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[Music] [Music] the Museo archaological in Naples Italy is one of many museums around the world that have Egyptian collections but this collection contains many fascinating pieces from an ink pot shaped as a baboon a mummified crocodile and a mummified woman dating back from the reign of pharaoh susin the silver [Music] pharoh but apart from Pharaoh's and gods I've come here today to investigate an ordinary married couple's life their death and to bring them back to [Music] life meet a sun suit and his wife T they lived around 3,250 years ago and K suit worked for none other than Ramsey's the second pit was actually the chief captain of ramsy II ships Ramsey II lived around the mid part of Egypt's history in fact Patra was much closer to us and lived at 30 BC 3,200 years before Egypt was unified by King Naro that's around 5,000 years ago in the middle part of this time frame comes the famous tangam less than 20 years after the T Kim Ramsey the [Music] Great Ramses is Egypt's longest reigning King and lived around 96 years he was a prolific Boulder and Warrior constructing many of The Monuments that we see today including the biggest expansion of carac and Luxo Temple to the South he built Abu symbol where he documented his Triumph in the Battle of cadesh he had over 100 children and many wives yet his principal wife was Queen [Music] nefari boats played a very important role not only in everyday life but also in religious beliefs ramsy had a large Fleet of ships to travel all along the Nile for either religious ceremonies or to travel in military campaigns ships were also used to transport Stone to build monuments since Panos suit lived near the end of Ramsay's life and was afforded a tool he was no doubt the captain that directly transported the king maybe even on his final Journey here in appi they actually have four fragments that belonged to P suit here we we have Steeler two Steeler in fact and two two wall fragments here we see p suit and his wife tet receiving offerings here from their children and kasan stood here unfortunately he damag giving offerings to ra as we move on I love this SC here we have P suit here with his wife receiving offerings from his son and here we actually have the the couple receiving offerings from the tree goddess usually she's seen as Sycamore but here she is ha and the barber receiving the water that ha is pouring from the trees as we move on we have up here a beautiful piece of Pas suit with his little beard and he is giving offerings to the god of the Dead who is in fact Osiris and his sister Isis with AIS at the top here is a beautiful scene again of and his children and his youngest CH child which is probably his grandchild and they are receiving offerings of incense for their soul for eternity The Village dear Al Medina housed the families of the men that built the Royal tomb for almost 400 years they were so skilled that they were even able to have their own tombs dug into the hills that surrounded the secret Village however since his tomb was found in the late 1700s and items being added to the borer collection not much archaeological evidence is available on its exact location most nobles were afforded a tomb in the Hills behind the colossal of mnon yet experts believe that his TB is in Sakara behind me is one of the Hidden gems in this Museum it is one of the most beautiful pieces that I've ever seen not for its dazzling color or for it being clad in Gold but for what it represents never before have I seen such a beautiful piece from a tomb it is p suit and his wife tetm standing here at the edge of a hill where they two would be they are standing here before an offering table with bread and fruits and their Baro which is the spirit that is taking flight which shows the spirit leaving the tomb and entering heaven and here is tanmit and pan holding sails catching the wind from the north as we know he was the captive for Ramsey's ship so this is quite a beautiful scene showing you holding a sale from that ship but when we investigate this closer this was actually once fully colored and today using our photographic skills we can actually enhance these colors and bring this piece back to [Music] life over 3,000 years can cause the paint to chip off from humidity and natural causes the ancient Egyptians used a mixture of organic pigments water and egg white to make paint the most common colors were red and yellow as they could be extracted from the Rocks around them white from Limestone and black from coal were also used the most expensive colors were greens and blues as they were made from ground precious stones such as lapis and turquoise the powders were mixed together with water and egg white to get the desired texture when we magnify our artifact close up the small Flex of original color can be [Music] [Music] seen [Music] [Applause] [Music] when we look at artifacts like these from ancient Egypt we have to remember that these people shared the same hopes and fears and emotions that we share today they were real people so next time you visit a museum like this one in na perhaps try and look at these people as part of your history [Music] [Music] just just a few minutes down the road actually from where I'm living here in Florence is a monastery that has its own private Egyptian collection after speaking to them a little bit they've agreed to let me come in and film The Collection to show it so let's go see for thousands of years we have been fascinated by intriguing objects from ancient Egypt as as well as sacred texts from Biblical [Music] times but who were these people that have captured our imaginations with their specifically curated Gods with their vast belief in death and life What secrets overlap in the religions within an ancient Italian monastery [Music] [Music] Fay in Tuscany the original rusan settlement up on the hill overlooking King Florence the city founded by julus Caesar over 2,000 years ago our pilgrimage towards history leads us to the very top of the Serene Hills originating in 1225 this Catholic Church is part of The Franciscan order [Music] abandoned by the nuns in 1352 later The Franciscan monks would settle here born in 1181 St Francis was a martyr for Christian charity he was a custodian for nature and since 129 annually on the 4th of October animals are blessed to honor him St Francis LED several missions throughout Europe Africa and the Mediterranean leading him to become the patron saint of [Music] Italy although he lived into uous times for religion his symbol became the flower showing the delicate side of his nature represented on the ceiling here in 1219 during the bloodiest fifth Christian Crusade St Francis went to Egypt to try and wage peace many of the priests here at this Monastery went following in the footsteps of s franisco and as you can see here is an image of San Francisco when he went into Africa to go and do missionary work to go and spread the gospel things like that the brothers from this Monastery have also done the same going into many countries in Africa many countries in Asia including also going to Egypt which is why they have this very special private collection of Egyptian artifacts here in the monastery but it's so interesting to see that's basically where it started after meeting with the Sultan of Egypt St Francis and his followers were the only Catholics that were allowed to remain peacefully throughout the Holy [Music] Land in the late 1800s Albert Einstein stayed several times at the monastery while visiting his sister the statue of Mary and Jesus was given to the monastery and made by his daughter Margo the convent of San franisco is home to many monks and in the early 1900s an extension was built where the Friars could could take care of the elderly St Francis spoke about a life of modesty and this is reflected in the rooms of the monks this Monastery is also one of the most Forward Thinking having one of the biggest library collections on [Music] Theology and today I've been given private access to their collections from around the world being built on the remains of an at truscan Fortress many items were discovered here from 2,600 years ago including many Greek objects like this beautiful terracotta vase showing Achilles attending to his pesky heel of course this area was occupied by the Romans but interestingly Egyptian toic coins from the 3r century BC were discovered here adjacent to the monastery's archaeological Treasures is a chapel dedicated to Mary and the angel Gabriel who came and told her that she would give birth to [Music] Jesus in the late 1800s the monks from this Monastery did missionary work in Japan China and India returning with exquisite treasure although fascinating there are other pieces that I am far more interested [Music] in the display of foreign cultural objects was conceptualized by ambrogio rolfi a monk from the monastery in the late 1800s reaching out to foreign missions he insisted that this display would teach young monks to respect other cultures brought back from from Egypt this page dates from the 1700s and is from a Franciscan Monastery in Luxor this page from the gospel is written in Old Arabic as well as [Music] Coptic the Coptic language is derived from the original ancient Egyptian spoken language by the year 300 ad Egyptians who were practicing the Christian faith who were under the rule of the Romans adjusted their ancient language into the now Coptic listening to Coptic it allows us to hear a glimpse of what the Pharaohs would have [Applause] [Music] spoken but like most things with religion came turn oil a 200-year war in the Holy Land began fighting between Islamic Christian Catholics and Jews medieval swords from Egypt and other War implements imagine the Bloodshed these have witnessed when the final pharaoh of Egypt Cleopatra died in 30 BC the Romans took over the country yet many of these Roman emperors depicted themselves in full Egyptian attire attested by the small clay [Music] statue during the Roman period the last fragile element of Egyptian culture held [Music] on a civilization so strong that it changed the Invaders although in a distinctive style Egyptian ferary practices continued under Roman [Music] occupation at the back of this Roman death mask the sacred Scarab beetal of Egypt holds up the Sun [Music] [Music] made from a paste spread onto linen called kartonage this death mask shows a beautiful Egyptian woman who died during the Roman [Music] period the Egyptian civilization was forever evolving so this change in style was nothing new 400s of years before the Romans arrived the Egyptian gods had been adopted by several other civilizations the Egyptian god of mumification Anubis shown in Greek style here these sister goddesses Isis and nephus adjusted into a more Mesopotamian look these terracotta figurines date back to around 300 BC when the Greeks arrived in Egypt the Egyptians fervent belief in the afterlife was and still is tantalizing to our iders this Roman style tomb figurine Hawks back to an ancient Egyptian tradition spanning thousands of [Music] years delicately crafted and glazed in the famous Egyptian blue these fance figurines are servants for the Dead each one of these figurines was carefully inscribed with a magical [Music] inscription those who could afford it had hundreds of these placed in their tomb and once the person was dead they could call upon these figurines to make their life in the next World leisurely they loved their lives so much that they wanted it to continue in the next life and be even better that is why they took so many objects from this life to carry on to the next wine beer makeup and grain even a clay Effigy Of of the person's favorite fruit a pomegranate for 5,000 years the Egyptians wanted to take these objects with [Music] them each piece of pottery is unique and allows us to dat to two to a specific period based on the unique art style a lot of people ask how was a place lit in a ient Egypt very simple answer with clay pots clay lamps such as these they would have oil inside with a wick and actually these were used to determine the length of a shift for a tomb worker so if you were painting a tomb in ancient Egypt you would have your Wick it was a certain length and by the time the wick ran out your shift was over but who were these tomb workers fortunately many were skilled enough to craft their own ferary items not only for the [Music] Royals the wooden eyes of a humble Egyptian bear witness to today's modern world they wanted to be recognized by the Gods on their journey to heaven and one way to do this was having your face placed above your money in some cases where they couldn't afford a mask they had a simple anthropoid wooden coffin where they painted their unique facial [Music] features this Unknown man lived at a unique village with the sole purpose of creating the pharaoh's tomb and with this knowledge in his spare time he had the skills to prepare his next life for himself self and his family living in the village of deral Medina in the early 18th Dynasty meant that this small family could enjoy a life of supreme Comfort relatively different to others who would work the [Music] land the man and woman of ancient Egypt who so carefully contemplated every element of their lives and their death I wonder if they could speak what version of History they would tell us this little Limestone head once painted with black to show the eye makeup was the top of a kopic jar which contained the deceased mummified internal organs to be reanimated once they had reached the afterlife these wooden faces from 3,500 years ago allow us to feel just that little bit closer to the Past closer to a group of people that wanted us to know about every element of their lives a people that wrote down almost everything that they did a people closer to us than we could ever imagine the man who helped us learn more about the everyday Egyptians life is an Italian egyptologist named Ernesto scaparelli and he had a close connection to this Monastery in 1904 Ernesto scaparelli stayed with the Franciscan monks at the monastery in Luxor during an excavation where he donated many of his pieces to the monastery to help encourage the understanding of Egyptian culture such is this statue of the Jackal god Anubis with the Falcon god Horus behind many of his discoveries were in the village where the tomb workers lived dear aladina these pieces were from The Everyday People it might not be gold and treasure as such but it is invaluable how much information we can learn from these rare simple pieces Egypt is a land filled with mystery and strange Gods yet these discoveries help us to realize that they were just like us this 3,400 yearold woven mat comes from dear Al Medina and was made by the hand of one of the residents the car symbol to the ancient Egyptians meant spirit and was shown as raised hands linking you to your piety towards the gods Ernesto scaparelli may have worshiped a different God to the Egyptians but the ideals remain very similar in 1904 on the Western Bank of of Luxor Ernesto scaparelli rediscovered one of the most pristine tombs dedicated to an incredibly important Queen who brought about peace one of the pieces that I've really really wanted to see in this private collection is actually a shabti I know I'm always talking about shapes but the shti a little bit special this shopi was donated by the Italian egyptologist Ernesto scapel to this Monastery and what's so special about it is it is a shabti from Queen nefari tomb nefatari the wife of ramsy II not many artifacts were found intact in her tomb apart from a couple shopes and a few pots and things like that and here we have a beautiful shti of the queen nefetari's tomb had been raided several times throughout history taking all of the gold and precious items however to me this small shabti of the queen is extremely precious created from wood and covered entirely in Black perfumed resin inscribed with protective texts these Miniatures of the queen are the only things that remain from her magnificent [Music] tomb [Music] nefetari's tomb had been ransacked by the Christians in around 100 AD who went in and smashed her sarcophagus and ripped her body into pieces so much for a queen who wanted to only bring about peace through the land and broker the first ever peace deal between her husband and the Rival Hittites to the north nefetari meaning the most beautiful of them all a well-respected Queen by her peers and by the local population of Egypt one can only hope that these wooden images of the queen would have helped her to reach a peaceful afterlife and become one with the god of Heaven [Music] Osiris her husband elevated her to the highest role in all the land she was married to a Mighty Pharaoh with the drive to become Egypt's best warrior and a living God Ram II's tomb is unfortunately completely destroyed it has been affected by flooding and earthquakes I mean the pharaoh's mummy was moved out by the priests during the 22nd and the the 23rd Dynasty but we do have some things that were found in his tomb apart from very much little else we have a shabti of Ramsey II in the form of Osirus made out of wood the same material that his sarcophagus was made out of and on the subti we can see his Royal name W madra Setra the Justice of the Sun god Ra is [Music] Justified the round oval is known as a cartouch and contains the pharaoh's name on this shabti he appears as the god of the afterlife Osiris and for many ancient Egyptians he was the embodiment of Osiris for he outlived many of the popular population living to an age of around 96 when life expectancy was only around [Music] 35 being resurrected by his wife Isis Osirus became the god of the afterlife and is often associated with the color green his son Horus is often depicted on the lap of Isis predating the Madonna and child stat chose by 2,000 [Music] years their Devotion to the managerie of Egyptian gods is [Music] unfathomable small amulets such as these made from either fance or bronze were often worn during life but more importantly placed on certain areas of the mummified body to protect them from certain