Andrea Eye Doctor & Glasses Adventure

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is it going to hurt nah you won't feel a thing don't worry about it doctor I think my eyes are okay are you sure yep I don't need them my eyes are healthy Andrea I'm I'm over here oh okay Andrea what letter is this two what letter is this Z no we we'll do another test I'll need you to match the images on these cups for example I'll take Mario and I'll stack it with the other Mario easy peasy mhm oh no well what's my results can you read this for me you need glasses a but glasses will look silly on me why what don't worry about it glasses are cool Andrea trust me now don't tell me these light up frames aren't cool awesome uh pass okay what about you got to love this one get it try on I'm not loving it okay oh how's about these ones they say perfectly secure you pick one oh okay awesome you look fantastic I don't know good morning class we're going to have a pop quiz today Pop Quiz Andrea I thought you got glasses yeah I don't really need them okay Wendy what number is 1,723 you get a star ooh nice okay Andrea for a star what number is [Music] that boo boo wait no try again I'm sorry Andrea you get no stars Wendy do you want to take a try oh that's easy 300 I thought it was a [Music] word oh it is 300 you have nice glasses Andrea thanks are you embarrassed for having them on no don't worry about how you look glasses are awesome teacher can I sharpen my pencil you may thanks for asking thank you this is the pencil oh no this pencil is really tough this wasn't the pencil it's time to have some free fun time Andrea let's play that game over there okay yay perfect [Music] score you were so close try again oh man maybe you think you need your glasses don't need my glasses I'm done okay all right next up connect the dots okay show me what you connected oh I think said a Andrea what is that I don't know okay okay okay let's try again uh I don't know what I'm doing done teacher Andrea uh look at what when you did it's a it's a star oops Andrea just put on your glasses it's okay okay star C all right this is so much better Andrea you've improved so much just by wearing your glasses yeah and you look great when your glasses really with that I think you can do this one Andrea okay uh is this right wa this is impressive good job Andrea thanks file run go go go h h h come on Andrea how come there's two what do you mean there's two okay go go go huh you can do it a it's okay you can try again Andrea where's your [Music] glasses there you go yay way to go Andrea Eric are you sleeping yes Auntie h okay sh she's [Music] gone uhoh I will be taking this now please go to sleep good night good night [Applause] Auntie oh she's gone this book is so [Music] funny oh no huh what happened are you okay my eyes hurt and the dry H let's go to the doctor come on let's go Eric can you please read this letter that's the letter e all right Eric now please read line nine uh q e f Eric how many fingers am I holding up here uh one is it two Eric if you don't stop stop your eyes will go blurry okay I will stop remember to always read with the lights on Eric okay on to you let's [Music] go hey also too much iPad is bad oh okay nice I like this video yeah he you two are too close to the TV carful for your eyes you have to be 8 ft away please stay behind 8 ft okay [Music] Auntie good job thank you Auntie hey Eric it's the weekend so we can stay up and watch TV yeah wo TV time oh yeah [Music] stay up late wake up lack of sleep is bad for your eyes you kids need to learn the hard way with bad eyesight go do your morning routine get going this is hard [Music] [Laughter] yeah wo this is really hard where's the bowl it's so hard without my eyesight this is really hard I don't even know if these are my clothes are not our eyes are really important yeah yes they are you should always take good care of them Auntie can you tell us more about what causes bad eyes absolutely wo why is it so dark yeah and here we have is Uncle Tim playing video games in the dark why are my eyes so dry oh maybe the light will help it's too bright what's happening that is because he's been playing in the dark for too long it makes his eye sensitive to the light oh no I don't like that yep I'm not playing in the dark anymore what's going on huh everything's so blurry oh no also two much screen time can make your eyes go blurry oh that's not good not good at all my head hi headaches it is a symptom of straightening his eyes like dryness light sensitivity and red irritated eyes Okay kids so what did we learn today don't play in the dark and sleep early good job [Applause] [Music] kids I understand now thank you Auntie good job Eric do you still want to watch TV no thank you jany too much green time is bad yeah you're right let's go outside and play yeah huh where did this spider come from sorry Alex Terry probably just needed some exercise okay just keep that in your room oh okay bye Alex maybe