And Into The Sudoku Hall Of Fame Goes...

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[Music] thank you hello and welcome to Wednesday's edition of cracking the cryptic where if a puzzle has generated faster positive feedback than the one we're going to be trying today I'm not sure I can think I can think of its name the puzzle on the screen is called Shenanigans and it's by Jay Dyer who if you've been watching the channel for any amount of time you will know is one of the world's greatest Constructors and she's come up with an absolutely remarkable rule set that has generated about well about 10 emails literally overnight saying this simply has to appear on cracking the cryptic this is such an amazing puzzle it's got a 100 rating on logic Masters Germany and I think it only came out yesterday so Jay has worked her magic again and I will read you these extraordinary rules I mean on the face of it we look at this puzzle we can see some what looks like some German Whispers lines some REM band lines and some equal some lines I will tell you all is not as it appears to be for reasons that will become clear but we'll have a look at this in a moment or two I've just got a few birthdays to do first so I'll start with Mark who has turned um 59 today I think over there in California now Mark Mark's name is Mark vandevatoring um but apparently Mark is not related to odd vandervatoring um odd of course being another superb Sudoku Constructor who's featured in a lot of our videos um I don't know if there is some long lost family connection there mark but anyway your wife Carmen wrote to us and said you'd appreciate a shout out and I hope you have an absolutely fantastic day today with chocolate cake in one of my favorite places in the world um now next birthday Axel Axel you've turned the big 3-0 today over there in Sweden and I know this because your partner Saga wrote to us and said you'd appreciate a shout out so Axel I hope you have a brilliant day as well and then finally Darcy Darcy has been with us since the miracle Sudoku and I think Darcy turns 52 today uh Darcy described um his age as being old enough to play with a full deck now I guess that means 52 because there's 52 playing cards but I could be wrong Darcy also supplied a haiku for all those people who have birthdays today uh and I will read it because it made me laugh happy birthday time now blow out all the candles please try not to spit very good advice and done in that five syllables seven syllables then five syllables uh Rhythm that of course a haiku sort of requires um very very good and Darcy have a brilliant day um the only other thing to mention is what well what's going on on patreon De mono's novel slash Sudoku hunt you are loving it with good reason go and read about Mark and Simon and their adventures in the jewels of Osiris it's worth doing I guarantee it and we've got some more bonus stuff coming up for you on patreon those of you who have kids who you're trying to get into Sudoku or who might be in Sudoku we have we have a special kids Sudoku hunt coming very soon from uh panthera the Asylum amongst others um yeah look out for that coming coming in the next few days um but now I'll read you the rules of shenanigans and see what Jay Dyer has in store for us these are those rules normal Sudoku rules apply on Ren band lines brackets purple digits on the line cannot repeat and form a set of consecutive digits in some order so if this Square here was a one oh trying to make that a one and it did a color if this Square here is a one then this line would have to contain one two three so that the digits were consecutive but we can mix up the digits they don't have to be in any particular order that's how purple lines work uh on German whisper lines brackets green adjacent digits differ by at least five so if this Square here is a one the square here could be a six a seven eight or nine what it couldn't be is a five because one and five are only four apart not the required five apart on region some lines blue each time the line passes through a three by three region the sum of the digits on the line is the same so what that's telling us is that those two digits there you would add up these two digits because that the line passes through box six in these two positions so those two cells should equal the sum of these cells here which are the type of the cells that this line occupies in box nine so those two cells let's say they added up to 10 yeah then these could be one two three four and they would also add up to ten and that would make the world work ah now hang on I've just remembered I was about to restart the puzzle there my clock says zero and it's not going up so I'm going to click play on my clock let's reset the puzzle yes our clock is going up today so maybe I will complete the puzzle in more than zero hours zero seconds anyway I haven't finished the rules and the rules are about to get nuts so each line is exactly one of the above constraint types but some have been drawn in the wrong color the wrong colored lines are exactly those lines which have the digit D on them D must be determined by the silver D for determined um right so the colors in the grid that these lines are are completely and utterly misleading I think well no I suppose if well I I've no idea I haven't got my head around what this means at all but basically some of these lines are not what they appear to be I think we can say that with some certainty Jay has been up to Shenanigans do have a go at the puzzle the way to play is to click the link under the video as usual but now I get to play Let's get cracking and I'm delighted to see several lines in the grid that I can describe with this is a lollipop quite clearly this is a deep fat fire this is a what's that a chimney stack or a top hat that's a top hat I think um this I'm not sure that looks like a Stein of beer that's been tipped on its side um anyway this is