Ancient Aliens: Mythical Dragons Across the Ages

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NARRATOR: Teotihuacan, Mexico. Dating back to at least the first century AD, this ancient complex was once the largest city in Mesoamerica with a population of 125,000. One of the most sacred temples at the site is the Temple of the Feathered Serpent, an enormous step pyramid dedicated to the god Quetzalcoatl. Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent, goes all the way back to Olmec times, to the BCE period. But the first place that we really see Quetzalcoatl is in Teotihuacan, the city just north of modern Mexico City. They build a actual pyramid, a temple of Quetzalcoatl, right around 250 AD. So, it's probably Teotihuacan who really put forward the idea and the identity of Quetzalcoatl as a deity for the rest of Mesoamerica. Quetzalcoatl was a creator god. He was associated with the planet Venus. He brought the rain. He brought water. He brought civilization. He brought the arts. This was the creator divinity for the Aztec culture. It was a flying serpent. It was a dragon. Quetzalcoatl brought peace, harmony and high wisdom and very high level of intelligence and teaching to this particular land. He was often depicted as a human being as well, that he arrived on a raft of serpents and settled on these lands. ED BARNHART: Quetzalcoatl also shows up in the post-classic Maya city of Chichen Itza. But they give him a Mayan name. They call him Kukulkan, which is basically "The holy feathered serpent" in Maya. NARRATOR: The ancient Mayan city of Chichen Itza lies roughly 900 miles east of Teotihuacan, and at its center stands another massive step pyramid, this one dedicated to the Mayan version of the flying serpent Kukulkan. In Chichen Itza, there we have the pyramid of Kukulkan, and every year on the 23rd of March, you see, when the sun is going up, some lights and shadows, lights and shadows like triangles climbing down the stairway, exactly the stairway where his head is on. And on the 21st of September you see the opposite. Kukulkan disappears, and it's only made by light and shadow of the natural sun. So still today the message is clear-- god Kukulkan has descended to the humans. He teached them for a certain period, and then he disappeared again. So right there we have living mythology in a structure that shows this deity descending from the sky in stone. You wonder if perhaps a craft landed here and this light-shadow effect of a serpent making its way descending down the staircase, and then emerging through a serpent head is a recollection of that original event. NARRATOR: Is it possible that the Pyramid of Kukulkan was not built to honor a mythical dragon god but to commemorate the arrival of an extraterrestrial spacecraft? Ancient astronaut theorists say yes, and suggest this isn't the only dragon-themed structure that marks a location of alien contact. The landscape of this small Greek island is spotted with 25 mysterious megalithic structures called dragon houses. TSOUKALOS: The main dragon house is at the very top of one of the tallest mountains on the island called Mount Ochi. Mount Ochi comes from the word "Ochevare" which means to descend and to drive. And so this is interesting because, according to legend, the reason why the dragon house exists at the top of Mount Ochi is because Zeus allegedly descended from the heavens on top of that mountain. NARRATOR: According to local legend, these stone structures were built by a giant dragon to venerate the god Zeus. In ancient Greece, the word "dragon" was not only used to describe a flying monster but also gods and other figures that had human-like form but possessed superhuman powers. Now, when you put all this together, this sounds like the dragon house is a meeting place of Heaven and Earth. In UFO vernacular, that would be a landing spot. TSOUKALOS: In my opinion, the dragon was the craft out of which, then, the creator people, or the teachers, emerged. Our ancestors, basically, they saw a crew coming out of an airplane. NARRATOR: According to ancient astronaut theorists, some of the structures themselves serve as evidence that this was a place of extraterrestrial contact. The dragon house on top of Mt. Ochi contains megalithic blocks weighing up to ten tons and sits at an elevation of almost 5,000 feet. TSOUKALOS: Archaeologists have a hard time explaining why it was even built there because we are talking of this gigantic megalithic structure with a ceiling that contains blocks that are up to ten feet long, two feet thick, at an altitude of 5,000 feet. How was that done? In my opinion, this was an extraterrestrial visitation where Zeus may have descended in his craft and built a day camp. Celestial beings coming down to Earth, gods descending from the sky, can these events only be found in the ancient legends of the Zuni? Do similar accounts exist in other cultures and other religions across the world? And if so, what is the explanation? GIORGIO A. TSOUKALOS: We have to remind ourselves that our ancestors were highly intelligent, however, their technological frame of reference was different than our technological frame of reference. So they didn't have the vocabulary with which