The Crimes of The Auschwitz Doctors | Destruction ( Nazi Doctors Documentary) | Timeline

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[Music] dear Hoyt er and mentally circle tour and our gate listen from Const business after all the human culture all the results of art science and technology that we see before us today are almost exclusively the creative product of the Aryan this very fact admits of the not unfounded inference that he alone was the founder of all higher humanity therefore representing the prototype of all that we understand by the word man from a toaster men's height the Aryan is the Prometheus of mankind the role of the strongest is to dominate and not to blend with the weakest the sacrificing his own grandeur history establishes with frightful evidence that whenever the Aryan has mixed his blood with that of inferior peoples the result of this interbreeding has been the ruin of the civilizing people must not be forgotten that the supreme goal of men's existence is not the conservation of a state it is the conservation of their race what other Hitler became Chancellor of Germany in 1933 his book Mein Kampf my combat became the political horizon of the Third Reich the racist ideas expressed in this book were quickly transformed into a series of concrete measures obsessively applied at every level of the state intellectuals scientist and most particularly the medical profession played a decisive role in the Nazi racial policy from the beginning the doctors were at the service of racial purification starting in 1937 with the sterilization of half-caste children known as the bastards of Rhineland and then in 1938 and 39 with operation T for the selection and mass murder of several tens of thousands of the mentally ill later the doctors did not hesitate to use prisoners in several concentration camps as guinea pigs in Sacks's and Dachau Buchenwald thought of Nashville no inugami haven't spoke to mention only these camps medical experiments for essentially military purposes were performed in vivo meaning on living prisoners at the summit of this policy of dehumanization outfits here the whole process of destruction and extermination is placed under the control of the doctors it is the doctors who select those who are to die and those who will live in order to work or serve as guinea pigs furthermore unlike the medical experimentation performed in the other camps the OSH witch doctors indulge in two types of medical experiments aimed at the supremacy of the iron race on the one hand the sterilization of women and men to prevent the proliferation of the European people said to be of inferior race and on the other hand we dr. Mengele and his experiments from twins they tried to penetrate the secrets of genetics in order to multiply the iron race they're theater hikes few unlinked you bhai he Henan metabee Tom Kenaston emitters again estando zooming anybody move Lee cut a new honkin stress at soon bit songs fires a cast at sea on dear rice Fuhrer I am sending you here with the results of research on the possibility of sterilization and castration by x-rays the experiments in this field are concluded the following results have been obtained they are sure unscientific for people who have to be permanently sterilized it is necessary to apply x-ray treatments so intense that castration with all its consequences results in fact the strong doses of x-rays destroy the internal secretions of the ovaries and the testicles are like weaker doses would only suspend sexual potency temporarily the dosage can be obtained in several ways and the treatment carried out without the subject being aware of it for men the irradiation source needs a power of 500 to 600 renkins for women 350 renkins in principle with maximum intensity and a minimum breadth of the filter two minutes of exposure for men and three minutes for women should be sufficient in practice a method emerges this would be for example to summon the people to be treated to a window and have them fill in forms or answer questions thus keeping them there for two or three minutes the official seated behind the window could adjust the machine moving a lever to operate both tubes at the same time irradiation must be bilateral in this way a device with two tubes could sterilize 150 to 200 people per day and with some twenty such devices 3,000 to 4,000 per day to my knowledge no deportations of a greater number of people per day are envisaged [Applause] I was a prisoner for a year that is to say from the 2nd of August 1943 in block 10 at Auschwitz the only women's block isolated in the middle of the men's camp from the first night I had the feeling and I still have it of having been transferred to an establishment that was equally something of a hill and something of a madhouse no one could in fact know from the outside what exactly happened in there the windows were boarded up with nailed planks so that it was impossible to communicate with the outside and especially with the male prisoners our prison neighbor Don block 11 the execution block in the Court of which twice a week tens of prisoners of both sexes were shot by firing squad we were shut inside two large rooms where 400 women packed in three tiered beds were vegetating rather than living the atmosphere of anguish in which