Andy Woods - Soteriology 45: OSAS & Hebrews 10:26-39

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father we're grateful for today and we're grateful for a lot of things I'm grateful for the cool weather and I ask that you'll be with us during this time of study as we try to understand an issue that's kind of complicated so I asked it you'll be with us I ask that you'll be with us during our worship service and I do it pray for plead for the illuminating Ministry of the Spirit and if there's anything unwrite in us right now father that may be inhibiting our fellowship with you we're just going to take a couple moments and privately confess that to you or thank the Lord for the promise of first John 1:9 that if we confess our sins you're faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us of all unrighteousness and we thank you for the fellowship we have that we have with you and we claim the promise of the spirits illumination which we need today and every day and we lift these things up in Jesus name Amen alright y'all good to see everybody if you could take your Bibles and open them to Hebrews 10 beginning at verse 26 so if you're visiting for the first time let me let you know what we're doing we're doing a study of the passages that seem to deny eternal security so we've sort of laid out the positive arguments for eternal security but then we say well what about all those difficult passages that seem to go the opposite direction and there are a ton of them at least five in the book of Hebrews do y'all remember what the book of Hebrews is about Hebrews yeah good the temple and by the way if you want your husband to make coffee in the morning quote the book of Hebrews because it says Hebrews and not she brews see I've acquired these jokes over a great career and I've just got them ready to unleash at any time so that's your biblical authority well the the 8070 is around the corner which the Romans destroyed the Jewish temple and so the nation of Israel this time is under the judgment of God just hasn't been meted out yet the discipline of God might be a better term as the church is born x2 peter is trying to get under God's power Jews to come out of Judaism and into the new church so that's why he says repent which means change your mind and save yourself from this perverse generation and when you did that you went through a ritual called baptism which the book of Hebrews refers to as their confession because what is baptism but an outward symbol of a what inward reality so baptism doesn't save anybody but baptism is the confession to the world that you now are identifying with the message of Christ and the unbelieving Jews didn't like Jews doing that so they were always trying to put them under pressure to return to the institutions of Judaism and the audience had been under this persecution from these unbelieving Jews these Hebrew Christians for a long time several decades and they're being worn down the bottom of the screen I've got several verses that indicate the temple was still standing so the temptation to return to the temple is very very real so the whole book of Hebrews is really an encouragement not to lapse back into Judaism and the point of it is what you possess now in Christ is the highest revelation and the author skillfully weaves that together at that point by showing how Christ is higher than everything Old Testament Jews or Hebrews revered so Christ is higher than the Angels Christ is higher than Moses Christ is even higher than Aaron and so he's shown that Jesus is the highest form of Revelation because the Jews in the Old Testament you know receive their revelations from angels God used angels quite a bit in the Old Testament Christ is higher than Moses so therefore Christ is higher than the what the law which was very revered in Judaism and then number three Christ is higher than Aaron and who did the priesthood come from Aaron so in so doing the rider shows that Christ is higher than Aaron and in the process of making his point many times he'll interrupt his train of thought and he'll uh sure or issue I should say a severe warning and these are what are called the warning passages and this happens five times so he interrupts his train of thought he gives us severe warning if you laughs back into Judaism something Bad's gonna happen to you and then when he's finished with his warning he just goes right back on on his point developing his points so the warning passages there's five of them are the ones that are hotly debated those are the ones that people use to argue over and over again that you could lose your salvation so we've gone through the four major ways heavenly of interpreting these warning passages and the view that I'm trying to that I'm a an advocate of is view number four which is the loss of blessings view and what I think he's saying is if you go back into the institutions of Judaism he's not saying you're going to hell he's not saying you lost your salvation but what he's saying is you're depriving yourself of blessings the key one being maturity because the Old Testament can't bring you to maturity only the New Testament can so you're depriving yourselves of blessings you could have had in your Christian life if you had not drifted backwards and the paradigm of the