Analyzing Evil: Logan Roy From Succession

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hello everyone and welcome to the 141st episode of analyzing evil featuring Logan Roy from succession a hard and brutal man whose influence and ambition knows no bounds Logan is a modern media Terror the man in the shadow spreading his tendrils through Society to corrupt all to his self-serving purposes in this video we're going to run through all the wonderful details we're given about this doting father loving husband and pillar of the community unpacking all that we've seen to discern just how evil this man truly is but before we begin let's first take a moment to talk about our sponsor for this video Factor there's no better way to stay healthy than by making your own meals but all of us get a bit busy from time to time and need a little help in the kitchen that's where Factor comes in a healthy source of additional meals that mimic or even exceed the nutritional value you'd gain from making your own meals Factor accomplishes this by offering fresh never Frozen dietitian approved 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sure you use the code violife50 to receive 50 off your first order thank you factor for sponsoring this video now without further Ado let's begin there is one thing in particular that's Logan's greatest strength and that's his forward-thinking mindset when the family are celebrating Logan's 50 years of success in Dundee Siobhan presents her father with a touching gift an album filled with all the houses they currently own or had once lived in an intimate look into where the family created some of their happiest memories though Logan expresses his appreciation for this present he doesn't remember much at all about these houses and when Siobhan remarks that he isn't a big fan of the past he replies with confirmation stating that the future is real but the past is all made up now like I said even though it might not seem like it this mindset is one of Logan's greatest strengths and we'll get to why this is intimately important in refining Logan's business Acumen but it's best that we first delve into that past that he seems to dread so much as every great person is ultimately molded by the circumstances of their Beginnings in doing so we'll discover why this aversion to his own history is also one of his greatest weaknesses and along the way we'll find ourselves running into a few more aspects of Logan Roy that have ensured the enormity of his success but just as this all-important attitude towards the past is a double-edged sword the torment and suffering that he and the countless others that he's come in contact with throughout his storied life have experienced are victims of Logan Roy's story if we take the time this series began as an indicator of when exactly the events of this story take place then Logan Roy whose 80th birthday is being celebrated in the first episode of season one was probably born in Dundee Scotland in the year 1938. according to Logan his life in Dundee was marked by poverty and though he seems to have the odd happy memory here and there of his life in Dundee Logan is quite eager to forget his childhood in Scotland sent off by their mother to escape the encroachment of the second world war onto the islands when Ewan and Logan were five and four respectively they boarded a ship to Canada to live with their Uncle Noah so they could Escape The Perils of the second world war and after the ship they were stood on became dead in the water these two young children were forced to sit in silence and Terror lest any sound that they made be picked up as a vibration by a patrolling U-Boat once they arrived in Canada Logan unfortunately experienced abuse at the hands of his uncle an unpleasant man according to him and a character according to Ewan with these things in mind it would seem that Logan's childhood was thoroughly unpleasant and the trauma he experienced from it contributed to the development of the psychological disorder he displays that many around him are Keen to point out throughout this series that being antisocial personality disorder a condition that develops out of a dramatic childhood but will get to Logan's personality a bit later now though it is true that his childhood wasn't the greatest I believe with what little were given about Logan's backstory in combination with the way he reacts to his past when it's brought up we can still make some solid inferences about what actually happened when he was younger and how he actually feels about it rather than being a completely miserable experience and despite the supposed poverty he lived in Logan's life in Dundee was likely a somewhat Pleasant experience and it was his departure from that land and the subsequent misery he experienced in his new home that soured his feelings towards his birthplace poverty doesn't always equal unhappiness and like I said he seems to have some happy memories of the place and he apparently has fond memories of his mother as he is willing to have her memorialized in various ways in Dundee and he did make the effort to attend her funeral now this could have all been for appearances of course but in regard to Logan's mother I think like many things in his life his feelings towards her were a double-edged sword on the one hand he loved his mother but on the other she was the one who sent him away to grow