Angleterre - Nothern Bell - Canterbury - Des trains pas comme les autres - Documentaire Voyage - SBS

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In England, there are trains that welcome you like a king. Would you like a little soup of the day? There are trains where you can see your neighbor and the landscape at the same time. Here, the stations and trains have a little old school feel. And cathedrals, a divine way. So, to appreciate the 50 shades of English glass, to go to a cinema like no other, well, the urinals, whether you believe it or not, will be the seats for our cinema. And to meet corkscrew trees. Here's your tea. THANKS. Is the train not bad? This time I decided to go to England. The very first steam train in history was born there. For a train lover, England is therefore sacred land. This is it, London. And there is something that we don't think about much, which is that the first train, unlike any other in this country, is the one that allows you to arrive in the country. This is the one, the good old Eurostar. When he was born 25 years ago, it was the culmination of centuries and centuries of dreams. Because one of the first projects to overcome the obstacle of the English Channel, to create a link between England and France, dates back to 1750. And now, it's commonplace, it's so what . You know what ? I think London is one of the few places in the world, if not the only place, where when you arrive and it's raining, you're not disappointed. You are even happy. Because It's London, it's London as we imagine it, London as we read about it in books. We have the impression that it is when it rains that London will reveal the depths of its soul. Hello. Good morning. You are free ? Yes, yes, come up. Ok. There's something I've always wanted to know, they say black taxis, they're part of London's heritage. But why are there taxis like that? Why isn't it like elsewhere? Why are these big cars that look like black snails? In classic taxi cars, you can simply put passengers in the back, tightly packed together. But London taxis are made to be more spacious and more practical. We can fit everything in there. All right. So you mean the English are the only people on the planet to have invented a practical taxi? Of course, they are very functional, right? Yes, it's true. It's annoying, but it's true. The drivers are very proud of their taxi. And then, it must be said that we are the best drivers in the world. It’s thanks to our great culture. We know all the roads, shops and points of interest in London. Ah, okay, okay. So you have the most convenient taxis in the world and you are the best drivers in the world. And you are the most modest too, right? Yes, totally. Totally agree with you. Is a taxi ride in London a good idea? Because in fact, between the rain and the mist, we can't see anything. Here, a rag. Ok, okay, it's do it yourself, to do it yourself. And what is this here? This is Westminster Abbey. This is where members of the royal family get married. And there are also funerals. What was the last wedding that took place here? Prince William, I think. But to tell the truth, I'm not very familiar with the royal family. Ah good ? No. For what ? I believe that it should be people like everyone else, without privileges. Many English people put them on a pedestal and they don't consider them not like human beings. But for me, the royal family is made up of loved ones and bones like you and me. And the English who love the royal family, what do they actually love? Why does it fascinate them? What unites them? I don't understand them. For me, it's people who have time to waste. Because waiting for hours in front of Buckingham Palace for the birth of the royal baby, there is definitely something wrong. Alright. So, what do you do when... I don't know, you have a little need, you're hungry. How do you deal with that when you're a taxi driver? Well, we can stop at restaurants, fast food restaurants, sometimes hotels. But otherwise, you have heard of taxi shelters. These are small green wooden huts. We can take a break and even have a bite to eat. You want to see ? Ok. There is one. Where ? Do you see the green cabin on the left? Hi, Kate. And is it cute at your place with all these little flowers? THANKS. And what's more So, not only is it flowery and cute, but it also smells good. I hope so, because our places are very popular. Are only taxi drivers coming here? Is it a secret and discreet little place? Only licensed drivers can enter inside. But otherwise, we are also open to local students and workers who come for takeaway meals. Okay, but inside, it's very small. We can go in, there are places. You are welcome. Really ? Yes of course. We will see. Ah, but there is already someone. Do you also drive a taxi? Obviously. But then it's funny, because it's