Animated Atrocities 134 || "Brian's a Bad Father" [Family Guy]

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well this one was a long time coming today's family guy review is going to be of a very special episode I said that like it actually means anything anymore because every Family Guy episode that I review is one of their very special episodes because ever since not all dogs go to heaven they're almost all universally awful it's almost like a show about sadistic people being [ __ ] to each other shouldn't try to have these heartwarming moments and lessons and instead spend their time and energy and actually trying to be funny you know I actually don't think that's a good enough explanation to why Family Guy's heartwarming episodes almost constantly bomb shows like Rick and Morty in South Park have successfully pulled off heartwarming tear drinking episodes despite the fact of their worlds are shitholes inhabited by shitholes maybe the issue is the family guys specifically keeps bungling it up they try to make an episode about how men can be sexually harassed and they end up saying that it's okay for a woman to rape a man if she's lonely they try to argue for atheism by saying that God doesn't exist because Megas ugly and she has a [ __ ] life they try to make meg seem strong and C or C she'll party but they say that she's only him strong because she's a lightning rod for abuse and that it's a good thing to stay in abusive relationships for your abusers benefits then in the episode immediately after in their special about domestic abuse they say that you're not really a woman if you're a victim of domestic abuse none of these moments were meant to be funny or at least they weren't conveyed that they were supposed to be there wasn't an ounce of sarcasm or a tell that any of this was a joke they played up the heartwarming music with characters going through an actual arc determined to teach them the lesson that they got and each and every time they [ __ ] it up in such horrific ways so many people tell me that Family Guy is just a comedy and I should leave it alone because it's just trying to make people laugh that's all it's doing Family Guy never hurt no one but in almost every episo-- that I reviewed it goes on and on about how wants to be taken seriously the only exceptions are what her be the love sore and fresh air and if you want to tears those as a comedy well know just know they're a [ __ ] awful and her pee the lobster tried to have it's heartwarming moments anyway the reason the Family Guy can't do heartwarming moments is because all of it's characters are horrible I don't mean they're all horribly written although many of them are I mean that they're all horrible people for some reason they keep writing the sex fiend quagmire who doesn't give a [ __ ] about what the other person thinks of the scenario and is the epicenter of like every STD known to man yeah they keep writing him as the hero and the person we should give a [ __ ] about we should give a [ __ ] about Peter even though he's a [ __ ] who's a danger to everyone around him will she give a [ __ ] about herbert the pervert how heroic he can be even though he wants to have sex with Chris who is a teenager a young teenager Stewie is or was an evil genius with plans of world domination let me put it this way if Jeff wasn't killed in his debut episode in a second episode we'd be dubbing into a heartwarming story about the fact that no one seems to like him and how he could possibly resolve this issue and the answer would be people just have to tolerate him a little bit more if Frollo was on this show we'd get a Valentine's special where we're supposed to care then he couldn't seem to find a date one thing that Family Guy does not seem to understand on any level is character sympathy they do seem to understand that without any negative traits you've got a Mary Sue and they seem to know that those are almost universally despised however on the other side of things there are certain acceptable negative traits that an audience will accept and sympathize with and some that they won't you cannot make Peter Griffin sympathetic no matter how much he cries no matter how much the world makes him suffer no matter how much he acts like a toddler because he's a danger in an [ __ ] and an abuser and the world would honestly be better without him and every scene he's in constantly proves this but he's nothing compared to the worst character on the show Brian Griffin I made a known that Brian Griffin is one of my personal most hated characters of all time if not my most personal hated character of all time and it's strange because he's not a villain hell he's not even dangerous as Peter or even quagmire he's just an [ __ ] a pretentious [ __ ] who doesn't have a clue about the world around him he's arrogant he's hypocritical he's ppreciate but I wouldn't call him dangerous at least not on a grand scale personally yes if Brian Griffin is in your life it will be much much worse I guess it doesn't help that the episodes starring him happens to be the worst of the show and season 12 was definitely not a