I can distract my mind with something else huh what's this awesome wow Wendy oh they must like you Alex I don't like them why well what a nice day hey you want to have a dance battle huh go away go away my danc hey I think we lost him yeah you lost the dce battle so you see I don't like bugs or dance battles did you know there's over 100,000 species of flies therefore in conclusion I do not like bugs oh okay bye bye for sure if I clean my room there won't be any bugs huh more bugs H another bug what another last [Music] piece E I don't like B Lisa har huh where you going we're not watching here they don't seem to be here sorry Alex what about here maybe in here no I don't think they're hungry I just F them where could they be where could they be looks like it's final here wo looks like there aren't any bugs here finally no more bugs kid time for dinner a how's your day Uncle Jason H well my day was interesting corn pumpkin finally an avocado wait a minute you're not an avocado all right little buddy here we go this is where you belong in the Great Outdoors what are you doing here cuz I haven't cleaned enough huh well welcome home be free oh ladybug I must be lucky how's your day kids good huh why I can't find my bugs are gross they were my friends who keeps bugs as pets me BRS no they're good I miss my friends huhuh help Wendy find her friends there's always a middle ground bugs are creepy alen maybe she'll find a new hobby bugs are cute and most are harmless bugs are gross and they have land harmless harmless none of your suggestions work for me I won't touch bug but I won't be mean to my friend either hey Alex how you feeling I feel bad for hurting Wendy's feelings but bugs creep me out you're only freaked out by these things CU you don't know anything about them if you let Wendy teach you I'm sure they'll be less creepy fortunately I have a solution huh what solution sorry for calling your interest gross those bugs made me happy Alex I think I found a way to to resolve our problem wo are those yeah they're real bugs they're covered in resin so I don't have to touch them thanks Alex but what are these buckets for well we'll fill the buckets with sand then we'll dig up the bugs and learn facts about them wow awesome I'll go first it's a cricket did you know that only male crickets chirp now it's my turn wo a schaer did you know they use the antennas to smell ooh it's a scorpion did you know that there's more than 1,500 species of Scorpion wow was spotted Lantern fly they jump more than they fly wow a stag beetle did you know that the foses are smaller but they have a stronger bite look it's a stink bug they may sing but they're also really loud or maybe you can call them a screen bug ooh spiders spiders are in the artive family so they're not insects exactly so you feel better about bug tow yeah that was really fun always remember to keep an open [Music] mind uh-oh I got it [Music] wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] wo uhoh huh oh no uh-oh I need someone to help me ah hiring at the post office hiring at the post office hire me no me hire me I'll do the best job W wo I've got [Music] this wo oh uh-oh it's too small for you Uncle don't worry I've got it wo yeah w [Music] time to deliver meil oh yeah it's too it's too heavy I'm quitting hire me I'll do better okay Auntie get one mail don't worry I got it h that's a m in a mail empty it looks like too much work sorry a nobody can help this is scary hi Maddie do you want to deliver mail okay where's your driver license huh go get your driving task for then you can work here a friend oh hi Maddie come on in hello hey guys good job Maddie now we're going to learn about the traffic light oh nobody can help I can help huh Ellie perfect where's this okay where's [Music] this awesome bye [Music] bye [Music] W bye awesome oh hi mad you passed the test good job Maddie but Ellie already got the job ah you could help me with the packages w oh Maddie more packages thank you what's wrong the car's not working huh Uncle Mike help I'm here let me check this will take like 2 hours uh-oh don't worry I got it how wrun [Music] wow see you bye I'm done bye bye hi hi you're back good Eric more mail and packages for delivery uh-oh ah I got it are you ready yeah let's go you have here you go thank you very much you're welcome [Music] bye awesome thank you by we're done thank you for helping me you're welcome bye
Channel: Toys and Colors
Views: 10,698,906
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: toys and colors, made for kids, andrea, kids story, glasses journey, eye doctor visit, children's glasses, accepting yourself, fun learning, kid's education, eye health, friendship and support, school adventures, overcoming fears, classroom fun, kids health, positive message
Id: EhJfvZ5ewlo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 2sec (1142 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2024
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