Andy Goldsworthy - Earth Artist and his Process

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Andy Goldsworthy a British sculptor renowned in his field that creates temporary landscape art installations at his sticks stones and anything and everything else that he finds outside much of golds were these land art is transient and ephemeral leading many to view it as a comment on the Earth's fragility but for Goldsworthy the picture is more complicated there's two different ways of looking at the world you can walk on the path I can walk through the hedge and I think that's the beauty of art that it just makes you step aside off the normal way of walking or looking [Music] now Here I am working with the stone grinding them down and I spend all this time several hours making a little pile of a pigment that I will make into a ball and throw into the river gambia splash and that's just an instant in that cycle of stone as it goes through its process of solidification and I think it's a it's one of the it's a little memory in the life of the stone but very much in the spirit of that the in the nature of stone [Music] [Music] when I make a work I often take it to the very edge of its collapse and that's a very beautiful balance ha oops [Music] [Music] [Music] just the idea of trying to understand color the color of things what is there what colors of that is very important it said just find that the the most intense red or the black or the yellow or the green and concentrated into these patches these are just examinations of what cut what colors are there because I see the work welding color I mean black and white photographs look look great but actually the point about my art is that I learn through what I'm making I go to nature not to to impose things upon it but to feed from it to try and understand what is going on and color is a very important part of that to try and understand the nature of color what color means water is is very important to color it is a way of activating color and releasing color bringing it to life and a leaf is many different colors depending upon where it is placed and in which light and in which circumstances it is used and finding the right place to extract color to draw out that color to generate that energies is important as finding the material the human presence is always there in what I make I'm not trying to mimic nature and they are the things that I make are by me I hope they are sensitive to the materials in the place and my body is a part of that and I will often use my hands and my body to make the work trying to get beyond the the object is very important to me that it's not they're not just objects that I'm making but they are it's an atmosphere it's it's a space it's a place that I'm trying to understand for most of the time I use whatever he's around normally I don't know even what I'm going to make that day oh they go out the day starts it starts by picking up leaves a difference of response to the weather the light and I will use thorns or spits rather than glue not because I'm trying to play the primitive but but that's the best way to make the worst and I love that idea of finding not just the material but the means to work the material from the place there's a huge sense of freedom about that you know as Brancusi said about photography white-white talked about sculpture when i can photograph it and it it is it is a language to talk about your culture there will always be it's not intended to be replace the sculpture and it's not the sculptures not be made for the photograph but the photograph is a very important result of the work and it's the way I look at it through photography it's the way I I look at what I've made in the past and can see the links we've come between various things it is a language it's my own language as well as well as the language that I can use to talk with you about it too [Music] I think a good work is a moment of understanding and clarity in a very chaotic situation like a shaft of light that is penetrating you for a moment it's very clear [Music] you
Channel: Caitlin Sheridan
Views: 76,785
Rating: 4.8370042 out of 5
Keywords: Andy Goldsworthy, earth artist, earth art, documentary, short film, artistic process, sculptor, photographer
Id: sngXz55b4bc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 40sec (520 seconds)
Published: Tue May 19 2020
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