Andrew Tate's Guide to Building an Unbreakable Circle of Influence

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I think we're here to struggle and to learn I don't think we're here to be happy that's why when we keep going back to the Happy argument I've always found that kind of frustrating and annoying and someone goes oh but I want to be happy why why like I why do you want to sit there and laugh like like you you were happy your entire childhood that's your happy days you're allowed to be happy as a kid it's all over now right you you're a man your responsibilities I think we're here to do important yeah Pro provide protect and we're also here to do important things and important things are going to be difficult and they're going to be hard and you're going to get frustrated but that's what gives you purpose I see anyone who's chasing happiness I think that's a very feminine frame I understand why some women just want to be happy I think I don't know the how it feels to be a girl cuz I'm not one but in my experience I know women who just want to be happy Girls Just Want to Have Fun fine but you're a man right and if you're a man then it's absolutely anly different experience of life I I think we're here to struggle I think we're here to endure pain I think we're here to just see how hard we are to kill I think that going through terrible things and living through them and and coming out the other side is one of the most fantastic things about being human uh I think that it's it's almost like once you understand what life is really about there's no emotion which isn't enjoyable the only emotion that the only emotional state which can be seen as detrimental is feeling nothing at all but if you're sitting at home and you're feeling truly heartbroken at least you're feeling something right and and and I think that's the whole part of Being Human I don't because if you don't struggle you don't learn God created us to learn and understand ourselves and understand other people and understand the world and what did I say earlier I said that you don't learn a lesson or you don't appreciate something without without pain so you have to struggle to learn anything there's only two ways to learn things the hard way or the harder way I've had a very certainly difficult life I don't consider any of the mental stress of this recent Matrix attack anywhere near comparable to the physical altercations and and things that have happened to me but the reason the reason I'm the luckiest man on Earth is because God has given me endless building blocks to build a superhero he's given me endless power he's given me endless motivation what did we say yeah he's given me endless I have endless sources of power I can sit here right now and recall events that will prevent me from sleeping for 2 to 3 days that gives me a superpower that other men do not have they want to go to sleep they're tired I I can stop being tired for for days at a time I can just have a thought I can remember I can sit close my eyes and use the power of my brain to vividly remember events and I will not sleep for days but I I never take anything I've never taken anything and I say that God is my witness so I just train hard and I I only train for maybe 45 minutes to an hour each day every single morning so on the first things I do uh I wake up and I train and what's amazing is I never feel like doing it I never I never want to do it I wake up and I have work to do my phone's going off I got a busy day I have to do stuff I I I'm in a big mansion there's a Lambo outside there's a nice pool there's three chicks and bikinis chilling they're like hey breakfast is ready I'm like no no no no I'm going to train and I don't want to but I still do it because that's the part of being a man is doing what you don't want to do also I don't think God rewards it ignorance and I don't think most people out here are ignorant I don't think most but I'll say this now I don't think most people out here are ignorant I think that most people out here are cowards and they choose to be ignorant yeah I think they choose to beant because they're cowards they pretend there's no battle they pretend there's no fight because they're too scared to fight so how do you make women respect you well first you have to be worthy of respect as an individual there's no hack if you're worthy of respect you're worthy of respect but secondly you cannot allow blatant disrespect so if you allow her to blatantly disrespect you and you tolerate that then you're setting a precedent which means why would I respect this guy in the first place I say this to guys all the time I've had loads of guys who come to me for like coaching and stuff and they say you know my woman doesn't respect me da d d and I say look it's much harder to fix something that's broken than just never let it go wrong in the first place from the second you got together you should have been a man sit with a girl and very politely say look if we're going to be in a relationship if I'm going to take you seriously you're not going to have male friends if you want to hang around with a whole bunch of men then I'm not going to take you seriously what do you mean you won't take me seriously I'm not going to be I'm never going to look at you as serious material so the the idea the decision is on you if you want to be serious you're not going to talk to those guys and I lay on them now if they choose to keep all their male friends then that means she's chosen new friendships over me which means sooner or later she was going to cheat anyway like so why would I even be upset about it but most men are too scared to just put the ultimatum down and not you haven't got to put the ultimatum down in some scary big scash way just be clear look any woman I'm with who I take seriously doesn't hang around with other men Five People You spend the most time with that's what you're going to end up like they say yeah that's true and then they continue to hang around with people who they don't want to be why you have there has to be a point there has to be a point where you sit and go okay you're my friends etc etc I love you guys yeah we can talk whatever but I'm on a different life path you have to leave some people behind you wouldn't want to be if you were to come hang out with me and you in a room with me and my five friends you'd feel you'd feel self-conscious you're right you don't feel self with your friends if you were to come hang around with me and my crew you would be self-conscious and that self-consciousness would motivate you or they would certainly instill the discipline required for you to change you don't feel self-conscious amongst your peers that's why you don't change if you were to get in a room and you're the only person who ain't monster you'd want to become a monster that's life that's Humanity so I say this to people all the time if you know you're the sum of the five people you hang around with why you hang around people you don't want to be
Channel: Niko
Views: 7,932
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Motivation, Quotes, Gospel, Sports, Gym, Motivational Quotes, Inspiration, Positivity, Basketball, Shorts, Views, Life, Goals, Dreams
Id: nB2eVimB0oI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 13sec (313 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 30 2023
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