Angelic and Demonic Teaching part 1-Prophet Shepherd Bushiri

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take a pipe oh this is my Bible I believe everything written in it Amen hallelujah said this is my pipe oh I believe every word written in it hallelujah I said hallelujah I want to say something I want to teach you something which is very important my message today is angelic and demonic summers angelic and demonic said again angelic and demonics and Jarek and demonic now there is no any day you will be sitting down like this and you are thinking and what you are thinking is neutral is either angelic or demonic you didn't hear this there is no human being who is neutral is a that's the influence of demons or the inference of angels I like talking about angels because I know all the miracles you need there is no in a miracle you ever received without an angel being evolved I know we have like this ah wrong information by our backgrounds and by ordering the men who were there before us in the years past who taught us attorney you want to be like a God who give you a miracle you will never give you a miracle God will never leave his throne you never the Bible says forever Oh God they worried in heaven is settled God is settling on his throne he will never leave his throne because he wants to go any hope brother Matthew's in South Africa you never leave the throne in heaven because he wants to go any hope sister Jeanette in Debbie no in Pretoria or in Botswana or Zimbabwe or Malawi or Nigeria you never he is on the throne whatever you need it involves angels people who are not working with angels people who deliberately chooses to they choose to I didn't know the work of angels they know the wake of their miracles in their life one time I told you has said in the book of of of Genesis we hear angels just immediately first chapters first second 30 chapters when the angels are mentioned in Revelation we hear them all the people in the Bible including Abraham he saw angels Moses saw an angel so angels you took of Jacob I saw angels you took of the servant of Abraham a guy she saw an angel I'm talking about the seventh not a man of God a seventh she saw an angel he took of Elijah you took of Elijah you took of get yeah all these people they're so angels apart from you and something's wrong and we got the New Testament be like a part that goes or Testament we got the New Testament with group of Peter Peter had an angel who was even looking like him and this angel the war community of Christians they knew him even his speech was like him and how do we know the Bible says when Peter was arrested in action at all when he was released on the prison he went to not where believers were praying and the believers in the house says this is not the Peter noting it might be his angel because his angel had his voice had his appearance we talked of the women who went to see Jesus in the grave the main dangers angels they play a lot of the play a big role to a Christian life in terms of protection provision guidance you're here it is you talk about even Peter himself when was in the prison God never came from heaven and he released him it was an angel who was deprived right now there's an angel is being deployed to the company Oh uuuuu uuuuu there is no way that's why you must talk about angels more we have a problem today we have people they are talking mess about demons but I think any deliverance I think any deliverance I think any deliverance every every time I think and delivers why because people's mind is corrupted it's corrupt we all think about demons a problem can I think any deliverance I think any difference and you know you know who demos are demons are fallen angels who once stayed in heaven and when God kick the devil all the angels that had a father in him they were also kicked out and those fallen angels are now demos but when demon can affect your business one team are gonna fit a job oh you don't hear this one demon can affect everything about you watch more angels where are we choosing to concentrate on a fallen angel and not talk about this angel which is in heaven who has been assigned if our life why are we choosing deliberately to be thinking of a spiritual husband yet this an angel who has been aside for your life no no no no no no turn up a demonic and Angelica now I will teach you our tissue a summary of the two demos I've been teaching for some time and the summer some few angels and I will tell you this angel is vistas this demon and when you go back home if there's a problem similar problem you will know this problem is caused by this demon and there's an angel by the name so so who deals with this problem and you just be piss on your what's up will be like I'm commanding you and sure go and do the you know you know am I talking salad of this fish I don't think things that I oh come on am I talking to somebody here I don't teach things which I'm not I teach you what I am there is an angel of God and there's an angel of Saturn but you have to notice that the Angels of Saturn where I was in heaven and invade away defeated and that was not enough there were flung on death and that was good enough Jesus followed them right here on F and defeated them right on the cross and that was not enough the Bible says he followed them right where they are in it in the deep and the Bible says there was war Jesus fought with the devil and paralyzed him right there and took the keys of death and life and Jesus rose from the dead and he says he says now I Omega a word the keys of death and life this is the P word I give you power but why are we much affected by demos it is because we are weak maintaining percent of the problems are caused by demons and I'm telling you your problem today it just needs to meet an angel you swore to happen now today I will talk about the two men dimers - there are so many demons on any passing let me talk