ANIMATED KIDS STORIES - The Selfish Giant, The Beauty & The Beast AND Aladdin -KIDS HUT STORYTELLING

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join kids had family [Music] [Music] [Music] hey Tia can I use the new colors he just bought I need to draw and color a bird for my science assignment shot Oh phew here you go thanks TIA [Music] hey tofu I am very hungry can I have one of the chocolates you bought at the store actually dear I bought them for myself can't you wait till dinner tofu you're so selfish you're like The Selfish Giant no I'm not yes you are let me tell you about him and then you can decide [Music] The Selfish Giant once upon a time there was a beautiful garden [Music] it had big trees laden with fruits and many flowers of different colors and fragrances the cross was so soft that it felt like a cozy bed different birds sang melodies in the garden the whole day long the children of the village loved playing in the garden they would come there as soon as school got over and would stay till evening in the far end of the garden was a big castle [Music] people often said that the giant who owned the garden used to live there but it was empty now nobody knew what had happened to the child and they thought he would never return till one day the earth shook and there were loud thumping sounds but each thump the children were lifted off the ground and back again Oh No is the child it cannot be why has he returned after all these years [Music] the John saw all the children in his garden and yelled loudly what are these children doing help this is my garden get out get out of here all the children got scared and ran away the Giant then built a large wall around the garden so that no one could ever enter it the next day the giant went to the garden thinking that he will work some fruits and flowers but the trees were so sad without the children that they shed all the leaves and fruits and lay bare given the flowers that had blossomed became so sad that they went back into the ground oh I feel so sad I don't feel like dressing up with my leaves today yes without the children even I don't want to come out I wish the Giant had never returned who sing on this empty garden I am leaving as time went by winters came and passed [Music] when spring came it was lush green everywhere the roadsides were filled with colorful flowers and green trees [Music] everyone wondered how the garden must look too but with all the sadness present in the garden spring did not come to it the garden remained frozen [Music] the only ones happy in the garden was snow and frost with no spring to melt them they became the masters of the garden I will cover every tree of this garden so that it looks white and so it went and covered every tree till all one could see was white I am going to invite the north wing to join us here the icy cold wind swept over the garden it's not the chimney pots off the castle and rattled its roof then the naughty wind had another idea my friends let's invite Hale over to and clean this garden has asked forever soon Hale came down on the garden all four of them got together and caused havoc hail and wind attacked the castle roof every day and took off its legs one by one one day while the giant was lying in his bed he heard beautiful music coming from his bedroom window he thought perhaps the king's musicians were passing the garden he looked out of his window and saw that a small bird was sitting on the window ledge and singing her spring finally arrived he looked beyond into the garden the icy wind had stopped blowing the snow was melting and Frost was vanishing hail couldn't be seen anyway instead he saw the most beautiful sight the children have propellent in the garden some children had found a hole in the wall and had entered the garden from there people on every tree and were happily sprawling on the grass the trees were so happy that they covered themselves with green leaves the flowers also came out and the truss was smiling gleefully even the birds were chirping new happy tunes what I did was terrible I was selfish I should have never ever blocked the children out of the garden I will go and correct my mistake now the giant went out and broke the wall down from now on this garden is your playground forever the children was so happy that they hopped the Giant from then on the giant played with the children every day as time passed the giant grew very old and tired he wouldn't go out to play with the children he would only watch them from his window [Music] one day he saw a little boy crying so he went to see him what is the matter little boy the boys hands were bleeding this made the giant very angry who has hurt you tell me his name man I will punish him the little boy called the giant and said calm down my friend these are wounds of love then the boy took the Giants hand and took him to the garden of paradise with him after some time the other children came to where the little boy had been they found the child lying on the grass and covered with white flowers he had died with the loving smile on his face I really was being the sad first idea I am so sorry yes you were I will change that immediately here please have some chocolates dear thank you tofu I am happy that you have changed but it is dinnertime already I will now have the chocolates for dessert [Music] look at that man Tia he looks so scary I wouldn't want to be around him that is not a nice thing to say to a fool just because he scares you doesn't mean he's not kind and caring let me tell you a story of the Beauty and the Beast [Music] the Beauty and the Beast been lived in a village with her father Morris who was an inventor one morning as she was returning from the market a hunter named Gaston stopped her Gaston was an arrogant young man everybody in the village knew he always got what she wanted but no one ever dared stand up against him because his father was