to describe or with which to name certain things that they saw. So what did they do? They used words that they were familiar with in their time. And so they try to describe whatever they witnessed to the best of their abilities with their vocabulary. NARRATOR: Ancient China also shared some of the same beliefs that can be found in Egyptian, Native American, and Dogon legends, that deities arrived from the stars. According to Chinese mythology dating back to 3,000 BC, when the god named Huangdi was born, there was a radiance from the great star, Chi. Huangdi would later emerge from the belly of a fire-breathing dragon to become China's first emperor. The origins of the Han Chinese people start with a story of a great god looking down with empathy. Here were people in poverty, in a beautiful, rich country. The landscape, profound, but the people were suffering. He took pity and decided to come down. [music playing] GIORGIO A. TSOUKALOS: Huangdi arrived on planet Earth in a flying dragon. He had the power of flight. Huangdi could be anywhere within minutes, and he usually accomplished this by hopping on his dragon and flying somewhere. Now, this divine energy becomes human, and is a great leader, the Yellow Emperor who rules and unites the people, and there is a period of great prosperity until his work is done. NARRATOR: Huangdi brought order to the chaos, creating China's first empire. He is seen as a cultural hero, and is credited with the invention of the compass, acupuncture, and the standardization of Chinese writing. One of his greatest legacies is the Great Wall of China. JONATHAN YOUNG: When the land is prosperous, he decides it's time to go. And the great yellow dragon comes back, and he gets back into the belly of the dragon and flies off forever. Now, were these dragons truly dragons in a biological nature? Or were they misinterpreted types of machines? Because as we all know, dragons are always correlated with spewing fire and a lot of smoke. Whenever we see a modern rocket take off, there's all this smoke and sometimes the smoke is yellow and sometimes it's red. So it's very bizarre how we have these correlations between the ancient times and modern times today. Mythology is the effort to grasp what we can't grasp, to understand what is beyond us. In the Eastern teachings, the dragons very often carry people, sometimes on their back, sometimes inside their bellies. So if we think of them as a poet's effort to explain a vehicle that was strange to them, well those sound like flying saucers. So it might just be a problem of translation, because after all, it's just a word. It's trying to describe something that's very difficult to grasp. Just outside the city of Siem Reap lies Angkor Wat, the world's largest religious structure, with each side measuring nearly a mile long. Mainstream archaeologists believe the temple complex was likely constructed around the 12th century AD, but according to Cambodian legend, it is far older-- built in 600 BC by a half-human half-divine architect who traveled between Earth and the realm of the gods. TSOUKALOS: Angkor Wat was built by none other than Preah Pisnokar. His mother is not of this world. She wants to bring him to where she comes from. And so she takes her son to what's called Indra's Heaven. According to mythologies, the center part of Angkor Wat is a one-to-one replica of whatever was seen out there. NARRATOR: According to some experts, the layout of Angkor Wat reveals another intriguing connection to the cosmos. In 1996, author and researcher John Grigsby discovered that the temple complex appears to align with certain stars in the night sky. John Grigsby made a brilliant discovery. He noticed that the entire Angkor Wat complex is a mirror image of the Draco constellation. In Latin, the word Draco means dragon. TSOUKALOS: If you were to take a constellation map of Draco and superimpose it onto a map of Angkor Wat, there are multiple structures at Angkor Wat that line up exactly to the main stars of the constellation of Draco. So you have to wonder what the connection is. And the answer to that, in my opinion, is that if you would like to show a local population where you are from... you have them build something in the constellation of where you are from. To me, those are calling cards where our teachers long ago came from. NARRATOR: Is it possible that the story of Angkor Wat's celestial origins is true and that it was purposely designed to line up with the stars of Draco because this was the ancestral home of Preah Pisnokar? Ancient astronaut theorists point to the temple's many depictions of dragon-like creatures as further evidence that it has a profound connection to the Draco constellation. DOMINIC STEAVU: In south Asian traditions, nagas occupy an important place. They are considered to be very powerful creatures. They are shape shifters. And nagas share a number of interesting similarities with Chinese dragons more specifically, so both of them are givers of knowledge and of wisdom. HENRY: In the same way that Kukulkan seems to represent some sort of a craft to the Mayans, we find the same thing with the naga at Angkor Wat. They could represent a craft that is utilized to transport people