AngryJoe's Witcher 360° Castle Adventure!

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what's up we're on the bus in Italy Milan or somewhere in Italy getting ready to go to The Witcher 3 blood and wine event some Castle in Italy we will be there soon I can't wait to go to the castle J I can't wait it's Jesse obviously I'm so excited to be E I love your Italian accent is sort yes okay see you we are we are in the Italian Countryside so beautiful freaking awesome and here we have the castle and the only way to take a castle is by force I'm just playing what's up guys hello I could take them I could take them maybe not that guy man so cool welcoming the P yes follow me no follow me to Victory watch out with the guy with the shield you go first you wanted to go I'll get out his ankles yes we are allow entry can pass excellent excellent Castle Witcher Castle now whoa beautiful holy crap so cool ridiculous ously awesome welc hello how are you follow the team no the team I'm going there later I'm going everywhere later we're going to explore dude oh my gosh so beautiful hopefully you're looking off to your right and to your left and to the sky so cool carrying too much stupid equipment oh no oh I hear the music something is surely going to be happening in this area later on wow everybody over here [Applause] [Music] [Music] yenifer your your house is very beautiful thank you yes I believe that thank you for inviting us here I mean I put some strings down you go over there you think you can go over there and juggle like him no I can't jug a wor [ __ ] can you yeah you could do everything wow not everything oh if you take my dog I can do everything so cool I can see the archers now opening the gates raining fire upon us what what if we actually did we all just died we like actually died if we just all die wouldn't be hilarious it be the best event ever and then they just collect all of our footage and they make like an Epic movie this morning YouTubers murdered by the Italians in Inquisition developer C project kills dozens not IND permission to be murdered htop Jesse you look Majestic as right now son of a [ __ ] and I missed it all a lady from the window said welcome and we will feast and drink and be merry so we're going to feast and drink and be merry in just one moment follow him oh cool yes I wish I lived in a castle this can be my castle if the angry Army is behind me we can storm it take it and DRP the banners of the ajsa but for now we will humor them and we come to a castle to play games what else do you think we do all right see you guys soon thank you very much uh for coming for flying from all around the world it's a very special moment because uh it's really the last adventure of girl so enjoy it savor it don't play Too Fast relax when it ends it ends but it's beautiful and I think the venue fits really really well so I hope you all have a great time and uh you know let's get okay so we're in the middle of gamepl recording gameplay for you guys oh my bad Joe is uh into the story so what we're going to do is we're going to come over here and look out the window of this Castle together yes so beautiful holy crap you guys I would love to live here this is my castle we must storm this Castle soldiers together I've decided we can walk the ramparts over there defended against all incomers there's the church I guess they have weddings here more more than likely get married in Italy that's [ __ ] awesome especially in a castle like this giving me a de got to find the right one huh oh this Countryside is so beautiful I don't know why I keep moving the camera around you guys can do that yourself very very cool let's go exploring some more let's check out the other side now so cool I think that's where we're eating later really awesome very cool so I've trapped down two Quest designers and I'm going to ask them question this come from Jesse Cox I think towards the end of whicher two I've always wanted to know this there's a scientist who has some sort of potion you can choose not to drink the potion if you don't care you can choose to drink the potion chose to drink the potion right then later on in Witcher three at some point you read a note that says well the potion didn't do what we wanted it to do but it appears as if the side effect is that uh it cures infertility and so my Witcher drank the potion does that mean that W Witcher is now fertile and he is siring a bunch of children because my Witcher was sleeping around Perhaps Perhaps what's your take on it yeah at some point you you know in the future in future projects depending on your save game lots of kids will have white hair yeah that's what it is the basic premise that that yeah the descendants of geralt in the Far Far Future of cyberp punk the Far Far Future we're not disclosing any look people are already walking up on us to kill us okay goodbye good that's right but but if you Dr if you don't drink the potion if you don't drink the potion then there's no there's no none of that there's no white ha you're losing a lot yeah okay so definitely drink the potion so who's the guy that you think do you know who put that in there one of the quest designers pH I wouldn't wouldn't guarantee 100% but Rogue on that does he like to or he just ties up everyone does Dr in their own little there's no leadership they're lingers it's actually fun fact we did squeeze in quite a few things that nobody knows please don't show that to any no you tell tell me one thing sque tell us one thing you squeezed in that that we could go look for okay we're forbid to talk about it's in