whole book is as we've talked about the kadish Barnea incident where the jews came out of Egypt they had been there for 400 years and they got to the southern border of the Land of Israel and what did they see in the land Giants and they fell into fear so that whole generation and I've tried to document this so I'm just sort of not trying to prove anything right now I'm just summarizing where we've been that whole generation did not go to hell or else you'd have to say Moses went to hell which doesn't make any real sense because Moses is with Christ on the Mount of Transfiguration so they did not go to hell they they lost a blessing they could have had which was the Promised Land that generation and that's why back in Hebrews 3 7 through 11 you'll see the rider towards the beginning of the book making reference to that generation God was angry with that generation so that becomes the paradigm through which to filter the book of Hebrews and to interpret the warning passages so he's building a deliberate relationship parallel between the Kadish Barnea generation and the predicament that the Hebrews are in and he's saying in both cases if you drift back you forfeit something major although it doesn't refer to Hell or loss of salvation so that's just sort of review and we've been looking very carefully at these warning passages and I've been trying to show you how to understand these warning passages in light of what I just said so we look last week at the warning against drifting didn't we and then we looked last week at the warning against disobedience that's the second warning I have the Scriptures there where all the warning passages appear and even before we got into this we spent three classes or Sunday's looking at the warning against immaturity and we spent some time on that because I believe chapter six verses four through six of Hebrews is probably the hardest or most controversial passage really maybe in the whole Bible so we spent a lot of time there and we just have two other warning passages to cover but don't celebrate yet because they're not that easy chapter 10 is a difficult one so let's go oh there we go stopped here at very efficient let's go to Hebrews 10 thank you Jim for doing that Jim's associate pastor status has just taken hold and he's getting in there doing that I appreciate that Hebrews 10 unless she didn't put a gag in there a joke some people have done that to me Hebrews 10 verses 26 through 39 let's let's take a look at that Hebrews chapter 10 verses 26 through so I'm just going to read the whole thing goes about 13 14 verses and I'll come back and comment on it he says for if we go on sinning willfully after receiving the knowledge of the truth then there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins but a terrifying expectation of judgment and the fury of fire which will consume the adversaries anyone who has set aside the law of Moses dies without the mercy on the testimony of two to three witnesses how much severe punishment do you think he will deserve to him who has trampled the underfoot the Son of God has regarded the as unclean the blood of the Covenant by which he was sanctified and has insulted the spirit of grace for we know Kim who said vengeance is mine I will repay and again the Lord will judge his people it is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the Living God but remember the former days when you after being enlightened you endured great conflict of sufferings partly by being made a public spectacle through reproaches and tribulations and partly by becoming shares with those who were so treated for you showed sympathy to the prisoners and accepted joyfully the seizure of your seizures seizure rather of your property knowing that you yourselves have a better possession and a lasting one therefore do not throw away your confidence which has a great reward for you have need of endurance so that when you have done the will of God you may receive what He has promised for yet in a little while he who is coming will come and will not delay but my righteous one shall by fit shall live by faith excuse me and if he shrinks back my soul has no pleasure in him but we are not those who shrink back to destruction but of those who have the faith to the preserving of the soul so the Arminian someone who thinks you could lose your salvation believes that these verses teach and you can see why they think this because it talks about a fiery indignation talks about it's a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the Living God so the Arminian basically says well these are people who are saved but if they lapse backward they lost their salvation the reformed view comes along and basically says the book of Hebrews is written to Christians that's true but in this case the writer targets unbelievers so there's some unbelievers in the flock and what he's saying is it's a warning that if the unbelievers don't become believers like the rest of the flock that they're on their way to hell and I want to show you another possibility that for whatever reason doesn't get a lot of airtime but I think there's something very different going on here then then threats of hell loss of salvation or you never had salvation so the first thing to understand and we've already talked