these 400 women were living was rendered even more painful by apprehension about the many surgical experiments to which they had to submit from March to July 1943 the bloc held up to 500 guinea pigs all Jewish women of diverse nationalities French Belgian Greek Slovakian Dutch etc the convoys were generally selected at once by the SS doctors as the prisoners got off the train and the chosen victims directed to the Block in question depending on their type of experiments these gentlemen did their shopping some needed married women others young girls the third group a mixture of all categories they did not know precisely the nature of the tests they were destined for but they were perfectly aware that they were going to serve as guinea pigs with the terrible certainty that once used they would be sent to the extermination camps where the crematoriums awaited them there existed in fact in block 10 some teams of scientists the main ones were those of professor Schuman professors Clauberg and gooble doctors Wirtz and Weber to cite only those I was able to see at close hand one of the most lamentable experiments was sterilization by x-rays it concerned very young girls mostly Greek delicate creatures of 16 to 18 years old the operation was not done in block ten itself they were taken to the women's camp in Birkenau where the necessary machines were professor Schumann's method consisted in first applying x-rays to the lower abdomen that is to say the internal genital organs after some of these applications and overreact to me was practiced sometimes bilateral sometimes unilateral in the latter case the second ovary was removed by another laparotomy sometime later these operations were performed by doctors who are prisoners such as dr. Samuel well known for the zeal he displayed the second person who operated was the Polish surgeon during also an internee he did an enormous number of operations and while I was in block 10 he beat the record one day by performing ten laparotomies in an afternoon every time the poor girls came back in the evening with symptoms of peritonitis they vomited incessantly and had ghastly pains and this lasted days and days weeks even months they had to lie in bed and could hardly eat many showed serious burns on the abdomen burns that needed long-term dressings it was the intestines in particular that had been affected by the rays there were deaths there were complications pleurisy prolonged endless amounts of pus the operations were accelerated more and more the parts removed placed in recipients with formalin they were taken away by the SS doctor and never heard of again [Music] in March 1943 the rumor spread that the Jews were being sterilized by x-rays I did not want to believe such atrocities but I was forced to yield to the facts when about two weeks later they announced the visit of professor Schuman I personally had the exceptional honor of being presented to him and he told me that he wished to put in our department in block 1240 prisoners being treated under him without telling us what it was about he asked me to make an observation sheet for each one of them to take their temperatures and pulses twice a day and observe the changes that they might show I observed only a slight rash on the scrotum these prisoners told me they had been taken to the women's cab there their testicles had been exposed to a machine through which an electric current was passed from the description one recognized an x-ray machine from week to week they came to get several who were taken to Auschwitz on their return they told me that sperm had been taken from them by a brutal massage of the prostate two months later they were taken back to the Auschwitz camp and when they returned after one or two weeks they told me that one testicle had been removed many of them died within a short time morally and physically exhausted they were forced to return to work which finished them those who survived were taken back two months later to Auschwitz for the second testicle to be removed these operations were performed by a Polish surgeon doctor during himself an internee in the presence of professor Schuman and an SS doctor dr. interests this surgeon operated with quite considerable brutality the patient's received a hasty local anesthetic their screams were terrible to hear often both testicles were removed at once the consequences of the operations were catastrophic hemorrhages septicemia atany of the wounds which would never heal many of these guinea pigs died quickly from the after-effects of the surgery we drive about 12 minutes in the labyrinth of barbed wire fences and enter through well-guarded doors passing from one zone to another only now do I realize the immense extent of the concentrations laga fewer those who have the possibility of seeing this for most died at the very place they have been directed to on their arrival my musings are abruptly interrupted by dr. Mengele without turning around it's not a sanatorium I'm taking you to but your living conditions will not be too bad he says the car slows down and hoots in the barbed-wire fence a reinforced door opens behind the guard we enter and in front of us is a spacious courtyard clean and covered with green grass gravel paths and the shade of fir trees would make it almost pleasant