Watch These Animals Being Freed For The First Time | Emotional Moments !

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many people are able to take away the most valuable thing in an animal's life it's freedom but there are few who are strong enough to return the creature so fortunately it happens more often than you might think and now you're about to see these animals being freed for the first time I hope it's gonna restore your faith in humanity once and for all what's capable of rocking a two-ton truck like that a rhinoceros in the prime of its life which these people decided to set free they're lucky the Rhino decided not to end them this opossum thought it would be stuck behind the gate of a kennel forever so it simply can't believe that it's actually seeing its home again this is why the team got far away from the trailer before letting the grizzly out because this big boy doesn't understand that they just helped him get home this lonely hippo was saved from poachers and taken to a wildlife sanctuary he must have thought he made it to hippo heaven when he realized that he was safe and that he was the only male around still don't think animals have feelings check out this mama pig and her six piglets who were rescued from a slaughterhouse they are free for the first time and are literally jumping for joy this leopard's life was saved by an operation and now it can't wait to take advantage of this new opportunity [Music] this must be the angriest fox in the world but it only needs one thing for a major attitude adjustment freedom this lion spent all 13 years of its life in a little circus cage but now for the first time it can feel the grass and Run free [Music] this lion hasn't made a full recovery but as soon as he realizes that the path to Freedom is open well [Applause] [Music] [Applause] many lives were lost to this 300 kilogram crocodile and it was going to be put down but the villagers decided to break the cycle of violence and release it far away from people where it belongs [Music] even though they look like cute cats ocelots are not pets at all they belong out in nature just look at how much it means to this one [Music] after three weeks of treatment it's time for a little monkey to go home where everyone's been waiting [Music] look the whole family's hugging her they're so similar to humans this Amore Tiger's fear is understandable its difficult recovery has finally come to an end and it doesn't know what's coming next a happy life of freedom a man decided to help a badger get back to the wild [Music] but releasing this angry little guy turned out to be tougher than he thought [Music] little Pippa and Poe were rescued and rehabilitated and now are old enough to be back in the wild this poor Condor was found on the ground with a broken wing one month ago but today he can spread his huge Wings again and finally take to the skies once again [Music] imagine what it would be like to spend 30 years in Laboratories as test subjects well these chimpanzees are about to go outside for the first time the way they hug each other out of pure joy just breaks my heart no creature should have to be put through something like that releasing a whole herd of bison back into the wild requires more than just opening a gate a professional rescuer literally had to leave them animal rights activists were releasing some rescued orangutans but some went wrong with one of the males it's fit of rage even put the other Apes in danger the humans had to find a way to complete the rescue operation as soon as possible laughs a 450 kilogram polar bear had a resort to unconventional methods to get back to the wild the pilots were limited in how high and far they could go because the bear could have woken up at any moment fortunately the bear woke up as soon as it got home to safely release a rhinoceros National Park officials had to resort to unprecedented security measures [Music] after all elephants were the only ones strong enough to withstand its charge this is Tuffy the bear and this is his first time being happy to be alive that's because until today his entire life has been spent in a cage too small for him to even stand up in these volunteers rescued 51 desert bighorn sheep and helped them form a flock now they're being reintroduced to an area where none of these animals have been for many years [Music] after yet another flight this Amore Tiger was probably expecting to be taken to a vet clinic to continue recovery [Music] it was actually his last fight because he's healthy [Music] a polar bear wandered a whole 120 kilometers from home and ended up on the other side of Newfoundland now it just can't believe that it's back home again [Music] this animal was supposed to be taken home by a ship but the Beast couldn't stand to be in a cage any longer without humans help these 328 lost Turtles would have never reached the water but now they're ready to take on the ocean this guy brought a black-footed ferret back to its natural habitat but the poor thing was so scared that they forgot where to run [Music] who would have thought that removing an old sewer could save a life I don't know how this bear got in there but he could have been stuck forever these chimpanzees were used for medical experiments for almost 40 years before they were released that's the maximum lifespan for these animals in captivity I hope they still have some time left to enjoy their New Freedom laughs [Music] the freedom of these Wild Horses shouldn't have ended at defense of the ranch where they were living [Music] so now no more boundaries for them there are only 110 000 giraffes left in the world that's about as many seats as there are in Michigan Stadium so getting these four back into the wild was critical the veterinarian who saved this chimpanzees life decided to personally release him back into the wild and if they gave the chimp a chance to thank her for the last time Asian elephants are in danger but this handsome guy isn't anymore [Music] now he's back where he belongs free and with his family if you can believe it just a month and a half ago this adult Panda weighed only 60 kilograms but after being rehabilitated this big guy is ready for his new home [Music] when animal rights activists founded a whole bunch of cages with monkeys for poachers they immediately took them to a safe place just look at how many there are foreign for these two orphan daughters to be released into the wild has finally come and it seems to be the greatest day of their lives during a flood this giraffe became stranded on a small island that was completely surrounded by crocodiles but Rescuers found a way to save him and give him a new home this man paid for what these birds needed most their freedom and all of these people have gathered for one reason sea rescued African penguins returned to the wild these Heroes managed to return nine orphan elephants to Freedom that's our objectives and our targets yeah okay just the day before this sea lion was nearly strangled to death by plastic garbage [Music] today is the beginning of his new life this is what happens when you set the right goal for yourself like freeing all the birds from the animal Market [Music] this giraffe wandered in a civilization and found itself in trouble Rescuers were barely able to keep the two-ton animal from injuring itself but now it's going home after suffering serious injuries this Eagle underwent Rehabilitation for a whole year and had to learn to fly again but now the moment has come to return to the sky I have no idea how this poor coyote ended up in such a predicament I do know that it was extremely lucky that this ship and crew came to the rescue so he could get back home [Music] a little duckling became trapped and even its parents were helpless to do anything but this woman found a way to free it [Music] finally they're all free now have you ever released an animal in the wild tell us about it in the comments and don't forget to leave a like if you enjoyed this video and I'll see you again soon [Music] foreign
Channel: MAD LAB
Views: 4,243,961
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: acts of kindness, real life heroes, random acts of kindness, ask for help, animals asking for help, animal rescue, people saving animals, animals being freed for the first time, animals being freed, animals being freed gone wrong, caught on camera, tiger released into wild, bear release gone wrong, mad lab, faith in humanity restored, Dangerous Animals CAUGHT Being Friendly, 35 Animals That Asked People for Help & Kindness, acts of kindness compilation, animal reunion, animals
Id: njbWL8A4NZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 27sec (807 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 11 2022
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