AnimateDiff and (Automatic 1111) for Beginners

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[Music] with the help of animate diff we are going to be creating this AI animations in this video the best way to explain animate diff is to have an image generated which we can see here and the extension converts the image into a gift animation to get started we need a few requirements and uh the first thing we need is the checkpoint which we are going to use in stable diffusion as we have here the way to have this checkpoint is to visit the civit AI page and if we come here um you guys can see um tun is available on S AI for download and also another model good for such animations is also tune babes which you guys can check out I already have this installed and download it and what you guys need to do is to just click on the download here for any of the checkpoints we want to use once this file starts to download from C AI we are supposed to place this file into our St stable diffusion folder and in the folder we come down to models you guys are going to find stable diffusion so already I have tun boom here as you guys can see and also I have tun babes here and once they are here the next thing we will move into stable diffusion to install the extensions for animate so I'll just come back to stable diffusion what we need to do is to install the extension for animate diff and we don't need to go to GitHub to download any models what we need to do is to just click on the extension tab here click on available load from I'll just unake this and search for animate div if you should see the option here for you to click on install I already have mine installed as you guys can see so this is gr out but then you go ahead and you click installed but once this is completed you come back to your installed here you apply and and restart UI I would recommend to also restart stable diffusion all over again you can also come down here and close your entire terminal just to restart stable diffusion um the next thing we will need is models for the extension to work which is animated diff and if you guys can see I have the models already installed here how we can get this models to work in animate diff is to visit the huging face page which I am going to include in the description so um I'll just come down here and you guys can see um the Hing face page here and down here under the animates there are quite a few models I have already downloaded this I've downloaded a few of this once this is downloaded we have to place this into the same stable diffusion directory we installed but under the web Ur you guys can see here we go to extensions we find the animate the folder if you haven't installed the extension in stable diffusion you are not going to see this folder make sure you install the extension first then you can direct your models into this folder so under here you go to models and save all your files here you can download a few another link for more models is um this page here still under haing face ad stabilized motion which you guys can see uh two files here once we have our checkpoint installed we have our models installed we should be ready to animate to use animate we would require a prompt in the text to image tab I already have a prompt and I'm just going to copy this and paste this also I'm going to paste in a negative prompt as well and I have already selected my checkpoint which is tune U before we use animate diff What I would usually suggest is to just generate the image from the prompts just to see the style and look uh we put the steps sampling at 30 we keep the size cuz uh we just uh previewing to see what it looks like CFG scale we push it to eight we keep everything at default uh we keep the C that one and I'll just generate to see what we get once we are happy with what we have here uh with the prompts generated now we can just move to um animate div to see how this magic works out here if this is your first time you might not see the model selected but what you can do is to just uh click down here which we can select any of this uh down here you select your GI PNG as GI also when we come here this is the most important checkpoint here make sure you have this checked which is enable animate St if you don't have this checked you wouldn't have your gift uh generated uh we come here to the number of frames this will be the duration you want your gift to be we'll start at 16 to see what we have uh we keep the frames at 8 frames per second you can always change this but for a GI file uh 8 to 12 yeah might be best we keep everything else on default and yeah we can just go ahead and see what we get from this so from our style and our prompt uh we have something like this um you guys can always experiment to see what you come up with but this is actually Awesome from the feedback and also we have this at um 16 frames another thing we can do is to also extend the time of the animation if we feel this is too short by changing the number of frames from 16 which we can make 64 there we have it there we go and I believe this will be a fantastic tool by experimenting more with different settings and different models uh you guys can always let me know what you think in the comments below if this video was helpful in any way you guys can give it a thumbs up to let me know it was valuable and in the next video I will be explaining a bit more of prompt travel still using animate div so you can subscribe as well so you don't miss out and I'll see you guys in the next one [Music]
Channel: goshnii AI
Views: 52,320
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animatediff, stable diffusion animatediff, stable diffusion, stable diffusion tutorial, artificial intelligence, ai, machine learning, ai video, ai animation, text to animation ai, ai news, midjourney, ai image generation, ai video generation, ai gif, olivio tutorials, a1111 stable diffusion, a1111 tutorial, a1111 video, a1111 gif, ai gif generation, stable diffusion gif, gif animation, txt to video, txt2video, txt2gif, txt to gif, ai generated gif, how to ai generate gif, gif
Id: v7XRgR0ECXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 49sec (409 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 03 2023
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