good season this character in the life of brian they killed him off and one of the most forced displays of sadness that I had ever seen then two episodes later they brought him back and the rest of the season would go on to show that that was the wrong choice in every feasible way not killing him off but bringing him back soon after being brought back from the dead he gave his best friend in the whole wide world herpes for no reason with no thoughts with no reluctance but that's okay because he's brian Griffin and it's okay because brian Griffin learned that he had to spend more time with the person that he gave herpes because brian Griffin is brian Griffin and the world bends to his will and he can do no wrong at least that was a far better display than his behavior in today's episode Brian's a bad father this is not a good episode it is one of the worst written stories that I've ever seen on the show the humor is almost non-existent in this comedy show and it shows brian Griffin at his absolute worst you want to see kids too bad we're doing this the episode starts with Peter and Friends hunting because Peter is a dumbass he accidentally shoots quagmire with a gun because he accidentally left his safety off yeah see quagmire Safety's on that issues a gun without a safety Wow quite the difference here no way I'm thinking of Peter or written properly in the earlier seasons in this episode he actually had a safety on but when quagmire showed even this tiniest bit of concern that a loaded gun was aimed right at his chest Peter took the gun took the safety off and shot quagmire in the arm to prove the safety was on and Peter's subplot is about him trying to become friends again with quagmire and please tell me why I as an audience member should want quagmire to become friends with Peter again because he's Peter or because he's the main character is not an acceptable answer assumingly your main characters are in the right just because they're the main characters seems to be the biggest sign of seasonal rada in any show Peters entire plotline is about how he's too much of a dumbass to have any friends going so far as to make you wonder why Joe and Quagmire ever wanted anything to do with him to begin with but let's talk about the real episode it starts pretty awfully actually you see it starts with a plain view of an actual piece of [ __ ] sorry I mean brian Griffin I confuse them a lot he starts this episode pretending to be a writer and let me tell you having actually published something since last time I reviewed a Family Guy episode hearing all of Brian Griffin's dialogue just gives you an extra layer of being pissed off a writer who inherits a magic typewriter that writes for him but then it turns out the typewriter is racist totally makes sense older technology older worldview it's like someone pretending to know how to do your job when they have absolutely no clue whatsoever it's constantly listening to that for me he gets a call from his son Dylan if you don't remember in Dylan's first episode Brian said that he'd always be there for him and then he never mentioned Dylan again and everyone lived happily ever after because everything about brian Griffin is [ __ ] and any involvement in Dylan's life would have made it worse then again that episode ended with the Griffins getting rid of Dylan to stop Brian from acting like a jackass much to their surprise after that episode Brian acted more and more like a jackass in each subsequent episode and now we're at the sequel that no one wanted or asked for what you need to know is that in that episode Brian actually ended on good terms with Dylan because back then brian Griffin was generally a good person in this episode he starts like wanting nothing to do with Dylan because brian Griffin is generally a bad person oh crap it's Dylan Dylan you'll son haven't heard you mention him in ages yeah I decided to step away from the whole situation if you didn't hate this character before well you're in for a downward spiral I tell you what and have you got your own family issues of any kind I can imagine this episode is legitimately hard to watch in its own right Brian wants to ignore the call because he's an [ __ ] but Stewie answers it for him Brian continues to try to ignore Dylan because he's an [ __ ] but Stewie won't let him coming up we'll meet a Filipino man who actually has a grown-up haircut then maybe afterwards Family Guy will be able to tell a joke to close beyond low stereotype the stereotype quote-unquote racial humor doesn't offend me I just find it incredibly lazy it's like a little kids first attempt to be edgy they never do anything with these jokes they just showed the stereotype and let it sit there like a wet fart Brian says that there's nothing to be gained from trying to reconnect with his son because he is a sociopath like I actually am not joking when I say that Brian Griffin is a sociopath he has all the textbook symptoms let's run down the list number one a superficial charm and good quote-unquote intelligence sociopaths pride themselves in seeming smarts even if they're not really number two