if they were not on the far side of the yard a large red brick building and the huge chimney belching out fire we are in one of the crematoriums is the room ready dr. mengele asks the SS guard who accompanies us the latter answers in the affirmative and we go there at once he enters I follow him we are in a place that has been freshly whitewashed the men of the Sonderkommando have painted this room and furnished it with objects left behind by previous convoys from here we follow a dark corridor to another room we are in a dissecting room very light with two windows and the most modern type of equipment the floor is of red concrete in the middle of the room on a concrete base stands a polished marble dissecting table equipped with several drains by the table is installed a water basin with nickel-plated taps on the wall three porcelain sinks the light green walls have been painted with oil-based paint the large mesh covered windows are fitted with green metal screens against flies and mosquitoes we leave the dissecting room and go into the next one this is the work room it contains antique style furniture and paintings in the middle of the room a large table covered with green fabric all around comfortable armchairs I count to three microscopes on the table in a corner a large bookcase full of medical books including the most recent editions another cupboard contains white coats aprons towels and rubber gloves all in all it's an exact copy of the anatomic pathology Institute of a big modern city as soon as the convoys arrived soldiers walk around the ranks in front of the wagons in search of twins and dwarves the mothers hope for preferential treatment and willingly hand over their twin children adult twins no they are interesting from the scientific point of view hoping for better conditions they come forward voluntarily it is the same for dwarves they are separated and all directed to the right they are left with their civilian clothes guards take them into huts especially allotted to them and they are treated with some consideration the food is good the bunks comfortable hygiene is possible and they are well treated they are in Block F Hut 14 from where the supervisors take them into the gypsy camp experimentation Hut this is where they undergo all the medical examinations that can be practiced on the living blood tests lumbar punctures exchanges of blood between twin brothers as well as innumerable other examinations all tiring and depressing Deena the painter from Prague does the comparative drawings of the skulls ear speculums noses mouths hands and feet of twins each drawing is classified in the file prepared for this purpose with individual characteristics added and here will also be placed the reports on the findings of the research the same process is used with dwarves these experiments in medical terms in vivo that is to say experiments conducted on a living being far from exhaust all the possibilities of research in the field of twinning they are full of deficiencies and give only insufficient results the phase of in vivo research will be followed by the most important phase in the study of twinning the comparative study of anatomical and a Natoma pathological aspects the subject here is the comparison between healthy organs and organs that function abnormally or twins diseases for this study as for all studies of anatomic pathology corpses are required since dissection is necessary for the simultaneous appraisal of abnormalities the twins must die at the same time thus they died in one of the concentrations loggers huts at Auschwitz in quarter b3 and by the hand of dr. Mengele Koenig suta 7 June 1943 - the rice fewer her Heinrich Himmler Berlin most honored rush Fuehrer today I fulfilled the duty I've taken upon myself that of keeping you informed of my research from time to time the method invented by myself for sterilizing the female organism without operating is almost completely finalized it is carried out by means of a single injection at the mouth of the uterus and can be done during an ordinary guy no logical examination known to any doctor when I say the method is almost finalized I mean one that certain improvements remain to be worked out - that it can already be used instead of our current eugenic sterilization operations and be substituted for the latter concerning the question you asked me nearly a year ago namely what would be the length of time necessary for the sterilization of about a thousand women in this way I can reply approximately today a practice doctor with the necessary installation and about ten assistants the number of these depending on the acceleration desired will in all probability be able to sterilize several hundred if not one thousand women per day professor clobbered a civilian doctor who was a gynecologist from Koenig shooter today cata Witcher in Upper Silesia reigned supreme over a group of 200 married women and concentrated his research on a special process of female sterilization aided by his health assistant SS oberscharfuhrer beening and later by his collaborator dr. Goebel a civilian he injected an opaque liquid the composition of which I don't exactly know into the uterus of these women in order to seal up the tubes as soon as these injections were finished an x-ray of the uterus