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foreign [Music] hey guys this is the AI Druid here welcome to my YouTube channel this is where I perform experiments with AI and try out the latest tech in relation to artificial intelligence today I'm excited to show you how to create a talk and Avatar video using an extension called sad talker with sad talker you can combine a still Avatar with an audio clip and it creates a video that looks like the Avatar is speaking the audio as you can see here under GitHub page to give some examples so all of these are still portrait images combined by the audio and they created a talk and head video it's very easy to use and once you have it installed it's a little bit tricky to install but I'll show you how in just a sec and now it works completely within the automatic 11 11 interface that we all love from that works with stable diffusion uh it can use any image you don't have to use um an image you created within stable Fusion you can use any image and best of all it's totally free so uh let's dive in to the installation and how you can get this work on your machine today okay so first of all you're going to need the automatic 11 11 interface and you're going to need python 10.6 and which is available I put a link in the downloads and when you get to this page here that has the python releases you're going to scroll all the way down until it says that 3.10.6 um so it's right down here so you're going to download the windows installer 64-bit for me whatever works for you you'll also need a thing called ffmpg which basically compiles the video for you so I'm going to paste uh a link to this wikiHow so I'll just give you a quick run through it you download the latest version and it's linked within this Wiki and what you want to do then is extract the files and then you make a folder on your C drive you call it ffmpeg you paste the contents of what you downloaded in there and then there's just some other stuff you got to do here and environment variables edit it's all very easy just follow the wikiHow so once you have that done um you're ready to install sad talker so I've opened up my um automatic 1111 interface here so you're going to want to go to extensions and now I already have this installed so it's not going to start me so you're going to want to copy the GitHub URL up here you're going to go to install from URL paste it hit install now it'll take a few seconds to come up and it'll come up installed and then you want to go back to the install tab here check for updates apply and restart the user interface okay so now that you are restarting the user interface you can head back here to the GitHub page and if you click see where it says here the extension of the stable Fusion web UI is online check out more details here so you're going to click this here part and then it'll say for Windows you can download all the checkpoints from Google Drive okay so it'll take it this Google Drive page and you're just going to hit this little drop down arrow up here hit download and when I downloaded these files it actually downloaded into two zip files so what you want to do is extract both the files and then once you haven't bought this extracted you're going to want to put both of these fire both of the contents I've bought today extracted folders uh in extensions and then in a folder called sad talker and this folder checkpoints didn't exist for me so I had to create the checkpoints folder so I just symbolize a new folder called the checkpoints and then copy the contents of both their downloaders um extracted zip files in here and then you're good to go and when you go to use stable diffusion automatic 1111 interface with side talker because you've just installed the extension it'll automatically find these it'll look for them and it will automatically find them so that's the technical side of it just make sure you paste the contents of both of the folders in here or else it won't work don't do it like what I done and just put in one and I couldn't figure out why it wouldn't work for ages so once that's installed you'll have a tab up here within uh automatic 11 11 interface and it's called satalker and it's a very easy to use uh user interface here so upload image I'm going to upload my avatar which is located in YouTube channel and there we go and I have a test audio here which I also recorded test audio for sad talker but you can use any audio clip this one's just seven seconds long so it's really easy just to create this video so I'm just going to play the audio three here this is the Avatar speaking hello I was once a still image but now I can talk okay so probably bad record and then on my part there I cut it off a bit at the end but you'll get to see it either way and you'll understand so simple as just upload the still image upload the audio and then hit generate and if we look in the in the terminal here we can see it's starting to work so I'm just going to leave it for a sec well first of all okay you can see it's loading up the checkpoints here which we placed in the correct uh directory so it's only going to take about a minute and then I'll be right back all right guys we're back um it took about a minute minute and just over a minute a minute and a couple of seconds uh now I did hit this error here um I'm not really sure why but it doesn't matter the video is still generated so I'm just going to play it for you here and just I see how it turned out this is the Avatar speaking hello I was once a still image but now I can talk now I know it's not a hundred percent brilliant but it is absolutely amazing that it just took a still image and an audio clip and was able to generate this video um so if you want to save your video you simply just right click save video as and it'll be an mp4 and it's as simple as that if you have any questions uh just drop a comment below any problems you had just let us know uh don't forget there's lots of different ways you can process this so if you want to mess with the settings or else find out the best settings you can just hit this little hyperlink here where you click please views here click that and there's a big page there shows you all the best practices to do and the different examples of different ways of doing it so uh yeah if you enjoyed this video don't forget to subscribe and see you in the next one
Channel: The AI Druid
Views: 1,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SadTalker, Automatic1111, AI, facial animation, talking avatar, software demonstration, machine learning, tech experiments.
Id: -FixM6og7_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 37sec (457 seconds)
Published: Thu May 04 2023
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