not helping me to solve the puzzle is it so how do we do this we we know that well what do we know we know virtually nothing I think what we're going to have to do is find there's going to be some lines in this puzzle that can only be one one type of thing that must presumably be true one two three four five six seven oh is that nine yeah this line is nine cells this might be where we want to start now this line this line I know it's green but I'm actually going to say something else it's not a ren band line I I it's not a purple line I know it doesn't look purple but it's been it could have been drawn in the wrong color now if this was a purple line it would be all the digits one to nine once each but then where would those Cells Go in this box those four digits couldn't repeat on the line because the line needs to be consecutive set of non-repeating digits so this cell wouldn't even be a schradinger cell it's not definitely not a schroding cell definitely not a shredding a cell it would have to be a I can't even say that but but a cell that had four different personalities all at the same time and that won't work so this line is not a ren band line I don't think it oh it can ah you're bobbins bobbins but bobbin's face I was about to say it can't be a region some line but it can be because the the reason I thought it couldn't be is the minimum sum of these cells would be 15. if we made them one two three four and five but I can make that Domino add up to 15. let's make it six nine say and I can make that Domino add up to a 15 in a different way oh no it's this is fine this doesn't work either right right right right right so although this does work in theory look with something like this because I can make these 15s different sums and the maximum that four digits can be is 15 so it does work just it reaches equilibrium just but there's still a Sudoku problem now and it is outrageous I'm being made to do Sudoku a mere nine minutes into this video but where it's exactly the same problem as the ren bands now where do these four digits go in this box we can't put them on the lines for many reasons um but that they'd all have to go in there and if we did try and put one of them on the line the other four digits would add up to at least 10 because they'd have to be at least one two three and four and that won't work because you can't write 10 into any of these cells so this totally breaks and that is really really interesting and slightly surprising because it means that this line is a green line and it it is a I know it looks like a green line but it is actually a green line now I'm tempted actually I wonder if this will work can I actually I can look I'm going to go over it in green to re-emphasize its greenliness it's Eco credentials this is a properly green line and therefore right therefore we can go through some of the secrets of green lines there's got to be a five on this this render it might not be a rembrand line the lollipop's got a five on it um right so what are the secrets I know about green lines there are basically three secrets secret number one is you can't put five on a green line because if you do the adjacent digit becomes impossible within the Realms of Sudoku because it has to be five different at least from five if we go upwards we get to 10 which is not a valid Sudoku digit if we go downwards we get to zero not a valid Sudoku digit so and anything more extreme than that is just getting more and more ludicrous so we can't put fives on the lines now the other thing is that that means we can Define every cell on this line as either below five or above five and the interesting thing is if you take any Domino along the line you'll find you get one of each one one digit will be lower than five the next digit will be higher than five and then the next digit will be lower than five again so you'll get oscillation we call it oscillating polarity along the line and that typically means that what what you have to do is to shape the line so let's do that we'll shade the line so for example we now know that these three digits here are from the same population so they're either all high digits so they're from The Collection 6789 or they're all low digits so they're from The Collection one two three and four um now the third the third secret about about green lines is that four and six are hard the hardest digits to place on green lines because they are the most monogamous digits they only have one partner so a four can only be partnered with a nine and a six can only be partnered with a one foreign [Music] ah I've had a different thought and this is because I can't see anything I can do with this right where is the digit d oh in fact maybe this is the point maybe D is going to be five because the digit the digit D defines which lines are telling fips and this line we've discovered was presented to us as green and is green so it does not have D on it so D in box two is in one of those cells D for what was D for determined or something um I don't know I don't know D is for didgeridoo I'm not sure what it's for but D is in one of those cells which are um ah so surely that means this line oh this is this is really cute actually this is really cute so this line has a d on it which means it's not allowed to be itself so it's not allowed to be a ren band now we know that 5 isn't allowed to be on this so 5 is in one of these squares so if this was a green line it would then have a five on it which would be impossible so it's not a green line so this line the lollipop line is a blue line I know it doesn't look blue but it is blue uh now how do I draw Blue Line let's draw a blue line is that kind of that's fine that's fine so so what we're now being told is that these two digits sum to these four digits one of which is a five okay so now this is I love this I love this already this puzzle is just it's just J Dyer this puzzle is just the adjective Jade because