the village head the only person who paid no attention to Gaston was bell but Gaston was obsessed with her and wanted to marry her both let me walk you home our Gaston no thank you I can go home myself I insist I have to talk to your father about something important to Belle continued walking ignoring Gaston who started walking with her once home Bell quickly went inside moriss moriss come out I have to talk to you what is it it is your lucky day I am going to marry Belle you have lost your mind go away Gaston Belle is never going to marry you just been there was a loud explosion in Morris's life and he took off towards it well also ran towards her father's land seeing that there was no one he could push around Gaston left [Music] I am right I have done it well my experiment was successful I am leaving for the fair in the nearby village immediately you will see my child people are going to love this and so Morris left on his hostel ik and rode off but as he was crossing the forest he got lost [Music] after a few hours Phillip and he landed in front of a huge lonely castle there was no one in sight so Morris died Phillip to a pole at the entrance and went inside the castle it was pitch dark inside a few candles were lit in the corners hello is anyone here I am lost can you help me a large shadow came across the wall as it came into light Morris saw that it was not a man but a huge angry beast with an ugly scar across his face how dare you enter my castle you need help I will help you I'm sorry I will leave immediately and Morris started running back the way he had come but the beasts got him and started dragging him he took him down the staircase and locked him in the dungeon please please let me go please let me go you will stay here forever this dungeon is your world now [Music] a whole day had passed and Morris hadn't returned Bell got worried and decided to go to the nearby village to look for her father [Music] but she too got lost in the forest and landed up at the same castle Philip was still there tied to the pole Belle decided to go inside just in case her father was there hello papa anybody here how dare you enter my castle get out right away before I lock you in the dungeon too suddenly the Beast moved out of the shadows and stood in front of Belle she was terrified of him but did not run somewhere from far away she could hear another wise it was her father please please let me go let me go please open this door let me go please do you have my father can you please let him go Hey what are you saying I will stay instead of him please let him go hearing this the beasts took Belle's hand and dragged her up the stairs [Music] he led her into a huge room so be it your father is free and you shall be my prisoner forever and so it was no matter how much Morris protested the bees threw Morris out of the castle and into the forest with Phillip [Music] when dinner time came bail did not join the Beast for dinner instead she stayed in her room crying the Beast entered her room and said if you are going to stay in this castle you have to follow its rules you're expected at dinner don't you dare miss it next time you are a monster you didn't even let me see my father one last time go away I hate you seeing Belle heartbroken the Beast felt bad he pulled out a hand mirror from his coat and gave it to her in the mirror she would be able to see whomever she wanted to see at that moment Belle looked into the mirror and saw her father finally leaving from the castle and riding into the forest but to her horror she saw he and Philip had suddenly been attacked by a pack of wolves she gave out a loud cry and ran downstairs out of the castle gates and towards her father soon she found herself and her father Morris surrounded by ferocious wolves just as the wolves were about to attack Belle a large pour dropped one of them by the neck and threw it away the Wolves now turned on the Beast who had decided to follow Belle and help her save her father the be scared them off but not before they had fit into his arm an injured Morris - he put Morris on Philip who took off riding as soon as his master was secured the beasts tried to walk towards the castle but fainted and fell [Music] he woke up two days later to find Belle sitting by his bedside in his room the wounds on the arm had been bandaged you you didn't go you are awake I hope you're feeling better thank you for saving our lives over the next few days Belle nursed the beast back to health as the spend time together they realized that he wasn't as mean as he appeared to be the first day they had met in turn the Beast learned to change his ways and became gentler and kinder [Music] soon they became very good friends one day Beth asked the Beast if she could see her father in the mirror the Beast had read and give her the mirror in the mirror Belle saw all the villagers storming her house they thought that Morris had gone mad and wanted to send him to the doctor nobody believed him when he kept insisting that Belle had been kept as a prisoner by a beast worried about her father been requested if she could go to the village for a day just to save her father and though the beast knew that she might never return he agreed go but take this mirror with you in case you ever want to see me [Music] [Music] once Bell reached her house she stood between her father and the villagers and tried to explain the truth but the angry mob led by Gaston who wanted revenge from Morrison Bell for turning his wedding proposal down wouldn't listen Gaston grabbed Belle's hand and tried to get her out of the way as she struggled to free herself the beasts mirror fell out of her pocket in it was the Beast looking right at them all goodness she shown the Beast the way to the village we must go and kill him before he comes here the angry mob started marching towards the castle with fire torches and swords they left behind Morris and Belle locked