Angelus Dyes and Top Coats

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hi i'm chuck dorsett for weaver leather supply and this is the leather element if you've got a good question for us or you've got a good idea for a leather element drop it in the comment box below now if you've watched any of our project videos it's probably quite apparent that i'm go pro or go home when it comes to the dies well we may change our minds today we're going to look at the angelus line of dyes and there's some colors in here i can't wait to try and in fact i haven't even broken these open we're going to take a look together but we've got a rose and a honey that sounds beautiful and a turquoise very cool so let's step back here i've got to set up let's put some dye on leather let's see what we think now this is an alcohol carrier so we're going to need some ventilation here but what we're going to do is i'm going to dip dye every one of our colors basically i'm going to pour the dye in my bin dip that piece clean the bin go to the next color but also through this i'm going to dauber a couple of these colors we probably know the outcome there but let's try it nonetheless we are going to start right here red this looks good now when we open this look at that we even get a dauber that's a nice touch so let's fill our bin and i'm going to run our first color through tap off some of that extra dye there we go and let's just lay this over here we're going to let that dry as it is okay so i'm going to clean out my bin i'm going to go to my next color let's see what happens from there before we go to our last color we're going to use a deglazer now if you're not familiar with this got a couple of jobs in our shop first off we can remove a top coat re-dye add a new top coat so it'll bring old leather back to life secondly the old school folks they'll clean their leather with a deglazer long before they ever stamp tool or die i typically don't but we're going to do one piece with a deglaze one without we're going to dip dye both just like we've done everything else let's see if we can see a difference so let's start with our deglazer now this is one of the strongest items in our shop so we need some great ventilation we can always clean our bin with this but again very strong but the bigger point it's got some bad hang time on it so let's use this sparingly but again with good ventilation let's just clean this piece of leather and our last piece so let's give all of this ample dry time now the box does 24 hours but i think it's drying pretty quick so maybe maybe three hours so let's give this some good dry time we'll come back we'll look at our colors add a top coat ample dry time in fact it worked out to where we had overnight to dry i've got some colors in here i could not be happier with now we're going to look at every one of these but a couple gorgeous couple well i'm not sure i've got some confusion here so again i'm going to clean all this up let's look at our colors then we'll add our top coat see what that does let's look at each of our colors and we'll go with some notes but we won't run this out too far turquoise beautiful color now it's dip dyed so it's a little bit stiff that's always been one of my complaints with the basic leather dyes but all told that's a good color and it feels good that's our rose very clean and consistent that's a beautiful rich color now on our blues the reason i said i'm a little confused i love this electric blue in there we've got some darker spots in there so what i'm thinking is i may let's thin this just a little bit because that's my favorite color but if i thin this a little bit and our carrier is ethyl ethyl alcohol we can find that at the pharmacy right next to the rubbing and denatured but all told that can be a very beautiful color maybe i just lighten it a little bit now because i was confused on that i dip dyed that dauber dyed that look at the difference in that but right here i did not dauber the back so this feels just like the leather did before i dyed it but it's a good color but i'd really like to obtain that electric blue green that's a gorgeous color now we've got some debris here that's probably me i didn't change my gloves out and right here we dip dyed this so again probably me i didn't leave it in the die long enough when i started to pull it through red a good color but see i bet that's our ox blood and it is nice rich color when we jump over to our burgundy it's a good deep color but again right here that just doesn't feel terribly stiff it's got a good feel to it black looks good deep and rich now on our honey i'm starting to see these drips and i can't get rid of these i tried a couple off camera and i get that every time when i dip dye so dauber may be the best way to go there but it's a good color last these two we deglazed one and we didn't deglaze the other there's a little bit of of difference there but again notice our spots our drips there not really happy with that so very likely it might be best if we go with a dauber or maybe our sponge and i love these this is our dressing sponge i tend to cut them down make them go further but that is a great sponge for applying dye so again let's reset here add some top coat before we go to our top coat there's one thing i want to point out and this is kind of cool i didn't even really see this to start with but on our leather box we've got some tabs back there that we can open up the bottle sits right in that reduces the chance of that bottle spilling now as crafters we're probably going to go to a larger bin simply because it's easier to apply to a larger project but right there somebody in angelus not only uses our die but knows the problems that that we can have with this so therefore very creative and you know what they're thinking about us nice touch okay so on our acrylic finisher what we're gonna do the bottle tells us to apply with a brush a sponge or a rag now a brush i'm a little hesitant to go that way simply because of streaking but let's apply to our red let this dry we'll take a look at it then we'll do everything else there we go okay the bottle also says don't give it excessive excessive buffing so that looks good let's leave it right there let's give that it doesn't really tell us but let's give that maybe half an hour see what happens right around a half an hour but all told i don't think we need even that but love that look super easy we just buffed it on walked away so i like that aspect but it's also got a low gloss i love that look it's good color very cool well i'm excited now to add some top coats to these so i'm going to top coat everything here let's see what comes out we've got some good dry time here right off the bat if i can fine tune that that's going to be my favorite dye color of all time our black rich deep oh and we've got a nice gloss on that and it feels good too now our turquoise love this color we're going to come back to this our rose nice vibrant rich color and our red looks good now for the most part really happy with these colors again on our greens that's a beautiful color but that's probably just me vibrant there now the reason i wanted to set our turquoise aside this is a rifle sling now i've done this with a different die wasn't up to speed on the angelus yet but what i'm thinking see if you agree we do a turquoise interior and i'm thinking maybe more than than a rifle sling purse flap bag flap all kinds of ways we can go but we do a turquoise inside and we surround that with black that would be a striking color combination and a beautiful project all told we've got some gorgeous colors here in fact the blue that may very well become my favorite dye color and our top coat easy to apply dries fast looks good that's all i'm looking for i hope this is good information for you thanks for taking time to watch the leather element good luck with your projects
Channel: Weaver Leather Supply
Views: 58,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: angelus dye, Angelus leather dye, leather dye tutorial, leather dye tips
Id: RI37juwOc3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 37sec (517 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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