Ancestry DNA - I'm What!?!?!?!?!?

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we were you know all my life bruh I've always always thought that you know I was just a Filipino although I knew I was mixed there were I know I'm supposed to be some sort of European in a couple of other things depending on who you asked in the family it might switch up a little bit and so for a while I wanted to take a DNA test just so I can really get an accurate or at least as accurate as I can I'm of a figure as to what I am and who I am and so I went ahead and pulled the trigger I went to bought the kit and it literally just came in today okay I was afraid I was gonna show my address um I just bought the kid I bought it on Saturday evening and since I got Amazon Prime you know oh yeah shout out to Amazon birth they hooked me up with free next day ship missiles it's Sunday September 10 September 10th and it's literally came today Brian and I figure oh y'all cannot see that y'all can't see that either it's like all the lights on but basically a white box with a couple of squeak knees right here and then say oh there you go ancestry DNA I forget you know what bruh if often to find out why don't we all just find out together yeah I mean so here it is I think I got a I think I got a spit into it and maybe some of y'all bruh maybe some of you want to do this and try to figure out you know where your family is from and and exactly what you it what you where you is where you are and your Lord hasn't sin on this whole ancestral DNA thing in my life shut up the Spyderco and maybe you're curious and you want to see what it's all about and you know how to do with it how to go about doing it well I mean I might as well go ahead and share and then show you so this look it still you can't see nothing there white box okay they go like the with the manual they go to collect bra I feel like I'm on suicide they go to collection bag I guess is where I put the test tube with my spit in it there go the okay well there go test tube here when you see it where can I open I'll open it up because obviously I have to open it up I mean this is like man they gave me a box a prepackaged I mean a pre post postage anyways the box I put it into and send it off to you I never pay for shipping back over there anyways the collection bag welcome to ancestry DNA simply complete the following steps and let the discoveries begin number one activate kit online safe and secure we're gonna do that off camera on number two step number two gathered in a simple and easy alright step number two gather DNA Oh hold up hold up it's a warning it's a warning right there there's a warning I don't know if y'all can see y'all can't see it there it is there it is it says do not eat drink smoke or chew gum for 30 minutes before giving you the before giving your saliva sample also the example um although he did take a swig water birth so I think we will have to wait uh I was going to wait 30 minutes front um yeah give me a second bro I'm begging 30 minutes alright sorry so we waited over 30 minutes for us I went ahead and did um step number one I activated the kid online basically all you got to do is the test tube right here you still can't see there did the thing under the blue the blue liquid stuff there's a test tube in there you enter that in it activates the whole kit how to do that online got that out the way now step number two look like anyone's gonna have to spit you are going out to spit breath they're gonna test to look like something yeah and they're mine oh so I gotta spit up too right at that line right there so I gotta spit into that then I take this off this little cut thing and then I put this on and apparently this is the blue stuff if you can see that's like stabilizing and fluid and what it is stabilizing fluid I guess it keeps the saliva from oh I guess it should take up the extra sip it I'm not sure about your boyfriend spit let's just gonna do it breath by my tongue get the spit right there's my like a little suspect but don't get a little weird on me now oh dude you don't even really need that much spit okay I think we are yucky see it's kind of gross huh I think we need a little mouth [Music] yogurt and I think that's it man it's a little fizzy at the top alright so that's it we go take the top off it says fill - what's the log with - the black wavy line filler tube until your saliva not including bubbles oh oh okay how do I put up see they was really specific about that it's the bubbles in there let me get a little more spin in there it is replace the funnel that's what this thing is with the cap remove the funnel from the tube screw then closed cap screw on the enclosed cap boy can't read tightly to release it the solution that will stabilize the DNA in your saliva they go to the cat with a blue fluid so we some more tighter and tighter love strong alright we did it we did it shake the tube for at least 5 seconds this will ensure you assemble mix us thoroughly all right so is gonna mix thoroughly with the stabilizer solution so our lab can best process yeo-hwa the sample 1 2 3 4 5 t matter how gross it was if I was shaking this thing the cap came off and it just got all over it place the tube in the collection bag place assemble saw the collection bag provided in your DNA can seal the bag with adhesive strip y'all seen this one y'all seen this one insert the cap tube in the baguette seal the collection bag put back into God please not let me screw this up alright there it is now all we do is take this and put it into this the prepackaged their pre post mail box bag saying million your sample place a sample on the prepaid mailing box seal the box with a heisel ship and mail it in when testing is complete we finished why do I add words it does not say we finna will say an email to the address associated with your ancestry account then you can view your personalized results on the ancestry website anytime I think that's it bro it's safe it should take about six to eight weeks so it's it's it's not December it is in September 10th right now it's gonna go out tomorrow on Monday to attend to the September the 11th and so hopefully sometime in October but I'm praying maybe hopefully sooner but the latest should be sometime in October we'll find out so until then I'll see ya until then we'll have to wait alright alright a little disclaimer if it looks like I just woke up it's because I just did anyways man my results finally father we came in man what are you to shout out to all Yarbrough that's what we were giving a shout out in the middle of a video because I'm gonna edit distant to the other whatever man shouts yeah thank you for tuning in we finally got a results bro it took about 13 days I activated my MIDI naked on the 10th the 10th of September I sent it to a sentient I sent it in the next day on September 11th they received they were I can't even speak they received it on September 19th and then they started processing my DNA must spit September 22nd and today October 5th mm-hmm one day shy of two weeks we finally got our results so without further ado let's just go ahead and and peep what I am what I am I don't know if I mentioned in the previous video because I shot those like September 10th whoa so the the the previous cuts was like last month