Angélique Kidjo - Tribute to Cesaria Evora
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Keywords: Angelique Kidjo, Tribute to Cesaria Evora, Cesaria Evora, Angola, Teofilo Chantre, Mayra Andrade, Mondomix, Festival Ile de France, mondo mix, musique du monde, Interviews artistes, afrique, africa, Africa, african artists, artistes africaines, Découvertes artistes, Discoveries artists, new world artists, Latin, Afro, Créole, Monde, World, Voyage, Travels, Reggae, Oriental, Balkans, Folk, Groove, musique Brésil, music Brazil, Festival, live performances
Id: XK9iQC9k5QI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 41sec (281 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 07 2012
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