demons water from the Nile was the core of life and amulets to the Egyptian god of the Nile happy can often be [Music] found another aquatic deity was tarit the protector of mothers and child birth here on the fance Statue she holds the child's [Music] heart a mummified crocodile dedicated to the protector of the Nile sobec he had a complex role being a symbol of fertility as well as protection towards the Pharaoh he even possessed healing qualities the ancient Egyptians did rever cats as I've stated many times before cats were more for the everyday common people not really for royalty so what we have here is a cat mummy and most of the time these cat mummies were taken by were bought by the common people to give two offerings to the Cat Goddess bastet to have a peaceful domestic life most of the times though the priests cheated these people and inside a cat mummy you'll find it's actually stuffed with various other items including feathers mud wood and there might only be one bone from the cat inside a cat mommy judging from the shape of this cat Mummy I'm pretty sure it only has a small essence of the Cat Goddess bastate inside the cult of animal mummy offerings thrived during the toic times and was a booming business for the priests there's only one thing that brings us closer to these ancient people they immaculately preserved bodies in a way they bring us closer to terms with our own mortality very interestingly on one of the missionary Expeditions that this Monastery led into Egypt they were offered a mummy a full-size mummy of an Egyptian priest and it's quite strange to have a mummy of an ancient Egyptian inside a monastery in the middle of the Italian Countryside but it does allow for the understanding of different cultures and different religions it's quite a nice nice idea I think this mummy is an Egyptian male priest and his name is written at the bottom here this mummy's name is kimar kimar so here we see the priest kimara being kept by the priests here in [Music] [Music] Italy but this 26th Dynasty coffin could not be taken on face value [Applause] alone crafted from Cedarwood and brightly painted with a dedication running down the middle indicating this coffin belonged to a priest the face was painted red indicating a man yet the titles said it was for the lady of the house even the name at the end appeared altered was this a man or a woman Inside in 2007 the monastery called upon egyptologists and Radiologists to put this question to an end not unwrapping the mummy and doing x-rays revealed that the body inside was that of a male priest fortunately a label on one of the bandages had been painted on and was well preserved and revealed his name was indeed Kemar however 2,700 years ago when this coffin was crafted it became common practice to recycle others burial equipment because of the economic decline brilliantly wrapped he was of some importance even having his wig separately mummified and placed above his [Music] head the priest kimar had no death mask however he had a panel placed above his head with an image of the sky goddess noot interestingly facing forward breaking away from the Egyptian traditional profile view this panel was placed over his mummy to protect him on his way to the [Music] afterlife even to today the sky goddess no is watching over the priest Kem K Egypt is filled with magic and mystery but if we look closer and deeper we can still see its [Music] Humanity [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] even though this is such a small collection the pieces are still quite interesting and quite important actually and I know a lot of you will have some things to say about this being here at a monastery but think about the good it can bring the cultural connections it can teach [Music] us Rome a city where Modern lives alongside the ancient a place that contains secrets from the ancient [Music] world where Modern religion overlaps with the ancient a symbol of power 13 to be precise ancient Egyptian obelisks relocated to Rome [Music] [Music] yet one holy sight contains Egyptian [Music] Mysteries beautiful art from times long forgotten [Music] corridors of gods and Royals and sacred writings inscribed long before Rome had its [Music] Emperors thousands of years before Julius Caesar and [Music] Christianity in the shadows of ancient Rome what Egyptian Secrets lie in plain sight at the [Music] Vatican founded in 1506 the vatican's museum holds a huge collection of art amassed by the Catholic church and previous popes a collection of over 70,000 artifacts of which 20,000 are on [Music] display in a room adjacent to the cinee chapel around the altar dedicated to the Virgin Mary is an artifact that you wouldn't expect to find Pope Pas I 9th had the story of the Virgin Mary's Immaculate Conception of her becoming pregnant with the Son of God translated into every language known to man in 1854 he even had the story embossed onto Silver in Egyptian hieroglyphs while placing his own name into an ancient Egyptian Royal cartouch but why would an organization that asked cholo not to translate the Hogs be interested in ancient Egypt we are at the Egyptian SE in the Vatican Museum I'm so excited to be here there are so many amazing pieces as you can see from so many different dynasties all the way from pre-dynastic times up until the Roman period so I am very much looking forward to showing everybody some of the amazing pieces here at the [Music] Museum many people think that the ancient Egyptians were obsessed with death in fact they were obsessed best with life and how they could ensure their next life would be prosperous mumification was their way of preserving the body so that the gods could recognize your spirit such as this 22nd Dynasty Noble woman with her perfectly preserved hair dating back almost 2,900 [Music] years sharing the same display face is a royal mommy however she was not born in Egypt I've been waiting so long to see her this is princess amadis of the 25th dynasty of Nubia and she was adopted and moved to thieves and became a high priestess of Amon and mot so to see her it's so amazing you can see she was would have been wrapped with beads and all of her funerary objects it's so beautiful and in Florence is actually her Nanny's death mask which is quite huge um so there's been a lot of debate about Princess amanas whether we should send her back to Nubia to Sudan or keep her here but uh that's a bit of a slippery slope and I'm so excited to see princess amadas here and uh in Cairo there is a beautiful alaster statue of arman's huge Alabaster statue so to see her it's quite quite moving [Music] actually beautifully wrapped in linen her mummy would have been covered with these turquoise colored beads in a style dating back almost a thousand years before amoner the Old Kingdom of Egypt these beads would connect her to the goddess haor several silver and gold amulets were placed across her body including her heart Scarab which would be used to weigh her heart against the feather of Justice at the final judgment before the afterlife her tomb was found in Luxor with many wooden artifacts Alabaster and [Music] gold a touching statue set of goddesses were placed at the head and foot of her nested sarcophagy Isis and nephus have protected amedas for thousands of years the main protector of armas's tomb was the Jackal Anubis he even guarded something that could make amed's next life even more leisurely these little figurines are called shabes if you could afford it hundreds of them were placed in your tomb you could call upon them sort of like servants to do the jobs you did not want to do in the next life each shti was given a special spell to invoke its role and they were specially decorated with individual faces these wooden shes coated in resin were created for Pharaoh seti the first and are some of the only artifacts remaining from his tomb found by joavan Bon shabtis could also be lazy and they needed a special foran figurine placed there to make sure they do their job however a mummy needed something to be cased in and I'm not talking about tombs I'm talking about sarcophagy and some of them could be elaborately decorated this coffin is a very famous coffin it's very famous on the internet however seeing her in person the internet's a little photoshopped she's actually very uh desaturated online they've made her her headdress with the the neck B vulture goddess very green and here she's actually very dull um but still she's extremely beautiful to look at this beautiful high class lady was an ancient Egyptian singer from 900 BC the goddess noot pours out water for the Barb bird the spirit of the dead as she appears as a sycamore tree during periods of economic decline many texts could not be put on the walls so they were drawn into the [Music] coffins the goddess above of protecting the Dead who is presenting her heart the source of her soul the third intermediate period when Egypt went into severe economic decline is famed for presenting us with these beautiful yellow coffins the entire surface area of the coffin was decorated with texts to help the dead get into the Afterlife as they could not afford tombs at the time yet the yellow coffin style can be found in the 18th Dynasty 300 years or so before the third intermediate period the inside of this coffin shows the phoh T Moses III presented as the god soar clearly the coffin of someone held in high regard guard by the Pharaoh as he is inside the coffin protecting the dead when the Greeks arrived in Egypt they began to adopt Egyptian ferary practices leaving us with some interesting death masks painted and gilded with gold inlaid with precious stones such as blue lapis lazeri when a certain Roman Emperor arrived in Egypt the art dramatically began to change Julius Caesar and Cleopatra had their Infamous love affair and when that was over the Romans were in charge of Egypt [Music] jewelry stitched into painted linen with the image of a beautiful woman from the 3r century ad found in antonoplos and then placed over her money a lifelike image of a lady living in Egypt they also loved life and recording what happened in life stones scarabs were used to commemorate important events the grandfather of Egypt's most famous Pharaoh had many of these created the stone Scarab of Aman hoip III announces his wedding to his soon Tobe wife Queen T these could be mass-produced and handed out as news bulletins their son started an artistic and religious Revolution believing in only one God akatan can be seen as the first monotheist the art style dating from akan natan's Reign known as the Amana period is quite distinctive a wall fragment taken from an Amman period Tomb at Sakara the man here wearing his elaborate wig and heavy jewelry which were given as a gift from the Pharaoh his fine linen typical of the period over 3,300 years [Music] ago before the official is an offering table filled with fruits Breads and flowers you of course needed to eat in the next life and this man's tomb shows that he received thousands and thousands of offerings this fragment from his tomb shows us clearly that he received a th000 beer a th000 cattle a th000 geese and so on in the 18th Dynasty it was quite common for your family to give offerings to your soul and for this ritual you needed a special device and luckily the Vatican has these on display these are offering tables but what's interesting about this offering table is on the top it shows the the food the bread the animal carcasses the pieces of uh meat and what instead of putting the actual offering on this little table they would pour water over here and the water would run out of the spout giving the essence of the food to the dead this is known as a HP hip offering the Pharaoh of course needed offerings as well however theirs were on a slightly higher level such as Pharaoh tmos the third a carving from his Temple shows two Gods pouring the Key of Life water over the Pharaoh making him pure this is such an interesting piece because what we would usually see as a man here is actually a woman this is Queen and Pharaoh hatut hears her name mat K the beautiful spirit of the Goddess [Music] mat here is haip suit with her stepson who later became the Pharaoh T Moses III you can see his name here men here they are standing together which is quite interesting it sort of shows a co- Regency as both of their names are in cartas and they are both giving offerings back to [Music] Amon at the bottom here we can even see haut's name Amun hatut and this is such an interesting piece to prove that there was a cency between the two of them over a thousand years before hatut the EGP ipans buried their pharaohs in Grand [Music] pyramids the Vatican holds clues about these man-made mountains this man worked for Pharaoh kufu the owner of the Great Pyramid his name is Erie Erie was the high priest of kufu and and would be the overseer of kuf Fu's tomb the Great Pyramid once kufu had died the ancient Egyptians had such a firm belief that your spirit would Ascend into the sky like a bird and meet with Osiris the god of the afterlife [Music] Osiris had a counterpart God known as p and when these two gods were combined they created an all powerful God that would be worshiped all the way from Egypt to [Music] Rome in 117 ad Emperor hadrien was ruling Rome at his Villa in tiv hadrien had an Egyptian serapium created this space was dedicated to Osiris apus and P these Egyptian statues made with a Roman flare such as the off of P with a [Music] rooster carapus was the combination of P Osiris and the apus bull when Hadrian's lover antinous died he was named Osiris antinis connecting him with carapus the worship of carapus and the apus bull have longstanding roots in ancient Egypt serapium of Hadrian and antinis is a beautiful combination of Roman and Egyptian art and [Music] religion by Hadrian's time Rome had been ruling Egypt for over a 100 years anois was sort of named as Pharaoh in Egypt and when he died Hadrian named an entire city after him the mighty Emperors of Rome could not not be overcome by the religion of Egypt a Roman was so taken with the religion of ancient Egypt that he built this serapium to his favorite anois where he worshiped him as an Egyptian god some scholars believe that hadrien had antinous buried in his serapium in Italy It is believed that over 100 statues were dedicated to antinis by hadrien this is antinis the favorite lover of Emperor hadrien and he was actually crowned sort of as Pharaoh in Egypt and unfortunately he drowned in the Nile which caused Emperor Hadrian to build the city of Antonopoulos but this is a representation of anois as a pharaoh but in a very Roman Style the ancient Egyptian jackal-headed god Anubis the leader of the Dead shown here in a very Roman style wearing a very Roman draped tunic and sandals in the first century AD in Rome Anubis was connected to Mercury two winged serpents intertwining on his staff known as the caducus symbolizing his connection to the Roman fairy man of the dead it was not uncommon for Romans to adopt and adapt ancient gods from other religions tho could be associated with Hermes or Mercury and the Egyptian Nile God happppy given a Roman makeover into a fountain a thousand years before Happy's makeover Egypt was ruled by one of its most powerful pharaohs conquering vast lands and building on an unprecedented scale however strangely at the Vatican very few artifacts are on display of ramsy II but rather a woman that is responsible for Ramsay's entire life a lady that I've been waiting so long to meet mut toy the mother of Ramsey II statues of Queens are usually smaller unless we think of Queen T or nefatari this woman was so amazing and she's the one who trained Queen nefatari and what I love about her statue she's so huge Ramsay's name is at the top ramsy had several statues dedicated to his mother across Egypt from Abu simul to Memphis but this one was found at the ramum in Luxor and at the bottom here we have Ramsay's sister and her daughter because the St statue was damaged when taken to Rome by Emperor Caligula hitra Ramsay's sister on the side has been given a Roman skirt ramsy venerated his mother as to be reborn in the afterlife you need a mother she was the great Royal wife of pharaoh setti the and played an important role in Egyptian politics it is absolutely incredible to see this amazing woman next on our lineup are the descendants of a Greek man who called himself the son of Amon in 332 BC the Persians had taken over Egypt Egypt's salvation would come from a mighty Greek Macedonian conqueror alexandros better known as Alexander the Great a descendant of Alexander the Great tmy I became pharaoh of Egypt when Alexander died when his son Tommy II came to the throne he had a co- Regency with his sister wife asway and this woman was given an unprecedented title at the time asway was named ruler of Upper and Lower Egypt making her a full [Music] Pharaoh when she died in year 15 of of toomy II's Reign he decreed that ourway be deified and her statue placed in every Temple the apis bull was connected to the strength of the Pharaoh and was worshiped up and down the land one specific bull was chosen and placed inside the temple when the bull died it would be mummified as a pharaoh and celebrated through throughout the land of Egypt what we have here is one of the only depictions of the apis bull as a [Music] man so it's the apis bull with the head with the horns holding the staff of was and he is with the body of a man isn't he just [Music] beautiful not surprisingly the Vatican holds many rare Egyptian statues of gods a rarely seen statue of the Goddess CIT she has the body of a scorpion and the head of a goddess she would protect you from bites and poison usually is shown as a woman and this an Egyptian Cobra Urus usually shown at the front of a Pharaoh's crown inlaid with stone and gilded with gold snakes Birds bugs the Egyptians also worshiped several forms of felines not very often do we get a depiction of a male lion God in Egypt apart from one and his name was mahes mahes is shown here in such a small depiction of a strong male lion the god of war and destroying your enemies and Ramsey