anyways I don't know if I mentioned but growing up I already knew was primarily Filipino and Malay some like that and my pair my pops always told me um that I was part British because my grandma she has a British surname if I'm not mistaken anyway as we gonna find out this may just shatter everything that I knew about myself but hey this is going to find out together breath I gotta go to and with the power of editing were there um holy crap okay so judging by the look at this it says I'm less than 1% African okay from the Mali region Oh Molly in in Guinea if I'm not mistaken less than 1% but I think I read somewhere that everybody is like African or you know somehow we all have our roots in Africa I'm not sure maybe that was just a video I saw on YouTube that I'm mistaken as like not anyways man moving on lots of more % so I I guess that's not really much to hinge anything on but my next ethnicity group I'm obviously Asian I'm I'm 63 % which I guess I probably thought I'd be like somewhere in the 80s or 90s considering what mix I thought I was I'm only 63% Asia East which is primarily located in Russia China and North Korea North Korea North Korea South Korea Mongolia Myanmar Japan Taiwan Myanmar or Burma Japan Taiwan Philippines so that's probably where it is that's probably you know my my region my heffling region India Thailand Laos Cambodia Vietnam Singapore Brunei and Palau and apparently I'm one okay so I'm 63% Asians 62% of that is Asia East which is all the regions that I just named and apparently I'm 1% South Asian which is primary primarily located in India Pakistan Nepal Bhutan Bangladesh and Sri Lanka I had no idea oh but here's the kicker here's a kicker for me bro all my life all my life I probably claimed you know um you know I was part your opinion not because you know I hold Europeans about everyone else I just thought it was a dope you know part of my mix but apparently looking at hot results boy I see I am zero zero percent European a European man I ain't got nothing there I got nothing there bro um yeah it's just straight zero across-the-board America although I do live in America in North America I consider myself to be man a red-blooded American I was born Philippines but we moved here when I was a baby um and so I basically grew up here I grew up going to American schools speaking English although I was an American and so yeah above all things even above being Filipino I consider myself American because this is where I grew up man this is the country that housed me that took me in and gave me access to education to to opportunities of whatnot so I'm not Native American though it clearly says America and I have zero percent Native American in me this is this is I had no idea this was gonna be literally a third of who I am or over a third of who I am bro I'm unsure the polynesia man see there were some conflicting reports ask one person on this ask another person where this and that's why that's mainly the reason why I wanted to take this whole the soy have such a DNA thing just so I can figure out exactly exactly what I am and I'm kind of I'm a little mind blown I'm a little man long because I didn't think I'd be over a third Polynesian man you know I always I always had it in my heart man I knew it was something bro I knew it was something but I guess this literally just clears things up I'm on I am 36% just to recap I was I was 63% Asians 62% of that was East Asian or percent of that was South and the rest of Who I am ain't no British ain't no nothing else oh really I'm sorry I'm less than 1% African as well um the rest of Who I am over a third of who I have met is I Polynesian and ethnicity Polynesians are primarily located in Tonga and some more so it is what it is man this is some clarification y'all haven't seen it for yourself bro I'm kind of blown away I suspected that I wasn't but literally I had no idea over a third of Who I am is fallen angel so hey man there's some culture I need to go ahead and brush up on although it doesn't say which part of Polynesia I am I would just go ahead and be proud that I am you feel me so I'm literally for the most part Asian and Polynesian you know I mean less than 1% African though oh my god and I'll take that I will take that and that's pretty much it yeah I mean I guess there's some culture I need to go ahead and brush up on although I can't I don't primarily know from which island I'll just celebrate the fact that hey man here it is confirmed your boy is Polynesian I'm still proud to be Filipino man above all things you know this doesn't change who I am or how I view myself or how I see myself this is kind of just cool to see the numbers and to actually have some accurate information as to where I'm from and what I really am but you know I think all this is beside beside the point because I think culture is important I think it's a point to know where your roots are and where you where you used to from and where you come from but I don't think you know this isn't necessarily gonna define me because my choices my choices define me how I act and how I treat others that's what defines me yeah me and I I could have been I don't know Native American or West Asian or or European or whatever that would interchange is Who I am because either way I want to live a life that encourages others and lead you know a proper example I don't know why we how we got into that but it is what it is that being said that's kind of cool man you know what I'm gonna call my sister breath but to let her know are you busy no I'm good remember we're talking about the ancestry DNA thing I got my results today we're less than 1% African um 62% East Asian which is the Philippines and over a third of us the rest of us 36 percent is Polynesian we're Pacific Islanders 36 percent that's crazy that's over a third yeah I'll send you I'll send you a snapshot our snapshots so yeah man that's pretty much it thank you so much for rock with your boys um hopefully this doesn't you know change the way you see me or look at me I don't know why it would I'm still smooth I'm still seem to be up still me ain't nothing change it's just pretty cool to see you it's just pretty cool to see the numbers into it to have an act and in an accurate picture of where I come from and who I am I would suggest if any of y'all were curious bruh go ahead and check them out ancestry DNA or my 1 2 3 I forget what the other with the other DNA test is I'm not sponsored by anyone or either companies brah I think it just really dope to have some accurate insight as to who I am and what my genetic makeup is yeah give it a shot if you're curious that's I did not expect I did not expect the results right I'm literally blown away anyways thanks for awkward your boy I hope you have a great day I'm gonna catch my next video love y'all have a great night take care and peace
Channel: undefined
Views: 469,538
Rating: 4.818944 out of 5
Keywords: j smooove, jsmooove, j smooove reaction, reaction, ancestry dna, ancestry, dna, filipino, philippines, polynesian, poly, samoan, tongan, samoa, tonga, genetics, background, race, ethnicity
Id: LIhBHp9uGnk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 33sec (1053 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 06 2017
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