up under his uncle's thumb which I'm sure gives him conflicting feelings also the way he falters when he's talking about his past with Siobhan and Connor makes me think that there's much more to his story than simply misery so I believe that instead of his memories of Dundee being painful because it was a miserable place to grow up those memories are painful because they were once fond the hap place of his beginning that he was denied by his flight from home an experience that ruined Dundee in Logan's mind forever now as far as Canada is concerned there's no two ways about it that was a horrid time in Logan's life that he'd rather bury as deep as possible it's been speculated by many that the scars we saw on Logan's back in episode 7 of season 1 formed as a result of the beatings he received from his uncle which is more than enough to traumatize a person for life however during this time Logan lost even more his sister who unfortunately passed away from polio what made matters worse is that Logan believed he had brought home the polio that killed his sister an idea that his aunt and uncle apparently reinforced and with the notion that he was the man responsible for murdering his sister safely nestled in the darkest recesses of his mind and all the trauma that he's already experienced to back it up we have a sadly cohesive narrative to form regarding how Logan developed into the man he is he was a boy who fled the most terrifying war in human history to experience more horror her and taken from his home to endure abuse in an unfamiliar land from an unfamiliar man and this boy subsequently matured into a hardened and ruthless person with no regard for the Sorrows of his past the past is painful but the future is uncertain a place that can be made into whatever you want it to be so long as you have the will to make it so and it's all these unpleasantries in his past that have consciously and subconsciously pushed Logan Roy towards adopting this as his Central Mantra and this enables Logan to focus all of his attention on what matters in the moment the moves and deals that will ensure the realization of the future that he's constantly working towards building everything everywhere is always moving forever a truth-leading quote from Logan Roy that defines his approach to business and life in general of course this isn't the only thing that grants Logan the ability to succeed as much as he has as it's the magnanimous force that is his personality that turns his Forward Thinking into direct efficient and brutal forward action Logan has built a media Empire off of a good education that he received due to his uncle's financing beginning with newsstands and billboards in Canada and eventually reaching all across the globe at the Zenith of his life though this education surely helped it's his narcissism lack of empathy and megalomania that helped him to turn that not so humble beginning into something Larger than Life Now Logan isn't a narcissist in the sense that he's vain he's a narcissist because of how self-absorbed he is only thinking of what he wants and how any given situation or person might benefit him couple that with the complete disregard for the thoughts or feelings of others and the drive to own everything and everyone and you have a Man Without Limits who has clawed himself up from the bottom of the pack to become one of the preeminent masters of the world and continuing to be such a master is all that Logan Roy truly cares about for the blunt arrogant and merciless Logan it's the thrill of the hunt that keeps him moving forward the next big win the high he gets from eliminating his enemies and parading his victory in front of the defeated and he does so by carrying a big stick a massive war chest and shouting loudly at the competition until they acquiesce to his demands or fold under the weight of all the pressure he can bear down upon them with the near Limitless amount of resources at his disposal Logan has also shown himself to be quite vindictive as well and it's even been suggested that the only reason he wanted to make a deal with the Pierce family to acquire their company is because his brother Ewan watches their Network and while vindictiveness might not seem like something that would Aid a person in their business it does add more fuel to the fire that is Logan's desire for victory and the importance of Revenge in many of the actions that he takes cannot be understated life's not nights on Horseback it's a number on a piece of paper it's a knife in the mud a quote from Logan Roy that beautifully describes his approach to business so out of all the bad that Logan Roy has experienced this is all the quote unquote good that has resulted from it but now it's time that we take a dive into why all that Logan Roy is and what he's accomplished was possibly the worst thing that could have ever happened to him and many many others for starters though his forceful Persona has been a large part of his success his overall personality is quite ugly to put it lightly he's rude flippant crass and unconcerned with anyone other than himself preferring to answer anything he's uninterested in with one of his signature ahas and the only people who experience any kind of warmth from him are the people who can offer him pleasure or an advanced position in his business alongside the general poison that is his character he's also overly Macho