Angela Lansbury Sings 'Beauty and the Beast' at Lincoln Center
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Channel: Bella Y Bestia Son
Views: 2,868,047
Rating: 4.959219 out of 5
Id: JOy7eVjz-2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 59sec (179 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 19 2016
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To be doing that at 90, hope we can all be so lucky.
She looks and moves amazing for a 90 year old. The way she strut across that stage towards the mic. I want to know her secret. Fair play Angela. What a legend.
Here's the thing, enterprising young producers out there who might be reading this:
You put fellow 90 year old Disney vet Dick van Dyke and Angela Lansbury in a travelling stage show this year, you can clean up, I guarantee it.
Holy shit she looks great. Wish she was still up for Game of Thrones.
dont do that to me! i thought we lost another one....
In the thumbnail it looks like tiny Angela is sitting on Big Angela's arm
Ah damn...I was 17 when that came out. I used to laugh at my mom - this was her ironing movie. She watched constantly while ironing all our clothes for us.
But I always found a way to be in the room whenever this was sung.
Now, in my 40s, it's perfectly fine to cry a little when I watch stuff like this. So glad this woman is still singing it. And mom is still ironing occasionally.
Edit: math and a few lines.
35 year old man here.. and that got me a bit. I mean I recall my sister watching this movie so many times when we were kids and we just got back from Disney.. I dunno its funny how stuff can trigger a tear sometimes.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Paul McCartney!