Angels' Gospel Choir - Hallelujah
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Channel: Angelsgospel
Views: 74,670
Rating: 4.8117647 out of 5
Keywords: Angels' Gospel Choir, Angels, Gospel, Choir, coro gospel, Gospel Music, Music, Gospelmusic, cover, choral, concert, concerto, world, coro, coro di napoli, Sister Act, Sister, Act, Sisteract, collection, musica, ercolano, Angels Gospel Choir, coro gospel napoli, matrimonio, coro matrimonio gospel, Lord, Dio, Gesù, Jesus, pray, aretha, Christmas, jingle, jingles, canto, canti, Jeff Buckley (Musical Artist), Alexandra Burke (Musical Artist), X Factor (TV Program), Hallelujah (Composition)
Id: S9w1fCmwbUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 8sec (248 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 26 2014
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