about this is the audience is believers and as you go through this you'll see very clearly that the audience clearly has salvation because if you look at verse 26 it says for if what we go on sinning willfully so the author by using the pronoun we is identifying with the status of his audience and then as you go dim so the author would be saved right would you agree with that so if the author is saved then the audience must be saved because he keeps saying we-we-we over and over again and then as you drop down to verses 19 through 25 he says verse 22 let us verse 24 let us if you look at verse 19 he uses the word brethren therefore brethren see these are all terms that are applicable to Christians he indicates down in verse 29 that these people have already been sanctified you'll see that at the end of verse 29 they've already been sanctified verse 32 indicates they've already been enlightened and enlightened here is salvation because he goes on and he talks about how they have lasting possessions there in verse 34 and he basically indicates in verse 35 that they're on track for a great reward in heaven so even though they're being tempted to lapse backward they haven't lapse backward yet so if you just look at this if value the basic terms he uses seem to be descriptive of believers so if that's and these believers are being tempted to lapse back into the institutions of Judaism for the simple purpose of escaping persecution that's what's going on here well if all of that is true then how in the world would I interpret verse 26 look at verse 26 for if we go on sinning willfully after receiving the knowledge of the truth there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins let me give you my shot at this what I think this is talking about when Jesus died on the cross remember the veil in the temple that's separated the holy place from the most holy place and by the way it wasn't a shower curtain Josephus in his first century Jewish historian tells us it was actually close to a foot maybe longer thick so it was a beautifully embroidered veil and what happened to that Vitt and that veil was in existence for 1,500 years going back to mosaic tabernacle days so what happened to that veil the incident Jesus died it was torn and you see that in Matthew 27 verses 50 and 51 I'm not sure if we even need to read that you probably know that verse but it's always good to read God's Word amen Matthew 27 verses 50 and 51 it says and of course I've got the wrong chapter so that wouldn't have fit very well what Matthew 27 50 and 51 I'm getting my prescription chain so I'm still struggling with my older eyeglasses okay and Jesus cried out with a loud voice and yielded up his spirit the King James says he gave up the ghost in other words he died and then the very next verse says and behold the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom and the earth shook and the rocks were split so the moment Christ died is this mosaic system lost its power this system what it what the reason God gave it is because it postponed the note of indebtedness for another year that's what it did it kicked the can down the road for another year and so Yom Kippur was a very solemn time when Aaron would enter the Holy of Holies after the sacrifice had been offered first of all for him and he would sprinkle the blood on the mercy seat and it's called the day of covering Yom meaning day Kippur meaning covering because it never really eliminated the sin problem a great debt that separates a man from God it just kicked the can down the road another year so that's why the next year they had to do the whole thing all over again if it permanently solved the problem they wouldn't have to do it the next year you see so the moment Jesus died is the moment this system was no longer needed because Christ took care of what the whole thing and that's just that's the that's the significance of the miraculous ripping of that veil the veil was no longer needed man through the shed blood of Christ can now approach God anytime they wanted as long as they came through Christ because this system was a good system but it had served its purpose and what you have to understand about this system is even though it was theologically and spiritually in impotent at this point it was still in existence the Jews continued the unbelieving Jews continued to offer up sacrifices in the temple right up to the point of time when the temple was destroyed when was the temple destroyed 70 AD now when was the veil ripped probably ad 33 so from a t-33 to 80 70 you've got the temple system still functioning it just didn't have any power you see that so this I think is the meaning of verse 26 he says if we go on sinning willfully after receiving the knowledge of the truth there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins you're going back to something that has no power to do anything for you it's just that it's just an empty husk if you will just a ritual it has no power its days are over and even the power that it had in Old Testament times to kick the can down the road even that power is now gone so I think that's the right way to understand verse 26 if we go on sinning willfully receiving a knowledge of the truth there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins and see that's what that background I just gave you is what usually isn't factored in when people interpret this verse so that would be verse 26 now look at verse 27 this is this is this is another difficult one but a terrifying expectation of judgment and the fury of fire which will consume the adversaries you see that word fire and people automatically think hell and then drop down again two verses 30 and 31 of Hebrews 10:4 we know him who said vengeance is mine I will repay and again the Lord will judge his people it is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the Living God and people automatically when they see this interpret it as hell and let me give you another option here if I could I think the meaning is not hell but if you go back to the institutions of Judaism you're going to be swept away in the fiery ordeal of AD 70 we know that Titus of Rome came in 80 70 and he set the temple on fire in fact the gold Josephus tells us melted and ooze down in between the bricks and dried there and the greedy roman soldiers to get their hands on the gold what did they do to the temple they took it apart brick by brick kind of something Jesus said would happen right over in Matthew 24 1 and 2 and what you have to understand about 80 70 it was a horrific event over a million Jews died in 80 70 that's that's one-sixth of the Holocaust you know that Adolf Hitler introduced and what Titus did when he came is he built an embankment around the city so that you you could not get out even if you wanted to get out you couldn't get out and it was too late and you were going to be killed and the Roman soldiers this is sanctity of life Sunday so it's a good time to talk about the unborn the Roman soldiers Josephus told us tore open the wombs of pregnant Jewish women and strangled the child inside of him and so it was a terrible thing and so what he is saying is if you go back to the temple you're gonna be locked into this and you may be you're gonna die and go to heaven but you're not going to be a little you're going to be one of the million or so that's gonna be killed and it's going to be a fiery indignation and God is using ad 70 just like he used the Assyrians in the Old Testament to scatter the northern kingdom just like he used the Babylonians in the Old Testament to take into captivity the remaining two tribes in the southern kingdom those were terrible terrible times and difficult times and many people lost their lives but it's not necessarily a statement about heaven or hell you can be stuck in this time of intense discipline died at the hands of Titus let's still go to heaven you cease follow what I'm getting at now take a look at the predictions of Jesus go over to Luke 19 if you could this was on Palm Sunday Jesus is riding into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday I believe he's riding into Jerusalem on the exact day that Daniel predicted he'd ride into Jerusalem in Daniel 9:25 gives us that but if you look at Luke 19 and if you take a look at verses 42 and 43 and 44 really 41 through 43 Luke 19 when he approached Jerusalem he saw the city and he wept over it and that's kind of strange why would he look at Jerusalem and weep because he understands what's happening here he understands that they're going to reject his messianic credentials and he understands what Daniel predicted in Daniel 9:26 that he himself would be cut off and inherit nothing he would not receive his kingdom which he should have received back in the first century and Daniel 9:26 says the people of the prince will come this is Daniel predicting this all the way back in the sixth century the people of the prince will come and destroy the city in the sanctuary Daniel is predicting ad 70 Jesus obviously familiar with Daniels prophecies is riding into Jerusalem and he knows what Daniel predicted he knows they're going to reject him he knows what's going to happen as a as a covenant penalty for their rejection of his Messiah and he sees 8070 happening almost four decades before it transpired and so he's weeping that's why he's weeping and then as you continue to move on in Luke 19 he begins to describe prophetically 8070 he said if you had known this day now what day the day that Daniel predicted he'd ride into Jerusalem on a donkey and proclaim his messianic credentials if you had known even in this day the things which make for peace you could have had the kingdom but now they have been hidden from your eyes and see that's a penalty that Israel is now under because of her rejection of the Messiah and this has developed many places in the New Testament Paul Romans 11 2nd Corinthians 3 and 4 that there's a there's literally a veil a spiritual veil over the eyes of the Hebrew nation I'm not saying that Jesus can't get saved today many do but that's not the majority the majority of people in the church today are not Hebrews the majority of people today in the church are Gentiles because a judicial blinding has been placed over their eyes and then he says in verse 43 for the days will come when your enemies that would be Rome will throw up a barricade against you and surround you and hem you in on every side that is when you study Josephus this first century historian who documents how these events happened that's exactly what Titus