sociopaths are unreliable like abandoning and never mentioning your son for years on end untruthfulness and insecurities like not being sorry that you've abandoned and never mentioned your son for years on end a lack of remorse or shame like when you infect the baby with herpes and you don't seem to give a [ __ ] poor judgment and a failure to learn by experience for example Brian's writing skill only seems to degrade over time it never seems to get the idea that he's a piece of [ __ ] in his love life he never really learns to treat the other person as an actual person no matter how many times it bites him in the ass speaking of which an impersonal sex life failure to follow any life plan Brian's a writer that don't writes unresponsiveness in general interpersonal relations and it just goes on and on like I know that it's tacky to diagnose fictional characters with mental illnesses but brian Griffin does really have every single symptom in a textbook way but actually pretty impressive if you know it was done intentionally Dylan is apparently starring in a Disney sitcom that's come to Quahog because Disney is known to film many other sitcoms in Rhode Island and not in LA or Orlando where they actually have studios and have the connections to put together a live-action television show this immediately gets Brian interested in his son's life then Stewie falls off the truck with this that's Mike drunk Peter look it up on the Internet you're mocking me aren't you because there's no way I can't take that as insulting so immediately in their first meeting Brian asks to be a writer on Dylan show you know what let's do something new let's talk about deleted scenes you see this is one of the benefits of buying a DVD you get all kinds of bonus content commentary is making of I funded they all give me fascinating insights of the creative process the Family Guy DVDs are actually pretty packed with contents for one all three of the disks in the set have a picture of venting on them which is like one more than the episodes that he actually starred in but beyond that each episode has their own deleted scenes most of the deleted scenes are Joe that were determined not funny enough to put in the actual episode one of them is Bonnie trying to pay for things with Joe [ __ ] however I think they got a little to cut happy in this episode in one of the deleted scenes Brian and Dillon actually talked things out a bit at the diner it's not much but it takes some time for Brian to go straight to being a writer on Dillon's TV show Brian actually says sorry at the start of it and he puts himself in a place of vulnerability look dad when we reconnected after all those years I thought things would be different but then you disappeared all over again I know and and I'm sorry it'll never happen again I swear look I want to make up for that lost time now if you'll give me one more chance Dillon will you let me be your father yeah I'd like that a lot Oh terrific you know this day actually turned out all right after that Brian and don't spend some time together going shopping for barbecue getting ice cream there is constantly the air that Brian is doing this to get a writing position but he also mentions in these scenes that's been years since he last had a writing job and the excuse Ian's abusing is that the showrunners aren't given Dylan his best work and making him look like a fool which makes Dylan seem a lot less like in idiots but I wish we could hang out more and I gotta get to set set what set oh right the TV thing oh god I hate for our father-son time to end too you know what I could come with you that would be great I'd love to have you there all right great let's do it my afternoons totally clear I can only assume they remove these scenes to make Brian look more like an [ __ ] and more obviously so which in the end makes the episode worse it makes the story worse it makes the characters worse it completely destroys the heartwarming moments that they were going for in the end and these scenes that they did decide views to substitute they're not funny enough to sacrifice all of this I get the title is Brian's a bad father but that's not a selling point it's like they're trying to make a case to prove this but to what end Brian's a bad father so what that's not a story we now return to Saving Private Ryan brought to you without commercial interruption by Mazda this scene is totally pointless I just wanted to point out that the announcer said that they were returning to a movie they didn't have any ad brakes it's called editing you should probably do it sometime then again considering this episodes deleted scenes maybe you should stop editing altogether 100 more of these tiny moments is pretty much worth having an intact story I also wanted to point out this Joe Pesci thought we were talking to him cuz his name is Joe oh you don't know Joe Pesci is cuz you're 14 okay I am going to take this scene and I am going to save it for later you know it's good when I have to do that back on set Brian he immediately gets to work introducing himself hi guys yes I am that brian Griffin you probably