II showed mahes very rarely but at places like w El saua which is the Valley of the Lions which is where the lions were trained to be taken to war with Ramsey and Ramsey's own pet lion that we see depicted with him at abusol during the Battle of cadesh is called mahes the destroyer of the enemies and here he is usually a lion is not shown as a god a liones is the female goddess seet is shown as a goddess but never male lion this is an extremely rare image of M the male God of War the Vatican is well known for having many Christian and Catholic artifacts but they also have a huge collection of Egyptian art and one of the most famous pieces that they have is this Lion of Necto which was found at filii unfortunately it would be Christianity that would bring ancient Egypt to its final demise Filly Temple is the last place where ancient Egyptian religion was practiced the Roman Empire then came into Egypt but many of the Emperors depicted themselves here at filli as pharaohs this lion has been copied so many times in Europe when it was bought to Rome even walking around Naples in Italy you will find many ancient copies of the Necto lion it's actually so famous you would have recognized it from being on fountains outside people's homes so this lion has actually traveled through thousands of [Music] years so there we have it those are some of the Mysteries and treasures held at one of Catholic and Christians most sacred [Music] sites Priceless pieces of art gathered vastly from the ancient world from Kings pharaohs Emperors and popes these are just a few of the Egyptian Secrets at the [Applause] [Music] Vatican this is Pompei an ancient city practically Frozen in [Music] time it is so unique that walking on the streets here makes you feel transported back almost 2,000 years ago to when it was one of the most populous cities in the ancient Roman Empire not only for people from Italy but also the Greeks and even as far as Egypt [Music] as an egyptologist and a history lover I want to see what links there are between Pompei and Egypt and trust me there are quite a [Music] few [Music] [Music] many of us are very familiar with the final days of Pompei and how it became to be so perfectly preserved [Music] in case you didn't know Pompei was devastated by a volcanic eruption from Mount vvus in year 79 but what about before [Music] that so much is known about pompe end but what about their Beginnings in fact Pompei suffered from several natural disasters before its ultimate fate in the year 62 and 63 they experienced small earthquakes and a minor ruption events that made their faith in the gods even stronger [Music] and led them to become even more devoted to prevent this from happening again if you ask me I would have left the second I saw smoke coming out of that mountain ironically while they were still repairing their vast City from the previous damages the largest eruption finally destroyed them [Music] only in the mid 1600s when the volcano erupted again did modern-day man fully understand what could have caused their demise scarily the most recent eruption was in 1944 [Music] so where did Pompei originate it's something that we don't really seem to discuss and it's something that's always interested me and frankly I always found the life of Pompei more interesting than its death it appears that Pompei was founded by a group of people from Italy's region of of CIA known as the osin they settled here as a result of the close proximity to the river ocean and a sloping Mountain as well as very fertile soil this was around the 7th Century BC however there is suggesting evidence that the the first settlements here were around the 9th century BC which could make Pompei almost 3,000 years old hi Cleopatra Hi how are you I'm great and you I'm very well thanks I'm doing well well you know I I remember a while back when we spoke you mentioned that you found something that helps prove who founded Pompei can you tell me a little more about that yeah so about five years ago when I was uh digging at Pompei um I found this piece of pot Trey with this very rare alphet on it called new Syrian and I showed it to my professor and he was very excited and he said this was one of the most exciting find from the last decade wow yeah it was it was an amazing moment um and basically it it shines a light on who actually founded Pompei whether it was the Greeks themselves whether it was at trasan foundations or whether it was locals inspired by the Greeks and this the appearance of this alphabet so early on in pompei's history uh builds the case of the fact that it was actually the locals who um founded Pompei so it was a bit it was it was a big find and it was amazing to have had a role in that that is quite a revelation I mean everyone thinks it's either atrans or Greeks or osin so here we have a civilization from the local area that's quite amazing yeah it was it was it was an incredible incredible moment these early settlements in and around the vicinity of Pompei were rather small and [Music] independent in the 8th Century BC the Greeks arrived looking for a place to stop over on their oil wine and goods trading route they settled in the area creating their new [Music] city the Greeks then moved to Southern Italy where they founded their grea Magna and created this [Music] city Naples or neapolis as it was named by the Greeks would become the key point for the Greeks to colonize southern Italy which would later become known as grea [Music] Magna their culture spread through the South as far as Sicily where they built several cities and temples many Greeks from the new city neapolis would now move to Pompei which was right across the bay and that is how the Greek influence started however the atrans came into Pompei and their influence was mixed with the Greeks in 700 BC then the samnites arrived in the fth century though an Empire just North wanted Pompei in 310 BC Pompei became an ally of Rome but was not fully under Roman control Rome had a huge influence on Pompei not only in religion but architectural style and cultural influences finally in 89 BC Roman rule was fully in power at Pompei and Latin then replaced all languages in Pompei as its one true official language a very sophisticated class of people people lived here their art architecture City Planning and ideals were quite beautiful yes they loved having a good party amongst other things but Pompei was the city to live in 2,000 years ago at its height Pompei was home to almost 20,000 [Music] people because of its Multicultural inhabitants in and around Pompei the city was home to Roman style Villas Greek style amphitheaters and temples with the touch of ancient Egypt we know that the Greeks had a big influence on Pompei with temples dedicated to dionis the Greek god of wine and fertility Apollo and Heracles also known as Hercules Rome was influenced by Egypt in the 2nd Century BC during the reign of pharaoh tmy I 6 and of course during the famous love affair of Cleopatra and Julia Caesar at Dinda temple in Egypt we can see them together cetra and Caesar and their son cesarian Rome was heavily influenced by ancient Egypt around 45 BC but what of Pompei they were already aware of Egypt hundreds of years before Egypt's influence on [Music] Rome my friend Alex an archaeologist and tour guide who is born in modern Pompei wants to show me a villa that he believes will give me the link to prove the connection between Egypt and Pompei Alex there aren't many very in your face signs that pompe was influenced by ancient Egypt right right Curtis we don't have many but there are a few very pretty ones and let me show you one okay show me this way Ando Curtis when we were talking before about um Egyptian influences here in Pompei this is the house I was thinking of okay House of the Gilded Cupids and it's this which I wanted you to [Music] see right here in the house of the Gilded Cupids behind of us we have this amazing Shrine which does clearly recall a lot of Egyptian symbolism the apus snakes Temple implements and of course the gods we have anubius Horus the little Horus Isis and Idis but notice these Egyptian gods are wearing Greek robes and Osiris has a full beard but at the same time notice this great attempt of religious syncretism as the cultures are blending in an obes on his left shoulder he is holding the kusus the staff of God heres God mercury in the same house on the other side we would have found found the traditional Roman Shrine with the statues of Ze Jupiter for the Romans Juno manura the two Lis the household gods and Mercury too Osiris was the god of Agriculture and the afterlife his wife was Isis and their son was Horus The Reincarnation of the Pharaoh Anubis was the leader of the Dead an Egyptian Cobra along with the temple implements such as the instrumental system used to evoke the gods we know of several Greek gods and goddesses who were worshiped at Pompei however many Egyption deities were revered in the city as well a great Temple to Isis is at Pompei the worship of the Egyptian goddess Isis spread throughout the Mediterranean thousands of years ago many festivals were held here at pompe to Isis and her followers ranged from slaves to the highest of nobility we even know that Nile water was specifically brought to Pompei to be used as holy water during these ceremonies [Music] I Isis and the only ruler of time so inspector of the limits of the Sea and the land with scepter in hand their one mistress in in fact all name me Supreme goddess the greatest of all gods in heaven for I myself have discovered everything and took on this toil the writing will prove it revealing to all my intentions which I disclose to you are the fruits of life I fortify the cities with Reverend Wars and te you I have allowed Knowledge and Skills without me nothing has ever come to existence neither do the stars move on the same Journey without having first received from me their instructions nor will the earth bear fruit in Spring if I did not approve all I grant you love and life and good fortune I've come into Naples to look for more clues dispersed throughout the archaeological Museum our links between Egypt and Pompei if you know where to look little known artifacts and some on a grander scale proving Egyptians were at Pompei inside the Temple of Isis at Pompei we have depictions of many Egyptian gods such as this one the god Bess the god of protecting children and sex beess is one of only a few Egyptian gods that were adopted into the Greek and Roman world the Strang looking creature is is a mix between a dwarf and a lion even a scene showing the Egyptian god of the Dead the leader of the Dead Anubis however he's shown wearing a very Roman cloak if you would say and Greek style sandals yet his face is of the Egyptian Jackal God and this was shown in several houses in Pompei and even found in a private home at Pompei is a bronze votive statue to a nubis many nesque animals are shown at the Temple of Isis as a way to connect the inhabitants of Pompei to Egypt still we have an Egyptian lion and of course a sacred Ibis very Egyptian for this part of the Mediterranean and even the worship of the Egyptian apis B because the Temple of Isis was badly affected by the volcanic eruption many of the scenes have been taken from the temple in Pompei across the bay into the Naples archaeological Museum the Egyptian cobra Urus also symbolizing the goddess waj is shown throughout the area during the later New Kingdom in Egypt Isis was believed to be connected to the Cobra as she became the goddess of magic a reason why Cleopatra was so entertained with the thought of speaking to [Music] snakes just like in Egypt the Isis Temple at Pompei had a hierarchy of priests and priestesses daily rituals occurred at the temple with offerings being brought to the Statue of the Goddess a priest with a situla full of milk would be present while the high priest read from the Papyrus invoking the goddess the the highest order of priests would be clean shaven and they would walk around during the ceremonies spreading incense as they believed the goddess would manifest within the perfumed smoke the images show priests holding systs and instrument shaken to evoke the presence of a god usually shown with the cow goddess hather but the actual systs excavated from Pompei show the face of Isis the priests are also dressed in very Egyptian costume these rare ceremonial scenes give us a vivid idea of what religion was like not only in Pompei but also within [Music] Egypt of course the most important scene in the temple is the Goddess Isis herself with baby Horus holding his hand up to his chin a little like Ramsay's II statues Isis slowly entertains an Egyptian Cobra while the priests surround her with the evocative Temple artifacts and for good measure at her feet an Egyptian Nile crocodile [Music] these wall paintings only serve a certain purpose at the center of the temple is the Goddess Isis [Music] herself only the inner clergy of the temple were allowed access to her beautiful statue of Isis with her hand out the one leg forward just like the Egyptian art and her hand you just want to touch [Music] it we aren't aware of any conflict between the Egyptians and the so-called native people of Pompei they all appeared to get along quite well Pompei was such a mix of cultures I don't think anyone could judge the other Cleopatra why do you think that Pompei was so accepting of different cultures and different religions well this this area in this time period has a history of I mean it's on the Mediterranean so these cultures are coming in and out so it has a long history of so many cultures so many different people everything kind of meshing together so it's it's no surprise that um that you see this kind of amalgamation of all these cultures and this acceptance Pompei just like Roman world I do strongly believe Romans were pretty tolerant regarding religions um Christianity we know that became more than a political issue but Pompei starting from its Origins the foundations founded by the osens local population strongly influenced by the truskin pompe was strongly influenced by the Greeks um Pompei was surrounded by Greek colonies and when you trade in Goods you trade in culture at the same time the presence of the Temple of Isis from the 2 Century before Christ perhaps created by uh the sailors of Alexandria of Egypt do show what great Melting Pot this city would have been finally too with the arrival of the Romans which are blending in it does create this Multicultural Society when did the Egyptian influence arrive in Pompei though they could have arrived back in the 7th Century BC with the Greeks as we know the Egyptians and the Greeks had very close ties with almost little to no Conflict at [Music] all in fact artifacts dating back from 525 BC from the reign of pharaoh zamic III have been found in Pompei and neighboring erano back in Naples tucked away in the Museum's EG Egyptian section the Pharaohs leave us even more clues artifacts dating from the reign of pharoh zamic the third such as a fragmented Obelisk and this beautiful Bassel table marking the coronation of the Pharaoh you can see his cou here Pam and over here we have a great hieroglyph showing the king striding this table of zamic which was found at a private Villa in Pompei was it actually given to the owner of the Villa or was it taken there after the pharaoh's death you see at the end of zk's rule the Persians had taken over Egypt which could have caused many families to want to leave Egypt and go to their allies in Greece or even Gia magma that could explain how artifacts from ZK III ended up in Pompei even a seated Egyptian statue of the Pharaoh zamik with Greek on it we have the evidence from a short period later on though that there were in fact immigrants from Egypt arriving in Pompei and why not they had a similar culture and [Music] religion sewi a high official in Egypt during the Persian occupation in 300 BC could provide a clue in 332 BC seita saw the liberation of Egypt from the Persians by one of Macedonia Greeks greatest conquerors Alexander the [Music] Great our Egyptian official wrote down his accounts of the expulsion of the Persians by Alexander this is the Steeler of seitai after Alexander the Great left his short stay in Egypt however he remained Pharaoh seitai wrote down his accounts of Alexander defeating the Persians and shortly after Alexander left Egypt sewi became the high priest of the son of Isis Horus his Steeler was originally placed in Egypt but it could have been brought here possibly by a family member when they immigrated to Pompei as his Steeler was found here at the Temple of Isis I say this because we have several homes at Pompei with a considerable Egyptian influence with Egyptian gods on the walls or even Egyptian Wildlife such as cobras Ibis birds and crocodiles it is entirely possible that someone who came from Egypt had these scenes put on the walls to feel more at home there have even been sphinxes and shabes found in private homes in Pompei like this little one here [Music] a sphinx is an Egyptian symbol and it's staggering how many were found at Pompei not only Guardians they also symbolize the sun resting on the horizon the Egyptian god Bess with a female Sphinx all of these found at homes in Pompei [Music] at the Temple of Isis in Pompei we have a statue of the Egyptian Nile God happi and here happppy is not depicted in the usual Greek Roman style that we see the Egyptian art adapted to in Pompei here happy is shown as fully Egyptian hundreds of these uniquely Egyptian shty figurines were found in private homes and buried around the Temple of Isis [Music] Isis Giver of Life residing in the sacred Mound the lady of bead F she the one who pours out the inundation that makes all people live and green plants grow to provide Divine offerings for the gods and invocation offerings for Idis for she's the lady of Heaven her man is the lord of the next World the pure water rejuvenating himself at F in his time her son is Lord of the land indeed she's the lady of heaven and a new world she who brought them into existence through what her heart conceived and her hands created she's