really small. There are just How many taxi drivers can set up here? Seven. And so, I didn't know that there were little shelters like that reserved for taxi drivers. So that's... But yes, but you have to unfold the table. Ah, that's okay. And there, you are good. Oh. There were many more shelters like this before. But the first one started thanks to a lord, because the London aristocracy sometimes had to wait a very long time to get a free carriage. Sometimes there was none at all. It's true. It was winter, it was very cold. The drivers were at home warming up. There was no cart. A lord had the idea of ​​creating the first shelter reserved for drivers in the heart of London. What is most popular with taxi drivers? What are they eating ? Sausage and bacon. Full English breakfast. And how many meals do you serve per day? 150 meals on average. 150? But it's an achievement to make 150 meals in a tiny hut like that. What's the secret? Indeed, it is very narrow. That's why we need thin people like us. And then, with Jude, we both work well together. Seems. Our kitchen, we call it our dance floor. Because when Jude goes left, I go right. It's our little choreography. How many years have you been on the dance floor? Already five and a half years. Here, my darling. Thanks my beauty. Sandwich chips. Hello everybody. But in any case, it's a very nice place, frankly. Because where do the drivers come from, we are nice. Of course, because we always have a smile. Always ? Always. We have a certain confidence because as soon as you have this license... Well, when you manage to obtain it especially. Yes, because to get it, you have to study full-time for three to five years. You could be a doctor in terms of length of study. You know, we don't buy this license, but as soon as you pass the exam, you get it and with that, you have a job for life. And that's why you're happy, you're relaxed. We don't work for a boss. We are the boss. Excuse me, guys, but I have to get back to work and earn a living. Bye. It's very good. Thank you so much. And so, are they your confidants? When you have a pain, a heartache, a doubt, do you pour yourself out on their shoulders? Driving a taxi is a very lonely job in the end, because you accumulate a lot of short trips with people you will never see again. Whereas in this shelter, the drivers and the two girls in the kitchen, you know them. These are people you see almost every day. And so, if a driver comes in, you say to him: Hello, how are you today? And you can resume the conversation from the day before. Yes, so this kind of small place is extremely important. I'm a bit of their confidante. They come here looking for company, to chat a little. We talk about everything. And for example, when a driver has a first date and he 's been single for a long time, earth. Well, Jude and I try to give him a little advice for everyday life. What advice do you give to a shy taxi driver on a first date? Be well dressed, be polite, be not late and above all, be yourself. Kate is the mother of us all. She explains everything to us. Well, that’s very nice. I love the state of mind that reigns here. Thank you very much. Excellent. Good day. Goodbye and nice to have met you. Okay. It was nice. Good day. Bye Bye. London is an incredible city. It has completely transformed over the last few years. She even went wild. There is a respectful mix of the past with of course the Tower of London, Buckingham Palace, the Changing of the Guard, but also with skyscrapers and buildings with loose shapes. In London, there is a unique energy. It is the world of business and the mixing of cultures. It is one of the most cosmopolitan cities on the planet. They even say that London is the whole world in one city. And on weekends, there is an unmissable event for train lovers. It takes place at Kings Cross station. So, this train is taken empty-handed, without baggage. Just the ticket. In fact, you know that the English like trains and roast beef. And this train combines the two. The idea is to experience the tradition of the Sunday roast, that is to say Sunday roast beef, in an extremely chic train, a luxury train. So, it's a train that leaves, that just goes around like that, leaving London, it makes a loop and it takes people with the sole destination, pleasure. And it is now. Good morning. Hello, sister. Plz follow me. It's magnificent, it's magnificent. Here is your chair, sir. Thank you so much. You are welcome. It's so British. That's not bad though. The English Sunday roast beef, but with a little touch of French champagne all the same. Here is your entry. We have a duck terrine with brioche bread, as well as a small châtenet garnish. Enjoy your food. Would you like a little soup of the day? How do you serve soup elegantly on a train that's always moving? It's not easy, that. First, it's