racist misogynistic homophobic and elitist which is unsurprising considering his position the time in which he lived most of his life and his philosophical and more oral alignments aside from who he is as a person though one of the most obvious Avenues to discuss the downfalls in his character is by taking a look at his family Logan's children are what you'd expect them all to be spoiled rotten rich kids whose only real struggles boil down to how best to spend the massive amounts of money that they've received from their father regardless all four of them have been subject to the half-hearted rearing of an absent father who cares for them about as much as he cares for anybody else which is to say not very much at all throughout this story Logan does feign love for his children but only so far as it gets him closer to using them for the Myriad purposes that suit his own aims he manipulates them pits them against one another and treats them like dogs in the street if they so much as suggest that they're going to run counter to his wishes if this is how he acts with his children in their adulthood it's no wonder that he treated them like he reportedly did when they were younger though we don't know all too much about what it was really like for the young Roy children we know Connor was neglected and ignored for many years and that Kendall and Roman were physically and verbally abused however they all likely experienced a mixture of all these things to a lesser or greater degree so picking and choosing who received what more is a bit of a moot point it's important but since all of it is hearsay what matters for the purposes of examining its character with what we know is how he acts towards them now Conor is ignored just as much as he likely was when he was a child and he's treated as the family punchline the laughing stock shouting eccentrically Into The Ether who's been carted off out of sight to a ranch in New Mexico and even when Conor's wedding day arrives Logan chooses not to attend in favor of securing a deal with Lucas Matson showing just how much he cares for the son who more or less stuck by him in every way throughout this series Kendall though seemingly initially starting his professional career in his father's good graces is eventually reduced to his father's Whipping Boy after his bow with addiction and subsequent Rehabilitation a minion that he planned to yo-yo the top spot in front of to keep him eternally under his control and once he's gotten some serious blackmail on his son he amplifies his previous treatment of him to an Unholy degree even going so far as to display sadism as he tortures Kendall over the manslaughter he's committed forcing him to accompany him to the boy's parents home so he might experience even more guilt and sorrow than he already has even if Kendall might deserve it and he takes it a step further when he's invited to Hash it out with Kendall and makes a show of having his grandson taste his food for him in case it's been poisoned Roman has an inferiority complex severe sexual dysfunction and daddy issues inadequacy rolling off of him as he uses Jabs and slights to hide his Securities and he's a man whose emotions have been so stunted by the man he idolizes that he's unable to really process his emotions or feel any sort of emotional satisfaction unless he's being berated and belittled just the way his father had always treated him out of all the children Siobhan seems to have come out of her childhood relatively unscathed however out of all the Roy children Siobhan is most like her father and though she's not quite as cold-hearted as he is her attempts at emulating him routinely impact her life in a number of negative ways like in her business decisions and in her relationship with Tom so just as Logan didn't ask to become the man he is his children didn't either and everything that they've become and all of their faults are a direct reflection of Logan Roy but the funny thing about Logan and the way he treats his family is that he supposedly done all he's done for them however that couldn't be further from the truth and if it wasn't something that he felt like he had to do be the big business magnet 8 who is also the doting family man I doubt Logan would have cared whether or not he had children at all when Caroline is speaking to Siobhan before her wedding she remarks that Logan never saw anything he loved that he didn't want to kick to see if it still came back and this sentiment is shown in the way that he uses his children for his own gain and in just how little he truly cares for them or even how he views the affection that they give him though all of his children in one way or another give us insight into how terrible of a father he was it's through one interaction with Roman that I think really sold how little Logan cares for his children and about their feelings towards him when Roman is asked to say some kind words about his father during an interview by invoking a happy memory with him he can recall any and is forced to use a memory of when Connor took him on a fishing trip with him this says quite a lot already as not having any happy memories of your father is telling of how present he was in your childhood but couple that with the fact that Roman and his siblings seem to have a number of negative memories about him and this notion is even more disheartening what really Takes the Cake