the soul that is in every city watching over her son Horus and her love Idis the house of f in Pompei could provide us with the link we need to prove that the ancient Egyptians had immigrated to [Music] Pompei in the Villa Garden several sphinxes were found a sphinx as we know is an Egyptian symbol archaeologists are not entirely certain of the origins of the owners of the House of Thor but certain evidence does lead us to one [Music] conclusion house ofor has some of the most beautiful mosaics including some very Egyptian style scenes like this one showing the Nile here we see some of the plants from the Nile such as the palm tree we see Egyptian geese a cobra Papyrus a hippo a crocodile lotus flowers and bird life from the Nile such as the sacred Ibis this scene shows life happening on the Nile this sort of scene does not happen in Italy nor in Pompei this scene is very blatantly Egyptian where the inhabitants from this house in Pompei actually from Egypt more than likely [Music] yes and this a 5 and 1/2 M Mosaic created out of one and a half million cut tiles it is Alexander the Great chasing the Persians out of Egypt dating from around 120 BC over 100 years since the battle actually took place but why was this shown in a private Villa in Pompei we know that Alexander never visited Pompei so why was this scene shown here along with other Egyptian style scenes since the Greek influence was so strong in Pompei as well as the Egyptian influence the image of a Greek freeing Egypt from the Persians was seen as the ultimate symbol of [Music] power and that is why we have this beautiful scene of Alexander the Great in Pompei represented in Egypt [Music] if you could only feel the fires of Love driver you would hurry more to enjoy the pleasures of Venus I I love young charma please spur on the horses let's go on you've had your drink let's go take the rains and crack the whip take me to Pompei where my sweet love lives the people here worshiped Isis and Osiris as they believed they could grant them eternal life and in a way they did for if we speak about them they are still with us to [Music] [Music] today I've come here to Berlin to see the noas museum and to discover their vast ancient Egyptian collection won't you come with [Music] me from the famous nefatiti to Queen te this Museum in the center of Europe contains 5,000 years worth of treasures from the Pharaohs from tyrannical rulers to religious zealots and everything in between the glory of ancient Egypt is here for all to [Music] see however many would say that these Treasures are Otten gains and Spoils of War it wasn't too long ago that these artifacts faced near [Music] annihilation [Music] you can see here I have an image of this exact room when it was bombed in World War II this is incredible [Music] [Music] the museum was bummed and hundreds of ancient art pieces were destroyed Irreplaceable they were lost for forever Weeks Later Brave civilians arrived on the scene and volunteered their time to clean up this precious Museum this haunting image shows men rescuing a bust of tutank kamoon from the rubble a sanctuary for Art became the worst place on [Music] Earth yet many things have changed and today Berlin stands high after its fall today the Museum's island is a gem of Europe and this Courtyard here with the sun coming through to feel a little bit more connected to Nature this Courtyard was painted in the 1800s but blown up during World War II and is something quite beautiful and very sad about this room it's almost a monument to the war to all the wars of ancient Egypt of Germany of the world because they've left this room untouched where the paint is chipped off they've left it there's still bullet marks in some of the pieces the Egyptian pieces it's very very touching to see this Museum focuses on the ancient with decoration only to enhance the artifacts here at the noas Museum in Berlin what is so beautiful is the ceiling it looks original but that's because it's so damaged these Fresco were made made in the 1800s painstakingly made to look original and then when this Museum was bombed in World War II they decided when they renovated the museum to not fix it so that's why we have these ceilings copied from tombs and temples the ceiling is filled with astrological signs followed by the ancient Egyptians the Sun the Moon and the stars played a big part for the Egyptians and each Temple had a chief astronomer and each Pharaoh valued their astronomer dating all the way back to the time of the pyramids over 4,500 years ago astronomy allowed for the alignment of the pyramids and dotted around the pharaoh's tombs were hundreds of tombs for their nobles [Music] 4,500 years later some of these tombs can now be marveled at in Berlin this tomb belonged to two men one the mayor of Memphis and the other the overseer of the Mory Temple of the Pharaoh Meen and Ne they were Nobles that lived during the time of pharaoh kufu during the fourth Dynasty while the Great Pyramid was being built here we see NE holding the staff to show that he's a nobleman in full color and as we go down we see NE with his hand up showing that he can write he's about to start writing something on a wall and up here is his boss's name kufu the owner of the Great Pyramid and this entire maaba was taken from Giza and brought here to Berlin kufu had many of his loyal followers buried close by around his pyramid this is Meb the commander of the troops during Pharaoh kufu Reign we see Meb here as he's entering his tomb his name written here mer with a heart Scarab as his name ending with the B and here we can see kuf Fu's cartoon Fu it's just incredible to think that this is from the time of the Great Pyramid that's around 4, 300 years old it is absolutely mindblowing in the doorway we see a family scene of Meb his son daughter and his wife welcoming the body into the tomb ah and here is merib the commander of the troops for pharaoh kufu and his beautiful wife dressed in the traditional fourth Dynasty dress with the breasts exposed and highwaisted skirt I wonder how they brought this all the way from Giza to Berlin the fourth dynasty was one of the highest points however after the death of kufu many family quarrels would cause many issues including the end of a dynasty the fifth Dynasty consisted of nine pharaohs ruling for over 150 years these pharaohs continued the tradition of building pyramids for their afterlife Egypt was not much of a desert land as it is today 4,500 years ago it was more of a savannah landscape filled with Antelope and wild animals still the everyday people lived along the strip of fertile soil along the Nile for the beginning of the fifth Dynasty the land was prosperous yet after a while it began to decline this scribe named henka lived during the fifth Dynasty but was the high priest and the overseer of the pyramids of snefru from the fourth Dynasty people who were close to the Pharaoh were greatly rewarded during this period shown with his wife and child this nobleman from the fifth Dynasty from the reign of the first pharaoh of this dynasty usera would have witnessed a dramatic change in politics from the fourth Dynasty to the fifth Dynasty the succeeding Pharaoh raised the fifth Dynasty to its high point he increased Egypt's trade and Military presence Pharaoh sahura the king that would lead Expeditions into punt Assyria biblos and Libya deified in his pyramid at abusir taken from the pyramid Temple for King sahura this amazing scene shows very interesting gods that we don't usually see depicted in this kind of form we have the god Gibb the god of the earth and he's shown here with a full beard and the two feathers of amoon and before GB we have this rather strange looking creature he is the god of chaos and disorder and destruction his name is set and above we can see that these two gods are helping Pharaoh sahura in the fifth Dynasty to capture his [Music] enemies but what's interesting is there are enemies that are Egyptian as well can see very clearly Egyptian and a man from Libya shown with a Urus on his forehead these are all very close countries and there would have been a cross connection of cultures throughout many Millennia so it is very possible that these might not be Egyptian enemies they might be foreign enemies imitating the Egyptians after sahur Ra's rule we see the country suffering from an immense drought the Egyptian way of life was under threat with increasing pressure from neighboring countries the penultimate ruler of the fifth Dynasty Jed the K his skeleton was found inside his pyramid he reformed Egypt's political standing and mentioned for the first time Nubia which he conquered to the South his success followed over into the new set of rulers the sixth Dynasty a scene from a sixth Dynasty tomb wall they've brought the entire Musta again here to Berlin but what is so interesting is here we see the initial outlines this this is an unfinished tomb these are the artist's Impressions to show the sculptors how to come and chisel out these elaborate embossed carvings it's just beautiful so it's as if someone was chipping away the dead person was brought in and they went okay we're [Music] done during the sixth Dynasty the leaving of food and goods offerings became more important for those like this nobleman who could afford it they could have real offerings placed in the Tomb but as a backup many times on the walls they had offerings carved for eternity a false door was often placed inside a separate room in the tomb which allowed for the family of the deceased to come in and leave offerings and the spirit of the deceased to come in and out to receive them nearing the end of this dynasty a king who lived into his '90s named Pepe II Rose to power but his age and length of rule would bring about many problems within the kingdom this is a beautiful vase painted with the famous Egyptian Blue from the time of King Pepe II K neera his name is on here but what I'm very interested in is the strange looking wooden piece it's been eaten by termites and very badly damaged but it would have been a big a massive representation of a falcon covered in these beautiful blue fance tiles decorated to look like feathers because of the extended age of dear old Pepe II many Regional rulers took it upon themselves to take power meaning the rise of non- monarchs or Nars of course when the country's economy went down so did its belief in ferary offerings [Music] instead of having elaborately carved tomb walls or expensive offerings placed in the Tomb these statues would be there almost to provide the service for eternal life of bringing in your [Music] offerings the country was divided within several ruling regions up and down the land each man thinking he was more powerful than the next a ruler named antii helped secure thieves following him a man named Monto hotip came along and reunited Upper and Lower Egypt starting the metal Kingdom a typical 12th Dynasty scene of a woman wearing the typical 12th Dynasty dress with their breasts exposed carrying offerings on top of her head they might not actually be offerings they might be scenes from everyday life Egyptian woman putting bread or vegetables from the market and taking it home the tradition of offering statues continued all the way into the middle Middle [Music] Kingdom the Middle Kingdom is one of the most interesting times in ancient Egypt's history it gives us some of the most gorgeous examples of ferary practices like this painted wooden coffin with the Goddess Isis with her wings stretched out what's sad is this is a coffin for a child rulers may have changed but mortal it had not and yet again more of a tomb from the Old Kingdom Here in Berlin with his false wall well his false door with the deceased person coming out to greet the offerings arriving from his family the Ancients were not oblivious to the fact that also the family would be deceased at some point in the future therefore for they had many of the family members depicted in their tomb this was a practice going all the way back to the Old Kingdom almost like the mysterious Reserve heads which were probably a backup for the deceased in case their body was [Music] lost on this offering table known as a HP we see them bringing in the sacred oils the Middle Kingdom was an interesting time and modern Scholars actually refer to this period as The Classical period of ancient Egypt due to the fact of many personal narrative papy that were found you see the parallels between the Old Kingdom and the Middle Kingdom are quite slight priests like anaf from the sixth Dynasty in the Old Kingdom would write down their po personal stories holding a staff with his full figure showing his [Music] prosperity in the Cairo Museum we have an excellent example of a mayor and priest with a full body holding a staff from the fourth Dynasty known as K AP the connection between Lord canavan and Howard Carter is spread throughout all Egyptian museums the impact is is so strong these pieces were found by Howard Carter and donated to this Museum pretty similar to the museum in Florence and all over the world where we find pieces discovered by Howard Carter and Lord canav it is often the smaller pieces that can tell us more about real life than the grand monuments like this 12th Dynasty Cobra Urus jewelry in the 12th Dynasty is is some of the most beautiful and delicately executed of all history what I'm looking at here is some jewelry from the 12th Dynasty around the time of Queen SOC neferu and costus III and over there is a little shell and that shell we can see often during the 12th [Music] Dynasty the 12th Dynasty saw large amounts of gold flooding into Egypt since the Pharaohs invaded Nubia and started more trade routes to the [Music] South Furniture in the Middle Kingdom is some of my favorites including these cosmetic boxes with Ebony and Ivory flower handles Cosmetics have always played a large part in Egyptian history and they come in a variety of shapes sizes and forms just like today and accessories were not just for men or for women eyeliner was worn by everybody as was [Music] jewelry this Middle Kingdom pictoral necklace worn in everyday life was then placed on the mummy with a Scarab in the center representing their heart this time in history provided us with so much drama fantastic pharaohs and tyrannical rulers this Pharaoh was a co- Regent with his father and ruled the country for over 45 years amunim hat III the father of soek nephu the father of the first ever recorded female pharaoh and he's so beautiful he's done in this 12th Dynasty style and you can see he's got those frown lines pretty similar to costus III amunim hat iiii saw the Middle Kingdom reach its Zenith unlike his father he ruled Egypt relatively peacefully he had two pyramids constructed for himself in one pyramid himself his daughter soek nephu and the 13th Dynasty Pharaoh H webra were interred how did his reign of Peace come about amunim hat the first the son of costerus the first a king who would have a long line of prosperous successors costus the first pushed Egypt's borders to the North and the South invading Nubia twice and Canan on occasion it's from costus I first that we get the tale of sway the Scribe wrote that costus had to be brought back to Egypt during an invasion in Libya after his father amunim hat I first had been assassinated strong militaristic rulers would follow such as amunim hat II and costus II leading up to the Grand ruler of the 12th Dynasty costus II this ruthless Warrior is often shown with a displeased look on his face probably considered the most powerful pharaoh of the 12th Dynasty costus III expanded Egypt's borders and kept the enemies at Bay by building forts up and down the land a tale by the Greek Herodotus L costus as the Pharaoh that conquered all the way up to Romania setting the boundaries and leading the way for amunim hat III the statue has been changed many times over its lifetime probably created first by costus then adapted to amunim hat III and even on the side we have the names of Ramsey II and his son the 13th son mein this dnasty is probably considered the Classical period since we get to hear the voices of the Everyday People the 12th Dynasty saw a rise in power for Nobles and people that served the Pharaoh it was not uncommon for noble families during the 12th Dynasty to have Butlers as many similar Butler statues have been found he asks for offering of bread beer and fowl on the side of his statue so Beck ni hotep is his name [Music] this is the high Stewart during the 12th Dynasty in the reign of costus III and he's shown in this full cloak as we know it can get pretty cold in the desert at night apart from having a practical use these cloaks often served ritual purposes and were worn on special occasions like costerus wearing his cloak at his Jubilee yet the long success of the 12th Dynasty Came Crashing Down the men and women of ancient Egypt who were going about their lives as anyone would today we're now faced with the second intermediate period a female pharaoh known as sobec neferu was the last Pharaoh of the 12th Dynasty having no heirs upon her death there became a power struggle the 13th dynasty was formed creating a list of short-lived rulers seeing the lack of power in Egypt the hixus from the north invaded and separated the country again on his knees holding out two offering jars is Pharaoh soek hotep one of over 30 pharaohs during the 13th Dynasty the country was divided and rulers changed frequently for almost 200 years these are some of the original frescos from the 1800s and they've designed these pillows to look like you're inside an Egyptian tomb and what's amazing you have the red desert the sand and then the black silt of the Nile and usually a figure would be shown on top of here and it's beautiful because it sort of looks very [Music] authentic a pharaoh named akosa the first defeated the hixus and reunited Egypt forming the 18th Dynasty his son Aman hotep I became the second pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty and he expanded Egypt's borders Beyond Nubia into Kush and maintained the policies with Libya beautiful scene of pharaoh Amon hutp the first