Analyzing Trades Using Probabilities on thinkorswim® Desktop

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Hello, traders, I'm Mike Obucina, senior content producer here at TD Ameritrade. And in this video, we're going to walk through how to do probability analysis on the Thinkorswim desktop trading platform. Specifically, we're going to look at the probability analysis tool, which is found under the Analyze tab. Now to start the video, we're just going to kind of walk through the tool, how it's laid out, where everything is located. And then show you some examples and how you can do probability analysis. We're going to start simple and work our way to a more advanced example by the end of the video. So let's jump in to get started. To get started using the probability analysis tool, let's navigate to the Analyze tab and then the probability analysis subtab. We'll put an assemble and for this example, let's use Apple. Now as you see as we did that, the probability analysis chart has been activated. Below that, we have a table of information . And then below that two sections, one called Price Slices and the other Positions and Simulated Trades. We're going to focus on all these areas here in a second, but let's just close this up for now. I want to focus on the probability analysis chart. Now you can see we have some elements on the chart. We have the implied volatility of Apple listed here in the upper left hand corner. The y-axis represents the price of the underlying, in this case, Apple. And then the x-axis represents days on to the future, so 10 days, 20 days, 30 days, and so on. You'll notice that as I move my mouse throughout the probability analysis chart, a pair of cross hairs will follow my mouse and you'll see two numbers listed-- a percentage above and a percentage below. Essentially, what this represents is a probability of Apple moving above or below a certain price by a certain date and time. You can turn these off by clicking this target button here at the top of our menu. I'm going to leave that turned off for now, because I want to discuss some of the data that we're seeing on this analysis chart. The first thing I want to focus on are the vertical dash lines. These are the options expirations for Apple. Now the prices you see horizontally listed here, We Have one line here dead center of our chart then we have one above, one below. These are our price slices. So if we look down here on our page, we have first, the middle price. This is the current price of Apple. And because the padlock is open, this price will float automatically as the market moves up and down. Now the two levels above and below by default will represent a 10% price level above the current price and a 10% price level below the current price. These padlocks are also open, so as the price moves up and down, that 10% value will move up and down with it. Now what about this probability analysis graph? Well, very simply put, this is the one standard deviation move of Apple, up or down, at any given options expiration date. So you can see up here, we have this probability range of 68.27%. That is set to a one standard deviation move. Now these prices are being calculated off of the implied volatility of Apple and the options pricing model. OK, so how do we actually start using this to analyze scenarios and analyze probabilities? Well, we're going to start with a few different examples and we're going to start simple, kind of work our way into a more advanced example later in the video. But first, let's start with a basic stock trading example. Let's imagine you were thinking of buying shares of Apple, but you only want to buy it if it gets down to $300. Well, let's cue up that order, and that would be a limit order, and it would be below the market, so I'm going to type in 300. So now you have to ask yourself-- what is the probability of Apple trading back to 300 anytime soon? Well, if we go to our Analyze tab and probability analysis, and we find that $300 price level, we can do this one of two ways. We can use our mouse or we could just set a price slice of $300. I'm going to do that on my lower price slice. As I type that in, you can see that this padlock is now locked, meaning it won't float with the current market. It will stay at that level. And now if we find that $300 price level, you can see at any given point as we move our mouse out in time, those percentages will start telling us what's the probability of getting to or below 300. Well, in this case, the odds aren't looking great. You can see we have roughly, we'll call it, a 2% chance of Apple getting to that price level anytime soon. Now as time goes out, you can see our odds increase. Now this is where we can also use this table, you can see the odds of Apple getting below 300, which would fill our limit order, as we go on and the option expiration dates, you can see that that percentage increases, but we really don't have a great chance of getting filled at 300 anytime soon, even if we go out to December. OK, for our next example, let's take a look at a scenario of buying a long call. What's the probability of being successful on a long call purchase on Apple? Well, the first thing we do is we're going to go to the Trade tab. Let's take a look at the July options, which have 42 days left, I'm going to click that open. And let's imagine we thought at had a chance to keep going up and we were thinking about buying let's just say the 345 call. Right now, it's trading for 485, call it $5, roughly. What's our probability of being successful on this trade? Well, there are ways on the option chain to assess your probabilities. And real quick, let's pop those in. I'm going to change these to columns. The first one, I'm going to change last price to probability of ITM or in the money. And I'm going to change this column to probability OTM or probability of out of the