though is when Logan is speaking to Roman about this interview mocks him for it and poignantly tells him that he never took him for a though it's been prevalent throughout this story already this is the best example we're given of Logan's overly Macho approach to expressing real emotion and it's also quite sad that he Associates intimate emotion with other people including his children as being an invulnerability that only conveys weakness rather than affection and the fact that his children had to experience that kind of attitude from their father is one of the ugliest truths of Logan Roy and when you consider that he would manipulate his own children into vying for his seat of power in order to further cement his position a position that he likely never intended for them to hold it's not hard to see how Despicable this man was even towards the people who loved him oddly enough it's through these machinations that we might have received the only instance in this story where Logan was truly satisfied with one of his children after Kendall decides to ignore the blackmail his father has on him and attempts to take the company from him once again we're given an interesting reaction from Logan rather than displaying a burst of outrage as he usually does in these scenarios we find Logan sitting him passively as he watches his son denounce him in front of billions and in this moment we find that at the corners of Logan Roy's mouth a small smile is beginning to form and that's because here he's finally granted a morsel of what he always wanted his son to be a killer a man who's ruthless and unforgiving in the way he conducts business one that would roast his own father over a roaring fire to earn what he wants not to mention that he's reignited the game that Logan so loves to play giving him yet another opportunity to do what he does best destroy anyone in his path now so far we've discussed quite a bit that would qualify Logan as an evil person he's an abusive and neglectful father a racist a sexist a misogynist a homophobe a sadist and a greedy old bastard but now it's time that we really look into the evil of Logan Roy by examining the dark side of his business practices and the Empire that he's built first I'd like to make a small disclaimer obviously this series this family and the entities within are based on or inspired by real world people because that's the case technically what we see within this story can be applied to their real world counterparts though that might be true I'm not going to make any of these comparisons here nor am I going to evaluate what Logan's done through a political lens as I have never nor will I ever enter into the realm of political discussion on this channel as what we're discussing here is morality which is an entirely separate school of thought from politics and the nasty business that is the divisive nature of politics is not something I want to entertain obviously we all have our own views and while it's almost impossible for me not to inject some of my own beliefs into these videos I have tried my best to remain impartial when speak talking about these characters and their actions as I believe the right way to approach evil and the people who commit it no matter what your beliefs are so with that in mind what we're going to talk about is what we can verify the evil Deeds that Logan or those he's responsible for have had a hand in committing but we aren't going to pin those acts to any certain set of beliefs just to the parameters of Good and Evil and of course we're also going to speak about the potential ramifications that may have resulted from those actions however from here on out there is one point where I feel I won't really be able to help it but I assure you most people shouldn't have a problem with this one and even so I'll still try to be as impartial as I possibly can be now with that out of the way to start there's the overall culture that Logan fostered at his company because Logan has all those nasty biases that we've already spoken about bias is that the majority of his cohorts held as well the values of his company were molded around those principles no blacks Jews or women above the fourth floor one of the unofficial mottos of the way Star royco Corporation his was a company owned and run by Rich white men and its main prerogative was continuing to enrich those men and prop up the institutions that had allowed them to reach their positions who knows how many talented women people of color or people of differing faiths were denied positions at his company due to who they were or those who likely held menial positions already who were abused though this notion mostly lies in the hypothetical that's built off of the aforementioned attitude Logan has towards any non-white non-male person we are given one concrete example of two groups of employees of the way Star Corporation who were impacted by Logan chauvinism the female employees of his Cruise division who were abused and then hushed in order to save face for the company and the migrant workers who lost their lives who were erased from the public Consciousness for similar reasons one of the big plot lines in this series is the attempted cover-up or revelation of the sexual abuse of women by some of the bigwigs over on the cruise lines now Logan isn't necessarily responsible for the abuse occurring in the first place though that