward through the next couple steps because basically all I'm gonna be doing from here on out is I'm gonna be duplicating layers and then assigning them to frames maybe tweaking it a little bit here and there drawing some of the in-betweens doing some of the stuff that I did before now that I have all of that done and all that setup I'm gonna go ahead and hit play and I'm gonna check out how it looks hey that looks pretty good at this point I'm just resisting the urge to go in and continue to tweak I think this pretty much covers what I wanted to cover for this video at least some of you might be wondering would this possibly replace Adobe animate for some of the videos that I'm doing probably not Adobe animate has a lot of tweening functions that I do and things like that that this doesn't have also the big thing is audio I can't import an audio file and use that for the audio cues that I usually use in my videos Adobe animate does that really well another question that I know I'm gonna get because I've gotten it before is am I gonna do a video like this for Adobe animate where I talk about my process yes I will be doing that I don't know when probably sometime in the next couple months part of the reason why is I've only made a couple animated videos I'm very new to this and I'm figuring this out as I go I am so far from professional at this stuff right now and I'm learning the software and I'm learning how to tell a story and I'm learning how to like just draw an anime though yes eventually I will do that but I'm waiting to get a little better at it and figure out how to package it chatter anyway thank you for watching if you liked the video hit the thumbs up and other people can find it that's all I've got but this week let me know if you have any comments or questions down below and I will see you guys later [Music] you
Channel: Brad Colbow
Views: 136,444
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: clip, clip studio, clip studio paint, animation, animating, key frames, potato head people, drawing, painting, intorduction
Id: QObBlczjBNw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 30 2018
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