about them in the passing let me just speak some some demos there are some demos there are many terms of names in the Bible and some are returned by the Bible and not by revelation as a minister a B as I will pray for people ministering I've got some much information of who demos up I remember one time of spring I went to sit in family to pray to pray for them so when I entered in the house God said to me that in a few minutes from now demons will come to test you and I was like sitting down like this and the next thing I saw was a mighty person he entered and he began to laugh ha ha ha ha ha ha and God said in this area there is a union of demos some demos wickedness in a union like an organization so if you attack one the all of them will be on you now God said in in this area these demos they are working in a what in a community like there's a community like they work like a union there was that gree I can prove you biblically that demons agree the Bible says that man said who are you we said I am a legion for we are many so does more than a demur of sickness there was a prophetess spirit there was so all demons came together and made a region and and Jesus in who I you said I am a legion for we are many so demons ok they can also make a group just to destroy your life and you'll be wondering financially zillow everything 0 is because they have agreed they have agreed that let's put this one in trouble and you'll be like in the more your brain the more they are fighting it because the demons which hinders your prayers I also assigned demos which hinders answers to come I also assigned demons o prophet are they demons of disappointments are they demons of sickness just like everything in your life does not to move at all you want to pray the woman you start praying and fearlessness you can't even pray for 10 minutes you stop rain and demons of addiction assigned there right there you'll be like you you you'll never stop doing this you keep on doing it but these are doers and demons works in the ranks and demos and the kingdom of Saturn and the kingdom of God they are on a grid agreement and to the day of rupture and agreement is the lesser shall bow to the greater now if a demon is powerful than you no matter how can say Jesus it will never obey you and if you are powerful then the demon the woman just say Jesus the devil will obey you and somebody may be asking you so what you mean this is why the Bible says God has made others to be prophets others let's wait the situation which failed you it means somebody with the higher authority than you so when you come here actually you meet a man who has higher authority to a demon when I say out it took days it comes out but all you own you have been brave all these years nothing has happened because the demon knows that your authority is not higher than it you hear the barber by the region sense and people tried the whole community to bind it but nobody was they to bandit but when Jesus came the demons were where you can be joined to come on Akira's that's were some problems they need people with the high authority should be like no I know go to do it for me I know how he do it he has sent some people who have a higher authority which when you meet them when they say as I stand here wherever you are I command every problem to leave you in the name of Jesus because of the authority they have they dream on and the problem any shot of you because they know the man speaking is on the may a man that he's a man with authority than us you're not hearing this this is why you have to understand this then they will talk about the demonic they have a high rack where by the way they are levers of dimmers they are 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 father they go up to level 21 21 21 all these are levels of dimmers witchcraft is on 33 3 now 1 not 1 1 or 2 to 200 witchcraft they know then they Alessa they are wicked lava fill III 3qs they're wicked level 777 it is for sudden ISM while they drink blood they kill their relatives and they can appear anywhere don't to appear they worship the devil they make accidents if there weren't accidents to happen that month they'll make it the queue people they can even come and Adam a some time another school I entered in a classroom like this just entering like this when I sat on my desk there was a lady coming I should Hey before she testing me going to say the cafe yourself with the blood of Jesus and and I said I cover Masuda blood and then she was like hey are you ok I said I'm fine and she left after after two days she came and she was like what's happening with your eyes I said nothing so ok I'm just asking and the goddess say she was assigned to attack me to become blind so God said if you think I'm lying pray the same prayer to go back to her just say or demos we see a sign - attacking me a reverse them I just did that I said father or demons assigned to attack me and reverse them the following day she became blind most of watch chrysalis and this lady should assert honest she was a devil worshiper so much is happening right now the devil has put himself Wow and his kingdom he has put a lot of good organization and that don't fight but the kingdom of God this amount of God is fighting this man of God this model they are busy in the subjects this Asha is fighting the elder the elders fighting this one this pasta is against this pasta complicated not in this church not yet so God also has put the highlight as well so it's like the devil copies everything from the kingdom of God and put six in his kingdom because the devil was once in heaven and he was the most beautiful angel and he was the one who was covering the face of God and he wasn't thrown down pushed out and he became the devil and I told you therefore is the devil even if you remove D he was to remain Evo so when he came here there were angels who you know you know anyway when someone