could be the case considering he's purported to be a dog himself but he is responsible for how he responded to it while it could be argued that a person in such a high position like Logan isn't aware of everything that happens amongst his vast Holdings in this case that's not true as it's pointed out that Logan a man who is so intimately concerned with his money and anything that could possibly affect him making more of it would have been well aware that hush money was given to these women or that threats were made to them so they would keep quiet but it's not just the threats and the payoffs it's the fact that once they were paid off he kept the people who would abuse them employed including a man he lovingly referred to as Uncle molester if that doesn't scream callous disregard for the well-being and safety of others I'm not sure what else does except actually I do because I mention it already the treatment that migrant workers received on his watch which is also exceptionally heinous as they were abused as well and if they happen to fall into the water they were left to drown with no one any wiser now what vilifies Logan even further here is how he refers to these people to Logan and his cronies this is a case where the victim in question is an nrbi which stands for no real person involved if this is the case for these Unfortunate Souls on his Cruise Lines how many more people are there throughout his company that have suffered similar Fates how many millions of dollars has Logan Roy spent on quieting those he's overseen the abuse or death of in order to keep his power his billions and the people that make those things happen for him intact we don't know and we never will but it's highly probable that it wasn't just these poor few over at the cruise division now that's how he treats the people who work for him and for his competitors it's implied that Logan would do anything necessary to stamp them out even perhaps resorting to ordering murders but what about Society at large or the people who consume his products how many of those people were negatively impacted by its partial news coverage that swayed public policy and discourse that could have impacted Millions if not billions of lives the media is one of the most powerful institutions in the world it's the lens through which we view all that is going on across our city our country and our planet governments and corporations are responsible for formulating their message and the ideals that they wish to push upon people but it's the media that sells the thoughts and ideas of men and women in power to the public if what you're selling is sugar rat poison in a pretty bow you're responsible for the eventual sickness of the people that you've invented Logan's News Group like all major news groups can be held responsible for pitting one group of people against another convincing people what's in their best interests even if it wasn't and instilling fear into the populace so they might Scurry to the shelter he and his powerful friends have built for them at a price of course but it's not even just as media coverage that's the problem here Logan had the ear of some of the most powerful people on the planet and if they didn't toe the line that he needed them to so he could further enrich himself he'd blackmail them with negative media coverage that would spell the end of their careers Kendall remarks that his advice was sought in the highest state rooms and his news was watched in the lowest houses but the only reason his advice was heeded was because those in the highest state rooms feared the opinion of the people in the lowest houses and to keep the hordes of millions whose opinions could be swayed with a five-minute new segment at Bay they grudgingly accepted the will of Logan Roy if they didn't well he's a man who can bring down governments and he apparently actually did in the case of one Canadian Administration reportedly over grain subsidies he's a man who can start wars through his influence alone and then turn the tides of that war by offering positive coverage to whichever side suits his interests best so with all of this in mind how many thousands if not millions of people were negatively impacted by Logan's machinations how many people were shivering in the cold while Logan sat before his fire how many people felt the pain of hunger course through their bodies as Logan dined on caviar and airlifted lobsters how many people died on battlefields while Logan Roy enjoyed the comfort of his multi-million dollar residences the number is incalculable but it is staggering and that staggering number only exists because one man decided he would use every ounce of influence available to him to enrich himself and those who would Aid him in doing so people make up a market people are an economic unit that's how Logan Roy sees others and that's exactly how he treats them the final example we're given of just how much damage Logan Roy inflicted upon the world is the potential election of one Jared Menken to the Office of the President of the United States while Roman saw that his success was assured following his father's passing it was Logan who put forth his name to be the standard bearer of his chosen party in the first place a man who a conversation with Roman admitted to his fondness of quotes from Good Old ah a man who not so subtly expresses his distaste for all things that aren't a