Angry Birds - Top 10 Angry Birds Movie Moments

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[Music] share your story with read me I am the last guy who should be here simple speeding ticket judge tells me I was going too fast so I say Your Honor I got to be honest I was you caught me I'm not angry I'm honest so shouldn't I be an honesty management class because we gotta manage my honesty mm-hmm my one problem that's a different story than you told last time [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay maybe it wasn't ice cream all right Chuck thanks we got it my house my house [Music] that house took me five years to build Wow it's such a shame when you create something and someone just destroys it [Music] [Music] from my world the world of the pigs [Music] we saw your i'll across the sea no other place besides here yes there is we call it my bravery you messy grown up singing this song in school oh yeah yes we did right yeah [Music] now you do the second verse hi I am come on me yes do it do it Mighty Mighty Eagle flap your wings oh yeah and fill up your big cave with all your fancy thing that's it politeness good sportsmanship that's long attention span what Mighty Mighty Eagle [Music] taking away Charles Oh Dexter day pottery and bankruptcy how Mighty Mighty Eagle harmonized rescue [Applause] [Music] Wow you know it better than me so anyway the other day these pigs showed up out of nowhere it cost me a great deal of suspicion and walking out of the room unbeliev I don't get this this guy sits here on his butt all alone clearly doesn't leave the house he talks a good game but he doesn't care about anyone but himself sounds a lot like you oh good thank you for your opinion Chuck [Music] throwing things just got a whole lot easier say hello to tired of carrying things from place to place wish you could just get it there waiters do me a favor take the rest of the night off hey have you got the night off why'd you fix my house yeah that's the same guy well the slingshot does it all in three easy steps ready [Music] guys it's the same fruit sitting on the plates and frontier house we don't know him I'm going to ask for a volunteer from the audience how about the red guy with the enormous eyes yes you sir come on up here it's your lucky day are you sure you don't want to choose one of the hundreds of birds and other wings up here that they're cheering for you you got to be kidding me but I was gonna be part of this show okay now what come on give my hair ready movie yeah dog ready Hey Eamonn what everybody on this one who says birds don't fly hope he's okay [Music] hey don't worry I'm fine thanks for the left say I wish they would have done that ten minutes ago well this is dynamite [Music] oh there you are that's by the hair of my chinny-chin-chin delicious bird eggie eggie you can't eat eggs what are you gonna do I'm a foodie it's over you're finished eyebrows I'm good it's not always that well you know what I guess you win what that was an awesome plan mind blower really well thank you you know those into my sinister plans it does now I mean your plan was great but you didn't plan for this [Music] [Music] you have annoyed me for the last time yep [Music] Tarrance I got an idea do you think you can pull the slingshot back far enough to hit that giant boulder okay launch me right towards the top of that thing ready Bret I'm not gonna lie to you I am rest in peace bye forehead rest in peace hey guys let's not get cheesy okay ready [Music] did you make it I hope he's okay shunned everyone else lunch me exactly the same way you did [Music] [Music] except you I gotta be honest you look a little on fine you look fine come on I [Music] need your help oh why didn't you say so Bob if there is a Mighty Eagle well how could we know whatever here is battle cry I don't know maybe we have one point a Mighty Eagle battle cry sound like you know what I think I got an idea maybe something like gah that's theoretically what's more like scientifically [Music] that sounds about right now I'm thinking maybe it's a little bit more subtle like a little bit just more majestic like [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] making Mighty Eagle noises oh it's like running a nursery absolute child care [Music] why don't we just set it us out and say the cakes on you I'm sorry it's on me oh well you know I'm not sure you're gonna like this but since you asked rather than being on me as you suggested this cake so you want to hear a story I run my butt off literally my do to get the gluten-free cake what the heck is gluten I mean it does gluten even exist Oh get out of here already but you're the only one that's had cake oh that's good stuff mmm anybody want to eat some cake off their dad or husband who needs plates when you got this guy's face right oh oh wait I almost forgot no I'm supposed to do a quick customer satisfaction survey before I split okay so on a scale of 1 to 3 stars what would you say about my performance and don't forget the squirrel was 3 [Music] [Music] [Applause] congratulations it's a boy boil him - that looks like it's just you and me pork belly No [Music] classy joint I can't believe about to do this [Music] [Music] [Applause] my Neagle Heidi go wake up come on Oh bad breath - I'll have to beat Turkey you gotta fly those eggs to safety I got this [Music] and bomb [Music] you're not getting away that easy [Music] save yourself I'll take that no you you just don't know when to stop do you here's the two-word answer looks like your little slingshot [Music] get out of there [Music] don't spit in his mouth don't swallow [Music] [Music] get out let's go come on take your time will you shut your wormhole oh wow it's him [Music] [Music] Oh little horrible turn of events horrible [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Angry Birds
Views: 6,274,401
Rating: 4.2511559 out of 5
Keywords: angry birds, rovio, angry birds movie, angry birds toons, angry birds series, angry birds episodes, angry bird app, angry birds app, bird app, angry birds game, angry birds stella, stella series, piggy tales, piggy series, angry birds movie 2, top 10, best moments, angry birds top 10, Movie moments
Id: BjXoA_jnp6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 8sec (1148 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 03 2019
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