a lot of practice to be perfectly stable. So, to give this illusion of elegance, we must spread our legs like this. In fact, you have to imagine a square on the ground and position your legs diagonally. And like that, I remain very stable while following the movements of the train. It's like rock'n'roll on the train. Oh yes okay. And do you have any courses before becoming a waiter on a train? Do we teach you all this? Yes of course. Before we start, we practice. And then, we have to practice in real conditions to manage the movements of the train. Ah good ? With soup? Yes, of course And also, we taste the soup. Like that, everything is perfect. OK thank you. Enjoy your food. That's wonderful. A little watercress soup. Hello. Good morning. Can I sit with you for a bit? Yes of course. We're not She's beautiful, on this train. It's a fabulous day. It is so beautiful. The food is exceptional, the view is beautiful and we have a great time. It's his Christmas present. His Christmas present? Yes, a little late. Yes, yes, you're a little late. What happened ? Why are you giving a Christmas gift during the summer? Because she likes trains. We didn't have time to take this train earlier. He said you liked trains. Why do you like trains? What I like is the charm of old trains, with this refined decor, very good service and you sit in a comfortable armchair. It's a very different experience. Eating while seeing the English countryside pass before our eyes. This delicious meal with good wine, champagne during a good trip, it's great. Oh dear ! But it's fantastic. We have brie, several cheeses and a nice selection of chutneys to accompany. Honestly, it's been a long time since I've seen such a beautiful cheese platter. And it’s in England that it’s happening. It's almost annoying. For a Frenchman. There is so much cheese in France that when we went there, we ate cheese for a whole week. There is something very strange that I didn't know. It's orange blue. How do you say ? Shropshire Blue. Shropshire Blue. Shropshire blue. How are you ? Yes. Yes. And can I taste it? Okay. Of course, sir. Why does it have this orange color? I would say probably because cows eat orange grass , period. After this first particularly tasty train, I really want to go to the north, to the very north of England, because there is the wall there. An incredible wall. It's a bit like the edge of the world. A wall which was to protect the south from dangers coming from the north. I'm sure that those who are fans of the Game of Thrones series, they have a little light that goes on in their brain. Well, the answer is yes, it was this wall that inspired the author of the series. In the series, it's to protect the empire Wildlings who come from the North and white walkers. But in truth, this wall was the limit of the Roman Empire which came this far. And beyond that, it was the barbarians. And it was Emperor Hadrian who requested the construction of this wall in the year 122. 117 kilometers long, it crosses the entire country from one sea to the other. At its peak, there were 9,000 men guarding it. And what's crazy is that today, in Corsica, it's a sort of border, not quite, the border is a little bit further away, a border between the English here and there- low, the Scots. South of the wall, on the England side, the countryside is simply delicious. It's a large glass bath, bocage. The atmosphere is bucolic and I have an appointment in a somewhat strange, enigmatic nature. I feel like I'm entering a forest as a witch. With trees that have weird shapes. There are spring trees there. It’s a bit like Merlin the Enchanter’s forest. They're over there. Hello. Merlin, hello. How are you ? Your forest is incredible. THANKS. Are you Merlin the Enchanter? It's just like. But then trees, what... Why do they have this weird shape? Because we are working on a new way to connect with nature. But then, it's very knotted. I can't tell if it's positive or a little anxious, a little nervous. I think it's pretty positive here. Look, these are happy trees. Ah good ? Yes, they are probably the most pampered trees there are. So it's you who gives them these bizarre shapes? Yes. It's our job. It's a bit strange at first, but then it becomes clear. It's taking shape. In fact, we have a different approach to creating and making objects. It's like a 3D printer, but much, much slower. And so, what objects do you print there, for example? That's a chair. There you have the file. The seat is here. You can see the two armrests. And then, we let the branches grow, then we bring them together so that they form the legs of the chair. It's incredible. That is to say, you make a chair, but directly, it is the tree itself which becomes a chair. That's incredible. Usually, to make a chair, you grow trees for at least 50 years, then you