up in their house soon they stormed the castle gates Gaston went upstairs and challenged the Beast to a fight but the beasts had had a change of heart he did not wish to fight so he came out of the balcony unarmed and tried to talk to the villagers but Gaston wouldn't have it he wanted to kill the Beast and so he attacked him his sword pierced through the beasts stomach shocked the Beast swung his arm to protect himself scared Gaston stepped backwards and fell off the balcony and died somehow Belle had escaped from her house and reached the balcony just as the Beast fell on the floor I love you Belle I love you too please don't go suddenly the castle lit up with thousands of candles as belt still lay crying by the Beast he turned into a handsome young prince well it's me you freed me from the witch's spell to break the spell I had to love and win the love of another you loved me even through I was a beast you saved me Belle you saved me it really is you as we hugged each other they saw the rest of the castle and the forest bloom with beautiful trees and flowers so you see tofu you should never judge people by the way they look I'm sorry dear I will always remember this now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what is your project about tofu we have to raise money for the class show we have to make and sell something so what have you decided to make that's where the trouble is I can't think of anything I wish I had some magic and I could just get as much money as I wanted in fact I would use the magic to become the richest person on earth and sit back and relax the whole day I would do nothing else well tofu you do know that there is more in life than only being rich people like you more when you are honest hard-working and humble [Music] that's how xi found his princess and lived a happy life Aladdin who is that I'll tell you [Music] once upon a time there was a young boy named Aladdin he lived with his mother and his pet monkey in a poor village of Arabia [Music] the only relative Aladdin and his mother had was a distant uncle who hardly kept in touch with them one day when Aladdin and his mother were finishing the daily chores Aladdin's uncle showed up brother what a pleasant surprise how are you sister how is your son we are both good brother it has been many years since you have visited us Aladdin this is your uncle you saw him once when you were a little baby hello uncle oh what a young lad he has become but I'm sorry to see the state of things you have to live in sister I have a proposition let me take a Laden with me and I will find him some work once he has earned enough he can come back to you till then keep this piece of gold to make your living oh brother that is a wonderful idea it will do a lot and good to learn some work with you [Music] the next morning Aladdin and his uncle left [Music] they watched through many villages and towns [Music] til one day they came to a quiet place outside one of the villages there are many caves and tunnels there [Music] what are we doing here uncle I have a job for you here here uncle but there is nothing here except these rocks and caves look there under the tree there is a large stone with a ring on it I want you to lift it okay uncle as you say [Music] please help me uncle this shop is very heavy no I can't help you it is your job you have to do it [Music] it's opening it's opening uncle I can see a narrow passage and some stairs leading further down very good job my boy now I want you to go in there but before you go here wear my ring this is a magical ring it will keep you safe yes uncle Aladdin follows his uncle's directions and goes down the stairs once at the bottom he sees that it is a large cave filled with many jewels and gold coins [Music] pick up the large cold plates and urns fill them up with gold and jewels pick up anything else that you think may be worth something Aladdin does as his uncle had told him he stuffed the large urns with many precious items and made his way back towards the staircase on his way out he saw a small dusty lamp although it didn't look precious he decided to take it - and tucked it into his shirt when Aladdin had reached the top of the staircase he called out to his uncle for help here uncle please take these hands and then pull me up too I cannot get out by myself the opening is still far for me yes yes give me the urns okay uncle now pull me out hahahaha pull you out so that you can go and tell everyone where the treasure is huh never I brought you along because this is a thirst cave only a small boy can go in and out of it I have what I wanted I don't have to come back for more for a long time same cell Aladdin's uncle shot the kids opening with a large stone that had a ring on it leaving Aladdin behind in the cave Aladdin was shocked but he stayed patient [Music] uncle has betrayed us but I must find a way out and get back to my house dear God show me a way out of here please allow then join his hands and bowed his head to pray as he put his hands together his fingers dropped over his uncle's magical rings and creature came out of it yes master you called me who are you I am the slave of the string and whoever wears it I must obey any one command of the master of the ring and then the ring will be destroyed free me how may I serve you my master can you please get me out of here and back home to my mother yes master right away the next moment Aladdin was home with his mother his mother was surprised to see him back home so soon and such an abrupt manner my son you have returned so soon Varys your uncle have you already earned so much money uncle cheated on us mother I will tell you everything but first give me something to eat I haven't eaten anything since yesterday allowance mother served him the remainder of food as he told her what had happened and how his uncle had tricked and abandoned him I can't believe my own brother would do this