did he put a barricade around the city of Jerusalem so once he laid siege to it everybody in the region was gonna die there there literally was no way out there was no escape they will level you to the ground look at this and you're what children within you that's talking about what that grisly practice I mentioned earlier about the tearing open of the wombs of the pregnant Jewish women by the way you notice what it says here at your children within you should I say that again your children within you so that means that what's happening in the life in the womb of a mother is a child so if you assign any credibility to the Bible and I think you all do or wouldn't be here your political position automatically becomes pro-life you know God doesn't give us an option to choose what political position we want God has revealed information on this and I know that's frustrating because sometimes it's hard to find candidates that think the way we do but does that not make sense if the child within the womb of a mother is a child doesn't it stand to reason that there ought to be laws protecting that child I mean this is kind of a no-brainer right and you know we've been debating this in this country since you know for what 30 40 50 however long it's been years and this is why the letter I don't mean to get into politics so can try to control myself this is why the left hates the Bible you see that because the Bible reveals political and that's why I did that series Bible and voting not to make you one party or this party or that part I just wanted people to see that God has spoke and on a lot of different subjects and so when Marxists take over societies the first thing they want to do is they want to persecute pastors they want to push the Bible out of school and you know these are the things that we're seeing today so we're to the point now we're in a public school a teacher puts their Bible on a desk and that's illegal in some places so they've they've taken the Establishment Clause and perverted it and they've perverted it so greatly that it's destroyed the other side of the First Amendment the Free Exercise Clause but there's there's a reason why they're always trying to get rid of the Bible trash the Bible illegalized the Bible because if you think biblically you can't agree with the left on so many things all right end of political sermon and they will level you to the ground and your children within you and look at this they will not leave one stone upon another I've been to Jerusalem I'll give you the pictures sometimes I've used him before that this is literally what happened the stones were taken apart brick by brick because the Roman soldiers wanted to get the hands on their dry gold that had dried in between the stones why because you that's Israel did not recognize the time of your visitation so when Hebrews 10 is talking about the fiery indignation of God and it's a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the Living God it's talking about the events of 8070 which was a fiery indignation it never even mentions hell it never even says hell doesn't use the words for hell all the way through Hebrews 10 now something very interesting happened in church history about this time in be just prior to the events of AD 70 and we don't know this from the scripture we know it from the writings of Eusebius Eusebius wrote what's called ecclesiastical history and he is considered one of the greatest church historians of the early church and you can see when he wrote there in the 3rd century and a prophecy of some sort came to the Hebrew Christians that were living in the Jerusalem area and it was a prophecy given to tell them to get out get out of Dodge you're gonna have to escape to a place called Pella I'll show you Pella in just a second and the reason this prophecy was given is because the Holy Spirit if you if you believe what I'm saying here what a cleat Eusebius says the idea is the prophecy indicates Titus is coming he's gonna build a barricade you're not going to be able to escape if you go back to the temple you're probably are going to die in a fiery indignation although your your soul is still in the book of life you're going to heaven so I prophecy was given to the Hebrew Christians to leave Jerusalem so here's what Eusebius writes and in this day of the internet you can easily find this he says but the people of the church in Jerusalem had been commanded by a revelation vouchsafe to approved men in other words people that the early church acknowledged as prophets therefore before the war what war 80 70 actually 80 70 and the events of 87 he started as early as 80 66 so it's generally referred to as the war of AD 66 to 70 so some time before Rome really began to escalate against the nation of Israel this prophecy was given before the war to do what to leave the city what City Jerusalem and to dwell in a certain town of Perea called Pella which is east let me see yeah east of the Jordan River from the point of view of Israel and when those that believed in Christ had come thither from Jerusalem then as if the Royal City of the Jews and the whole land of Judea were entirely destitute of holy men in other words when God's people got out the judgment of God at length overtook those who had committed such outrages