Android Jetpack: Improve your app's architecture

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[ROCKET BLAST] LYLA FUJIWARA: Android Jetpack is a set of libraries and guidance for modern Android development. Now, there are four categories that make up Jetpack. This video is all about architecture. Here are the architecture component libraries. These libraries work great on their own, but they're also built with each other in mind and can fit together like puzzle pieces. The documentation contains a guide to app architecture, which shows one way that these puzzle pieces can combine to create a testable and maintainable app. This architecture revolves around the following principles-- the separation of concerns, loose coupling, the observer pattern, and inversion of control. OK. Let's go ahead and start at the bottom. Room is a SQLite object mapping library. It gives us annotations to generate boilerplate code for you. You declare your SQLite tables using entity objects. Entity objects are just simple objects with a few annotations. For example, I can take this class representing a user, and after I add a few annotations, it becomes a representation for this SQLite table schema. When defining the operations you perform on your database, you essentially write annotated SQL statements. This is where Room's object-mapping capabilities come in. You can put entity objects directly into your Room database, or have your database return entities. No conversion or intermediates are needed. Compile time checking is also included. So if you mess up your SQLite queries, Room lets you know right away. Room also supports observable queries-- including RXJava flowables; lists, optionals, and Guava classes; migration between schemas; and testing. Another fundamental part of any data layer is threading and background work. To make sense of background work in modern Android development, we've created the guide to background processing, which includes this handy table. You'll notice that there is this new library here, WorkManager. The WorkManager library provides a unified API for deferrable, one-off, or recurring background tasks that need guaranteed execution. The background tasks are work request objects. With WorkManager, you can build a complex processing and upload flow like this using chains of work requests. As part of the chain, you can define the output of one work request as the input of another work request. You can also set conditions on when the work request should run. WorkManager then performs the work requests in the order that you specified while also taking care of compatibility issues and best practices for battery and system health. As part of guaranteed execution, WorkManager handles continuing your work across device restarts and if your process is force stopped. Finally, WorkManager can return the state of the work request so that you can represent this state in your UI. OK. Let's go ahead and take a look at the Lifecycle libraries. The classes in this library help with Android Lifecycle management, specifically with avoiding memory leaks when updating your app's UI. Here is one example. Have you ever rotated a device and had the app crash or lose data? Well, adding a ViewModel can help fix this. Unlike activity objects, a ViewModel object isn't destroyed when the device configuration changes, such as when the screen is rotated. This property of ViewModel makes it a good, stable place to put all of your UI data. The ViewModel usually contains another Lifecycle object, LiveData. LiveData is built for easy communication between the UI and deeper layers of your app's architecture. LiveData is an observable data holder for data that is meant to be shown on screen. Basically, it'll wrap around an object, like this user object over here, and allow the UI to automatically update whenever properties of the user object change. LiveData is also Lifecycle aware. This means a LiveData object only tells the UI to update if the UI's Lifecycle state is in the correct state. For example, if your activity is not on screen, then the LiveData will not trigger updates. Also, if the activity gets destroyed, then this observation connection is cleaned up for you automatically. So as your data changes, you never accidentally trigger an activity or fragment that is offscreen or destroyed to redraw itself. The Lifecycle libraries include other powerful features. For example, LiveData supports transformations. As mentioned before, Room can return LiveData objects, which allows your UI to observe objects in the database. ViewModels and LiveData also now support data binding. You can bind these classes to an element in your app's XML layout definition. That lets you get rid of all of this boilerplate code. The Lifecycle's library also contains classes and interfaces for querying and observing UI Lifecycle states. The Paging Library integrates directly with Room and LiveData. Now, there's a common situation where you have a lot of data that you want to load in small, manageable chunks. The Paging Library is built exactly for this use case, and it avoids tricky SQLite cursor performance issues. The library offers the following features. It allows you to define the data sources that you're going to use, be it data from the network, a database, or another data source of your choice. It works out of the box with Room and RecyclerView. It supports lists of any size, including lists of infinite length. It leverages LiveData to update your UI as more data is loaded, and it has support for RxJava. Finally, there's the Navigation Library. The Navigation Library and Tooling simplify implementation of complex, but common navigation requirements and help you visualize your app's navigation graph. Now, for trivial apps, navigation might seem simple, but when you add things like fragment transactions, the need to implement proper back and up behavior, support deep linking, add a bottom bar, and include animations between screens, let's just say that things get a little bit messy. The Navigation Library simplifies all of this. Now, the basic building blocks for navigation are called destinations. Destinations are specific screens you can go to. There's out-of-the-box support for fragments and activities as destinations, but you can also make your own. The new guide to navigation encourages you to have activities as entry points for your app. They also contain global navigation, such as the spot of nav. Now, in comparison, fragments will be the actual destination-specific layouts. This UI structure allows you to share an activity ViewModel between all of the fragments associated with that activity. As the user navigates from fragment to fragment, you don't need to serialize that shared data. The new navigation editor in Android Studio enables you to quickly specify destinations and visualize your app's navigation architecture. The connections here show the possible navigation paths between each destination. This generates XML, which you can edit by hand. The library uses this new navigation graph resource and a new nav control object to move your user through your app. Now, this is just scratching the surface of the proverbial iceberg that is the architecture components in Jetpack. Hopefully, some or maybe all of these libraries piqued your interest. To learn more, we've got DevBytes for all of the stable components. We also have Codelabs for each component, and, of course, thorough documentation. Now, if you find yourself left with questions, we've also got StackOverflow tags and an issue tracker. Or you know, you can yell at me on Twitter. Actually, don't yell at me on Twitter. Happy coding. [ROCKET BLAST]
Channel: Android Developers
Views: 108,306
Rating: 4.9132733 out of 5
Keywords: android jetpack, architecture components, android jetpack architecture components, room, livedata, viewmodel, paging, workmanager, navigation, android lifecycle, architecture components guide, how to use android architecture components, android codelabs, new in android, android at IO, IO 2018, Google IO, android developers, mobile developers, google developers, devtools, dev tips, dev updates, improve your app's architecture, app architecture, GDS: Yes;
Id: 7p22cSzniBM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 24sec (444 seconds)
Published: Mon May 14 2018
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