let's I now know the parity or the polarity of The Whispers line don't I because these three digits are of some polarity now if these were if these were low digits then the gray digits were both be high numbers but there would then be two two more High numbers whichever were not used in here would be on this lollipop and that would mean that the minimum sum of the lollipop would be five plus six and seven which are the two lowest high digits we could include now five plus six plus seven plus one well plus whatever digit is not in Orange which could be a one is 19. I can't make a domino add up to 19 in Sudoku so that tells us that the Orange Line the orange digits are the high digits they are I'm on letters at the moment I want to be on numbers they are six seven eight nine that can't be six because it would have to be surrounded by its monogamous partner of one twice and there would be two ones in box two so there is one high digit on here these two digits are from one two three and four these two can't be four which means because because Forest monogamous have to be next to nine on both sides that means that means that the low digit well one of the low digits on this line is now four so it's got four five oh these could be six yes okay often you can't put a six in the middle of a a Whispers line because you get into the monogamous problem but these can be six because those two digits don't see each other so they could both be one but we know we know the minimum sum of the lollipop now or the top of the lollipop is four five plus six which can be the high digit plus one which can be the other low digit which is 16. so these squares add up to at least 16. so they absolutely definitely include a nine which means that square is not a nine and that must mean so I've got a 789 triple in this column now now what can we do with that maybe maybe if I extend the logic one two three and four into those squares because these have to be low polarity these have to be high polarity six seven eight or nine oh um oh can we sorry I'm not uh I haven't figured this out at all so I've got to put right I've got one low digit on here but I've got to put one more low digit on here which can't oh maybe if I put three on then four five six and three is too many right okay so this yeah this eyes does it again right this does it again okay so then the question is the next the following I know there is one high digit by one of the digits 6789 is on the top of the lollipop let's imagine it's six so then we we know the lollipop has got four five six on it and it's got one more low digit could that digit be a three no because that would give me four five six which is fifteen plus three which is eighteen I can't make these add up to eighteen they both have to be nine so three in this box is in one of those two positions I don't know which one but I know it's always adjacent to this Square which means this Square cannot be a seven because three and seven are not five apart so that square is an eight which means these squares are not eight and these are a seven nine pair adding up to 16 which means these squares which include D don't forget r four five six and one that's the only way we can make them add up to 16. so these squares are not six these squares are not one this is just absolutely ridiculous these squares are now at seven nine pair and there we and there we must pause and think think again um hang on hang on hang on hang on what does this mean so I've got one four I know I know that the naughty digit now the D digit is one four five or six I'm certain uh no I don't know how to do that I'm sorry I'm I can't see how to know which of these which of these is the naughty digit um okay so the frying pan or the deep fat fryer can we do something with this if the one two three four five six so what do we know about this line we know it might be telling us lies don't we so if it's telling us lies well okay if it's telling us lies it's not an equal sum line because to be an equal Sun Line This cell would have to add up to those five digits and that won't work so can it be a whisper is the presumably the question now if it's a whisper that digit is low no that doesn't work ah right so this is this is actually this line Looks what it is yeah okay so let me just explain the The Whisper thinking um if this is a whisper line we know it oscillates polarity so let's just shade in some cells uh we'll do those in red and we'll do these in yellow now what is this cell well this cell C seven eight and nine so if this is a high digit it has to be six on the whisper but six is monogamous so I would have to go with one on both sides that doesn't work in other words this has to be low but now these two digits have to be high and can't be 7 and 9. in other words they are a six eight pair but six can't go in either of those squares because six is also monogamous and that would put too many partners for the six it would have two ones there or two ones there and that's very much against the six is nature so we need to unwind all this nonsense because it's not true this line this line is is a genuine purple line which means I can do that I can't really see that but it is a genuine line so it's a genuine it's a genuine Ren band line but it mustn't therefore have D on it and this line right so does that telling me that D is in one of those cells I'm getting confused now um D in this box I know is in one of those cells actually I'm going to re-label that so I remember that D is in one of these cells so D is is making so D is not the same as these two cells because these can't D is a one four five or six now this being a naught a correctly colored line it cannot have D on it those are not D so D is in one of those squares so D is either rendering this green line wrong or D is here Ah that's sick right d is one D is one for the most beautiful reason because the deep fat fryer the deep fat fryer is six cells long