have my novel well my cabinet was a little wobbly and it was just the right size to balance things out you know couldn't have too much content between the pages although I will admit that it's starting to smell like the [ __ ] that it is basically this whole scene is Brian acting arrogant and being a [ __ ] writer it's not really funny because Brian isn't the kind of character whose humor gels well-dressed the show it's a lot more slow-paced it uses much more obscure references and it drags on and on and I'm like with some of Peters jokes there doesn't seem to be any self-awareness I'll have the time like here I don't think it's trying to be funny at all and as I said as someone who is an actual writer Brian's lines just give me another level of cringed altogether meanwhile Joe picks Quagmire's friendship over Peters friendship because Peter is an ass alone he deserves to lose everything that he's ever had Peter also ends up giving an infant a [ __ ] I love Susie more give me a seriously I'm compete is gonna give you a raspberry Peter that's not where you do a raspberry there's a point when shocking becomes sad and desperate unfortunately that happened back in season 9 this is just what are you doing with your life is this something you're gonna be proud of for years to come are you gonna tell your kids you wrote this joke are you gonna laugh about it a decade from now I mean this episode is actually so bad it's almost like brian Griffin rodents you know on second thought this episode could actually work if that was like the twist ending it'd be [ __ ] amazing if that was the case hold on other kids maybe they just recognize that nothing can protect us from the tedium of our mundane lives aren't we all on bikes without helmets sometimes I just want to put this gun in my mouth so this gets Bryant fired because he doesn't seem to realize that he's writing at Disney sitcom and not the walking dead Brian goes to complain to Dylan hey by the way are we all getting those backpacks with the name of the show on them you know what Dad I'm starting to think that you've just been using me to advance your career oh you don't know Joe Pesci is because you're 14 it's amazing they know who they're appealing to they know how to appeal to them but they can't write people in the target audience for shit's Dylan has some next levels to do a bit there's teenage stupidity but no Dylan is next level maybe we got his side of the story and actually saw that he had some kind of care or an attraction for Brian like the deleted scenes led me to believe Linda's actions would be more sensible but no Brian walks into his life as soon as Dylan has the show immediately asked to be a writer change this stuff half Hazzard Lee you should be you know art is scary this is writing man the viewer wants to be raped are you saying my nine-year-old daughter wants to be raped now you're asking the right questions now you're being creative thinking outside the box take what you think you know and go a different way with it and only now Dylan is realizing that something might be a mess also this is probably just a me thing but I hate Parenthood stories like this you know when the writer doesn't think of the child or teenager in the situation is an actual [ __ ] person this child has the mental illness so we can learn what a struggle it is to take care of a child with a mental illness never mind the struggles of the child themselves has to deal with the child is incredibly stupid so the parent can learn not to take advantage of them the child is overly sweet so the parent seems more like an [ __ ] when they beat the [ __ ] out of them or make the custody battle seem like it has a higher stake or the child flat-out dies to give the adult character motivation [ __ ] imagine degrading any other demographic to their stereotypes to give the main character who is not in that demographic similar motivation then again I am reviewing Family Guy and it sounds right up their alley like if this was more frowned upon which it probably should be they'd be doing this on purpose this kind of story doesn't work because it puts the focus on the character who has less hardships and goes through less turmoil just because I have the good graces to be an adult and closer to the assumed target audience our target audience is adults so we don't have to give a [ __ ] about how we write kids or teens it's just like our target our needs as men so I don't have to give a [ __ ] about how I write women it's the same basic problem god you're a terrible father hey dude the line was Brian you're a bad father it's the [ __ ] title of the episode I thought you were an actor immediately after this forward speech Brian realizes that he made a bit of a whoopsie Daisy and I don't believe this at all it happens too quickly if Brian could figure it out this quickly it's something that he always knew and just didn't care about and it's even worse because he starts feeling sad exactly when it's impossible friend to get his job as a writer again then we have an overly long gag where Brian steals all of the food you know a dad noises joke because