has been cast out there will be people in the party if NEC has removed some of the party and he makes one patty used to see some people for also living anything following is that true and that's exactly happened so some demos followed and those ones our pinko fallen angels which is called demons and demons are not powerful than the devil the devil's their master so they actually sent by the devil go on to this and they do this world the weight is going God is about to punish you with the fire very soon fire off all this F to the sons of disobedience I'm telling you people any had to become evil and it's amazing to see how the devil worshipers they will neither be busy doing the evil practices and the Christian is is that so amazing so amazing to see how a Christian we bestow the whole night on internet and yet somebody who is trying to kill them he's visited sangomas house trying to do some evil things I test your marriage like I'm so tired here you go to understand you think is your uncle now I will shoot a demos if at a rest of your right hand and say man Timo's the operates in a way whereby they have got a lot of intimidation jesus said if the fifth comes to steal to kill and to destroy so and then when they come in a plastic dress they'll intimate everybody when I'm when I say out you'd be like her all that is intimidation you cannot be likely to beat them out of God oh that is intimidation at the end of the day that their money comes out their pension becomes afraid who has lost the devil and the you are so the devil's bringing a lot of things in your life just to intimidate you bringing all those problems you're passing through I'm telling you they are not real you are not hearing this those problems are not real is just intimidation you see from tonight you never see them again when I pray when you go back home right this is during the day right when they go back home tonight when you go back home miracles will happen to you and for those who are watching us live on TV I want to tell you every demonic encounter is leaving you right now as you're watching me right now when you be going to do to steal your bedroom tonight a miracle happen right in your house demons are deadly when one comes in your house you are gone when one enters you you are going especially demons of reference there are two types of dimmers those that enter a person and those that stay outside a person and if you're a believer they can't enter inside of you because they know there is Jesus dead so they come to stay outside and they begin to affect you outside Oh am I talking to somebody here they begin to affect you outside like Paul he has not done anything he has not even priests in a way he just comes in a sit and Ephesus people begin to stone him there was the most black stone human now you have not done anything you go back home you find your husband is shouting at you what is this now be like what have I done demons which are working from outside you got your work there's nothing you've done the rising against you everybody your boss back what have I done demos that wake from outside your friends the people who you loved you find demons attacking your bed those people because they cannot attack you from within they'll attack you from outside am i talking to somebody right here and they are 11 terms of dimmers which are associated in demos which work from outside and inside and I'm going to mention these names very quickly because that's not a way I will teach you but just for your own information there's a demon called semi Anza karate samyaza semi Anza is a system on which is associated with any addiction smoking drinking womanizing every addiction eating soil eating ice eating some relative in choco candles this is any other the name of him is semi Anza he is in D he so good in addiction and this samyaza possessive if you want to attack you you just possess you to possess means to take over such no longer you thinking's him when he is hungry and he wants ice it was any nice now you look for that ice and you find and you feed it if Samantha says and it is all right now you look for the soul you have to give it if you see me as a says and now give me cigarette now I need a cigarette you look for a cigarette you you look you actually drive to go on debate and defeat this semi awesome if you see me answer once alcohol you will be like now I want to drink now and you you go semi answer is a dangerous demon if it can control or spirit it going to control your school it's going to control your future that is a sign to say I control you now if a demon is able to control you and send you to do the things you don't want to do it means that that demon is able to enjoy your life and the day you die it is the 70-mile a textured spirit to help you're not hearing this if you're sitting or dying uses when other grad a little bit like they'd be like hey I want water how many I've ever seen people doing that they're like when they do it dang they were screaming they wanted water they weren't aware they were thirsty how many ever saw that you'll find someone is in Hell already and he's not abate semi answer so people have addictions no beautiful man musty pass like oh that woman that woman the Mali phenomenon a beautiful that woman samia's the day you die the day you die it is the same samantha who would take you so let's go you find a man he looks like a man but down here he's a fish and when he's attacking women up here she's a woman very sexy but down here's a fish samyaza it is so much percent also the speed of lust and she'll be telling you if it's in half attacking a man should be like now you must look beautiful for men to see you we are not saying to look grief is bad but not with intentions you are in your own your glass there all night preparing for tomorrow a 1 a.m. and and and the party is at 6:00 in the night one aim you lit up like how I look you take this dress