and what else would a deep fat fryer be and okay let's think about the stripe of digits let's lay the digits one to nine out before our very eyes and slice six consecutive digits from there if we start with the lowest number one we would hit six we'd go one two three four five six if we start with the highest number we hit four nine eight seven six five four so this line has four five and six on it somewhere we don't know where but D sees the whole of this line because this cell is seen by D in one of those positions and all of these cells are seen by D so D cannot be four five or six so D is one and there is a one in one of those squares and that I don't know what well okay I can see one thing that does that that means this line can't have one on it doesn't it because if if the green line up here had one on it it would be made not not a not not its own color so these can't be six now uh that's done absolutely nothing all right so what's going on in this box then we've got one in one of these two squares which is now not allowed to be on the Run band so that's a seven uh this honestly this is close to magical it is just beautiful again because this is a six cell line that hasn't got a one on it we're only selecting six of the eight cells um two to nine and there is no way to select those cells without including a seven so there is a seven on the line but the seven can't go in these cells because of the seven nine pair so the seven goes there which means this is seven this is nine um so writes in nine nine is not on the line one is not on the line I said uh is it two or eight that's missing I think because we could go three four five six yeah we could go three four five six seven eight couldn't we or we could go two three four five six seven right okay I don't know so these two digits now are from one two and eight one is definitely there but it depends on what's missing from the line as to whether the missing digit is two or eight seven by Sudoku is down here switch back off letters on this side um okay I mean how I know okay so I now know D is one so is it this one now clue I've not got a clue so if how does it work then so if this is if this is a true line it's not allowed to have one on it so it would be a German whisper so so one of these two digits would have to be a six I think that that broke because doesn't that put a one on it I know if I am hang on hang on hang on if one is the naughty digit one is the naughty digit so if this is really a green line it mustn't have one on it but these two digits would need to have a one digit of high polarity which couldn't be seven eight or nine so there would be a six down here which would have to be monogamous so it would be next to a one thereby rendering this not a green line after all so this is not a green line and therefore it does have a one on it and it's got a one on it and it's either a ren band line or an equals or if it's an equal sum line that looks very tempting doesn't it because we'd be saying those three digits add up to this and those three digits add up to this so we'd know that this was actually six eight or nine that feels like it's going to be correct so I have it right so we've got to disprove that this is a ren band line one two three four five six seven so it's a seven cell line so it it must have seven on it so that would need to be the seven for this to be a ren band this has to be a seven um oh no hang on I've had another thought it's got one on it so if it's a ren band we actually know it's one two three four five six seven I always think it had seven on it because it had to have seven on it you know whichever side we went from but it couldn't have eight or nine on it it has to have one on it I don't actually know very much about the D digit though do we um I don't know I think all we all we actually know is that this line is a naughty line it's not it's not telling us the truth should we try this line if this is a real equal sum line then that digit is quite a high number because it's got to be the sum of these oh it has to be nine that must be true is that right because if this is a real if this is a real equal sum line line it's not allowed to have one on it anymore which means the minimum sum of those digits is two plus three plus four which add up to nine so I'd have to write nine in there but if it's a naughty line then I have to put one on it somewhere which which would have to be here because it can't be there by Sudoku so this would be a one and this would okay so then it's not an equal Sun line so these squares are either consecutive with one and they're two three and four because it's a ren band line or this is a whisper situation in which case if that's a one this is this is six eight that doesn't work because by putting six into one of these on a whisper I need to put I need to put a one here always and that one will Clash so either this is a ren band so this is always two three four I think because either this is rendered a naughty line by a one being on it here in which case it must be a ren band and these must be consecutive with one it'll be two three four or it's a real real it's a real equal some line in which case these can only be two three and four and add up to nine so this square is a one or a nine and I don't know the nature of the line still ah but that's two so there's this there's now no two here so this is a 1 8 pair and these squares are two three four five and six we're going we're going full good lift today um now now these squares are a five six pair so if we put the five oh we but we know the grid Line's telling us a lie so we can put the five on it um this Line's broken all ends up isn't it hang on that this cannot be right this this is this is a this is a fibbing line and that we know that because of the same principle we adopted here if this is a real equal some line the minimum sum of those squares is nine and that cannot be a nine because it's