and the tubes gave him a very clear picture of the extent and location of the sealing liquid injected some suffered horribly others less but they all feared these sessions tremendously these injections were repeated on the same women three four or five times within a few weeks they were most often followed by peritoneal reactions fever vomiting etc all these women naturally had total amenorrhea but it is very difficult to take this menstrual deficiency into account given that menstruation had totally disappeared among the women prisoners some women were detained longer in block 10 while others the experiments scarcely finished had to return to the Birkenau camp where they were subjected to work that quickly destroyed them many women prisoners felt in a way more protected from this horrible prospect by remaining in block ten incapable of entirely comprehending the unfathomable depths of their torturous monstrosities they trusted in the latter's words of reassurance and preferred this mode of execution which saved their lives only in appearance the head capo of the Sonderkommando comes to see me and announces that an SS soldier is waiting for me at the crematorium door with a commando of corpse transporters I go to find them they are forbidden to enter the yard I take the documents regarding these corpses from the hands of the SS the commando composed of women lays the covered stretcher in front of me I lift the blanket it conceals two little twin brothers two years old i order my men to transport the bodies and put them on the dissecting table I open the file and leaf through it exhaustive clinical tests together with x-ray photos descriptions and artist's drawings note from the scientific point of view diverse aspects of the twinning of the two little beings only the anatomic pathology observations are lacking I am given the task of doing these the two little twins died at the same time and lie side-by-side on the large dissecting table it is they who by their depth with their small bodies offered up for dissection are to solve the mystery of the multiplication of the race ss dr. Wirtz the camp's head doctor looked into the more or less inflamed cervixes for the early signs of cancerous degeneration and engaged in the excision of part of the cervix of married women after colposcopy and radiology the examination was first done in the natural state then reactants such as acetic acid and in iodized compound were applied by palpation on the vaginal portion of the cervix the parts showing a change in the mucous membrane reacted to the first palpation by turning a whitish color and remained insensitive to the second if the cases were doubtful one had to act as with confirmed cases if the examination was regarded as positive one had to proceed to a limited amputation of the vaginal portion of the cervix and reconstruct the opening with plastic surgery the parts were sent to a laboratory in Munich these operations were performed under narcosis by ewa pan and were most frequently followed by serious hemorrhages due to the flawed technique the women were really considered is nothing but cattle when the camp of Auschwitz was liberated by the Russian Army's captain Kunene head of the interpreting service gave me the job of translating into Russian five letters found in a cellar among archives these five letters came from the firm of Baier they were dated April and May 1943 first letter with a view to experimenting a soporific would it be possible for you to place at our disposal a few women and under what conditions all the formalities regarding the transfer of these women will be carried out by us second letter we acknowledge receipt of your letter considering the price of two hundred marks excessive we offer one hundred and seventy marks per subject we would need one hundred and fifty women third letter we agree to the price please therefore prepare a batch of 150 healthy women that we shall send for very shortly fourth letter we are in possession of the batch of 150 women your choice is satisfactory although the subjects have become very thin and weak we will keep you informed of the results of the experiments fifth letter the experiments have not been conclusive the subjects are dead we will write to you soon to ask you to prepare another batch dr. Mengele stands at my side for hours amid the microscopes sterilizers and test tubes or else standing hours at a time at the dissecting table in a blood-stained white coat his hands covered in blood examining and searching like one possessed the immediate objective is the multiplication of the German race the final objective being the production of pure Germans sufficiently numerous to replace the Czech Hungarian and Polish people's condemned to destruction on the territory declared a vital space of the Third Reich and temporarily inhabited by these peoples I finished dissecting the little twins and write up a dissection report according to the rules I have done my work well and it seems my chief is pleased with me he reads my handwriting in capital letters with some difficulty so I point out that if he wants clean neat reports I would need a typewriter as I am used to that he inquires about the make of machine I am used to Olympia elite I tell him very well I'm going to send you a typewriter you