our contract it's in our contract we can get in trouble for this right cool cool might as well how many uh quests or side quests went into blood and wine do you know we actually counted it and the exact number of quest in your Journal is 97 really holy moly and do you guys work on this uh individually you take one and and one guys is just all his or do you do multiple Quest designers work on a single one it's mostly one Quest designer that is cool people get this big sense of ownership something that's my quest exactly so then online where was like yeah I loved blood and wine but there was one Quest that I [ __ ] hated it ruined the whole game zero out of 10 and then you ends his life somewhere more so and you know then we be this Quest well cool guys thank you for talking with us appreciate see yall later you got fired but thanks okay so look look look for geralt's children in cyberpunk confirmed here just playing guys just playing so we're going to uh do a little personal recording here on this computer now but I wanted to show you the secret entrance we just came through there's MPG on the other side but check this out that's wardrobe secret entrance normally you want to come through here or over there there can you go through the fireplace I don't know no unless you want to die then that is not a secret entrance yes you got a good view here oh yeah the birds the birds are singing you guys check it out my subjects Lord Angry Joe greets you good morning shut up good afternoon it's morning if I say it's morning I declare ah I'm making some repairs down there as you can see on this right side but uh please forgive the mess all right here we go going to play the game a little more okay this is literally the coolest thing of all time this is our room in the castle this hotel or this Castle obviously doubles as a hotel we have like the coolest cabinets in the world really interesting paintings the room is awesome two separate beds here Joe's in the bathroom but I you need to see what this where the front of our our house is house really room is okay it goes right to the Courtyard wow look at this [ __ ] they got The Witcher music going oh my God flowers you come out to the balcony yes hell to the yeah in a castle so cool so freaking cool we're out here in front this is amazing I wonder what quarters these were I'll have to ask them whether this was the you know the chief guard or something very cool all right guys there's going to be an event at 3:30 so I will uh see you guys again at 3:30 we'll see what they got for guys you have the quest card you have the quest she's so shy what that's a person she's on her own Oh I thought I was ready to go into battle to save a damso in distress but I'm not she's on her own so we have some quests here oh it's quest one oh to have a master sers play three different wines three different flavors it takes a true sophisticate to identify the noblest which is the fame drug dra you got this I hate wine I'm a wine exper all right and location gallera the army so let's go do we just do this now I don't know quest one first tell us follow follow him everyone follow [Music] us oh nice yes Geral here the first T uh-huh first test okay Joe welcome welcome mhm the first the beginner of the gotic chars mhm you had to write your name with the pen with the ink okay and put just tell after your name yeah you have to put the the symbol okay of the Unicorn okay all right one more once once upon a time one more yes but not so not so hard yeah because because the heart is actually what's what's screwing it up yeah there we go oh yeah got it that time I I pulled this off that was for the too hard there you go H okay see we got there yeah little unicorn inside be I didn't do it too well but I was the I have to learn to make a knot with just one hand yeah while you're holding a bird with while I'm holding a bird and I have to do exactly what you just did there yeah I wasn't paying attention that is impossibly hard okay choose your bow well can you redo the knot so that and tell me to pay attention to it this time okay I guess oh I'm going to die my eyes are going to bit pecked out and uh so it's nice to know you guys it's only 10% casualty okay I want an ow oh I'll take an eagle yeah Falcon Falcon he he is um he's a loud guy some of them are easier to hold yeah yeah he's talkative his name is he looks pissed off he hat we're all right we're we're going to be friends we're going to be buddies okay always [Applause] in right no matter what it okay oh wow that happen so fast you're so good here I'll do a crappy knot for you there there's the crappy knot yes that's a good knot yes you don't like that knot no do you like that knot hell yeah oh he likes a knot so if he says we're good we're good yeah I like this not easy take away for the okay cool okay go all right okay you seems super sleepy man why you so sleepy y you're tired why you so tired I knew you had a rough light night last night didn't you you drank too much yeah you drank too much buddy that's the problem I just want to go home I want to sleep yeah that guy over there looks cool as hell tired [Music] falor you talking so much then these ones you're the littlest one why you so little guy H he so little little guy the needle goty this is the big dude over here I'm scared of that one he'll jump off cuz he feels like he's energetic he's like what are you doing what are you doing Angry Joe with that camera you better not bring that camera towards me but you're my favorite yeah mhm he's my favorite yep yeah I chose [Music] you wait my camera get [Applause] rolling