this is one of the only times we see the Egyptians mixing colors to get some sort of skin pigmentation rather than the plain red and yellow that is always depicted he's shown with a beautiful pleated shirt Aman hotep I developed the religion and gave us the current version of The Book of the Dead which would have been used for Millennia after his death he is seen here in such fine dress as the people saw him as a hero as a God as he was the son of the man that liberated Egypt from the foreigners but over here is his mother am MOA nefatari for a short time she ruled as C Regent with her son now she show with completely black skin this has caused a lot of controversy recently a lot of egyptologists think that this skin color means that she is Nubian but a lot of egyptologists say it's representation that she has been ified that she has been mummified she's become one with Osiris who's also sometimes shown with black skin to show rebirth but she's absolutely beautiful not to be confused with nefatari Meritt mot the wife of Ramsey II AK MOA nefatari and her son Amano I founded the village of dear Al Medina and because she was the wife of the man that Li liberated Egypt and the mother of the next Pharaoh she was deified and therefore her son was deified as well the worship of these two Royals spread for hundreds of years and even Ramsey II is credited with many Stila dedicated to Aman hotep I these two Royals were worshiped at De Al Medina they founded a village hidden away from the public where the workmen who built the tombs in the Valley of the Kings would live with their families and three times a year a special Festival was held to honor [Music] them for hundreds of years this exclusive Festival took place in dear Medina hosted by the families that lived there a votive statue of Aman hotp I would be carried around the Village from door to door and people who wanted answers to their questions would jump in front of the statue and ask and the priests would be compelled to lean to a left right forward or back giving the specific answer the this strong woman laid the path for many women in the country to follow and just a few short years after AK MOA nefatari a woman became Pharaoh a kneeling statue of Queen hatsu showing her piety by giving an offering of beer or wine to the gods she became Pharaoh because her father was a pharaoh and the male Heir was too young there's a lot of speculation about senmut and his relationship with hatchepsut it's so interesting that we see statues of senmut shown as a scribal statue and he has baby nephu the daughter of hatchepsut we don't know who the father of neferu is but he's shown very close with her it is unclear whether nephu was the daughter of senenmut or the daugh daughter of haut's previous Pharaoh husband yet it is interesting that senenmut mentions neeru in his tomb nephu took on the roles of Lady of the two lands and the God's wife when her mother hatchepsut became Pharaoh hatchepsut had an exceptionally successful Reign she is famous for leading many Expeditions into the Land of Punt where she bought back many Botanical Treasures later in her Reign when he was older the man that was born to be the next Pharaoh became the head of haut's army tutmosis III finally took the throne when queen hatchepsut died in his time tutmosis III expanded Egypt's Empire to the largest it had ever seen having many years to train in the Army while his stepmother ruled the country tutmosis III became one of Egypt's most fearsome Fighters I've just seen something I've been waiting so long to see she's here Queen te the wife of Aman hotp III I'm taking her home with me you know my friend Diane she's always asked me this question if you go to a museum have a look around and think if this Museum was on fire what piece would I want to save I know a lot of you might think NE for Titi in this Museum but for me it's Queen tea this wooden bust of Queen tea was discovered at malcata The Palace built for her on the Western Bank near Luxor she is actually wearing a crown on this bust not an afro as many have suggested as is indicated by the blue lapis beads which would have encrusted the crown she wears a gold band on her brow and a hole for a cobra and a vulture a top her head she wears the feathers horns and sundisk indicating the goddess moot the eyes with would have been lined with thick black paint and she wears one earring with two cobras some suggest that Queen T ruled as a co- Regent in the early years of her husband Pharaoh's Reign Aman hotep III was an entirely peaceful Pharaoh he was the grandfather of tutank Amon this unknown bust is of the most famous pharaoh of them all King Tut the son of the heretic King aratan incredibly beautiful woman from the late 18th Dynasty her name is Maya and she was the nurse for tutank Amon and she's shown here with her husband with their cones of perfume on their head and at the bottom here holding her husband around the chest with elegant little fingers showing that she loves her husband who you can see has the traditional Aman and little belly to show that they lived well and underneath her cute little pit monkey it's just incredible to think that this is how people lived I know these are images to be shown to the gods that might not be the everyday life but certainly once a year they would have done something where they dressed up like [Music] this the rich Nobles during the late 18th Dynasty in the reign of tutank Amun were treated like kings but nowhere near on the scale as the next 19 Dynasty the rdes this museum is filled with treasures from the entire history of Egypt yet one Pharaoh remains elusive here Ramsay the second the Pharaoh that had more statues and monuments made than any other K was it the son one of the sons of Ramses II he became high priest of P in Memphis and there are rumors that he lived below ground in the serapium at Sakara but what I love about this statue of him he's shown with the S side lock the S side lock of Youth and this would be cut off when you became a man when you turned around age 13 but yet he's still shown here in a very ramesy style as an adult as a high priest [Music] family became of the utmost importance during ramsy's II's reign as the statue suggests we see a man and his two wives with their three children presented before them generally monogamy was practiced in ancient Egypt apart from the pharaoh who was allowed many many wives but in this case and in a few special cases we see men with two wives however the woman remained in charge of the [Music] family this is a mask of the Greek king Agamemnon and many years ago people confused Agamemnon to be a king of Egypt and that is how the two colossal statues of Aman hoip III became named the colosi of mnam after this Greek king Egypt was a possible jewel in the crown for all neighboring countries it was invaded by the Assyrians the Nubians chased the Assyrians out as we see two Nubian men here depicted as Egyptians however the Assyrians chased the Nubians back out and then the native Egyptians took back control forming the 26th Dynasty this is a beautiful green stone head of pharaoh amasus amasus II because he was named amasus probably about a thousand years after the first pharaoh amasus amasus being the Greek version of his name in ancient Egyptian his name is aosa however amasus is a bit less confusing amasus was able to foil the invasion of Egypt from the Babylonians and Egypt having good ties with Greece was even increased during his reign as he contributed 1,00 talents of gold to rebuild the Temple of Delian Greece with exquisite detail this masterpiece of Egyptian art of an unknown man is simply called the green head of Berlin we may not know who he is but we do know that he lived around the time when Egypt was then ruled by the Greeks who had chased the pers Persians out of Egypt known as the toies in 332 BC Alexander the Great liberated Egypt from the Persians and was named Pharaoh his successors went on to rule Egypt with a mix of Greek and Egyptian culture the most famous being the final pharaoh of Egypt before she was defeated by the Roman resembling images of her coins this bust is said to be that of the great Cleopatra [Music] iith shortly after the death of Cleopatra during the Roman rule settlements out in the oases of Egypt continued their mummification practices this set of mummies is an example of a Rich family who would export wine to the Mediterranean wine was a lucrative business and this allowed for the family to have their death masks made of gold like the golden father shown with his full beard the people living in Egypt at this time had a mix of Egyptian Greek and Roman ferary custom exemplified in these lifelike clay death masks made to resemble the [Music] deceased not often do we actually get examples of Egyptians using different colored eyeliners and eye makeup usually it's just black but here we can see the green pigment and what's so amazing this is a woman from the Roman period and she's shown wearing bracelets of two serpents in a similar style to what we find generally at Pompei and on her death mask her hair has actually been glued into place so that she could be connected to the goddess hathor to get into the Afterlife because one of the the wishes for the ancient Egyptians to get into the Afterlife was to be connected with hathor and if you were connected with the goddess of beauty and motherhood what well she would put in a good word for you with Anubis and Osiris and get you fast tracked because you are beautiful enough to be with the [Music] gods the goddess haor was one of the most important deities since the beginning of Egyptian [Music] history on this box from the 19th Dynasty 3,300 years ago we see a goddess in the tree giving the Water of Life to a deceased woman and her spirit often the tree goddess was associated with hathor in this time hathor is often shown as a cow on the hill of dear Al Medina in the 19th dynasty hathor was referred to as the lady of the West the West being the realm of the Dead the father of ramse II Egypt's greatest Pharaoh is shown here before Osiris the god of the [Music] afterlife it was up to Osirus to make the final judgment on whether the deceased could enter Heaven luckily for a pharaoh once he had died he became one with Osiris and was often depicted as the god of the afterlife himself the art style in this Pharaoh's Reign seti I first in my opinion was the greatest in all of Egypt's history this pillow was taken from the tomb of Siti the in the 1800s by joavan Boni but was never intended for our eyes during the 19th Dynasty especially at dear Al Medina we have ferary chapels which were intended to be entered by the deceased family to come and pay tribute to their ancestors the Divine family Isis and Osiris meeting with their son Horus in the chapel on the main wall of the chapel we see the wife of the deceased kneeling before him and a high priest his son giving him an offering the deceased needed to be Pious towards Osiris and here we see the man and his wife kneeling before the god the god ATU make a special appearance here as one of the ultimate Creator Gods against a small Effigy Of The Goddess maart of Truth and Justice your heart is weighed for its sins by Anubis many think that the Egyptians were obsessed with death but they were obsessed with life and wanting to continue a good life in the next world but at times it came under threat around the 27th Dynasty a lot of different mummification practices were being melded and brought back discarded it kept evolving and here we have such an interesting coffin we see it was originally painted but it has been splashed with this black resin perfumed resin and this was seemed to have some sort of Rejuvenation Powers it's it's really quite interesting that they would have gone to all the trouble to paint it and then splash it with this this black resin rather than kopic jars these kopic coffins gilded in Gold contain the mummified organs of the deceased covered in the sacred black resin this resin had various ingredients from frankincense and myr to the Egyptian Blue Lotus found in many tombs the sacred blue lotus to the Egyptians had many properties but the main symbol for it was rebirth a thousand years after Pharaoh Pepe II 3,000 years to us the glory of the afterlife was under threat something very interesting during the third intermediate period when people couldn't afford to have elaborate tombs and burials made and even to have their own Book of the Dead made out of Papyrus they had the text written inside their sarcophagus to help them Reach the afterlife it's a very sweet way but very sad to think that this person could afford a sarcophagus but they couldn't afford the entire package burials and mummification came in several different packages from the most simple to the most elaborate and all this to appe the hundreds if not thousands of the many gods of ancient Egypt gods like Amun Min with his erect penis for fertility and the goddess anuket the protector of the Nile cataracts she was worshiped all the way in the south on elephantine Island and later became the goddess of lust several other deities were worshiped at elephantine aswell like the ram-headed god Kum often seen as the source of the Nile he later became associated with the formation and creation of men he had a Temple dedicated by tutmosis III at elephantine many gods had functions for the Nile as it was their source of life and living in the cataracts was one of the most important what we have over here is a beautiful beautiful damaged obviously statue of the Nile God happy he's here holding the Lotus and Papyrus combining Upper and Lower Egypt and he's shown in a very late 18th Dynasty early 19th Dynasty time of Siti the first Ramsey the first and he is just so beautiful he's shown with his full breasts to show the abundance of the Nile as well as his large stomach with the folds happppy is often shown combining the Lotus and the Papyrus Upper and Lower Egypt there were many forms of happppy such as the traditional full-bodied man yet he did have a feminine counterpart and she was the goddess of the branches of the Nile [Music] [Music] Delta back in Berlin I'm going to take you to meet this Museum's most famous family from the world's most overly extorted Egyptian queen to the heretic pharaoh and Son of Queen te and here he is the heretic Pharaoh aatan this bust was found at the workman's house called tmos the man who created the bust of Nefertiti he created a second version of that bust but for the husband for the Pharaoh akatan unfortunately it's completely damaged unlike the pretty much intact image that we have of Nefertiti but this is one of the most lifelike images we will have of this [Music] Pharaoh the Strang looking man revolutionized religion and the representation of the royal family to the public straying away from the idealized image that all Egyptians desired akatan went for a new more realistic art representation he wanted to show himself his Queen and wife Nefertiti and his family in an overly exaggerated form of realism showing their Flaws and All when you look into the eyes of this couple one can can only imagine was akatan a Madman or a master of ancient Egyptian art and religion this is a beautifully painted Fresco from a palace at armana in his new arid city of aadatan this scene would bring the outside to the inside this new style showing movement and life rather than rigid Egyptian t bones was believed to have been taught directly from arenata many scenes from this city show unprecedented everyday life a family stealer from the 18th Dynasty under Aman hotp IV later who changed his name to akatan and we see a man shown with a full beard and his his son and his wife sitting enjoying the day and and he's drinking beer out of a jar and he's drinking the beer with a straw that has a band in it with a filter and next to the scene we have some actual spices and ingredients that went into making this beer would have been a very different tasting beer to anything you guys drink I don't drink beer so I wouldn't know beer was enjoyed by everybody in ancient Egypt and it became a staple of their diet beer even became a way to pay Craftsmen this is how ancient Egyptian sculpture was made a big stone block and it was drawn with lines and from those lines they had the connecting the connecting features of whatever sculpture they were doing so in this case we have an unfinished Spinx the sculptors were more free during the time of aan straying away from the rigidness of Egypt's past akatan here holding a table for [Music] offerings what we see over here is realism see these faces have been cast from real life and who we see over here is thought to be the father of nefatiti pharaoh I it was I who would succeed tutank Amon in becoming the next Pharaoh but of the many women of the late 18th Dynasty there is one that some believe became a pharaoh after Aran a woman who many believe died young yet this statue suggests otherwise Nefertiti outlived akatan and became Pharaoh in her own right if we see Nefertiti has aged she has jows her breasts have sagged even a belly and she's hunched [Music] over [Music] the line of succession of akatan is very muddled yet many believe Nefertiti outlived him and renamed herself as Pharaoh neeran or smara and in this Courtyard we have the sun coming through on the statues as akatan and Nefertiti would have intended [Music] [Music] Ed akatan favored the Sun God atan and this room bathed in the sun rays is filled with only the images of the Royals akatan Nefertiti and their children what we see is a draft statue of Queen nefatiti we know it's a draft statue because of these lines on the bust similar to cosmetic surgery they marked on this statue what they wanted to improve but this statue shows us what she really looked like she looks more natural the lines on the jows and the cheeks show us where Nefertiti wanted to be more defined who knows maybe she wanted to add them in cuz Nefertiti actually looked like this whether she wanted smoothing or defining Nefertiti remains an icon and I'm going to meet the ultimate image of the queen she was discovered on the 6th of December 1912 