against Christ and the Apostles speaking of judgment there on unbelieving Israel for the rejection of the Messiah which is part of the penalties of the Mosaic Covenant you might remember that we've studied and totally destroyed the generation of em pious men so this is mentioned by Eusebius and also a pithy honest if I'm pronouncing that right records the flight of the Christians to Pella this prophecy came and said you need to leave because Titus of Rome is coming he's going to build this embankment and if you if you go back to the temple you're stuck in the fiery indignation of 8070 whereas pehla pehla was a town situated beyond the Jordan in the north of Perea within the dominions of herod agrippa ii the surrounding population was chiefly Gentile and then you see the sources where I got this from a Pliny Josephus talks a lot about Pella so what I'm trying to say is that's how I'm understanding Hebrews 10 Hebrews 10 is a warning of 8070 and I'm connecting the dots with this prophecy that was given around this time telling the nation of Israel to leave not the nation of Israel excuse me the nation of Israel is under the judgment of God telling the Hebrew Christians to leave and so this whole book is don't go back to the temple don't go back to the temple don't go back to the temple because what you have in Christ is superior but here's warning after warning after warning telling them what will happen to them if they do go back to the temple not speaking of Hell but loss of some kind of temporal blessing and right into the mix he adds by the way if you go back to the temple you're going to be locked in and there's going to be a fiery indignation and I think he is making a prediction here about the events of AD 70 it's not a statement that oh no you're gonna lose your salvation and go to hell so it's talking about the temporal discipline of God which in some cases can cause one to forfeit their life although the soul is still saved and then as you go down to verses 28 and 29 he says anyone who has set aside the law of Moses dies without mercy on the testimony of two to three witnesses verse 29 how much more severe punishment do you think he will deserve who has and he named some sins here trample the son of God underfoot regarded as unclean the blood of the Covenant by which he was sanctified and has insulted the spirit of grace now do you remember the argument that's being used here all the way through Hebrews it's called a what in Latin off for Shiori argument which is an argument from the what lesser to the greater and he uses that style of argumentation all the way through the book and what he's saying is if violating the mosaic code brought death if someone saw you committing a capital crime you could be put to death on the authority of two to three witnesses that's by the way Deuteronomy 17 4 through 7 if you're interested how much more could the Hebrews expect to be swept away in AD 70 for departing from not the incomplete revelation of Christ but the what the full revelation in other words if God punished people for violating his revelation in the Old Testament which was incomplete now that you have the complete package how do you think you can escape the disciplined hand of God if you a pasta size from the complete revelation or the full revelation of Christ so you're going to be stuck 80 70 is going to happen and you could forfeit your life which is very severe but the hell it does not necessarily refer to the fires of hell a person can die in 80 70 and they're their soul can still go to heaven and by the way if you capitulate to persecution and reject your baptism and go back to Judaism what in essence have you done you have number one trampled underfoot the Son of God you have number two regarded as unclean the blood of the Covenant by which you've already been sanctified and you have number three insulted the spirit of grace so the very act of publicly going backwards into Judaism is akin to number one trampling the Son of God underfoot number two treating the blood of the New Covenant as a common thing just acting like it's no big deal and number three insulting the spirit of grace now why the harsh terminology because you are publicly identifying with the nation that rejected Jesus see that your baptism you're saved by faith that your baptism was a public statement that Israel was wrong in rejecting Christ and the church is right now you're being persecuted to come back to Judaism you're being tempted to do it and when you do that you're publicly you're making a public statement whether you recognize it or not and this is why the unbelieving Jews pressured these people to come back your publicly saying that Israel was right and what they did and the church was wrong the the greatest sham of justice judicially in the history of the legal system in my opinion you know we talked about sham trials today kangaroo courts I mean the whole trials particularly the Jewish trials of Jesus or a total joke they they broke every rule in the book and if they didn't break what was in the Old Testament which they did they broke all their traditions and I've done teachings on that here and so if you go back into that system you may be saved and you may be going to heaven but you are making a public statement that Israel had