Andy Grammer - "Don't Give Up On Me" [Official Video from the Five Feet Apart Film]
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Views: 68,337,154
Rating: 4.955111 out of 5
Keywords: andy, grammer, grammar, pop, music, songwiter, five feet apart, cole sprouse, hailey lu richardson, sprouse, music video, five feet apart trailer, don't give up, don't give up on me, new music, new video, five feet apart movie, five feet apart film, andy grammer video, andy grammer song, I'm not giving up, song in five feet apart, justin baldoni, five feet apart music, five feet apart soundtrack, andy grammer new musiv video, music video premiere, andy grammer, cbs films
Id: ouEezpuPc3A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 36sec (216 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 21 2019
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thank you for sharing. Made me cry. Also, powerful movie.. live every day like it is your last is the motto I have discovered for myself. It is something many people (myself included) often just say they do, but my infidelity clearly shows I did not. In fact, I was running and hiding from true deep feelings and a wholehearted life. Since then, "living every day like it is the last" has an entirely different meaning and feel to it.
Wish you all lots of strength to be brave, each and every day!