but investigating this statue closer in the museum leaves me indifferent with an uneasy feeling for you see many suggest she's not real there is a real bust of Nefertiti that was displayed in the house of a Nazi for many years before being displayed in the museum but that all changed in [Music] 1945 Hitler was planning his invasion of Berlin concerned with World War II the Egyptians wanted Nefertiti back he demanded that Nefertiti be taken off display from the museum and had an exact replica made of the [Music] statue he then ordered that the replica and the original be taken to a bunker in Corinthia where they would be protected from the war however this led to confusion as the replica was placed in box 29 and the real in box 34 we do not know which box was brought up from the bunker and therefore when we look into the eye of Nefertiti we might be looking into a [Music] fake that bunker was never reopened we do not know whether this is the real or the fake Nefertiti but this leaves me with a question will the Germans ever return the real Nefertiti back to Egypt and there we have it those are some of the treasures from this incredible vast Museum here in Berlin in the center of Europe you can feel a little closer to ancient Egypt who would have thought that in the center of Florence in Italy is a giant part of ancient [Music] Egypt for centuries thousands of Egyptian artifacts have been scattered throughout the world in some of Europe's best museums and private collections we investigate the enemy the Queens the treasures and a mysterious Pharaoh Priceless Treasures from explorers and treasure hunters in the city that Drew the men who discovered tutankamon together come with to see the Forgotten Treasures of Egypt [Music] tucked away here in Fen at the pity Palace in the bobbly gardens are ancient relics some from the 16th century but come on the 16th century was just like the other day I'm more interested in three 1,300 year old objects at the very center of the Bobby Gardens is one of the oldest objects in Florence on public display apart from anything in the museum it is a giant Obelisk commissioned by Pharaoh Ramsay's [Music] thei [Music] this Obelisk hails from a set of twin obelisks from heliopolis now near modern day Cairo most egyptologists are aware of 13 obelisks that were taken to Rome however this information is incorrect there were actually 14 in the first century ad this Obelisk was moved to Rome by Doman and placed in in the temple of Isis in Campus Martius along with other obelisks it was placed near the pantheon the famous medii family claimed this Obelisk for their own personal collection this 9 ton 6 M Obelisk was taken from Rome and bought to finan on an Epic 4mon Journey and finally placed here at the center of the pity Palace [Music] adorned by a modern brass orb this is a very unique Obelisk because at the very Pinnacle is the sacred scarab beetle holding up the sun I'm very fortunate that I can read and understand the glyphs on this Obelisk and what we have is a very special name for the king his heart horest name this name is indicated by a Golden Falcon wearing the crowns of Upper and Lower Egypt above a temple containing the pharaoh's name here Ramses is called the strong bull followed by his throne name wer maatra Setra the son of the sun his birth name rames the house of Osiris the one that pleases Rah and the God's body ramsy's beloved of Amon and Rah lord of the city Inu the other side lists his throne name as well as titles including the Lord of Many Lands the one who has overcome his enemies the one who pleases atum the son of the son Ramsey II ruler of Upper and Lower Egypt the Justice of the strong bull topped Again by by the symbol of the Rising Sun The Obelisk was connected to the Sun godra and would catch the first rays of light from the Rising Sun every morning Ramsay's the second commissioned the largest number of these monolithic structures hee from red granite in Aswan apart from this treasure from my favorite Pharaoh Florence has many more amazing secrets from ancient Egypt that I want to show to you not only is there a giant Obelisk but there is also an obscure museum with an interesting connection to the men who discovered the tomb of tutank AMU Harry Burton Lord canav and Howard [Music] Carter we do egyptology because we love sharing stories from the ancient world so it upsets me so much when an organization such as a museum does not want to take part in a documentary which is ultimately going to help promote the museum and promote the importance of History towards the general public I see museums exploiting these ancient artifacts in a disrespectful manner whether it be by having music videos being shut there we saw this at the Museum in jirin where we had Mahmud an Italian singer performing in front of sacred statues in my opinion distasteful we see Beyonce sneaking cameras into museums to shoot music videos we even see the Great Pyramid of Giza being used on a BBC show lit up with thousands of candles inside the burial chamber how does this help the story of history when all we're doing is dumbing it down it is a Museum's duty to help promote their pieces and their artifacts while keeping those artifacts safe and by letting someone come in with a camera obviously not using a flash or lights or things like that letting them come in and showcase these pieces will help spread the word and in this day and age where everything's all virtual and Tik Tock and things like that I think it is so important that we get back to showing people how important history is I don't see any difference between a vlog and my documentaries the only difference is I might put more time in and more effort in into the production now because I am so passionate about telling you the viewer stories about any ancient Egypt and sharing knowledge of the ancient world I'm going undercover to show you some of the most amazing Treasures held here in Florence at the Museo archaeological since Florence was founded by Julia Caesar many of the Egyptian artifacts in this museum were discovered in the 1500s in the remains of ancient Roman Villas this massive oil painting showing Jean fris champon the man who deciphered the hieroglyphs from the Rosetta Stone and imp poito rosolini his trusted artistic friend when these two men met in Tuscany in 1824 they revolutionized egyptology in 1828 on an expedition to document the history of Egypt rosolini and cholon returned and donated 2,000 artifacts to this Museum the history of Egypt is even more ancient than we could have imagined in this Museum the history is laid out in chronological order with some artifacts dating back to over 10,000 years ago to the pre-dynastic period these clay pots show boats and bird life such as flamingo laying out the foundations for Egyptian art and religion these pots were placed into simple pit Graves the fundamental beginnings of what of ancient Egypt's most important [Music] practices ancient Egyptian grave offerings have been around since the pre-dynastic period since the next life was pretty much like this life only better the complex system of offerings began to evolve after time early offerings in Sandy pit Graves were simply placed inside clay pots when mud brick tombs began to appear more elaborate offerings for the dead were found this beautiful wooden statue of a woman delicately decorated with flowers on her blue necklace and her short haircut shows her in everyday life making beer such statues from the fifth Dynasty would enact the function that they are performing in the afterlife For Eternity for those who could not afford tomb wall inscriptions these figurines serve the same spiritual and functional purpose shown here grinding grain down to make flour in order to bake bread was so fundamental to the ancient Egyptians that almost everybody wanted to be buried with thousands of loaves of bread this was much easier than actually filling your tomb with bread from the 11th Dynasty onwards they realized that it wasn't enough just to have food offerings to eat you had to be able to get around in the afterlife and furthermore you had to actually get to the afterlife the spiritual journey to enter Heaven was taken by boat miniature sailboats with ores and rowers would serve this purpose for the spirit of the deceased a practice that shifted and morphed into a deeper spiritual meaning hundreds of years later however some who were of a more higher class and who were offered tombs on behalf of the Pharaoh could have their offerings carved magically onto the walls rather than being left physical offerings such as the vizer and the mayor of Memphis Mary his name written before him and appearing in the typical fifth Dynasty costume this fragment from his tomb shows that he received thousands of offerings listed here thousands of beer thousands of linen thousands of beef and thousands of geese all to be taken to the afterlife this beautiful wine cup found in arm Mana probably was drunk out of by Pharaoh akatan it is in the shape of the Sacred Egyptian flower the Blue Lotus a symbol that has been around for thousands of years this woman from the Old Kingdom was the mother of the mayor of Memphis she is shown sniffing a lotus flower the ancient Egyptians believed that the scent of the L noce could open the mind a small Glyph of her son shows that he was the mayor to them the lotus flower had many meanings linked with sexual arousement both men and women were often shown smelling the Lotus this perfumed flower was linked to the god of beauty and incense named nephren an abundant number of Haram women are shown wearing the Lotus on their brow as a way to entice the Pharaoh because nephr emerged from the Lotus it became the symbol of rebirth and was depicted in almost every Egyptian tomb and [Music] Temple the lotus flower also became the symbol for Upper Egypt its symbolism and purpose were vastly variable and if you try to count how many scenes depict the lotus flower you will be astounded we know much about the ancient Egyptians because they chose to write down everything in a sacred script called by the Greeks hieroglyphs which literally translates to Sacred carvings and their use went from the mundane everyday life to defining their religion between the seventh and 11th Dynasty Egypt experienced its Dark Age today we call it the first intermediate period following the long reign of pharaoh Pepe II small independent nomarchs began to rise in power Egypt was divided between smaller States and so the art began to fail a sad example is the Steeler of nret [Music] by the 11th dynasty things began to pick up again in thieves a smaller known god named Montu the God of War began to rise in prevalence a thean army General named Monto hotep aimed to reunite Egypt the overseer of the Estates of the god Montu tells us that Egypt's wealth began to rise yet again and funerary offerings became Common Place once more with Monto hotip becoming pharaoh and reuniting Egypt once more the pouring out of ferary offerings became abundant and this pharaoh revolu ued Egyptian literature and [Music] art the middle kingdom style is very distinctive the man in front shown with his wife behind holding his shoulder in support and before them an offering of wine and bread is poured out this couple who lived at abidos are probably foreigners because of the different facial features as well as both of their bodies being painted in a dark red color whereas in the Middle Kingdom men were painted red and women were painted yellow the 11th Dynasty saw a Resurgence in Beauty linking back to the sixth Dynasty during the reign of pharaoh Pepe and morre these Alabaster cups belonging to morre was quite a common drinking vessel during the Old Kingdom 6 Dynasty morre started showing interest in Nubia in the South leaving Egypt's borders to the north unprotected a trend that continued from the sixth d y all the way to the 12th don't lose your head over this statue it is actually a Middle Kingdom statue probably from costus but it was reused by pharoh zamic introducing a line of three ruthless Warrior pharaohs named costus although costus is the Greek version of his name his real name in ancient Egyptian reads as the man of the Goddess wet sen wet costus the first was indeed a mighty warrior spreading Egypt's Empire to Nubia Libya and creating political ties in the North [Music] what I love here is we see costus in the form of AMU with the feathers on his head with the god Montu next to him MTO identified by the two cobras on his brow and obviously we can read his name but what is so interesting is Montu has on these ropes he has the enemies the nine so-called enemies obviously they had more than nine enemies but these are the nine major enemies and they are all tied up here and we can tell that these are different from coues around the name we actually have what is like a city wall so that is the city the civilization that the Pharaoh and the God have conquered and they are tying up here by the time of the rule of costus II a period of peace and prosperity spread throughout the land with building and agricultural focuses in the fume Oasis and Sani costus II even allowed foreigners to begin to move into certain areas in Egypt this would have dire consequences by the time of his successor the infamous Ty tyrannical ruler costus [Music] II costus III reinforced Egypt's power in the south in Nubia having many military campaigns and building fortresses to protect the borders how however he began to allow smaller independent Regional rulers to have their own say the internal political system began to crumble down the line of the 12th Dynasty after Amun mhat IV came Egypt's first female pharaoh with no clear male heirs to the throne sobec nephu became the pharaoh with her Legacy ending the 12th Dynasty the Invaders the foreigners from the north known as the hixus took power over Egypt these foreigners or hixus took power from the North in their settlement area of of a varus dividing Egypt up once again into its second intermediate period with several ruling States north were the hixus in the middle the rulers at abidos and the thebans even the Nubian kushites to the South wanted power the 13th Dynasty saw the end of the pyramid age by the 17th Dynasty burial practices became less important [Music] important those who still wanted burial Goods during the second intermediate period leave us with these unskilled self-made carvings yet these Invaders introduced the Egyptians to their most fantastic invention an invention that would bring the Egyptians Battle Tactics to a new level the fast and flexible four spoke horse War Chariot this invention would ultimately lead the Egyptians to reclaiming their country an independent Egyptian ruler began to fight [Music] back War had broken out throughout Egypt s in Ral a local fean ruler raised up his Army against the hixus invasion however dying brutally in battle his son akmos took up arms and defeated the hixus founding the 18th Dynasty on this touching Steeler we can see young akmos clutching at his father's leg and behind the Young Prince is his trusty pet dog it is a common misconception that the Egyptians were extreme lovers of cats they had many forms of pets including cats however cats were never given human names they were simply referred to as ow and a dog could be given any given name actually small felines such as domestic cats were seen more for the Common People whereas dogs were seen of a higher class we know that that some pharaohs such as tutan kamoon and Ramsey II had pet lions some people in Egypt even adopted pet monkeys in some higher class families we know that they even hired attendants to groom and care for the monkeys animals in ancient Egypt were held of a very high regard larger more ferocious lines such as lions were deified this high class woman is shown before an offering table and below is her pit monkey eating a fig and she Bears the lotus flower on her head such life-filled scenes became common place in a Village founded by the 18th Dynasty Pharaoh Aman hotip I first son of AK moza a unique village where he and his mother AK MOA nefatari became Gods the village of dear Al Medina was founded to house the workmen and their families who built the tombs for the Royals on the Western Bank of the Nile this unique Place allows us an interesting look into their everyday lives we might think of furniture as something modern but here in this display case we have examples from dear Al Medina with such amazing details that we think of as modern such as window shutters here we have window shutters from 3,400 years ago from the village that Aman hotip the first founded dear El Medina we are incredibly lucky that much of the furniture from dear aladina remains from Exquisite day beds to the baskets that they would carry Livestock in to small objects like this fly swatter to provide a different kind of comfort and the chair of a noble with the legs of a lion the people of De Al Medina lived in relatively more comfortable situations than the general public as they served the Pharaoh and the royal family directly many of the pieces from De Medina were found by sholon and rosolini however some of the pieces were found by the founder of the Egyptian section of the archaeological Museum Ernesto scaparelli he found many pieces that are familiar to us today like dice a tomb worker satchel and a delicate woman's handbag party life at dear Al Medina was filled with the sounds of harps flutes liars and [Music] percussion Aman hotep the first brought about a new age in funerary practices this mummified form of the Pharaoh inside a stone sarcophagus would do his work in the afterlife these new forms go back to the tradition of funerary figurines as now the Egyptians believed you needed to do the work yourself these figurines could be woken up and made to do the job for you along with Papyrus and wall inscriptions these figurines would assist you to make your next life more comfortable they would only place one of these inside your tomb as your double hence why they are in the form of your mummy this early 18th Dynasty practice was short-lived and soon replaced by hundreds of figurines inside