a five or a six so this needs to be something else and now oh well the other thing oh this is gorgeous it's just simply gorgeous right it's now got to have a one on it because it's telling that telling a fib so those squares are one of these three that matches up with the one that's in one of those four that means that squares are nine which means this one is telling the truth uh after all that it doesn't change the two three four triple but it does mean that that's telling the truth now this one which is telling a lie because it has a one on it cannot be a ren band because it's got a one on it and if it was a rem band it would be one two three four and it wouldn't have a five or a six on it so it is a whisper which means it doesn't have a five on it and that's six and that's the one and right and now we know the polarity of the line so this square is two three or four and this square is seven eight or nine or six actually I suppose maybe it can be a six because it these won't see each other ah hang on it's not seven or nine so maybe it is six um this this one is plonking a one here by Sudoku so these are not one so this is a four five six triple so this has become a two three pair neither of these are allowed to be nines anymore osc look no sorry if that's a six that's a one and that's impossible uh so I don't know what I was thinking there but whatever it was it was nonsense so that becomes seven which can't go next to three so that's a two three pair uh the three can't go next to a seven on this connection so that's a nine that's a seven the three can't go next to seven on that connection so everything gets sorted out seven seven seven is now off this line seven is off the green line I think that meant something I can't quite remember what we're gonna come back and look at that in a moment and this is a five right but we already knew this was broken so that's not surprising but yeah okay but now now I think we know the nature let me just check do I know that digit is not four and it's not two I do know that digit sorry um two three eight this is not a three the oh hang on look I can do some more things here this this this is ruling out two from that that's ruling out three from there let's let's remove the one and the D I think I think I think we are now very familiar with the fact that D is one okay and let let's come back to the green line which we knew was lying to us because you couldn't put one six down here but now were this to be a ren band it would have one on it so it would need a seven on it because it's a seven cell line we can't put seven in any of those there or there so it's not a ren band so it is equal sum it equal sum which means this digit is at least a six in fact no it's not it's at least an eight because this is five and if I add one and two to five I get eight so this is eight or nine I get let's get off uh letters again um in fact that digit is a one because it sees a two three pair so if this was if this was not one it would be at least four and five plus four plus whatever this would would be would be higher than this digit is capable of being so this is one which which is the one we needed on on the naughty line this digit is two or three by the power of Sudoku and these squares add up to eight or nine and I'm sure that we can do something with that I just need to figure out what it is uh we don't have to put another one down here though do we at least I don't think we do hmm um I hope I don't know I don't quite know how we do this if this was a one and I really actually I really don't know how we do this these two squares are at least a two plus a three which is five so this square is a maximum value of four and it can't be two so this Square here is one three or four foreign I don't know I'm not sure about this one let's try this one though because if that's a one it's making this not a not a whisper ah hang on can this actually be a whisper line if two three and four are not available on it in these squares there'd have to be a one in one of those oh yeah it's the same it's the same Paradox isn't it I love this sort of thing this green line for it to be telling the truth requires us to oscillate polarity along it because it has to be a whisper line therefore there has to be a low digit in one of those two squares that low digit would be the D digit thereby saying this is not a whisper so this is not a whisper it's either an equal Sun line or a ren band line but if it's a ren bad line it's got to have one on it because it's got we know there's a one somewhere on it to tell the lie and then it would be a one two three four line and these two squares couldn't be filled because we couldn't put two three or four into any of them so this Square this is an equal sum line line uh overzealous use of the word line there and that can't be a one because if it was a one that would be a one and these two squares would both have to add up to one and that's silly so this is eight this is one we have to put a one on the line it can't go there that's eight because these two these two add up to the same we need to convert the color to that in order to make it work and there's a one in one of those squares so it's a 1 7 pair and the Seven seems to have to be in this row so that's seven that's one and this is beautiful oh well it was nearly beautiful um one is up there which is a very I mean that's a very safe place to put a one oh come we're not going to get a three in the corner at the top because of this three this lot oh this line was equal sum so we can we can do it fill it in I'm very pleased to do that so we've got we've got a chance to think about this one well this one can't be a whisper anymore because neither of these squares could be a low digit if it's a ren band one two three four five six it would have to have four five and six on it now well no no if it's a ren van it's the wrong it's the wrong color so it actually has to have one