Angular 17 New Features in Tamil (HD)

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hello guys welcome to this Cod YouTube channel new [Music] featur Ang te guys angs Ang [Music] comp two types of [Music] sty color step two [Music] cons conso CSS [Music] comp next reference reference [Music] so so angular [Music] 16.23 okay Fus G globally nus angular SL 17 space NG [Music] version okay like at 17 new [Music] [Music] Direct Dory do [Music] directory so angular 16 but C okay npm so start okay [Music] 42 default already 16 42 different [Music] so angular Pro Ang 16 project 16 project Ang 17 so schema and project okay project Ang 16 the same so scha same project Ang 1op by default optimation extract license same development build optimizer okay so already extense SCE optimization extract lense Source map so named chunk vendar chunk and bu op appliation Okay so [Music] based application okay so angular 17 completely component BAS latform browser Dynamic boot module boot mod based application okay root mod Ro s okay comp Bo browser application boot application comp okay so the app conf f okay bootst component row so for Loop if statement Okay so so first app component M okay okay so this do friends equal to name so age so age 23 next name chra 2 so age 26 age 27 compon HTM friend of friends add in friend name name name friend one by one name AG meum age is friend. H AR 23 see is 23 is 24 is 2 name name comma r with this AG is 22 on same friend remove for friend of friends semicolon track index so so the so same fr. Nam ages FR n X so angular 17 43 43 17 [Music] application AG 14 and 18 Department C okay soal to friend. AG greater than or equal to 18 soate minor 23 24 major so if okay same friend. age greater than or equal to 18 same code so switch okay so friend. Department case okay CSC so CS Department Department Department okay so now maybe so Department okay um this is so timing so minum 3,000 millisecond minimum 3000 M loading 3 okay 16 and 17 features [Music] okay thanks guys
Channel: thisforcode
Views: 948
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Uto2D4cZoSQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 39sec (1779 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 02 2024
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