to us son I am glad you're home safe now but the gold coin your uncle gave me has run out and we have nothing to eat now don't worry mother I have this lamp I will go into the market and sell it tomorrow let us sleep for now [Music] relieved that they were together allow the Nana's mother slept peacefully bad night the next morning Aladdin asked his mother for the lamp mother I'm very hungry give me the lamp I will go and sell it so we may have some bread here son take the lamp but clean up nicely and polish it before you go to the market a shiny lamp will fetch you more money Yes Mother [Music] as Aladdin started dropping the lamp clean with his shirt a magical creature appeared from it [Music] yes master what is your command for me Master are you like the creature of the Ring yes master he is my brother and I know that he freed you from the caves what is going on Aladdin who is this ah don't worry mother this is a magical creature of the land he will grant us anything we wish for call me Jeannie my master very well Jeannie please get us something to eat we are very hungry as soon as Aladdin had said it several silver plates appeared with a variety of food in them the genie went back into the lamp while Aladdin and his mother had a hearty meal when it was evening they were hungry again it's time for dinner what shall we do should I call the genie again no look she has left us with these silver plates go and sell them in the market we will buy bread after that allow then agreed with his mother and took one of the silver plates to the market he saw a Turkish trader and decided to strike a deal with him but Aladdin didn't know the value of his silver tree or how to do business [Music] how much you want for this train please give me whatever you think is fit I trust you okay take one gold coin okay thank you the trader was surprised by Aladdin's innocence and was tempted to tell him that he had made a mistake and that the trade was of even lower value than he had coated but instead he let him go such an innocent boy he didn't even bother to find out the actual value of the plate just trusted me blindly perhaps I should have given him the fair value haha anyways with the gold coin he had got allowed in bought food and other necessary supplies for his home but within a few days they ran out of all the supplies so Aladdin went back to the Turkish trader [Music] and sold him another plate this time the trader gave him two gold coins again Aladdin bought food and supplies for his home this went on for many days till allow then ran out of all the silver plates son there is no food in the house and no plates to sell as well what shall we do now I will rub the lamp and call the genie again yes master how can I help you today there is no food in the house can you get us some food yes of course master [Music] once again the genie brought them food on many silver plates although Allah then at the magic lamp they never used it to satisfy any greed they continue to live frugally except now his mother started saving a little money from the sale of every silver plate [Music] like this in a few years they had enough money to live a decent life Aladin even became a merchant and almost never used the lamp again one day he was returning from work he happened to see the princess as a procession passed from the street mother I am in love with the princess and have decided to marry her I will present her with many jewels and precious things that we have collected over the years [Music] Aladdin went to the king and asked for his daughter's hand in marriage the King saw the honesty and Aladdin's nature and agreed Allah then married the princess and showered her with all the riches he had the news of the happy couple spread across the land till it reached his uncle so a Lardon got out and betrayed me huh he found a magic lamp and didn't tell me I shall kill him with my own hands and get the lamp from him one day when Aladdin was away at work his uncle went to his home and stole the magic lamp he then ordered the genie to transport the whole house into the middle of the desert where no one could find it but what have you done Paris and London you will never see him again now you are liable to me you will do as I tell you now go and get me some wine and dinner the princess did as she was told but as she did so she planned her escape too [Music] she mixed some sleeping powder in his wine and gave it to him as soon as he drunk it he fell into a deep sleep the princess quickly reached for the lamp and dropped it the genie appeared yes mistress how may I serve him save me Jeanne please find a Lawton and get him here yes mistress the next moment Aladdin was there he saw his uncle sleeping and the genie present he understood what had happened immediately he waited til his uncle got up and then he killed him [Music] he then told the genie to take them back home the genie did as told [Music] and they continue to live their happy life hmm so he took the hard way what a good man Aladdin was yes he was well I think I do want to be honest and sincere like him I am never going to look for shortcuts or be lazy again Tia I promise for your favorite crimes stories and more join hip-hop family subscribe here [Music]
Channel: T-Series Kids Hut
Views: 1,014,058
Rating: 4.1181459 out of 5
Keywords: T Series, Stories for kids, bedtime stories, kids stories, bedtime stories for kids, story for kids, short stories for kids, stories for children, kids story, kids hut, moral stories for kids, song with lyrics, ANIMATED KIDS STORIES, The Selfish Giant, The Beauty & The Beast, Aladdin, KIDS HUT STORYTELLING, STORYTELLING, ANIMATION FOR KIDS, KIDS HUT ANIMATED STORIES, FUN KIDS, SCHOOL STORIES, Learning Stories
Id: zq5dDGLyTNQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 31sec (3211 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 26 2018
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