money. Now what are these numbers telling us? Well, if we look at our 345 strike and we go over the probability of in the money, because we're thinking about owning this call, we want it to be in the money by expiration, which would mean Apple would need to be trading one penny higher than 345. So 345 and one penny, what's the probability of trading at that level or higher by expiration in 42 days? Well, the options are telling us that it's only about a 27, 28% chance of that happening. So you can see just off the bat, getting to and staying above our strike by expiration, we only have about a 27% chance of that happening. However, remember, if you're purchasing a long call, you actually have to factor in what you pay for the option, which is your break even point. So we would take 345 and we would add this $4.80 option price, which means our break even is actually $349.80. Now you can see we don't have that price level here on the option chain, so we can go over to the probability analysis tool-- and remember, we were looking at the July 17 options-- and we want to know what's the probability of Apple getting above $349.80, which would be our break even point, where we even start to make money on this option at expiration. There's that expiration here on our chart. And we're going to go up to the $349.80 price level. So there you see we have roughly only a 25% chance of breaking even on this trade by expiration. Now if you're comfortable with those odds and you're willing to take the risk of paying the option premium to have a one in four chance of making money on the trade, then that would be your decision. However, you would have a 75% chance of not succeeding in this trade. OK, for our next example, let's show you how to sell a vertical call spread and analyze the probabilities on it using the analysis chart and the data associated with it. So when I go to the Trade tab and we'll use the same July expiration that we did on the long call example. Now remember, as we were looking at this 345 strike-- I'm just going to highlight that real quick-- you can see we assessed that there was roughly a one in four chance of this option being in the money by expiration, which if we think about it logically says, that there's a three and four chance that this option will be out of the money by expiration. And if you're the seller of an option, those are good odds. 70%, seven in 10 chance-- those are good theoretical probabilities. So maybe we want to sell that 345 call instead of buying it. Now a naked short call has unlimited risk, so let's define that risk by buying the 350 call and turning this in to a short vertical spread. Now our bias on this trade is that we are bearish. We are hoping that Apple stays below 345 by July expiration in 42 days. And in doing so, and we'll just lock that in at 140, we'd be collecting $1.40 to sell the spread. The max risk on this trade would be the five point widespread minus the credit. So basically, our risk would be $3.60 to be making $1.40. So one, what's our probability of being successful, and two, what's our probability of at least breaking even on this trade? Well, we're going to do the same analysis we did with the long call. First, you can see the 345 call here tells us exactly the probability of Apple trading at 345 or lower is roughly 72%. Now those are pretty good odds. Now what's the break even on a trade like this? Well, if you know your options, you would take your short call, which is the 345 call, and we would add the $1.40 that we're collecting for a break even of 346.40. Now you can see we don't have that 346.40 price listed on our option chain, so we have to go over to the Analyze tab. And now, same thing we did before-- we're going to go to that July 17 expiration. Let's find our break even point of 346.40, and we'll be as close as we can to that price level. And there you see we have roughly a 70% chance of Apple staying below our break even, and a 30% chance of breaching it and trading above. Now one other thing I want to show you is the Positions and Simulated Trades section. In this area, we can actually put in an existing position or a simulated position, maybe something you're thinking of putting on, and we can analyze the probabilities of being successful or not based on different factors. And we can tweak those factors to create different scenarios and then see how the probabilities change based on those factors. So let me show you what I'm talking about. The first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to go to my Monitor tab. And in this practice paper money account, I have some positions, but let's look at this Exxon Mobil position, because we are short one put. We're short of June 43 put, which has 17 days left of trading. We sold the put for $1.05. It's currently trading for $0.40, so we've made some money on this put. And we can see because the stock price is trading well above our short put price-- right now, the stock's at 47.47, and we're short the 43 put, so this option is out of the money. It's lost value, and because we sold the option, we are profitable at this moment. But what can happen? Well, price could go down, volatility could go up. And as time goes by, theta is going to decay, and this option is going to lose value based on time. So there's different variables that are going to affect the price of our option. And with that, the probabilities of this option being in or out of the money will also differ. So let's take a look at our Analyze probability analysis tool. And this time, I'm going to put an XOM into the symbol look up. And you'll notice because we have position in XOM, this field below position in simulated trades is populated with some data. Now if you see both items checkmarked, may be at multiple positions, make sure you only checkmark the option or position that you want to analyze. So in this case, we have our June 43 