Angle Grinder Restoration - HITACHI angle grinder G10MH - RESTORATION
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Metal Like Restoration
Views: 3,741
Rating: 4.8620691 out of 5
Keywords: HITACHI, RESTORATION, metal, hitachi angle grinder, 恢复, アングルグラインダー, восстановление, restauration, restauracion, repair, angle grinder repair, ремонт, 修復, 修理, my mechanics, gear show, tysytube, angle restoration, restoration, angle grinder restoration, angle grinder, power tools, anglegrinder, anglegrinderrestoration, anglegrinderrepair, grinder repair, hitachi, angel grinder, anglegrinderfix, blackingmetal, restorationanglegrinder, HITACHIpowertool, old anglegrinder, restorationstuff, Angle grinder
Id: hA_N1VxhQZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 27sec (1707 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 19 2020
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