And The Band Played Waltzing Matilda ~ John Williamson [REACTION!!!]

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hey guys before this video starts I want to give like a little little disclaimer because I didn't do this in I didn't do this in the actual video in the actual reaction video and I feel like I feel like I should make this and edit into the beginning just so you guys know but this reaction video it I thought it was just going to be I thought it was just going to be like I'm going to be seen somebody played a song on a guitar or anything but it's not it actually shows pictures of war it shows pictures of world war one you are surely involvement and stuff like that if you're a person that is triggered by seeing moments like that I will tell you I will tell you now that those ones will be shown in the video and I advise you to not watch the video if you are easily triggered by that or if it makes you upset maybe it's because you have some use blocks somewhat ones and World War one has some relatives or if it brings back memories if you or if you are an old dude like well not an old viewer like a senior senior viewer it's stuff like this offends you or triggers you I advise you not to watch this video at all okay I just wanted to make that little disclaimer at a consideration for those who who don't like looking at war and me personally I don't like looking at like pictures of war stuff either but at the same time I feel like it will be more educational for me because I don't know too much about the world world war one world war two or the Civil War or anything like that just because I was just like oh I was too stupid to pay attention in school so I don't really know much about it but this is an educational experience for me so I'm happy to react to it but at the same time I also got a look at it any thing in the duration for those who may not want to see stuff like that to come to come to my channel to watch fun reaction videos and stuff like that once again I'm going to say if stuff like this stuff like this triggers you or offends you or any type of way possible I will apologize in advance and I'm going to suggest that you mean that you don't watch this video okay alright provide to you that does watch on thank you so much for being a viewer thank you so much for watching my videos and stuff like that you'll get you guys are truly amazing and until my next video I'll catch you at the hook side enjoy the video laters hey guys let's go to [ __ ] boy Oreo and I'm back with another reaction video and today's reaction video we're going to do and the band played Waltzing Matilda by John Williamson I got this request from a very very very beautiful person who asked me to remain anonymous so because I love her so much I'm going to do that I'm gonna I'm going to keep her name out of the video and all I'm going to say is you an ominous person thank you for requesting this I will I will give it I will give it a look for what I was told it's about the Australia's involvement in World War one and now that you know what I'm not so lastly be really stupid and say that I never even knew Australia was involved but then again it's World War World War so it's not just the USA World War everyone is involved in that [ __ ] Australia Japan [ __ ] Brazil everyone is a vaulted net so that was about to be a really stupid thing to say and for that I apologize fully for not being that educated in high school okay let's get into the video back when true media what is my dog working about well I got heaps of our lively numbers coming up on the last step oh my god I thought that was Billy Mays for a second do one that's probably one of the most requested songs that I get around the clubs and I've been dying to record this one it leaves no introduction while that's why I heard this before [Music] when I saw her I was 2007 I'm very the back Dupree from the Maurice Greene bison to the dusty Outback a waltz by Matilda roll over 30 1950 a country fit son time for Ivan it's worth to be done and they gave me a pit house and I gave me a gong and they sent me away to the war oh the band played Waltzing Matilda as a ship's hold away from hockey and amidst all the she is the flag whining until we spit off all the live [Music] I'm really fine remember I remember that terrible day when I blocked Stein the sand of the waters and how in that hell I call simplifying we were butchered like lambs to the slaughter Wow Johnny Jackie was writing he bribed himself well shout us with bullets and he ride out with shells and in five minutes flat for they blew us to hell you nearly blew last ride back to Australia and the band might want see as we stopped the very outline we married house perps very thin then we started alive again so those who are left just try to survive in a mad world of black dippin fire and the tan weary weeks I kept myself Milani had the corpses around me wild Maya then a big turkey shall not be ours overhead and when I awoke in the hospital bed I still wanted it done and I wished I was dead then I knew there were worse things and I and I'll got announcing her to go through the green bush star three or two hunts and pain take a man needs five legs hello waltzing matilda cycle like this is really affordable the wound of the mind shipped us all back to australia the legless the armless the blind and inside the prey wound here i was of silver and then thou ship old in the third guillotine look at the place where the legs used to be and I think Christ there was nobody waiting for me to born and to grieve and to believe and the man why won't save the tuber as they carried us down the gangway nobody cheered I just couldn't stay in Turnbull the paces away [Music] now every I proceed on the pause as I watch the parade possible I see I'll come right now proudly they march reviving all dreams and past glories and the army thought slowly by step and saw sorry for her better in the floor or once though and the young people ask what am i magical I am still the same person in the band plays well as the are men still answer the call here are the death of or disappear soon another [Music] better harmonica [Music] [Music] and I know that's all Morgan Kazu well whatever instrument was I love it all over who that was I was actually really beautiful song and seen the pitchers fly I actually had no idea that it was going to show all all those pictures of stuff and that kind who makes me wish I would have put like a disclaimer in the description or in the beginning of the video but I'll find a way to edit that in somewhere unless I already did it and you guys already seen it Wow Wow thank you thank you an ominous person for giving me that request you know that is not exceed the pictures and I listened to the song and everything all the knowledge I all the knowledge that was given to me about World War one to his school and when I went to achieve a school so they rarely taught you anything you had to pretty much you literally had to like read the textbook just to know what's going on and I didn't read that much so I don't like to read by too often I just I still don't I still don't like to read but I did read just to get just to get some information so I can at least answer the questions from the papers they give us but from reading this stuff in a textbook while reading the the parts but I did read verses listening to the song and walk and looking at the pictures the slideshow and everything I think I learned way more from this six minute video that I did reading a textbook and it got me to pretty much understand the struggles and everything the the pain despair and people went through during this war and I'm not just talking I'm gonna I'm not just talking about people who was fighting in war I'm talking about people who who have their loved ones fighting in a war I know they're going I know they were going through pain and despair to see that their see that their significant other to see their son fighting fighting fighting for fighting for the entire world and it's like it's like I'm happy I'm happy that I'm happy that they're going to that they're going to be making a change along with a bunch of other people but I'm upset because there's also the possibility that he may come back to me so like I understand and I think I understand why you gave me this request so thank you so much thank you so much an ominous person if you guys can do with this video is video like thumbs up share to friends original video leave the description box down below if you want to watch without my annoying face and commentary and until my next video I think she got to the flip side laters
Channel: The dreadheaded oreo
Views: 208,413
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: war, band, Waltzing Matilda, John Williamson, react, reaction
Id: moJ2GEAqJe4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 59sec (779 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 20 2017
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