everyone loves them so [ __ ] much I get what they're doing they're trying to stop the episode from feeling too sad but all this does is kill the mood if you want us to feel for Brian at all and considering the ending they do you can't have him acting immediately like an [ __ ] as he's feeling sorry for himself I don't feel sorry for this character he deserves all the [ __ ] that he's gotten Stewie I just feel so awful about what happened with Dylan I mean every terrible thing he said about me is true he said one thing literally one thing he said you're a terrible father and that you might be using him to get a job on the show that is it you really don't edit your scripts do you that would be more believable if you weren't planning to use Dylan from the very beginning in this half of the episode it seems like Brian never thought of doing that at all and it just kind of happened over time it'd be more believable with the deleted scenes but [ __ ] we don't need that Brian keeps talking like you got the dressing down of a lifetime but Dylan barely said anything honestly it's actually confusing I know that multiple writers usually work on the same episode but it feels like they weren't even talking to each other in production and if you collaborate communication is everything either Brian is lying like the sociopath that he is he's talking about another event that we didn't see or this is the ending of an alternate universe version of this episode and we got some kind of paradox [ __ ] going on after Brian makes one failed attempt into the studio on his own he enlists the help of Stewie and his Zach disguise but Brian isn't the only one who is sad for being an [ __ ] even though he has no intention of stopping being an [ __ ] hello is if I was gonna kill myself do I slit my wrists this way or this way results Megas right okay I'll be in the garage originally I wanted to make a what the [ __ ] expression or a disgusted or angry expression or go extremely over-the-top but there's no expression that I can make that is sufficient enough to convey my current emotions can we play the clip again please oh you don't know Joe Pesci is cuz you're 14 cuz you're 14 yeah these two comes back to back from the same episode by the way make me wonder what the [ __ ] am I supposed to think did you not consider that this might have been the teensiest bit of a problem that this could do some legitimate harm or barring that did you not think that it would have looked obscenely bad on your part we know our show is aimed at fourteen-year-old teenagers a demographic especially prone to depression and cutting so we're gonna tell them how to do it whichever way they want I call this the worst joke that I've ever heard but it isn't even in the league where I could consider it a joke it's certainly not funny on any level are you really that desperate to shock that you'll tell impressionable young people how to hurt themselves after this review I am probably going to burn this DVD set sure all but one Family Guy season 12 episode is the worst kind of awful and I get plenty of review with material out of any of them Christmas guy especially but I do not want to have this DVD set in my possession and I have the 2010 cinema tronic Alice in Wonderland DVD in my possession and I'm pretty sure that that's possessed by a demon at least whoever made that had the good sense to you know think about what effect they might be having in the world Family Guy people do listen to you stop pretending that they don't if you didn't think they would be listening to you you wouldn't make ever sewed like screams of silence sure it's on the individual person to listen but it's on you to be responsible and this is one of the most callous things I've ever seen in almost any piece of media it is that bad let's just finish this up I want to be done with this [ __ ] episode Zack comes in and gives a heartwarming speech to Dylan that I am going to tear to shreds but how do I know he won't just hurt me again you don't you never know that but isn't taking a risk better than not having a dad hmm considering the candidate in this particular instance I'm gonna have to say yeah no I'm gonna say no and yes that is my final answer Brian doesn't deserve Dylan the blank slate that he is because Brian has done nothing to prove that he deserves Dylan in his life and no self-pity doesn't earn you jack [ __ ] give me one reason the Dylan's life would be better he'll give me one reason the Dylan's life won't be worse if Brian was involved in it Dylan is Brian's son sure but what does that really mean and then that Brian had a one-night stand with somebody didn't give a [ __ ] about and took advantage of and abandoned all responsibility like this speech here it would work it makes sense if Dylan was the victim of parental alienation or a harsh custody battle or an accident or lying or hell if Brian didn't intentionally use Dylan selfishly for his own ends and nothing else without consideration of Dylan at all just because Brian is biologically related to Dylan doesn't mean jack [ __ ] in the end it doesn't mean that Brian is any more