cut them down, cut their wood into pieces, then put them together to make a piece of furniture. But with my technique, when we cut, we will have a chair which will have grown faster , in seven years, and which will be more solid, because it is only made of a single block, of a single piece of drink. And so, it's a new way of making furniture, lighting, in short, everything you can imagine. And so this is a chair Yeah, that's it. The backrest there and the feet there. That's it ? Yeah. Would you like me to show you what it’s like once the hunt is over? Yes. And There you go. Oh yeah. Ah, but it's magnificent. You can sit. Oh, that's great. Plus, it's comfortable. Is not it ? It is very beautiful. There is a slightly mysterious, slightly magical side. Why, do you think? It is nature that is quite mysterious and magical. And so, using nature to make an everyday object necessarily makes it mysterious and magical. It's nature, but nature you still twisted well. There are some who You can accuse yourself of hurting the trees a little. In fact, one thing we learned is that you can't force a tree to do something it doesn't want to do. So no, it's not tree torture. Are you not on the verge of pain? That is to say, He survives, but he is in pain. No, not even at the limit. This is certainly the most interesting part of the project. We realized that in fact, it was a collaboration with nature, with the tree. So now when a tree initially grows, we encourage it to become a chair. But if this tree has decided not to want to become a chair... Yes, if it says to itself: I don't want to have this shape, I would prefer to be a table or a lamp. Well, actually we have to work with what the tree offers us. We cannot force him and say: Become this. It does not work like that ? So that's the chairs. And so what is that? These are our first lamps. These are prototypes. Here, we are growing chairs, lamps and tables at the moment. And tables? Yes. Do you want to go see? Here we go. I then discovered a vast tree plantation. From the tree, which will slowly become furniture. And given the duration of the process, each unique chair costs several thousand euros. This large natural factory, still at the experimental stage, the project of a lifetime for Kevin and his wife, the garden designers. Here, come see. Here is our first dining table. That ? Yes, it's an apple tree. And if you look down, you can see the tray growing. And some of these branches will become the legs of the table. Oh yes, because it's upside down. Yes. And yes, in my house, everything grows backwards. And how soon will we be able to drink tea on this table? It remains It's been four years before the table is finished. Four years ? Yes, at least. I think if you want some tea right away, we can go to the cabin. Oh, okay, okay, okay. And on the organic chairs. Yes, and the most beautiful throne is for you. I'm going to get some tea. Hi. Hi. You know what ? You are in a beautiful world, a world a little apart, but a beautiful world. We are happy to share it with you. And in this beautiful world, even the stations are charming. The real pleasure is going to take the train in the small country stations. They are often maintained and pampered by volunteers who love trains. There are flower beds, impeccable paintings. Everything is kept in the original spirit. Here, we love the train and it shows. On board, the train is classic, but all around, the spectacle is delicious. As for the atmosphere, it's pretty cool. And the English are inexhaustible when it comes to talking about Europe. How would you explain, in your own way, that the whole of the United Kingdom has always had this position a bit... We are going there without going there while still being there, but not completely, with respect to -vis of Europe. How do you explain that? I think it's because we are an island and therefore we are a little disconnected from other countries in Europe. And how does this insular mentality arise? I do not know where it comes from. It's just a feeling I have. I won't be able to explain it. But we have the impression that Europe wants the United Kingdom to remain in the Union. But at the same time, we wonder if you really love us. And how did this impression begin in you that the rest of Europe did not like the United Kingdom? It's very doubtful. Maybe because a few years ago we had a big empire. And the rest of Europe was certainly a little jealous of our power and might over the world. Besides, today, if you watch the Eurovision contest, you will see, we lose all the time. This is how we see how much the other countries in Europe don't like us. But yes, but I love you, sure. I think that even if we presented Etcheran at Eurovision, well, I'm sure we still wouldn't win. But you have the impression that we don't love you, but it's like... It's