Angular v13 Release Recap

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MARK THOMPSON: I don't have confetti this time-- you know, that stuff takes a bunch of effort to clean up-- but I do have some updates from the latest version of Angular. You want to know more? Stick around. [MUSIC PLAYING] Hey, friends, I'm Mark from the Angular team and welcome back to ngUpdate, you know, the show where we talk about all the latest updates from Angular. We have lots of cool stuff to share about Angular V13. So let's get started. I don't know if we can say it enough, but we love our community. And what's more is that we appreciate all of the excellent contributions from every one of you. While there are many great contributions from this latest release from the community, I'm just going to share a few of them. But remember, we value them all. If you work with Angular forms a lot and you wish you had more control over form validation, then for this next one you can thank Nimol. Thanks to his contribution, developers can now enable and disable validators dynamically. Very cool stuff. Next up we have Ahmed coming through with a contribution to Angela's router that added the option to restore history after canceled navigation. The final contribution that I want to call out is from Maxi, who updated the service worker APIs. You know, and these updates were for check for update and activate update to make things a bit more ergonomic. Before when using those APIs, there was no information available about the outcome of the tasks. Now, the activate update API returns a Boolean promise that resolves to true if the update was activated and false if it wasn't. We see a similar change for check update. As I said before, these are just a few of the contributions that were included in this release. We make Angular better together. So please keep contributing. We've made some great changes to the way we do testing to make sure things go smoother. We've improved the testbed environment tear down to create faster, less memory intensive tests, stopped dom elements from bleeding into other tests, and do a better job of cleaning up providers. You can enable this feature through teardown destroy after each option within an init test environment for the entire suite, or just for a specific test suite using configure testing module. The view container ref create component API has been updated to make dynamic component creation simpler. Let me explain. We've simplified this API such that developers can now create components by using the component class instead of having to resolve and pass the component factory. Yeah, we know, this is much smoother, and we really hope that you enjoy this update. We are all IV all the time as of V13. With view engine support gone, this unblocks the path for new features, and this also means no more NGCC in the future. And for you, that means faster builds. And while you're saying goodbye to view engine, be sure to wave goodbye to IE11 support while you're at it. That's right, we no longer support IE11, and this is great news for Angular as it allows us to focus on the modern browser APIs and remove polyfills, and more. Ng update will automatically remove polyfills, so we've got you covered there. And listen, if you still need to support IE11 for your enterprise, then keep in mind that Angular V12 supports IE11 and will be supported under our LTS through November of 2022. The APF has been streamlined and modernized. Version 13 now shifts ES2020 code, and we've removed older output formats, including view into specific metadata, to make the NPM packages lighter. You want to know what else is cool? We've also updated the APF to support no package exports, which helps developers avoid inadvertently relying on internal APIs that may change. We're always trying to make tooling better and better for developers. So let's take a look at some of the ways that we're doing just that. Even though it's been around since V12, we've updated the [INAUDIBLE] to support persistent build cache by default. We've seen some cold build times having up to 68% improvement because of this feature. After observing major build time improvements in V12 thanks to the introduction of esbuild to our build pipeline, in V13 we've expanded the use of esbuild to include global scripts and CSS optimizations, delivering further build speed gains. Here are two important version updates. Angular now supports TypeScript version 4.4, and this version packs some really cool features. Developers can take advantage of TypeScript features, such as the exact optional property types flag that prevents undefined from being a value for an optional property. There's also support for an upcoming ECMAScript feature that allows for static blocks, and, of course, there's everybody's favorite, performance improvements for TypeScript. We've enabled RxJS 7.4 support and it features some great improvements and refinements. Many APIs have been updated. So it's worth checking out the six to seven change summary on to learn more about what's available. Components are getting more awesome in V13. We've put in significant effort to improve components so that they reach a higher standard for accessibility. We've updated touch targets on multiple components, like check boxes and radio buttons. We've also improved high contrast mode for components. Finally, we've updated our documentation, because our goal is to continue to move components and Angular forward in accessibility and help developers build accessible applications to serve our users. OK, so that's all the time that we have for updates. But if you want more details about Angular V13, check out the description below for links to the release change log, the official release blog, and learn how to upgrade your installations with the upgrade guide. All right, friends, that's it for us. Thank you so much for making the Angular community so amazing. We would not be here without you. So until the next time, go build great apps. [MUSIC PLAYING]
Channel: Angular
Views: 1,410
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 44sec (404 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 16 2021
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