Angular 9 Tutorial For Beginners #28 - Routing

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hi friends welcome back to our tutorials we are continuing with our angular 9 full tutorial series and in today's episode we are going to learn all about angular routing routing is an important part of any web application so no wonder it's absolutely critical an important feature of angular framework there are multiple aspects to routing and there are a lot of important features that we need to learn in order to master angular routing welcome back my name is Shree Thoreau I have over 10 years of experience as a full-stack developer and I'm here to share my knowledge with you all also I'm here to learn from you all which means during the course of this tutorial series if you have any doubts any queries any questions just ask me in the comment section below I will be happy to help you also I am putting in a lot of hard work in compiling these tutorials so please support me by liking the video and also subscribing to my channel thank you so much in advance alright so if you this is part of the angular 9 full tutorial series playlist which means that there are around 30 or tutorials covered so far right from basic introduction to the most advanced part which is routing and forms that we are going to cover so make sure you have checked out all of the tutorials if you really want to master angular now talking about angular routing so angular routing itself has lot of features and lot of I would say functionality to it so in order if you want to learn it I have broken it down to around 16 tutorials for you each tutorial will go in detail and cover hands-on examples of angular routing so namely some of the key topics that we will cover in about in learning angular routing are we will learn about what is routing then we will learn about some of the routing strategies available we will learn about base href we will also learn about routing module outlet configuring routes router link how to parameterize the routes how to redirect how to handle wildcard how to implement child routes how to use lazy loading which functionality and much much more so these all these things put together becomes an important piece of angular routing so this is what we will be learning in all of the muscular angular routing series alright so now let's learn a little bit about what is routing how it works in angular so routing is a mechanism used by angular framework to manage the paths or routes in our angular application angular is a component driven framework which means when the configure the path or routes we are configuring the various navigation to the components angular framework comes with a built in package called router which has everything that we need to design develop and implement routes router is singleton which means there is only one instance of the router in the angular application so angular router is the official router that we will use that's available in the angular framework itself and it's found under the package at the rate angular slash router we will need to set up a routes array so basically we configure all the paths in which are nothing but the routes in the router a and whenever we request a particular URL or a route it will come and check it in that array right and router has States which means you can know that which state you are in and you can get the relevant important information from the current state it has all the batteries included in the router so which means we can do basically everything with the router itself so what kind of routes we can handle so we can handle routes which are pointing to the components directly we can use it to get query parameter to get the URL segments we can use to configure the child routes we can use lazy loading we can handle wildcard default routes 404 not found everything using router it has all the things required that we want in any complex or simple application using router right so just to give you an example if you look at this let's make some notes quickly angular routing introduction so all the routes slash paths or navigation requirements in angular are handled by angular router package it has all the things that we need we we navigate from one component view to other using the routes we can configure various types of routes like default route child routes we can do wild-card route we can do query parameter segment which are nothing but slash product and we can also do child routes we can do query we can do much much more likely easy loading and much much more we'll cover that in the topics that we will in the next coming tutorials we create routes array and whenever user requests route it will search in the routes array if you want to see an example of it I will quickly show you so this is an example you see we have a routes and we are configuring the path here multiple in multiple routes or multiple paths we can configure so this is how the round array looks like all right then we learned that most of these routings are handled and router is singleton which means which means there is only one instance of angular router for our application right so to summarize these are the important topics the important things that routing provides us right and in the next tutorial we are going to start with our hands-on examples where we will cover about routing strategies available in angular it's very important to plan our routing strategy because without which your application will not work properly so continue the series to learn and master angular routing join me in the next tutorial if you liked this video give a thumbs up don't forget to subscribe to my channel to keep getting more tutorials thank you so much
Channel: ARCTutorials
Views: 23,101
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Keywords: Angular routing tutorial, Angular 9 routing example, angular 9 routing for tutorials, routing angular tutorial, routing tutorial Angular, Angular Routing Examples, Angular 9 tutorial for beginners, angular 9 crash course, angular 9 tutorial for beginners step by step, angular tutorial for beginners 2020, angular tutorial 2020, arc tutorial angular, angular code examples, angular for freshers, angular tutorial for experienced, Routing in Angular tutorial
Id: 0BOpqMBKK94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 46sec (466 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 01 2020
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