the tomb to do your bidding these Servants of the Dead were called Shar each shti had a specific role written out on its body in sacred magical texts neferet a Vier in the early 18th Dynasty had this shabti wearing a special ceremonial cloak in the form of himself placed in his final resting place the Tomb in the 18th Dynasty became the house of Eternity a shortlived practice practice was having the owners of the Tomb carved onto the wall greeting their mummified body as it arrived during the funeral home and tomb paintings became very elaborate around the reign of tutmosis III this style could be seen due to an influx of people from other countries bringing tribute to Egypt these patent textiles from the foreigners had a big artistic influence a tomb fragment from the time of tmos III shows a bold man with a full beard very un Egyptian he is most likely from the land of amuru during this time gifts flowed in from all around Egypt as its Empire had largely expanded Copper from Assyria gold from Nubia silver from Greece and ivory from pun in tombs such as these the differences between the cultures are very noticeable yet the similarities shine through a young Egyptian boy held by the arm and a Nubian boy held in the same position by his [Music] father [Music] in life some woman of a higher class could have attendance helping them to fulfill their every wish from preparing meals to helping with hair and makeup Egyptian servants were well respected and in many cases became part of the [Music] family female servants were given clothing housing and many other benefits you see in ancient Egypt woman had many more equal rights than any other civilization then or now these ancient women were allowed to work make decisions about the family inherit own property and marry whomever so they [Music] wished monogamy was generally practiced by everyday people in Egypt apart from the pharaoh who was allowed to have multiple wives there are the odd exceptions such as the Scribe HHA who had his two wives shown on this marriage statue this rare statue shows his two wives their five children their two grownup daughters and their two [Music] grandchildren in the 18th and 19th Dynasty marriage statues became common practice usually a marriage statue shows a couple holding each other by the waist however this is a supportive statue showing the whole family holding each other by the shoulders just like today not all marriages end happily Tui the wife of the treasurer of Amon had her husband deliberately chiseled out of their marriage statue women and men in ancient Egypt were allowed to divorce on grounds of many causes from adultery to theft if you got divorced it was customary to have the spouse who had wronged you removed from any statue or image cutting a mark on the face such as the eyes nose or mouth would take away the person's spirit that was attached to that image not all objects in a museum need to be on a grand scale to be classified as a masterpiece this woman is one of my absolute favorites although much of her is missing such as her arms inlaid eyes nose mouth and clipon linen the carving on this 18th Dynasty woman is exquisite spanning from pre-dynastic times until the late period concubines of the Dead were small female figurines placed in men's tombs to fulfill sexual and reproductive needs in the next life the time of conceiving children and giving birth was some of the most interesting and dangerous times to the ancient Egyptians protecting the female fertility was Paramount these strange Ivory Boomerang shaped objects were crucial during childbirth in essence they were a magic wand to draw a protective spell around the pregnant woman the hippo goddess taret became the protector of feminine pregnancy many women sought to help them conceive and protect their [Music] birth a blue fance hippo in the form of taarit decorated with Nile plant life is a reminder of the Ferocious energy a female hippo uses to protect protect her [Music] [Music] young the principal wife of tutmosis III meritra is often shown in the guise of the Goddess haor the goddess of love beauty music and motherhood this unusual Steeler shows meritra and tutmosis III on the right appearing as the god Amun Min Min being the representative of male fertility and virility with his erect circumcised penis shown together these two symbolically represent the prosperity of the land under tmos III hathor gained a high prevalence many people were shown in the process of becoming one with hathor applying makeup a great thing is that we have some of these mirrors that we see shown in the tombs to provide us with an even stronger connection to these people we even have their eyeliner that they used to use in everyday [Music] life but looking good wasn't enough you had to smell good too and and everybody in ancient Egypt desired perfume certain smells and certain Cosmetics were connected with different events and different deities this cosmetic box belonged to an old man who had different eyeliners inside each vial for a different purpose cosmetics in Egypt were big business the richest people had the most luxurious Cosmetics including many different types of perfumes and face creams the poorer people simply used coal to apply to the [Music] eyes not all of Florence's Egyptian secrets are ancient some modern ones are in plain sight at some of the city's most famous monuments it was here on the famous Pono that Lord canavan and Howard Carter rented an apartment where they would stay on their travels to Egypt we aren't sure which one of these is theirs but it's definitely one of them the position was perfect nearby the Egyptian Museum where they had donated several artifacts and nearby their photographer friend Harry Burton Who as a matter of fact lived right over here it was on this street that Harry Berton and his wife Minnie lived and actually in this house right here many visits took place between Howard Carter and Lord canavan visits a hundred years ago that would make History Harry Burton moved to Italy in 1896 where he began to work as a photographer at the Muse archaeological there he met the rich American Theodore Davies who funded many archaeological digs in Egypt a bombastic man that forced many of his discoveries took Harry along to capture the moment from there he managed to meet Howard Carter the selftaught egyptologist had already been working in Egypt for many years even working alongside side Theodore Davies but luckily Carter met Lord canavan who funded his excavations and from that they had their most important Discovery funded by Lord canavan on the 4th of November 1922 at Howard Carter's excavation a young water boy found the steps into the tomb of tutank AMU during that Discovery Harry Burton took his most famous photographs using large glass plate photography Harry Burton faced his biggest challenge his Unique Images would capture the world's imagination and begin the phenomena of egyptomania captured Faithfully by Harry Burton a year and a half after they discovered the tomb they saw the golden sarcophagus of the king it was not until the 28th of October 1925 that they finally laid their eyes on the most beautiful piece in Egyptian art the golden death mask of tutank Amon and we have these marvelous images from a chance meeting at the Museum in [Music] Florence Howard Carter and Lord canavan had made many discoveries unfortunately these were never as famous as tutankamon their excavations reveal some of the finest details in Egyptian objects in 1903 Howard Carter began to re-excavated tomb 20 in the Valley of the Kings the tomb that was reused by female pharaoh Hut ships after her father the same year Howard Carter discovered KV 60 the supposed final resting place of Queen hatchepsut both of these tombs were filled with various debris from grave Goods all pertaining to hatut when hatchepsut husband died there was a gap because the next Pharaoh was too young she she claimed the throne and became full Pharaoh although haut's Reign was fairly successful her successor tutmosis III did his best to take her name out of history but looking upon the items from her tomb today we can still remember the great female pharaoh hatut this Pharaoh led many TR trade campaigns particularly to the Land of Punt where she acquired the myr incense she needed to create her favorite perfume punt the land believed to be modern-day eretria or Ethiopia provided an array of Botanical Goods to enrich Egypt her expeditions to pun were well documented in her Mory Temple at De Al Baki a place well documented Ed by Howard [Music] Carter in the early 1900s Howard Carter and Lord canavan discovered the tomb of Queen hatut unfortunately all of the pieces in the Tomb have been taken out during grave robbings however some very interesting pieces remain that were of no interest to grave robbers such as these little incredible wooden figurines of farm implements like wheelbarrows and pickaxes and everyday items Like a Knife read mats and baskets what we have here is haut's perfume well the most amazing thing is the perfume is still inside the bottle and these are just some of the pieces that Howard Carter Lord canavan donated to this [Music] Museum Howard Carter a man who barely finished school and who received all of his archaeological and egyptological training in the field is now seen as one of the most important egyptologists in history and one of the most educated egyptologists in history and unknown fact is that Howard Carter and Lord canavan had found many tombs and unexplored places before they had found the tomb of tutank Amun and a lot of these pieces were then donated to some of their favorite museums around the world including the museum in [Music] Florence just three pharaohs down the line from hatchepsut we meet one of Egypt's most peaceful and respected rulers Aman hotep III much of his Warfare was done through words and it's through these words of Aman hotep III that we know much about his policies and [Music] life Queen T the great Royal wife of Aman hotp III the wife whose wedding he bragged about to the entire land of Egypt many inter National policies were made directly through this woman she had a firm grip on Egypt even after the death of her husband a powerful woman unlike any other grandmother to tutank Amon and mother to the heretic Pharaoh akatan pamos meaning born of the god P was the chief tax keeper under the reign of Aman hotep II this statue shows Pat holding an offering table for tributes and taxes the side indicates that the statue was commissioned by his son hedge this statue was found in thieves in 1791 and is one of the most elaborately carved statues from the period from his Kilt to his fingers to his elaborately decorated wig eye makeup and pierced ears even his small details of his shirt on the shoulder of his dress is the name of Aman hotip many have thought that he was the same pamos that was the Vier succeeded by Ramos however evidence from P's tomb the vizier's tomb and his Stila prove that the tax keeper and him are not the same person his predecessor was Mary raah who has also given the title of the one who cares for the king's personal belongings which means it's the same job that pamos would have done he was promoted to this position in year 30 of the king's Reign his job was to collect taxes set the tariffs and meet with foreign dignitaries an 18th Dynasty man holding one of the highest ranks fore an official during the reign of Aman hoip III was named huie huie was is the son of the mayor of Memphis and the brother of the Vier ramosa the Steeler shows huie on the right and his son ippi on the left ippi succeeded him in being the high Steward under the reign of the new Pharaoh [Music] ainat another man named Pat from the reign of Aman hotip III yet this man was not the tax inspector he was the high priest of the memphite god P the complex God P was mainly worshiped in the north of Egypt his Origins dating back to the Old Kingdom he served many purposes including Master of the Architects patron of Craftsmen at one stage he even became associated with the Creator God and with Osiris the god of the Dead this statue was the first ever acquisition by the museum in Florence it was first housed at the ofit in 1753 high priest of P pamos even makes an appearance in the famous painting tribuna of the affitti from the mid [Music] 1700s the son of Aman hotp III akatan when he became Pharaoh shook the country to its core he introduced a new art style to the people that had never been seen before and most importantly he disregarded all the gods of Egypt in favor of his one God Aton this Pharaoh was to be worshiped and his wife Nefertiti only through them could your prayers reach the gods this unstable time saw the destruction of many statues of the king king and queen after their rule as is evident from the ruins of these Royal feat it wasn't all that bad during aadan and Nefertiti's Reign the Pharaoh handed out many extravagant gifts including some of the most fine linen garments as shown on Tomb walls of Nobles at the time if you were willing to serve akatan he would treat you well no matter what class you were from this man clearly wanted to show that he could afford a wig showing his wig as transparent with his shaved head visible underneath the sign of nobility one of the highest Nobles from the reign of Aman hotip III and the early years of akatan his death mask made out of fine cartoonage and linen and finely decorated with beautiful details he was the brother of high Stewart hooie and the son of the mayor of [Music] Memphis ramosa was a vazer during the time of aanat and Arman hotep III he disappeared from history because of his opposing religious views compared to aranan and Rosa's tomb which is one of the most beautiful tombs I've ever been into everything is white Limestone with only the black for the eyes laid out we do not have Rosa's mummy but we do have his cartoonage death mask made in the same style as his tomb white with only the black for the eyes he's absolutely beautiful his mommy has never been found sinisterly his death mask was filled in with mud maybe his body was never laid to rest this Granite bust shows the Army general of aranan and the future pharaoh horb horim played a big part when tutank AMU became the Pharaoh after aanat this fragment from his tomb in Sakara shows us the young Tut during the Reigns of tutank Amon his successor I and Pharaoh horm Egypt became prosperous once again for the only reason that they abandoned aran's new religion and new city returned to thieves and reinstated the gods and under these post Amana rulers ancient Egypt's plethora of gods began to become favorable again and the people began to worship the way they used to and their most revered practice of entering the afterlife became attainable once again the former Gods had returned and of them all none more important than Osiris the god who allowed you into heaven Anubis the god that led you to Osiris began to rise in prevalence once again the old burial practices returned where Anubis would lead you to the next world a world pretty similar to ours only as a paradise tombs from the late 18th Dynasty show the prosperity and the thoughtfulness that that people put into getting into heaven an official morner attending to the sarcophagus of the deceased being held up by the priest and adorned with bouquet of flowers not exclusive to Royals and Nobles now anybody who could afford one was a louder [Music] to by the 18th Dynasty pyramids were no longer constructed for burials instead many people at De Al Medina began to use a shape harking back to the pyramid age placed inside the tomb these little pyramids were called well pyramidan connected to the sun god raw they served the same purpose on a smaller scale and featured on the Pinnacle of a new con concept known as a funerary Chapel at dear Al Medina where your family could leave you offerings the population worshiped many gods and even wrote special letters to the gods with their [Music] prayers at dear Al Medina several goddesses appear in the lifegiving tree a cow goddess in a tree pouring out Libations hathor one of the most popular Gods especially during the new 19th [Music] Dynasty during the 19th Dynasty the presence of haor was immense apart from being the goddess of love and beauty she became the lady of the West and in some cases replaced Anubis to lead you to Osiris this is a loving scene between hathor and the second pharaoh of the 19th Dynasty the father of Ramsey II seti the [Music] first the most amazing piece yet it's not actually very well looked after it should be inside a glass case it's from the tomb of City the first found by joavan bonei in 1871 the Italian explorer Giovani Boni discovered the longest tomb in the Valley of the Kings the Craftsmen of seti's Reign in my opinion were the highest skilled of all paying attention to even the smallest details the pharaoh's name in beautiful techne color standing next to hathor these subtle Contours on the body of the Pharaoh exuded Elegance hao's decorated hair fit for a goddess and the pharaoh's golden sandals with his long elegant feet the king holding hands with the lady of the West due to the humid European conditions much of the paint is dissolving away from a four-sided pillar the twin of this scene can be found in the Lou in Paris preserved in a glass case the colors are Faithfully visible [Music] today seti the first one of the most prolific pharaohs maintained Egypt's wider borders he venerated the gods and started the biggest building project in the land expanding Egypt's economy and laying out the foundations for his son and future Pharaoh ramsy II many of the incredible artifacts in this museum were found by the great Italian explorer Giovani Boni in the [Music] 1800s during the 19th century Egyptian Antiquities attracted the attention of Scholars scientists Travelers adventurers and glorified tomb Raiders in the early 1800s it resulted in the coming together of three extraordinary men these were Henry S Giovani bone and Muhammad alip Pasha Henry salt was the British Cil General in Egypt he came from a prosperous background his father was a local physician this gave him