on it which means it is one it's very specifically one two three four five and six so these would be a five six pair and this would be a one two three four quadruple and unfortunately that looks very plus possible doesn't it why couldn't this be a five six pair nine would go here nine would be in one of those squares one is in one of these three positions let's have a look at that um oh dear I'm getting stuck now right one one is one is down here ah oh I see all right let's come back okay right so now I'm going to come back to this line again because not it doesn't appear we can put once on the bottom of this line so this must be a minimum of two three and four which therefore means this is nine this is great isn't it it's just great so this is a two three four triple this is nine I'm sure this does more than I've I've I've I've I've been able to deduce just give me a second or two come on what's this doing oh I can't see uh or can I hang on yes yes nine and eight nine and eight in this box are a little pair down here by Sudoku that doesn't do anything ah um all right what are these digits these digits are one five six seven but there's still the opportunity to put a one on his line um I don't know I don't know I think do you think it's this one or this one they're quite remote from one another so they might they might be independent let's think about this one is it possible for this to be a whisper if this is a whisper foreign if this is a whisper we've got we'd have shading that looked a bit like this wouldn't we now these two squares therefore are either an eight nine pair because they couldn't be six seven if if gray was high which would have to be very specifically here nine and then eight or they have to be a 2 4 pair which would very specifically require this to be four or this to be nine this to be two this to be seven I think and then this to be low hmm that all looks quite plausible to me what about can we disprove it being something else if it's something else it has to have a one on it doesn't it so this would be a one it's the only place you can put a one on the line so if they so if it is something else it doesn't work it doesn't work oh they're so clever wow it right so the way to get the way to get to this line is to ask can you put a one on it to make it lie and although you can you run into problems because now by putting the one on it it needs to have a different nature than being green so one option is it's a ren ban but that requires us to put two three four and five on it well three and five can't go there so that would be Schrodinger and that doesn't work or it's equal sum which means these two digits which have a maximum value of nine if we put eight here have to add up to these three squares which can't include a one or a three so they cannot add up to nine they're going to break the total so this is not a one and if this is not a one this line is whispery of its nature and therefore we got to greenify it and therefore wow ah now now I'm sure there's a way of getting to this okay look let's try and do some Sudoku then two and nine and definitely on this line can we do slight I don't need to do slightly better than that uh I don't know I'm not sure sure oh can that be six no that's it that's it this is the key place right for this to be uh for orange to be a high digit you can see at c789 so this would have to be six but that would make this one and render the line not whispery so this is low and if this is low this is one two three four we know it's not one so two three or four it can't be four because that would put a nine here and it would Clash so this is down to two or three and it can't be three by Sudoku so that's a two right which means right let's let's actually work this out then these two squares are now High all those three are high let's put all the options in and see what we can get rid of uh we can get rid of six and seven from these two and eight from this one so that's nine that's eight this Square here has to now be one two or three it can only be two it can't be four because it can't be next to eight if it's four and now I've not put four in this box which goes here two comes out of those squares by our old friend Sudoku and I want to resolve this middle box somehow but I can't see how to do that this digit is not six because it can't be next to two and it can't be eight so that's to become a seven so that's not a seven and [Music] um I don't know I don't know one two three four five six eight so this is five or six because it sees eight it's a five six or eight let's just check this column as well in case J has been naughty enough to include Sudoku in her Sudoku puzzle that's not one I don't know actually ah four five six there's a nine oh nine there's a nine in the corner that definitely doesn't get a song so this is four five or six and it's okay so it's four or five look we're heading towards what looks like it's a three in the corner down here how do we prove that I'm not sure how I'm not sure we can prove it yet but we're going to be on the lookout for it okay so therefore what do we do we know do we know whether this line is telling us the truth so for it to be telling us a lie there would be a one in one of those four cells and that would render this either whispery which it oh it can't be whispery because neither of those digits can be a low digit so it's not whispery so if there is a one down here this is a one one two three four five six it's one two three four five and six so this is five six I think I've already looked at this um this would be a three four as a wasp don't attack me wasp when I'm doing this where does eight go in this row in fact that's oh that's an easier question look there's an eight here which instantly breaks it so Sudoku is our friend um why does eight instantly break it well it's because uh if this if this isn't telling lies we've worked how it has to have a one on it down here