like best friends, we bicker, we tear each other up, but deep down, we love each other. Yes, we love each other and you don't either. Okay, thank you very much. THANKS. Thank you very much. I drive south, towards White Island. The Isle of White is the largest island in England, the island detached from the island. A short hour on the ferry and here I am in a place where many English people dream of having a small cottage for the weekend or retirement. A world of cliffs and ocher beaches known for these music festivals. Here, we quickly feel the urge to wander around, to take our time. And obviously, I'm not the only one getting some fresh air. There are people looking for something, obviously. Good morning. Good morning. Did you lose something ? We found something. What did you find? We found a turd. I need it. Do you need a poop? Exactly. Whose poop do you need? In fact, we collect feces samples from all the animals that live in this region. This is why we are in the middle of research. And there, for example, I found rabbit droppings. It's disgusting. No, rabbit droppings are really nice. Ah good ? Yes, yes, and the fox droppings I found nearby are very interesting. Is that fox droppings? Exactly. Look, I've never gotten this close to a turd. Look, there are teeth, but also remnants of hair. In fact, it is the remains undigested by the fox that are in the droppings. Like here, little pieces of rabbit bones. And you're looking for poop, but that's your... You're a poop finder, is that your job? As unbelievable as it may seem, it became so. To be honest, I never imagined picking up poop one day. Part of our work, with Daniel, is to try to understand which animals live here and how they live. But seeing foxes or birds in nature, observing them, is quite long and complicated. Whereas seeing their excrement is very easy. So, I don't see the fox, but I know that he lives there and how he lives there thanks to his droppings. We're poop detectives. A poop detective? Exactly. It is a very important profession which allows you to learn more about the wildlife of the island. Come on, let's get that fox poop. Yes, let's take samples and continue our research. So here we go with Daniel and his detective colleague on the poop quest. There's a little poop there. I admit that when I returned to the beautiful island of White, I didn't really expect to spend time examining the grass and the rocks to look for excrement. But in the end, we quickly get caught up in the game. It's a kind of treasure hunt. There's a lot of droppings there. There, there. There, huge, there. Yes, but what's more, she looks quite fresh. Doesn't that make you a little bit disgusted? Because it's special, right? It depends on what kind of poop it is. This one comes from a badger. And his poop, at this stage, smells absolutely nothing in particular. She just smells like earth. Do you want to feel it? Is it obligatory? In this profession, yes. Go ahead, take a sniff. So what does it smell like? Nothing. It's like a small piece of land. It's surprising because you have the impression that it's disgusting, but badger poop doesn't smell anything. But she interests me. I'm going to collect it. OK, let's go ? What I like is the delicacy with which he picks up the poop. I have never seen a turd so carefully and delicately moved. In fact, I invented this system that allows me to collect poop without damaging it or touching it. And thanks to that, I can transport it in optimal conditions so that it remains a perfect poop. But what exactly is your goal? I think it's such an interesting and fabulous subject that needs to be shared with everyone. So, we are in the process of creating a poop exhibition at the National Poo Museum. The National Poo Museum. Are you sure there are people who will come and watch a poop presentation? Yes, I am absolutely convinced of it. For me, it reflects a part of the English spirit. This famous typically British humor, because poop, basically, is a mix between something funny, but it's also a very serious subject, so it's perfect for making a museum. Lets' go. Want a helping hand? Yes thanks. Arms full of our finds of the day, I follow Daniel along the Coast, to the location of his improbable future museum. Welcome. Is this a toilet? Yes. What better place than a public restroom for a poop museum. I do not believe. No, but frankly, you have to be very, very, very... You have to be extremely English to do that. There's nothing funny about it alone. It is very serious. And then, how will you be exposed in the urinals? How it will go ? Well, believe it or not, urinals will be the seats for our cinema. So people sit here and we will project the images opposite on the wall. This will be our little cinema. And what will the films be? Obviously, educational films about excrement. To know everything