the means to study portrait painting unfortunately he failed to build the reputation he had hoped for but he managed to get a lucky break traveling across the globe as draftsman for a British Lord these voyages led to diplomatic and scholarly attainments and eventually the position of council General in Egypt Bon on the other hand was a son of a barber a profession which deservedly has been much more appreciated during the recent covid lockdowns Bon however didn't want to follow in his his Father's Footsteps so as a teenager he rebelled and had other plans for himself after being dumped by his girlfriend at 18 bony was brokenhearted his solution was to forget about girls and devote himself to God and join a monastery the universe however had other plans for him and events led him to fleeing Italy and becoming a circus strongman in England it is in England where he would meet his soulmate and devoted wife Sarah an Intrepid Travel companion a major play in every aspect of his life is his training in Hydraulics however that changed both their lives and led them to Egypt and Boni face to face with the Fearless Muhammad Ali paser if I had to describe bon in a few words he would probably be impulsive FAL Innovative resilient determined charismatic tall and strong very strong in fact if he lived in this day and age he would be a social media sensation and probably have millions of followers on Instagram Muhammad Ali the pas of Egypt although shorter in sture to B only 6' 7 in was also Innovative and responsible for modernizing Egypt improving Egypt's irrigation system and many other reforms at any cost including gifting away countless Egyptian Antiquities it is in this social milu that Bon failing in his bid to sell his hydraulic machine to the pure led him to discovering and transporting egyp Egyptian Antiquities and being introduced to Henry S this would be the start of something resembling an Indiana Jones type movie where bone would encounter obstacles rivalry assassination attempts and betrayal Henry S managed to convince Pelon to move a colossal Granite head of rames weighing over a stering seven tons many had failed to do this bone succeeded due to his engineering skills and using methods very similar to those the ancient Egyptians used this was an obious task as you can imagine in the grueling Egyptian heat but it made s aware of what an incredible man and how useful Pon was to him this momentous statue now resides in the British m Museum and attracts visitors from all over the world for Bon he marked the beginning of many discoveries and the transportation of Egyptian artifacts to the British Museum and other European museums to Bone's dismay salt ensured all the glory and recognition went to him rather than to Bone the artifacts delivered to the museums became known as the salt collection perhaps seeing b as an employee he didn't feel the need to give him the recognition which Bon obviously felt he deserved this led to Bone ensuring temples and tombs he discovered displayed his name and the date of discovery his wife Sarah also needs to be mentioned because she was instrumental in his discoveries and her input is often ignored on on arriving back in England the bonies ensured that his version of events was documented leading to the publication of a book which became an overnight sensation in several countries this book for a short time earned Bon the fame that he had dreamt of Bon probably achieved what he wanted and that is for all us Museum visitors questioning every artifact we see labeled as the Sal collection we're going to be asking is this actually part of the Soul collection or is this glorious artifact that's been taken from Egypt the result of a unique set of skills imagination and Ingenuity of a complex fascinating man called Giovani Boni many pieces discovered by bone go uncredited such as this beautiful image from seti's Tomb of the goddess of Truth and Justice Maat named here as the daughter of Rah identified by the ostrich feather bone discovered countless tombs throughout Egypt filled with some of the most beautiful Treasures including these Alabaster canopic jars still containing the mummified organs in the completely looted tomb he discovered hundreds of shabtis of seti the first seti's son and successor ramsy II seen here in a small bust with an obelisk behind reminiscent of the one in Florence today we Marvel in awe at the monuments of ancient Egypt but who built these Godly structures well Tred and skilled men were hired to create the Empire this scene shows Many Men at Work in everyday life even one man stopping to look at us saying what are you doing while his scribal colleague designs the text for the back of the statue the designer of siti's tomb was a man called Baki and Baki lived at darl Medina where he drew this giant ostria the initial design of siti's Tomb the tomb was then finished by a man called pidu and pasido went on to design the tomb of Queen nefatari an ostria was basically an ancient piece of Note Paper where we can see the Scribe practicing the pharaoh's profile before it became permanent at the back of the seti asria is a young prince ramsy II a piece that has come from one of Egypt's most sacred sites AB do here we see ramsy II beautifully depicted with his elaborately decorated crown and his huge name written here WRA ra and he is holding an offering of two bracelets and a necklace to the God holding out the offerings to Osiris ramsy is even shown here wearing a combination of different crowns one included is the crown of the god of the afterlife Osiris it's undeniable that Ramsay's profile is one of the most distinctive well known for his military victories but what physical ties remain this is one of the most amazing pieces is found in the Tomb of Prince ramsy the son of Ramsey II artifacts that belonged to his father this Kilt that would have been worn by Ramsey II made out of some of the finest linen it's incredible to be so close to something so personal owned by a pharaoh other such artifacts include this dagger with a wooden handle topped with two Falcons woven Reed sandals that were probably worn by the prince himself and interestingly an intact wig made from straight human hair and painstakingly plattered and the lid of a wooden makeup box beautifully marked with the pharaoh's name in blue Prince Ramsay the firstborn son from his second principal wife was just one of over 100 children produced by Ramsey II another man named ramosa and his wife Tay were one of the wealthiest couples who lived at De Al Medina during Ramsey II's Reign his role was as Chief scribe to ramsy ramosa worked alongside the viser pass to build up the following Cult of the Living God that was the Pharaoh RZA and Tay were well looked after by ramsy as is evident in their well-designed clothing and the tomb to allow them to meet with the god of the afterlife remnants of blue paint are still visible on Osiris on this Steeler the wife of Osiris Isis and her sister nephus shown with their beautiful blue lapus hair identified by the symbols on their head the Exquisite detailing on this Steeler proves that ramosa and Tay Were A Cut Above the others as they could afford only the best [Music] craftsmanship [Music] eating a date with a Lotus above her head before the offerings from her son their daughter pouring out oils and incense for the couple's Spirit beside the chair of the Nobles their grandchildren enjoying fruit a glimpse at ancient family [Music] Dynamics Ramsay's the second had one of the longest Reigns of any Egyptian pharaoh one of his many viziers that was around at the end of his father's Reign and the beginning of his was called parer he served the Royal Court as vazer and high priest of aroon for over 50 years Ramsay afforded Parera Tom tomb in the Tomb he placed a foundation stone displaying his titles this is a pillar from the tomb of pamos from Sakara pamos was named as mayor in Memphis by setti the after he served in battle with Ramsey and setti we can see here segment shown at the top of the pillar as we go down we see pamos shown as the mayor as we go down we see him as a priest his first role being a priest and he is holding the staff but what is so interesting about this is that we get an idea of young ramsy II here at the back we can see young Prince Ramsey II with his Sid lock very distinctly Ramsey [Music] II pamos and his brother pater who was the Army general of Ramsey II were both given tombs and Sara their tombs were discovered in 1885 by Theodore Davies the man who spent much time at the Museum in Florence even though there was much Warfare during the reign of Ramsey II the people enjoyed a utopian type lifestyle as was written by residents and foreign allies an Exquisite colored scene from the tomb of parer at Sakara displays an array of beautiful priestesses pouring out the Abundant harvests for pamos he carefully selects a succulent fig for his [Music] dation this is not fantasy for we still have the ears used to pour the water out baskets of mummified figs dates pump pomegranates and coconuts have been found which we can see on the [Music] walls the tomb of pamos shows us the agricultural success and the beauty of ramsy II's Reign it is a wonderful thing to see items that were used by people in everyday life items that were selected with care and Grace items that bring the life and the death of the ancient Egyptians to Reality by the end of the 19th Dynasty there was an influx in mummification and thousands of sarcophagi were Mass produced from workshops for burials pretty similar to modern-day funeral parlors there were even different levels of mummification that you could choose from late 19th Dynasty officials could afford well-crafted ferary objects from Royal attendance to singers from from the temple all the way down to even one of ramsy III's horse stable managers it would appear that the stable manager could not afford a decorated tomb and thus he had his sarcophagus decorated with the gods he wanted to appease the innovation of writing texts for the dead on Papyrus during the 18th Dynasty would become fully fledged in the 19th Dynasty and used even more in the 20th Dynasty scribes would produce a selection of funeral texts in order to help the deceased reach the afterlife these books of the Dead meant that the complex texts from the tombs could be condensed into a Papyrus scroll the end of the 20th Dynasty saw a decline in Egypt's economy meaning many tombs were then reused raided or destroyed the high priests gained more control and would become more powerful than the Pharaoh at the start of the 21st Dynasty the country was divided between North and South the Pharaohs receded to the North and the high priests ruled in the South now their lives and burials became even more extravagant this divide LED Egypt into its third intermediate period and Chaos ensued taking advantage of the divide the meshwi a division of the Libyan tribes took power over the North and claimed themselves to be pharaohs even adopting Egyptian customs building tombs in Tannis they were interred like the Egyptian kings before them the hands at the sides was a sign of a commoner in a mumification in ancient Egypt arms crossed over the chest with clenched fists indicates a pharaoh this male mummy and yellow coffin date to the 22nd Libyan Dynasty all the signs indicate that he could be one of the great Libyan pharaohs of the third intermediate period although his coffin is too damaged to reveal a name evidence of insert holes on his brow and Chin indicate a royal Cobra and [Music] beard the Nubians to the South seized the moment and took power over Egypt forming the new 25th Dynasty tashre pret the nanny of the daughter of pharaoh tahara she looked after amadas and here we have the nanny's death mask it's probably the biggest death mask I've ever seen it is absolutely enormous but think about in the 25th Dynasty when Princess amadis was adopted from Nubia by an Egyptian Priestess and this Egyptian woman looked after her and before that tahara who was ruling Egypt as a Nubian at that time had her put into such an elaborate burial Tash ranr raised amadis who would eventually become the God's wife of am Moon and Rule thieves on behalf of her father a temple was built at medinet Habu in thieves where she was interred in her tomb tahara afforded tashre an elaborate tomb in thieves her sarcophagus and burial Shrine is one one of the largest and most unique in the history of Egyptian burials Tash ranet wears the vulture Crown connecting her to the goddess and wife of AMU mot a wood and silver mirror in its protective case and eyeliner were some of the many objects found in tanre Red's tomb ruling Egypt for less than 100 years the Nubians fought off the Assyrians but were eventually chased out of Egypt by the native Egyptians a line of weaker Egyptians were now on the throne soon they were conquered by a new power from the north known as the Persians forming the 20 7th Dynasty needless to say the Persian rulers made life unbearable for the Egyptians this burial of a 27th Dynasty singer proves that coffins were no longer individually made and had to be produced from what was available eventually the Egyptians took back power only to lose it again to the invading foreigners the Persian their salvation would arrive from an unexpected Greek Macedonian man who liberated the Egyptians we don't often see Alexander the Great depicted as an Egyptian or even as a pharaoh only on a couple of statues and carvings however here we have something so unique it is Alexander depicted as the God happy before an offering table with with fish and plants hanging off the offering table isn't he just the most magnificent example of Greek and Egyptian art combined when Alexander chased out the Persians from Egypt he was named as the son of Amon and became Pharaoh uncontested by the Egyptians he started a new line of Greek toic rulers he stayed less than 6 months but he left a mark that was immense one of my favorite pieces at the archaeological Museum in fance is also one of the smallest it is a silver coin showing Alexander the Great as a pharaoh this small silver coin shows Alexander the Great and the goddess Hera on the back we can tell that it's Alexander from his distinct features and his hair and also the name being on the back of the coin however a Telltale sign to note that this is Alexander after he became a pharaoh is he is wearing the Ram's horns showing that this is Alexander after he became Pharaoh as he was named also as the son of Amon one of Alexander the Great's favorite things that he found when he came to Egypt was the hoop bird and he had it depicted in many temples and this here is the favorite bird of Alexander the Great Alexander's chosen successor to rule Egypt was Tommy after tmy came a phenomenal woman who became a female pharaoh our sway the tommies were a complicated lot to say the least and one of the most famous was the great Queen and Pharaoh Cleopatra I [Music] 7th the patron goddess of Cleopatra the one she most associated herself with the one that she believed she was The Reincarnation of was the Eternal mother Goddess [Music] Isis Isis suckling her child Horus the next Pharaoh many bronzes were made in the the forms of the Gods as they believed bronze was a living metal for when it oxidized it grew green mold which showed the metal was alive this solitary 4,600 year old God grew in popularity under the tmes imotep the architect of the world's first ever pyramid [Music] [Music] the museum in Florence yet again surprises us with more tangible links to the Ancient World objects that look as familiar to us as they did to people 3,000 years ago from beanies to tunics in even woven socks objects that we even use today such as these embroidered slippers and a cloak with a hood that we would never have thought was worn Millennia [Music] ago there's something fascinating about staring at the face of an ancient Egyptian this white painted face once gilded in gold inlaid with precious stones for the eyes these faces from different dynasties across Egyptian history were originally on [Music] coffins in modern times when tombs were raided the faces were cut off of the coffin to be sold to a tourist who could easily pack it in their bag the inhumane desecration of Egyptian artifacts did not only happen in modern [Music] times 2,000 years ago after the fall of ancient Egyptian religion the Christian copics who lived in Egypt painted the cross over the sacred right in taking away their pagan meaning after the death of Cleopatra the new Roman emperors who ruled Egypt still depicted themselves as [Music] pharaohs un Egyptian people showing themselves in Egyptian style in the first century ad settlements in the sewa Oasis and fume still depicted themselves in Egyptian style but with a mix of Greek and Roman in the 4th Century ad the wine producers in fum who had been around for centuries still created Death Masks a lifelike image beautifully crafted out of wood and wax paint an unsurpassable culture with its monuments that have stood for thousands of years and that will be here far longer after we are all gone Egypt is indeed the den of antiquity Florence a city filled with thousands of years of a rich cultural history spanning all the way back to ancient Egypt [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] a [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music]
Channel: Curtis Ryan Woodside
Views: 37,463
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Egypt Documentary, Ancient Egypt, History Documentary, curtis Ryan woodside, egyptian secrets, vatican, joann fletcher, Tutankhamun, lost treasures, national geographic, discovery, giza, Cleopatra, Netflix, Cleopatra Lost tomb, Lost queens of Egypt, Odyssey, nefertari, Immortal Egypt, ancient egyptian, timeline, untold history, longplay, asmr, Nefertiti fake, mysterious queens, buried secrets, civilizations, UnBelievable, MUMMIFIED SKULLS, Complete history, Egyptian civilisation
Id: XUeM0QmJkk8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 268min 28sec (16108 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 18 2023
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.