will receive it tomorrow I want cleaned work as it will be passed on to the berlin dalam institute of biological racial and evolution research in this way i learned that the research carried out here is controlled at the highest level of the medical profession in one of the world's most renowned scientific institutes the parts that might interest the berlin dalam Institute of anthropology have to be preserved in alcohol these are specially packed so they can be dispatched by post stamped war materiel urgent they have the benefit of fast priority transport during my activity at the crematorium I dispatched an impressive number of similar parcels I received in reply precise scientific observations or else instructions the directors of the Berlin dalam Institute always expressed their warm thanks to dr. Mengele for this precious and rare material my assistant dr. Mengele Doctor of Medicine and PhD holds the position of hafstrom Fuhrer and also of camp doctor in the Auschwitz concentration camp with the authorization of the reichsfuhrer SS are carried out on the most varied racial groups in this concentration camp the blood samples are sent to my laboratory for analysis I receive more corpses of twins four pairs are brought to me from the gypsy camp they are twins under 10 years old I have finished dissecting a pair of twins in the outer walls of the left ventricle is a small pale red spot caused by the prick of a needle hardly different from the surrounding color I can't be mistaken the prick has been done with a very fine needle I open the heart starting with the ventricle usually the blood in the left ventricle is removed with a spoon and weighed this procedure cannot be applied here as the blood has coagulated into a compact mass I stir the clot with the forceps and lift it to my nose to smell it I am struck by the characteristic odor of chloroform he has been given a chloroform injection in the heart so that the blood in the ventricle clots and forms a deposit on the valves causing instant death by cardiac arrest my knees shake for I have discovered the most monstrous secret of the medical science of the Third Reich it is not only by gas that they kill but also by chloroform injections in the heart scarcely a few days ago I was sitting with the obersturmfuhrer dr. Mengele in the work room near the table we were leafing through the files already made on the twins when on the light blue cover of a file he noticed a pale spot of grease during dissections I often handle files and this is how it came to be stained with a little grease dr. Mengele gave me a disapproving look and said in the most serious tone how can you act with such a careless way with these files that I have gathered with so much love it was the word love that had come from the lips of dr. Mengele Victoire buck was sentenced to death in 1947 at the doctor's trial nieuwenburg he was executed in 1948 Edward Vil's was arrested by the British Army at the end of the war he committed suicide in his cell in September 1945 Carl Clauberg was sentenced to 25 years imprisonment by the Soviets in 1948 thanks to the German and Soviet agreements on the repatriation of prisoners he was released in 1955 following a complaint against him he was arrested again but being ield he died before his trial in the Kiel prison hospital in Germany in 1957 hosts human practiced as a doctor under an assumed name after the war it was not until 1951 that legal action was taken against him he then fled to the Sudan where he directed the hospital then to Nigeria Libya and Ghana extradited to Germany his trial began in 1970 but he was released in 1972 on grounds of ill health he died in Frankfurt in 1983 Josef Mengele fled to Latin America thanks to the complicity he enjoyed Mengele was never captured by the different teams sent on his tail he lived in Argentina Paraguay and Brazil where he died in 1979 Baron Atma one verse well claimed in his trial to know nothing of Auschwitz or the work of Mengele he was fined 600 marks by the Frankfurt tribunal as a meat lover a fellow traveler of the Nazi Party in 1956 he became a member of the prestigious American eugenics Society and directed the Institute of human genetics of the University of Muenster in Germany and he 1968 he died in 1969 several directors of eager Farben were given prison sentences ranging from six months to six years at the Nuremberg trial the eager Farben called sodium of which the BioLab Oh toys were one of the companies was broken up in 1951 into several separate companies including buyer hashed BASF and Alfa the buyer pharmaceutical laboratories have not been prosecuted
Channel: Timeline - World History Documentaries
Views: 1,385,741
Rating: 4.6496243 out of 5
Keywords: History, Full Documentary, Documentaries, Full length Documentaries, Documentary, TV Shows - Topic, Documentary Movies - Topic, 2017 documentary, BBC documentary, Channel 4 documentary, history documentary, documentary history, doctors, josef mengele, angel of death, concentration camp, eva mozes kor, nazi experiments, holocaust memorial day, auschwitz concentration camp (film subject)
Id: WcQ37Ycx9Bg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 6sec (3186 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 12 2020
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