yeah 1 million views step and kill right step right step and kill okay all right let's try this I think I got it I think I got it this time it took Jessie a while it didn't take Jessie a while but that makes me feel better so Inside Outside Inside grab yeah kid that's it okay cool finally you have to practice at home but you know the techque to make it to make it natural gotta you have toed it got stamped that's right two more are improving actually three more already off to a bad [Applause] start good job dandelion Joe you've almost got it nice job nice second try Joe first try pretty much you got to give him one all right look at that look at how easy it was I'm Tak I how it's done I'll do NY things with him in the D man good work who's going to stamp us compl completed good job Joe good job TR did we impress her though was that impressive did you like it yes she'll gives her approval then okay Jennifer Jennifer come on go my mm four okay nice another one for you come on now we just need the wine tasting and we'll figure that out where it's at and we'll get right back to wine tast where you other Joe likes wine I don't so he's going to take it yeah the wine capital of the world Austin Texas yeah I don't remember that part okay so we have three ones here and Joe's got to pick uh the correct ones just knowing the description he can read the description then he tastes him and says yeah that's the fruity one or yeah that's the Aged one etc etc so go ahead and read the descriptions Joe take your time and I think this is the third one here T ah okay so Joe this is give me talk okay so wow wow I'm going to say what that is uh that's dark as bad Wings in my opinion Joe if you don't start making selections I am so first one is going to be this one no no yep I knew it I knew it right according to you which one according the the this the last one you gave us is the last one on the sheet oh no I was so confident the second one is this one no no okay so the last one you gave us is definitely the Sangre the reason why is because this one's so rough like it hits you like a ton of bricks and it stays on your tongue and that's the uh ancient recipe its finish is long that's how I kind of knew that but I got it wrong the first time I thought since dark bat wings that's why I picked this very rough one to be the last one but no it's actually the first one so that we know that is that now Joe did you already make a a second guess oh and he got it wrong again yeah okay hold on let me let me try let me try go ahead I already know it so I think this one's lighter so I'm going to say that this is the vermentino and this is the Coronada yes I got it between these two I managed to get the lighter one okay but that's after we got it wrong like three or four times so okay the first completed Quest there you go name name name yes uh my name is Jose Antonio Vargas you killed my father prepared to die not you him that must be an accident of course I think I hope he a [Applause] that's on fire that's fire that's fire I love Medieval music man love it okay that was awesome now time to stuff my face and drink of alcohol yes wine blood you hand me some of that for the blood God my life yeah give me a white one [Music] please [Music] [Music] hold [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] hey guys so uh we had many festivities we had food wine drinks me everything it was really really fun so they showed us uh obviously blood and and wi the expansion so we got to play it a little early uh some of the quests that I did in it were super super awesome so I'm excited for that to come out especially when you know it's a 30 plus hour Adventure geralt's last harah because this is literally the last time we're going to play with h geralt for the for seeable future if not forever who knows um but they did show us uh something exclusive that uh we're not allowed to talk about in fact I I had to sign this in order to see it I signed it in blood in order to see it so that may or may not hint at what it is it could be completely unrelated um and they're just using that as a thing to do to make it fun so it was uh quite an experience and I can't wait to share more with you when I can um otherwise we'll bring back the footage make a video out of it throw up this Vlog at this Castle visit which is super cool I've always been into the medieval stuff so to actually get to stay in a castle and see something as cool as this is awesome perfect timing too so that's uh three four five six six 7 7 six or seven one of those so it's 6 or 7 o'clock and uh yeah guys so um um that's it and I hope you guys had fun and enjoyed the footage and I will see you guys on the next Angry Joe show and now it's time to say goodbye we've had a whole lot of fun at Castle Pon and uh and beautiful Italy which is amazing and I hope to come back soon the weather is beautiful right now and uh God it just looks so amazing over there it'd be really cool to live here guys but uh had a lot of fun hope you guys had fun and uh yeah what do you think Joe I had a blast I'm staying sorry I'm staying okay well we'll see you guys on the next uh Angry Joe show without other Joe no he's coming with me I got to make him yes let's go
Channel: AngryJoeShow
Views: 476,298
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: angryjoe, angryjoeshow, witcher, blood and wine, castle, italy, adventure, rpg, gaming, travel, 360 video, 360, VR
Id: PyC-oEbDNgE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 17sec (1877 seconds)
Published: Thu May 19 2016
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