it right and the church has it wrong and is it not possible for the New Testament to grieve the spirit I mean we're told not to do that right in Ephesians 4 towards the end of the chapter so if a Christian can grieve the spirit a Christian through his public actions or her public actions can insult the spirit and you're just treating the precious blood of Christ as if it's just some common thing that that's what you're actually you know what's the statement actions are louder than words that's that's what your actions communicate so he reminds them that they don't have to do this because he says you've been under persecution before and you've stayed with the truth verses 32 through 36 and also verse 39 and then he gives a exhortation from the book of Habakkuk do you guys know there's a prophet in your Bible called Habakkuk how many of you did your devotional reading this morning out of Habakkuk Richard did his hand was up he he quotes here Habakkuk it which says for in a very little while he who is coming will come and will not delay but my righteous one shall live by faith and if he shrinks back my soul has no pleasure in him so Habakkuk is a prophet that prophesied just prior to the Babylonian deportation it was a done deal Israel is going to go into captivity and so God raised up Habakkuk just to tell the Hebrews that are going through this difficult time that the just does it say she'll be saved by faith doesn't say that does it shall live by faith it's a done deal you're going through troubled times so you got to just keep trusting me and this is what God is saying and that's why Habakkuk is quoted here because you're being pressured to go back to Judaism but you need to just trust the Lord and not do it so that you don't forfeit blessings and you're not swept away into the events of 80 70 just so you people don't think I'm completely insane I want to show you I won't read the whole thing there's three Chara slides here but arnold fruchtenbaum holds the exact same view I would say he holds my view but I think I hold his view but you can read through these quotes on your own it you have them in your notes it's from his Israel ology but he says the nature of judgment is threefold physical death look at this the ad 70 judgment being the time of death and then the loss of rewards so he's not interpreting this the way a Calvinist would interpret it these are unsaved people he's not interpreting it the way and our minion would interpret it these are people that lost their salvation he's interpreting it as a temporal judgment which doesn't send a soul to hell but it can be very severe and I've already described you know the severity you know of 80 70 so all of this to say this is not a loss of salvation passage Hebrews 10 although it's typically interpreted that way now let me show you one more baby passage little passage and I could do this faster and then we'll stop look at the last warning passage Hebrews 12 verses 25 through 29 which is the warning against this is the last warning so we've gone through every warning passage this is the warning against denying the truth says see to it that you do not refuse him who is speaking for those did not escape when they refused him who warned them on earth much less will escape who turn away from him who warns from heaven and his voice shook the earth but now he has promised saying yet once more I shake not only the earth but also heaven and then verse 27 this expression yet once more denotes the removing of those things which can be shaken as of created things so that these things which cannot be shaken may remain therefore since we receive a kingdom which cannot be what shaken let us show gratitude by which we may offer to God an acceptable service with reverence and awe for our God is a consuming fire in verse 25 you see again the off force Shiori argument from the lesser to the greater when he says see to it that you do not refuse him who is speaking for if they did not escape when they refused him who warned them how much less will we escape so if those that had the mosaic earthly voice did not escape judgment in the Old Testament did not God deal very severely with those who heard his earthly voice you got Aaron they're building the golden calf in fact he claimed he never built it I just threw all this metal in the fire and this calf popped out you know it's kind of like these kids I used to be a substitute teacher and I watched this kid you know take a frisbee on a field trip and throw it in a lake so I was an eyewitness I saw it happen he didn't see me looking at him and I went and confronted this kid I said hey what happened you know did you what happened to the frisbee and honest to god this is what this kid said he said the lake took it I mean that's kind of how we are right we don't we never want to take responsibility for our actions so I threw this medal into this fire and this golden calf popped out kind of thing and God almost wiped out everybody in the nation because of that except for Moses and it had it not been for Moses interceding the whole nation would have been destroyed other than Moses and God would have just started all over again which God is pretty good at doing isn't he he's good at getting rid of one generation and starting over with just some