which renders it a remband because we worked out he couldn't be a whisper and therefore it's a six cell line that needs to be one two three four five six it can't have eight on it so it's a so this line is telling us the truth and it really is a blue line um now what does that mean these digits oh hang on it's telling us the truth so it's not got a one on it so these digits add up to at least two three four and five which is 14. so this digit is at least a six oh so six or nine I think only way this can be a six oh it's not a well I'll just do Sudoku actually it's just a nine rather than worrying about it that's it's a it's a nine by Sudoku which means these three these four squares add up to 17. these two squares are a five six pair which means two has to be there look in this row weirdly that doesn't I've not even thought about this line either which is close to needing a nine on it hang on hang on could I really can I really put nine here no haha that's so sick that's sick oh it's lovely right if you put nine here because this is a real equal sum line those nines cancel out and this eight has to be made up of those three digits which requires one of them to be a one because it would have to be one two five or one three four rendering the line not a truth telling line which we know it is so that is not nine so this is nine and that's making me think about what on Earth is this line which is meant to be a ren band Well it can't because it can't have eight on it so it needs a one on it so that's not a one and now right so now it is a okay so it's it's it's a lying line and these two digits could add up to nine but they don't seem to be able to because it can't be one and eight so it is a whisper line which means this digit is low and it can't be there four five six seven so that's the one and that's the six which is the only way that can possibly work that's again it's just it's absolutely remarkable right so this right look what's going on in this row now one and six are a pair here I'm sure we can do that somehow just can't work out how to do it right and the other thing is that this line needs to turn green I'm not very clear but hopefully you get the idea um this nine is doing some work isn't it so that becomes a nine that becomes an eight becomes an eight this one means this becomes a one hang on a sec have we I mean I don't quite know quite yet know how to finish this off I think we're closing in on a solution though what about seven oh yeah there's a seven down here hang on I know the sum of those digits as well so we could we could use the secret here now the secret is something I only normally tell my very favorite people but if you're watching this after 54 minutes you're definitely definitely one of my favorite people so I'm going to tell you the secret the secret is the only complete box of a Sudoku contains the digits one to nine once each because of the rules of Sudoku and therefore adds up to 45. now those squares add up to 24. and these squares add up to 17. which seems to give me 41 which means that these two squares must add up to four and therefore that doesn't seem to me to be able to be a six that's got to be a one in fact the other way we could have got that is by remembering that we can't put one on the line because that would render this line lying which is not allowed to be uh so we worked out that was three didn't we um so these squares now add up to 11 and they're two four and five and that makes sense right but okay so this is not a three hang on hang on this this must now okay we got a one up here this is not a three so we've got two four and five to place in this column um I've got a horrible feeling we're about to be struck with the curse of Sudoku five is in one of those two cells in this row so five is not there so I've got a 2 4 pair in this column a half a five goes here four goes here six goes here five goes here no no okay I thought I was gonna get three in the corner but no I didn't I might have made an error six four two four two three apparently I'm just sort of sort of doing Sudoku here of all things that's a four or five pair that should be a three by the looks of the world that's four then take four out of these squares that seems to be a five six pair so that becomes a three um seven look it's done in this row so seven and five go in six comes out of here so six comes out of here and we get left with a chocolate treat a chocolate teapot triple there um we might need some help from this box perhaps let's see four and seven we can do that so seven four yeah four five five six four six five six four five two and six that is just spectacular that is spectacular what a brilliant puzzle Jay and thank you to all those of you who sent us in this direction so quickly because that is it is quite simply a work of art this line is not colored and is a whisper I just spotted that people would have been getting crossed if I left that un unadulterated when it clearly needed to be adulterated um ah I mean I cannot tell you how much that rule set is brilliantly it worked I mean it's just magical that you can work out the digit that's the naughty digit and then it does so much for you in disambiguating lines that I'm telling you this is one of my favorite Sudoku puzzles I have done in my life if there is one puzzle that you give your friends to demonstrate how amazing variant Sudoku can be this one needs to be high up on your list Shenanigans indeed absolutely loved it let me know in the comments how you got on enjoy the comments especially when they're kind and we'll be back later with another edition of cracking the cryptic [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Cracking The Cryptic
Views: 48,809
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: S94nSkM1CmA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 24sec (3564 seconds)
Published: Wed May 10 2023
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