put, which we traded for $1.05.. Now let's just look at the probability analysis graph as if nothing were to change at this moment. We just want to know right now at this point in time what's our probability of keeping the premium that we sold on this position. And the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to change the probability mode. And you see there's three different probability modes-- in the money, out of the money, and touching. Really quick, what's the difference? Well, probability of in the money-- if you notice when I hover my mouse-- once again, there's a number above and below our crosshairs-- that number above is going to be the probability of a call option being in the money. And the number below is going to be the probability of a put option being in the money. And when we hover over that $43 price level, which is our short put, and we go out to our June expiration, you can see that we are essentially right, actually, near that probability distribution curve. But to be more specific, there you go, we have roughly a 17.53% chance of this option being in the money. Now if we were the owner of this put, that number would be valuable to us, but because we are the seller of this put, we want to know the odds of this thing being out of the money by expiration. So when we switched from probability ITM to OTM, you'll see those numbers inverse. So when I go to that 43 price level on our expiration date, you will see that we will actually have that 81% probability of keeping this premium, because once again, we sold the option. And we want this to go out worthless and be out of the money. So by changing the probability mode to OTM, we can then see, all right, that lower number is telling us that we have roughly an 80% chance that this option will remain out of the money. Now what other type of analysis can we do with this section? Well, if we go back down, you can see right here, we can adjust date. So that means let's just assume stock price doesn't move, volatility doesn't increase or decrease, but time goes by. And we're going to go ahead-- let's just move ahead 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 days-- we're going to go ahead one week in time. Now let's go back to the probability analysis graph. And you can see our June 19 expiration has moved closer to that zero day because we've advanced time. And we're going to go to June 19 and we're going to find that $43 price level. And you can see our probabilities have increased about 10% that this option will remain out of the money just if time advances, everything else staying the same. Now let's make some more adjustments. We can click this gear wheel. And you can see now we have two new fields-- volatility adjustment and stock price. Well, let's say Exxon sells off $3 in the next week. Time has gone by, and we've lost $3. Let's say it goes down to $45. Well, that's not going to be good for our position, because now our short strike is starting to get threatened and we're still not at expiration. So if we go to our options graph or a probability graph, and we put our mouse on the expiration and find $43, you can see now we have roughly a 68, 70% chance of this option being out of the money. Still, the odds are in our favor, but now we're well within the standard deviation distribution curve. And that's because price is reduced and now our short strike is getting close to being threatened. Now finally, what have volatility changed? Because you would expect that if price dropped like that so dramatically in a short period, you would see that maybe volatility will increase. And as the seller of an option, that's not good for you. So what if we made this increase of 3% in implied volatility? Now, let's go back to our graph one more time, and I want to put my mouse on the line and find $43. And now you see where I've gone even further inside that distribution curve. And now we're talking about a 69, 70% chance of that option remaining out of the money. So not a huge difference, but you can see as volatility increases, we would then be worried that the price of our option is increasing as well. And finally, if you just want to reset everything get back to your default settings, you can click this Action menu in the upper right hand corner, make sure it's the top one. And you're going to hit Reset. This will ask if you want to reset the system to default and any unsaved adjustments will be lost. You hit yes. And now everything will go back in terms of your date, your volatility, your stock price, as well as your price slices. And that's a quick look at the probability analysis tool in the Thinkorswim desktop trading platform. Now remember-- probabilities and probability analysis is theoretical in nature, which means the outcomes of those probabilities are not guaranteed and do not reflect any certainty of an event occurring in the future. So keep that in mind. Now remember, if you're looking for more in-depth walkthrough and tutorials on the Thinkorswim desktop trading platform, head over to the Thinkorswim at And for more great content and investor education, check out all the videos on our YouTube channel. Subscribe and get notified when we released new content. So thanks again for watching the video and happy trading.
Channel: TD Ameritrade
Views: 44,990
Rating: 4.9288096 out of 5
Keywords: tdameritrade, TD Ameritrade, Thinkorswim, thinkorswim demo, thinkorswim tutorial, thinkorswim Analyze tab, tos analyze tab, how to use thinkorswim analyze tab, thinkorswim analyze options, thinkorswim Probability Analysis Tool, in-the-money options, out-of-the-money options, option strike prices, think-or-swim, tos, options, options trading, price slices
Id: RDw9twOVuHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 11sec (1031 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 28 2020
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