faithful people so if those that had the mosaic earthly voice did not escape his judgment how much more can with the Hebrews escape the discipline hand of God this has to be divine discipline because what is Hebrews 12 5 through 13 say whom the Lord loves the Lord what Jason's this is not a hell context this is a discipline context so if the Hebrews never escape God's disciplinary hand by rebelling against a partial revelation if you reject the full revelation how how in the world do you think as a Hebrew Christian that you're going to escape the Disciplinary hand of God now you go down to verses 26 27 29 and this is where people think again this is talking about Hell it says and his voice shook the earth but now he has promised yet once more I will shake not only the earth but also of heaven verse 27 this expression once more denotes the removing of things which cannot be shaken as of created things so that those things which cannot be shaken remain and then down in verse 29 for our God is a consuming fire I'm interpreting those verses the same way I interpreted Hebrews 10 I believe this is not speaking of Hell I believe this is speaking of 8070 and what he is saying is the very thing that you are retreating back into which is the temple and what you have to understand about the Jewish mind is they never thought the temple would ever be destroyed even the first temple that Solomon built they never envisioned a day that it would be destroyed and it was destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar and then under the days of Ezra when they returned into the land and rebuilt the temple and it became beautified they never thought it would be destroyed and yet what is being predicted here is the very thing that you think is your good luck charm the very thing that you think is your security blanket is about to be wiped out and I think he's alluding to the prophecies that Jesus made or the temples gonna be torn apart brick by brick you know in a fiery indignation I don't know if that's people telling me to end the Sunday School lesson or what but my lights just went out here and that's why he quotes Deuteronomy for 24 and Haggai to six he's applying those verses that really speak of endtime judgment to the shaking that God is going to allow to happen with the destruction of the temple by contrast what are the Hebrews going to receive therefore since we receive a kingdom which cannot be what shaken why are you going back to that old system that's first of all defunct and can't do anything for you and secondly is about to be destroyed don't you understand that you are inheritors of a coming kingdom that Daniel spoke of with the stone cut without human hands remember Daniel 2 which strikes the feet of the statue and destroys the kingdoms of man and grows and grows and grows to fulfill the earth why are you going back to this the system that's about to be wiped out within your lifetime why don't you live for what you have which is the fact that you are inheritors of a coming Kingdom so once again I've just given you a interpretation of this that has nothing to do with loss of salvation or hell and you know people are like this I have their good luck I remember when I used to be a courier one time I got in a guy's car for whatever reason he had to take me somewhere and he had those at the front of the car those fuzzy gambling dice from Vegas he had him hanging from his front mirror and then I looked in the back of the car and he had a statue of the Virgin Mary and I finally said to this guy did these to contradict or what I mean you've got gambling up here she cut the Virgin Mary in the back and he said well I I just want to have both ends covered I got the gambling side covered and if I need religion I got that covered too so people are like that they have these good luck charms and that's what Israel was with the temples like a good luck charm and so the Jews were always tempted to go back to it and and the author of Hebrews saying the whole thing is about ready to be wiped out I mean isn't it foolish to build your hope on these silly good luck charms in the car when you have an unshakable Kingdom that you're an inheritor of so he's just trying to get them to see the foolishness of their decision so we finished Hebrews the warning passages and so I've tried to show you that that book does not deny eternal security and we'll we'll be finishing this series I think pretty quick of course I said that three months ago but we just have a few more verses to cover in the general epistles okay I'll stop talking at this point you you
Channel: Andy Woods' Unofficial Channel
Views: 1,458
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: andy woods, osas, once saved, always saved, eternal security, hebrews, 10, 10:26, soteriology, sin, wilful, wilfully, received, knowledge, truth, remaineth, remains, no more, sacrifice, fearful, looking, judgment, fiery, indignation, devour, adversaries, trodden, under, foot, blood, Son, God, Christ, Jesus, sorer, punishment, counted, unholy, despite, Spirit, grace, perdition, reward, cast, away, castaway
Id: jBt6HLhERSo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 36sec (3396 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2019
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