prone to changing for Dylan but because this is a story about Parenthood the child or teenagers ending means fuck-all as long as the [ __ ] adult gets his happy ending I mean Dylan being at the mercy of being tugged emotionally by Brian Flores to his life sounds like a perfect story of family fuzzies for family to mean something in this story it needs to matter to Brian before he screws things up Brian needs to go through more hell for me to care for me to not be insulted by this the only value that Brian ever prescribed to being in a relationship with Dylan was getting himself a writing gig or feeling sorry for himself in thinking that he was a terrible person it had nothing to do with Dylan at any points or better summed up by quagmire your offer means nothing Peter the only thing that means anything to me is a bullet in your arm stop putting the words of the audience in the mouths of sex offenders it is insulting as all hell in the episode where quagmire realizes that a character won't change no matter how much they talk and say sorry and feel self-pity it's assumed that another character will change immediately after only the barest blip of self-pity a bottle on alcohol and someone's hand does not mean they feel an extra amount of self pity Brian's an alcoholic he'd be drinking whether or not Dylan wanted nothing to do with him and speaking of self-pity we get our heartwarming ending Dylan I went to your house and Chris told me you'd be here look Dylan I'm really sorry I hurt you I've been a really bad father like Ernest Hemingway or some other great writer you cannot start a sappy moment like this with such an annoying display of arrogance it kills the mood before it even begins I get that Brian is the biggest poser our on the planet with these monstrous and delusions of grandeur but for the episode to have the effect that it wants they need to use the emotional torque properly and being a pretentious [ __ ] kind of turns the audience sympathies off Brian asked for a chance to redeem himself at the end of the episode and he wants to be Dylan's father again and then Dylan is never mentioned again ever you know the reason that sparked this whole episode I guess this is a meta lesson don't give people second chances because they don't [ __ ] change this episode is filled with good life lessons isn't it I'm not going to say don't give people or families second chances I'm not going to say that in real life people don't change what I am going to say is that you have to treat it on a case-by-case basis personally I don't expect people to change some people do but that's on them they've got to want it and for that you need to be valuable enough to them for them to want to change if they don't value you in that way they won't change for you but that being said most people don't seem to want to change Brian Griffin does not want to change he just wants back what he's lost and learning that skill separating those from who want to change from those who just want back what they lost isn't incredibly valuable and it's an incredibly important skill to leading a very happy life and not being abused and tugged around there are a lot of Brian Griffin's in the world and remember your story with them doesn't end at a hug in the sunset it's the next day when they're trying to become a writer on your show again it's the next week where they force you to defend their actions and get both of you fired it's the next month when they start saying they want nothing to do with you again after they made your life worse when they begun ignoring all contact with you because you can do nothing more for them all I could say is [ __ ] everything about this episode [ __ ] Peter for being a dumbass [ __ ] this episode we're trying to make me sympathize with him [ __ ] of trying to tell people I'm sorry specifically 14 year olds how to cut themselves and [ __ ] the editing - yeah remember this episode has deleted scenes they actively chose to cut out plot and character crucial moments and keeping the scene with Peter and the knife [ __ ] this episode for trying to make me sympathize with one of Brian's more self-centered and sociopathic appearances [ __ ] the dishonest character moments and keep in mind that this is literally the third episode that happened after Brian was brought back from the dead way to teach us all to be what was it grateful for what we have and be knowledgeable that we can lose it at any time that was the message of Brian's death and revival right be grateful that your herpes spreading kid abandoning [ __ ] was still around to drink all your liquor and spout pretentious non sequiturs we'll never having a real job [ __ ] this episode and [ __ ] brian Griffin next time you get hit by a car do us all a favor and stay dead mom says dinner's at 6 she wanted me to tell people I don't know why
Channel: TheMysteriousMrEnter
Views: 877,562
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uoQxXKklfq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 38sec (1658 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 27 2017
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