about poop. You are incredible. But then, how are you going to expose the droppings? Because there, it's fresh, but after a while, it will deteriorate. We developed a technique that allows us to dry the poop and then mold it into a translucent resin sphere. For example, earlier we found fox droppings. Well, this is what she will look like once trapped in her ball. Now that we've talked about it and approached it from a scientific point of view, I see it neutrally. But at first glance, it's a bit... It's still disgusting. Ah good ? But thanks to the ball, you can handle it, touch it without getting dirty. And if you add some light, I think this thing could have a place in a gallery. And there, there is one of my favorite poops. Look at. Do you have any idea who they belonged to? That's an animal that makes square droppings, you know. That's astonishing. I don't dare ask, but technically, the shape of the place where the droppings pass through is square too. These are Wombat droppings. And it was discovered that this animal had two pairs of muscles in its stomach. And so, before going to the toilet, the Wombat's muscles work in this way and form these bricks. But for what purpose? Why did nature invent square poop? Like many animals, the Wombat marks its territory by making piles of droppings on rocks and not always very straight terrain. So, if these droppings were round, they would roll. And so, by making square droppings, the Wombat can define its territory exactly where it wants it. Poop is really interesting, actually. And so, there is a question all the same... Excuse me, I have to ask you because it's... Are you going to address the theme of... I have to find the right formula, for fencing human droppings? Of course, human poop is an important part of our everyday lives. And you are going to exhibit it? Yes, we have a copy. But if. Do you want to see it? I'm not sure you want to see it. I admit it's not the prettiest, but it's quite impressive. Look, she's there. Here it is. And it's funny because as much as the others, it's not: There you go, we're doing it, but then this one is difficult. It's a test. It's true, even for me. Human droppings cause natural disgust. Yes. I don't even know why. Yes, that's true, because obviously, it's in green, so it doesn't smell. But it's true that it's terrible. We don't want to see that. Do you want to take it? But yes, you can do it. And so, what...? Human droppings. So. And whose was it? I don't think it's very interesting to know. And then, will people who come to the museum be able to make donations themselves? Truth be told, we have enough human excrement at the moment. But for my museum, I would like to open a celebrity poop section. And you have many stars who have already agreed to give you... For the moment, only one. A famous Belgian comedian. Alright. Listen, I love it. What I love is that you go to the end of something completely crazy. And that's what's the hardest, but that's what's the most beautiful. It is really beautiful. THANKS. See you soon. That's what I like about the English. This unexpected grain of madness that comes out of nowhere. This sense of difference while remaining quite classy. Succeed in being a little crazy while respecting the rules. The Isle of Waight hides other surprises. A little country train like no other. He's got a good face, that one. There is a little side all packed together like that. In fact, they chose a very low train, it's because on the line, there is a tunnel which is very low. So rather than raise the tunnel, they chose a low train which, in fact, is an old London Underground train that was imported here. And it's a 1938 trainset. Hello. Hello. Good morning. This train is still very funny. Yes, it's a very special train. And I like him because he's different. It's true that it shakes a little. It feels like a roller coaster. But here, people love the train, because it is an integral part of White Island. And this island has a little vacation side, a little seaside resort side. Because here, you are never far from a beach. Yes, but well, not far from the beach, but from the beach in a down jacket, most of the time. But you know, here, we have very hot summers on the island. Some say we're on permanent vacation here. Look around you, there are only good, peaceful things. It's all love here. Even the controller looks good. Listen, you look happy, that's good, that's nice. Yes I am. Like everyone else on this island, because we have everything to be happy. I have to go. Nice to have met you. It's quite rare to find people so happy and content to be there, in a metro train. Maybe that's the magic of White's Island. Return to the big island. I take the train again, an everyday train heading east. Looks like the controller. Hello, hello. Are you the controller? Yes, I'm the one