And welcome back to The Factor on sensor. Time for Angela. After dark, we're turning our attention to a new online trend. A trend called the black wife effect. The trend features interracial couples, many of them between black women and white men. It compares how the men look before meeting their wives, their black wives to present day. On the same day, me? Hell no. The black effect trend has also started a discussion about how people can upgrade their looks after finding their match doctor Angela Jones is here to talk about it. So what is this whole trend about? It's about getting into a relationship with a beautiful black queen, and she sprinkles some of her little magic on you and you just come out looking great. So basically they're just saying when you are with someone that's black, you, you know, we put our seasoning on you and boom, you just look that much better. And of course, many people, I mean, it's not a whole lot of not a lot of people disagreeing with it. There are only a few I heard they are who called it like the mammy effect, like the black woman taking care of the white man or the white family. I feel like those people who are saying something are the people who already have an issue with interracial relationships. So they just, you know, they're adding on top of that. But honestly, in any relationship, if you go into a relationship and you don't make your partner better and mentally, physically, emotionally in some type of way, then what are you doing anyway? So if you come into a relationship and I'm like, babe, you know, you look better in a purple shirt than the blue shirt, you may wear the purple shirt. It's a slow effect. It usually is not an immediate thing. You know, we want to look good for our partners. And so I just feel like this is kind of like part of that. But this is and there's a focus on black women and white men. Yeah. But black women do this to black men too. Oh, absolutely. Absolutely. You come in with some baggy jeans, you know, you come in, you gotta do you gotta get rid of that. You gotta pick those up. You got a hole in your shirt, you're not wearing that. So we I mean, and a lot of women do that, but they're just showing like the swag that we provide. How how we show them like, okay, you could get your hair cut a certain way. Why don't you try like this? This kind of makes you look a little bit better. And even on TikTok, their TikTok, TikTok, they are other races saying, hey, can you come in and help my husband? Because I don't know what to do. But I've seen this trend and it's also with black wives, with Asian husbands. I've seen it with a lot of different races. Right now we're focusing more on black and white, but I've seen that they're showing it with other races as well. And you know, we're sprinkling that black girl magic around the world. Is this a tradition also something that all women do to their husbands? Yes. You know, because, you know, sometimes we don't know how to dress. And, you know, I think actually Michelle Obama said something saying basically whoever she was ever going to marry was going to be president because she was going to sprinkle her magic on whoever it was going to be. That's a whole lot if you if you voodoo if you if you come with me, I am going to help you become a better version of yourself. And honestly, I want someone in my life that makes me a better version of myself. So in all, I just feel like it's part of being in a healthy, loving relationship and you just want to make each other better. And I just love how it is being shown on TikTok. You know, a lot