Angular Router Authentication and Authorization Real LIVE LIVE LIVE LIVE LIVE Demo - Shai Reznik

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I know I know I know I know I can hear that you are tired as I am as you know my daughter always start with a warm up okay so let's try real quickly okay we're going to do a Mexican way from there to there okay one two three [Applause] nice thank you very much you just refer all code okay now that we're all warmed up let's start this dot okay angular author authentication authorization we live live live live demo you'll see why in a minute this is me I'm sorry Jake I'm a banana in the box I'm the chief creative officer at high res otayo we kill we do funny web development courses and we have like a three course to anyone who want to start with unit testing which is the most boring subject ever we made it super funny okay yes that's jet pro okay for starters I need seven volunteers okay I need a man ego come come come come to stage and run of applause so there you go baby go go there okay another volunteer uh you come come come yes okay yeah give them there you go okay another volunteer come yes yes lady no you come okay now I need men you come okay thanks this one I need another volunteer come down come here to stay give them a couple claws okay take this okay and another volunteer just juice gone to this day to give giver I'm gonna close okay please go there okay also so I like to challenge myself and today I think I will do the hardest actor I've ever done in my life but before that let's talk about boring stuff so our goal for today is learn to secure our component tamer we have no time for a deep dive due to the API and all that stuff and it's more about the process okay because when I learned this process I was like Anna in shock and it took me a while so I try to figure out a way to make it more accessible and ever close to the code get out there and all the the code behind what we can see is on github and I will share the links in the left side okay so what are we by securing our components it's controlling the XS okay it's basically controlling who can see which components and what is evil she do Kenya's time site is not secure okay so don't don't think it is if someone really wants to can unhide everything in your client-side applications okay so secure through your server server site before we start we need to know the terms of access the access control terms so syndication who knows what is authentication star Kelly now the answer was indication yeah yeah you observe something cooking okay so yeah he said verifying identity right okay so uh and who knows what is authorization [Applause] ah you're the core team who knows so no yeah what's useless so who is allowed to see and do what okay these are the terms so just a small example we have anonymous user you want to see our components and angle are we have the router in between which controls the flow we want to check is this anonymous user is allowed to view the component but in order to do that we need to know who is this person right we need to know his identity and his user ID so this is the slope and the first part is the authentication second one is the authorization once our user go through them from anonymous user he becomes and identified and user and then a third fourth third time right no sleep tonight okay so what he said and then he can see our component okay so stuck in the middle are cold guards okay and we use angular guard to apply the logic the decides if the anonymous user or the user should see our component just briefly about guards we're not getting into it you will see it in the get up so we have like five and only the 3d three can activate and top our for security the other one are not relevant and then we have the entire process behind a hole of death and it goes like this we have the user and the router and gets to the authenticated end you know the joke already yes this is body my co-founder at iris okay you're right wanted to complicate it so I have a plan B okay I wrote a stage play script okay and for that time is the volunteer so Intel it's called the princess guards okay and it's basically a love story about the prince and the princess so start let's call our first three actors to the stage vector number one two and three but remember okay [Music] okay I will be the director okay I have and it makes me a director okay so and I will give instruction before everything and it will have a cue and it goes like [Music] let's rump it okay so this is coaching time okay number one please yeah okay come come come here this is the poaching area okay you are the Prince of the story in the beginning of everything you always start by saying I demand to see the princes I demand to see the princess great great job giving me respect okay awesome so uh okay that'll do okay go there now turn number two okay let's stay here sit so great you are the princess okay and listen this is wholly because you have a very very important intact when the prince will come to meet you you should do like this Stella yes no no in the mortgage process or just prologue yeah okay so you here you okay where is the we had another birthday and confetti we have competitive they will give you competitive okay so okay you you use is Houston here and you stay now God can conquer it give them okay now finally you are the mighty spirit okay but you can say only two things either time or I get it let's start G okay no guard Angela Oberer into the dark God and now what okay two letters will okay okay so okay let's start with the first thing Tom Prince you will still here and grant us than here good job don't improvise let me be the day so let's letter is first in okay I will go to my director chair and I will read the script awesome scene number one we have six okay once upon a time there was a prince which was in love with the princess but he only had her address because of show the truck come on come on come on with him okay before he could get to the camp a princess castle he needed to stop at the gate of the kingdom and indicates to the mighty Paris the mighty spirit was an old and wise Pharaohs he knew the location of all the people in the kingdom but also about each person security rules especially the princess which was guarded by two people who were sworn to protect her the Prince handed out the address to the third and instead instead god I said not nothing provide and wait for you okay so and said okay the first look at the address thought for a second and then