from Earth to Draco. NARRATOR: Is it possible that dragon traditions throughout the globe originated with visitors coming to Earth from a planet somewhere within the Draco constellation? Curiously, Angkor Wat is not the only ancient site that aligns with Draco. On the other side of the world, in Ohio, a Native American serpent effigy known as Serpent Mound was positioned to point to Draco. And in ancient Egypt, all pyramids were positioned to have an entrance passage geometrically aligned so that Draco's primary star, Alpha Draconis... would be visible at night. It's interesting to think that the constellation Draco may have something to do with these dragon myths, with all of these separate cultures around the world that are seemingly unconnected. Whatever these flying dragons are, perhaps they came from a planet that was from the star system Draco. HENRY: Virtually every culture has a legend about dragons or dragon beings that came from the sky. And what we're uncovering now is the revelation that these beings came from the sky because they're of extraterrestrial origins. Is it possible that today we're subconsciously tapping into hidden knowledge, something that has always been there and is part of, like, the thought sphere of humanity? Xinzheng, China. It was here that Huangdi, a mythical ancient leader, known as the Yellow Emperor, is believed to have reigned throughout the 27th century BC. Viewed by many as the father of Chinese culture, the Yellow Emperor has been credited with creating traditional Chinese medicine, such as acupuncture, and introducing advancements, like wooden houses, the bow and arrow, bronze coins, and a written language. JUDY CHUNGWA: The Yellow Emperor is, according to most Chinese, a legendary figure. He is a cultural hero, as well as a ruler. But at the same time, he is also believed to be actually the founder of Chinese civilization. In fact, just about everything that you would think as the basic elements of civilization is somehow associated with the Yellow Emperor. NARRATOR: According to some researchers, the Yellow Emperor, like other ancient rulers, possessed other worldly power, and they believe the proof can be found by looking at the celestial origins of this mysterious leader. Like the Egyptians, the ancient Chinese believed their emperors received their powers and abilities from the heavens. The Chinese emperor is actually called son of heaven. What that means is that the emperor earns his right to rule people because he received certain guidance from heaven to rule. Heaven is always sending down these messages, telling the emperor when is the best time to harvest, when is the best time to sow seeds, when to actually wage a war. So it's very important for the emperor then to read the signs. GIORGIO A. TSOUKALOS: According to ancient Chinese legends, the Yellow Emperor was floating through space. He saw that the people of Earth were sad and poor. But he saw potential. So in order to help the people, he descended from the sky and taught those people different scientific disciplines. JONATHAN YOUNG: When the Yellow Emperor comes down to bring comfort, order, and leadership to his people. So there is a direct connection between the divine realms and the beginnings of our personality, our identity, our nation. NARRATOR: According to legend, after ruling for 100 years, the Yellow Emperor made preparations to leave his earthly kingdom. GIORGIO A. TSOUKALOS: After Huangdi's work was done on planet Earth, he returned to the stars, and he did this by doing something very specific. He installed a cauldron, and the moment he installed that thing, according to the ancient legends, the heavens opened. JONATHAN YOUNG: A yellow dragon comes down from the heavens, and he rides the dragon out into the stars and becomes stars himself. NARRATOR: Mysterious cauldrons, flying dragons, could these fantastic notions really have played a part in the fate of China's Yellow Emperor? Or is there another perhaps more plausible explanation? Are we really just talking about folklore here, or did something actually happened in real life? And of course, the answer is that something was witnessed by our ancestors that they could best describe with the vocabulary that was available to them at the time. JASON MARTELL: When we look at the story of the Yellow Emperor ascending into heaven, this to me sounds like a description of some type of UFO encounter. It's very possible that the Yellow Emperor was actually traveling on a UFO.
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Keywords: history, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, ancient aliens, ancient aliens full episodes, ancient aliens clips, aliens, aliens video, extra terrestrials, extraterrestrials, ufo, ufo video, ufo videos, ufo video clips, ancient aliens history channel, the history channel, documentary history channel, history channel documentaries, chinese dragon, ancient aliens history, watch Ancient Aliens, ancient aliens compilation, ancient aliens dragons, dragons
Id: fzDQG_kcfqk
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Length: 20min 56sec (1256 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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