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why I am the way I am how I became the most formidable man on the planet how I became the top G and tell the story of how I am actually the second top G because my father was the original top G and I've lived in his footsteps and done my best to make him proud and I still do that to this day I discussed on the Patrick David podcast that I live in a way that is true to my heart and true to my last name and even when nobody is around I do not sell my soul that is why I have not sold my soul to YouTube I've not sold my soul to the Matrix I do not say what they want me to say I say what I truly believe and I say what I think is good for the world I have not completely cowered out I've not taken money and and decided you know what I'll keep my YouTube and take the money and just say what I'm supposed to like Logan Paul I don't sell crypto scams I'm not trying to pump and dump on anybody I'm lit truly living out here with a pure heart and people who know Tate and know the Tate brand and believe in me are only going to benefit the number one goal I have is for all of my fans to live fantastic lives I want you to be strong I want you to have a woman who loves you I want you to be happy I want you to live a fantastic life I want you to be rich and I want you to say I'm a tate fan I listen to take this is how I got here if you listen to the other people on the internet they're not going to give you those things I want my fans to be winning so you have a choice you can either be a tate fan and be winning or you can be a fan of the Matrix and be depressed and sad like everybody else and one more thing I want to make very clear to the world I got asked recently someone come up to me on the street and they said why are you doing this you have money you can just disappear girls Drive super cars go on Yachts it's it's almost it's midnight here I just jumped on a jet back I've got [ __ ] to do why am I with all my money and times taking time out of my life to try and help other people and teach other people and it's a good question I understand why he asked it because like a lot of people in my position would just vanish they don't want to make enemies they don't want to upset the Matrix they want to keep their Instagram accounts we want to keep girls and and all that dumb [ __ ] but [Music] I've always had an enemy in my entire life I was always fighting against something whether it was an opponent or even being broke I was fighting against being poor I've always lived life waking up every day feeling like I Had An Enemy at the Gate and that's the only way I feel comfortable and now the new enemy is the Matrix and the New World Order and it is my imperative to just speak the truth and do my best to make God happy with me and my ancestors happy with me including my father by standing up for what I believe is truly right and that's why I do the things I do all of you at home know this perhaps I'm on the front line and I'm taking the most Flack and it may look like I'm the guy who's going through the most crap right now that's fine but we are all in this battle together you are either in this battle against the Matrix because once you have your life together once you're truly happy and you're truly strong and your finances are strong and you think for yourself once you resist the slave mind you're automatically Against The Matrix so your choices are either to resist the slave mind and join the battle as the resistance like you people are or accept the slave mind but then the battle is different the battle isn't against the Matrix anymore then the battle is against yourself you're fighting against your own weight you're fighting with your wife who doesn't love you anymore you're fighting with your own depression you're going to have to fight you either fight against yourself and your unhappiness because you have caved to The Matrix and is programming or you resist the slave mind enjoy the resistance this fight is not going anywhere for anybody it is here to stay and is going to stay for the entirety of our lives and you need to make a choice the reason I am fighting is because I don't want the other side I refuse to say things I don't believe I refuse to cower and [ __ ] and let my mind be poisoned I refuse now yes I'm charging first in front of the in front of my Army into battle yes I'm gonna take a lot of flack to do that but I don't see any other choice and that's why I'm here and I'm doing these things so we're gonna talk about my father in the origins they're one of the reasons I want to do this also is I mentioned him a lot but I love the idea of one day perhaps in 50 years from now one of my sons doing a stream about me telling the things I used to say and how I had an impact on the world uh think about how the world is going to be in 50 years when they say remember when top G first came and he's the reason I got rich and he's the reason I went to the gym and they tried to ban him but they couldn't the story of of top G and the story of me is gonna be a long and very very interesting one we're at the very beginning we're at stage one of a three-stage plan but I want to explain to you how I all became top G and and where I learned the things I learned so we're going to start the absolute beginning so I have the same name as my father my name is Emory Andrew Tate my father was Emery Andrew Tate also I'm named after him and I was built to live in His image I understood a lot of basic tenets and a lot of basic things about the world for a very long time I understood that physicality is important it's the bottom line It's the final decider it's actually kind of interesting that a lot of these Tech Guys and tech people they pretend physicality doesn't matter and they make all this money and they own Facebook and Amazon and whatever but eventually they end up doing MMA like Zuckerberg we're taking testosterone replacement like Jeff Bezos he gets to a point where you finally must accept the reality that your physicality and your mentality as a man are linked and you cannot be happy and strong in your mind if you are weak in your body you need to have a strong body to have a strong mind as a man there's no way to escape it and that's one of the reasons why I preach so much about training learning to fight get in the gym get bigger get stronger you will fix your mind if you fix your body you should be as strong as you possibly can so I always understood things intimately for a very from a very young age I knew that it's not either or we don't have to only have strength or only have mental capability you can certainly have both and that's the world I've enjoyed and that's how I've managed to conquer the entire planet with relative ease I may add because I am a warrior and a scholar and most people barely can pull off being one [Music] foreign
Channel: RealStoicMind
Views: 26,728
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivation, motivationalspeech, discipline, mentally, motivational, uplifting, Andrew Tate, inspirationalquotes, motivationalquotes, lifelessons, dailyinspiration, personalgrowth, positivevibes, findyourpurpose, embracechallenges, inspiration, quotes, success, positivity, goalsetting, mindset, selfimprovement, selfdevelopment, inspiring, personaldevelopment, achievegreatness, dreambig, staymotivated, lifecoach
Id: t9fZliERvW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 25sec (385 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 03 2023
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