you do like this it's not a bad you have to but not very purpose just for some people to see you samia's look at your belly Sesame aza turn up if you drink then I look at that tell about you drink if you smoke if there is last there semi aza if you know you are here and you want to come out of an addiction of smoking drinking eating ice eating candles eating soil whatever it is that you do today I pray wherever you are right now let the river us happen to Jesus lay now can I continue now Samantha he is so much responsible for addictions and there's another one which is called apollyon o sayyaa poori on justice way hmm suppori on apollyon is an evil spirit Ellie cope radius of a mocotó areas and even mention Oprah has Oprah navei Lika has Oprah nice mikotoba so para la Kobus Oprah need a Sukkah amok ahsoka to police Micajah Kataria listen apollyon is a demon which is so much responsible for poverty you wake like an elephant an you eat like an ant apollyon it brings poverty one reason so that you don't have money and the only way to have money must be a sure ticket and they seen a polio you have a company but your company will never bring you money you have certificates degrees diplomas no job you even actually have a a a good good organization anything you have got everything in order but you can't just seem of catching the money because a podían has possessed you and when he sees you're born again and that he can't enter you he looks around wake and go and he looks on your most trusted things that it brings matter to you and it goes there and I sit on them and you'll be wondering I have certificates I have worked to everything but what is wrong with me what is wrong our body on is sitting on your things today every apollyon in your life it is the way one study in this story answering this is not what I'm trying to teach today I'm coming where I'm teaching I'm just in passing and another dream on which is called as easy as easy is associated so much in terms of spiritual life he saw spiritual he brings cases the case which was given 10 years ago it makes it come to pass he makes use of our words of somebody's words which was spoken against us and most of you test yourself because the man disappointed you you were like a from now I don't want any man that statement to spoke as this took it and now he's using it until today now you want the amount to matter you now you can't get him because as easy is using the ways you spoke that I think I will never get married so as is so much into spiritual and also he is so much into if you are so prayerful or when you were like I think you know my static went to church I must stabilize he makes you never to be stable you will send you from one pasture to another pasture to another pasture to another pasta and they keep on moving and rotating too many pastors and thumb is going you will never allow you to find a spiritual father and City there because this what happens if you are here and we are sitting under near right here and you say now I am a member of this church and he is from today he is a spiritual father what happens is spiritually God connects you with my blessings that's what the Bible says God blessed Abram and his descendants Jacob and his children and his designers me I am blessed with my children and with my descendants so if you come here it is you get connected to the blessing of malonic now when you move out again it means you get connected again to another person as God is planning to bless you through him you move you go somewhere again so God gets confused as is as easy I pray that this your last bus stop I say I pray that this is your last bus stop as easy when you're so prayerful fasting will be like Oh see he begins to fight you you find us off you're not playing like before you will come to church on Sunday the following Sunday you bring your batter some way I'm doing that you'll be like I think this son I want to go to change I bet a party you make you bring things look so important than the church as is already as is Anna talked about Isis that's not my teaching this these demos are Lisa compared with what I want to teach you there's another demo which is also called which also is also among them is called Amanda Amanda Amanda I'm not meaning like oh my name is Amanda so is my name of that demon I don't mean your name because Judas did the crime of betraying Jesus it does not even if your name is Judas you are the one who betrayed Jesus there's a spirit a demon code Amanda this Amanda spirit it looks like a bat in a bat but it looks like a bat but it is the biggest wake of it it is money it works on manifesto it makes sure money does not come to you first all so so that you can worship it and many people they are worshipping Amanda in directory they are looking how how can I get this how can such in that way it's like you're worshiping Amanda in directory so she comes as she closes all the doors of your life today a mandamus cash fire I said a mandamus cash fire it makes people to have no money as a result they begin to worship money man is good the Bible says it answers everything money is good but vanderzwaan mean you must be lacking it you a child of God every time you will set an idea ever stammers of the business it was to wake it was spring mind in your life not what has been happening every time we put an idea a business every time a man I was coming standing on your way and nothing was happening and you are losing it is because of that it made you to be like a man a seeker you shall never for a man I didn't shall follow you from the day
Channel: Prophet Shepherd Bushiri
Views: 297,235
Rating: 4.6948481 out of 5
Keywords: Prophet Shepherd Bushiri, Angelic, Demonic, Angels, prophetic cHannnel, ECG Church
Id: ix-HgK7HHkM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 59sec (2159 seconds)
Published: Mon May 18 2015
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