responding with no yes God okay which meant go and see the first guard this was okay and okay this was okay ah so end of the one great okay so there goes it so okay so now let's welcome a nectar or four five and six [Music] movies come on okay awesome hat goostin after the volume Bonnie used not you something okay now another dime football coaching time [Music] let's Rob this okay so okay um you are the identity guard okay and you the o-line is identification played like some hundred yeah awesome great job okay go stand there okay Mike Tom come here I thought well three minutes come here okay well that's 40 more minutes I don't care um so okay you are the Cookie Monster but your job when you hear the words local book okay once you go you stand here you wait in the state and you run as fast as you can you rush to the center of stage and yes look a storage okay okay okay practice it slow no no no let's all be happy come on oh yeah exactly forget it it's a cookie but look at the lady so okay and now okay so you you represent an aging separation operation like a call to the server what made when I tell you here the homing pigeon in the same you wash my face brush here and wave your stick yes that one one not that matter okay this was it okay and you are the nosy ass of fake great project but run out the other so now Prince where's the bridge please come here come here run you need to run over time okay so that's late okay number two okay the Prince arrived to the identity gala which was in charge of verifying the identity of all the people who wanted to see the princess the princess and the guard reworks no improvisation and the guard replied with a so the Prince gave her an ID with his picture okay you see the identity guard had a prophet she first checked to see whether the picture was on a local box of picture tokens okay would you never find me on exactly oh there's oh no no okay and okay so she couldn't find a picture token so she to see his ID and scented a we are looking humming pigeons to the kingdom come on yes so a picture token and put it inside of a username password and then they're talking about your instance you can go if you go it's okay okay books and one is professional okay so she is the pigeon puts this way where's the pigeon oh you already put it but did you take this okay what's up Peter wait wait so after word after word she put it in side of the local box local bath Oh No why do you make therefore okay so um [Music] defender okay she put it in a lot of storage so next time she do this in the pigeon okay finally the guard gave the Prince the box of fruitiness okay the box of truthiness okay say but yes okay that's it and okay CIN 3 carat okay um and and bridge where's the Prince Prince listen listen sis don't go there always say next is the Pharaoh the Prince gave a gave the parrot the box of truthiness we're very popular [Music] give him okay and and the periscope Robbie and Danielle and Danielle why not apparel okay mascot you're done okay ah okay easy as the dollars are because you need to go to see the second guard okay and of what do not improvise you don't yes okay great job great job this is written I wrote the great job okay so now for Singapore ah will you stay here always you go home not welcome anymore so for SIBO let's decide the state economic economic seven yeah the world costume [Music] yeah okay thank you okay yep it's now time for the trophy right okay ah so also you are the permission Queen woo okay um so know where my man so you are the permission win and sacrifice are also very resistant what about today that's it okay you have a British accent okay try your best and your line in let me see you're worthy let me see if you're worthy good enough okay okay thank you here already okay okay the second goal was the permission Queen let's start the scene okay the permission Queen and we decided whether a person can see her daughter or not and the princess to the Queen in the most respectable way because um yes I bet in favor rate and the Queen replied with good job the Queen has a similar process today IDenticard first X in her local books their local box okay [Applause] [Music] local tourists put an effort Mike okay so great so she looked at the lineup but she couldn't find anything so then she sent out the permission humming pidgin to the server Gill to ask if the bridge is worthy okay it'll after why's the pigeon came back and we des Princes worthy permission the Queen saw that the prince had the right permission and was backed worthy so first she puts his permission in her local box for next time okay local box never mind stay there stay stay not there typically in years and ok again to print the second box of truth minutes yes to show to the borough's later and obscene for yeah thank you very much okay thank you so much you say okay parrot come is okay scene number five back at the parrot again at the mighty parrot the prince showed him the second box of truthiness and the baroque Paul thought about it and said and seven yes yes and obscene five okay now for the final scene the final scene okay now you don't have any lines okay because you're about to meet the princess okay you are doing great great so now we have the competitive put it in your hand okay so come here now come a bit closer stop every time no okay um so now for the first thing okay we'll just do whatever I read okay the Prince stood in front of the princess castle door on the other side to the princess the Prince took a big breath opened the door great and there are two the princess the princess looked at the prince and said [Applause] I thought you you're good I told you I told you and the Prince looked looking into her eyes more romantic to her eyes and said I think I got the wrong address okay awesome thank you thank you for the lovely actors okay Tom come come take a bow everyone yeah yeah it is great awesome job awesome job okay ready hold hands on hand and yeah okay one time okay get off stage I have one more slide okay go okay so these are at the end ah our goal was to learn how to secure component not sure if we learned about hey we're the good time right okay this is the link to the github we have an actual project with the princess and all that stuff okay so thank you very much you [Applause]
Channel: ng-conf
Views: 30,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yjxOYsRkozQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 33sec (1533 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 19 2017
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