in charge of this train. And you have a little cabin like that in the passenger car? Yes, they still exist on some trains. It's quite convenient because passengers can find me easily. And it's convenient for me too, because I have great visibility over the entire car. I like your style. You have a slightly rock cut, etc. This is not usual for a controller. I've never really had any complaints about my looks. And sometimes I even have positive comments. You know, if everyone looks the same at the end, we get bored. I think it's important to be yourself, to own your style and to be different. That's what I like about England, that everyone can dress in a way that's sometimes a little extravagant. It doesn't bother too much. How do you explain that? There is no law that prohibits this or that color, this or that look, or haircut. You have to be yourself. I get off the train at Canterbury. It is one of the oldest towns in England, in the heart of Kent. A typically British look, crisscrossed by charming streets and surrounded by ramparts. Its most beautiful treasure, its jewel, is its cathedral. Founded around the year 600, it is classified as a world heritage site. It is the heart of the Anglican church. It attracts many visitors, but they don't come just to admire it. Here, evening services are particularly popular. Every day, at 6:00 p.m., believers and visitors from all walks of life come to settle quietly in the heart of the cathedral. Very wisely, they sit, wait for the mass to begin and listen. These ways are so pure. There is something divine. The Canterbury choir is made up of 25 young boys aged 8 to 13. It is one of the oldest choirs in the world still in practice. The tradition is over 1,400 years old. Its reputation is worldwide. The young singers live here, in boarding school, right next door. I found them the next morning in the attic of the cathedral to attend the daily rehearsal. One hour of singing every day at 7:30 a.m. Give us a day break and to give us a rest, what's what's going on? How loud is this? Give us a loneliness to tell today. I am fascinated by the level of purity of the voice. It's extraordinary. How do we achieve this purity, especially at 7:30 in the morning? It starts with the natural voice. I teach them with all the necessary techniques, how we sing every day. So, I noticed something, which is that he sings very high, but you, with all due respect , you don't go that high, personally. But then, how? What is their model? Because when they hear you, it doesn't go very high. I know too, we see it high. But not as high. But you don't do that to them. No no no. But they do it. So what is their model? How do you do ? They all know how to transfer my sound to their sound. It's true, it's done... Put that in your pitch. This is transferred from tenor to sorprano. Yes, but it's purer with them all the same. Absolutely yes. Much more expensive. But when you sing every day, every day, it comes quite easily. It's true ? Yes. I have a tune in my head that I love. I think it's the miserait of Aligria. Yes, James Laffer. It's something It's incredible. I have chills. It gives me chills. They have this very pure voice because they have not yet molted. How old do they get this voice? It's a gift from Natal. If we have a voice like this, but that's what we do with the voice, let them find these wonderful jewels. But when you're 12 or 13, your voice starts to drop. What happens to them afterwards, when they are 13, 14 years old? Is everything they have learned, this talent, what becomes of it? It is planted in the body and also in the brain. Those who learned during their time here, and then he starts doing other things. When he is tenor or bass, two or three years old, he will sing with all the knowledge he learned here. And it must be hard for you because every time they turn 13 you leave them? Yes, absolutely. Even though you stayed together for years? I'm losing them. Are you losing them? Yes that's it. This is the greatest damage. Every year they reached such a high level and then it disappeared. Every year it makes me cry. It's true ? It's true. 3, 4. England is a funny trip. We feel like we know it, that it's close by, not very exotic and rainy. And yet, the magic still works. And what is magical, I believe, is the English spirit. It's as if there, far away on this island, over the centuries, humor had developed differently, with this eccentric side, but always under control. Eccentric, but with an amused awareness of being eccentric. Traveling to England is like a little breath of fresh air for the mind.
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Id: oejk1S-CrAQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 13sec (3133 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2024
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