part of White America a man who wants to wipe the filthy elements of American democracy clean with his pure ideals and a man who in some ways admitted to being ideologically compatible with Logan Roy this is that political portion of my incrimination that I mentioned earlier but while it's true that we're talking about a right-wing extremist taking the reins of power due to the influence of a right-leaning corporate elitist all the incriminating evidence we've discussed so far would be equally as applicable if it was a left-wing extremist who was fond of quotes from Stalin that was put into Power by a left-leaning corporate elitist for the purpose of establishing a moral position here politics doesn't matter in the slightest unless you count yourself amongst the abhorrent few who actually believe the contrary I think we can all agree that Hitler and his ideology were an evil vile stain on human history and he and the ideas he helped to perpetuate were responsible for some of the worst crimes that were ever committed in human history and if you're attempting to run a country and you draw your inspiration from any of the horrific ideas he put forth then you deserve to be condemned and so do the men responsible for enabling that person who knows just exactly what the ramifications of this move will be and how the legacy of Logan Roy will continue to affect the world even after his passing but really in the end that's what it's all about the legacy of a man who carried enormous pressure that few have ever held and when we look back at the life of Logan Roy and all that he has wrought what is there to say he was a man who unfortunately suffered the trauma of a tumultuous abusive and neglectful upbringing a man whose heartened personality and lack of human connection was born from these horrid circumstances using the brutal advantages such an upbringing bestowed upon Him Logan created an economic Empire that knew almost no bounds and the wake of his ambition was left success and prosperity for some but utter ruination for many many others but what aside from enormous power and wealth did all of this gift Logan Roy on an intimately human level nothing he offers no love to those he should and what little love he receives from them in return is brushed aside as a triviality that's Unbecoming of a man of his station he is a man unburdened by sentiment and morality who will do whatever it takes to acquire more and more until he's drawn his last breath and that is all that has ever mattered to Logan Roy more we receive the odd touching moment from him here and there but they are drops of water in an otherwise overflowing ocean of blood every negative thing that happens to Logan throughout this story can only be blamed on Logan himself as the struggle he endures with the subversive elements in his family namely his son Kendall all occur because of something he did to ignite that specific scenario in the first place Kendall was not owed the top seed in his father's company nor was Connor Siobhan or Roman you are not entitled to any position by virtue of your birth and you definitely aren't qualified to perform that position because of it either which each of them clearly aren't in many different ways but when you make promises to a person dangle it in front of them and then ridicule and Scorn them for being incompetent at the position they believed you were grooming them for it's not hard to see why they might bite the hand that you would fed them with however perhaps the saddest thing about his familial struggles is Logan's inability to see that it's all his fault throughout all the betrayals he experiences at the hands of those closest to him Logan never one stops to think of what he might have done wrong in these scenarios it's never G I must have really messed up here for my children to be acting this way towards me I should speak to them and find out if we can hash this out no it's always you're against me it's your fault your problem and you deserve nothing from me but scorn and Malice towards the end of his life during the process of the a Gojo deal Logan is revealed to be increasingly unhappy with not just the deal but with life in general so much so that he wonders why everyone present at his final birthday party is so happy when he is so miserable Logan remarks during a conversation with Colin after he storms out that in everything he tries to do people turn against him that nothing tastes like it used to nothing is the same as it was and he Ponders the infinite and wonders whether there is anything after this world and it's here that Logan gives off the impression that he might actually be worried that all he's done in his life was for nothing that his life was unfulfilling and that he's about to enter nothingness leaving behind a life wasted a successful waste but a waste nonetheless it's this moment as well as his half-hearted attempt at apologizing to his children that reveals to us that perhaps Logan regrets focusing his life only on himself but for a man whose son is at the cusp of setting it's far too late and even this last-ditch attempt at salvaging any sort of familial bonds with his children was only done in order to secure yet another deal and that is the personal tragedy of Logan Roy a man so consumed with himself and the thrill of battle that he sidelined everything that makes life worth living and his reward for all of it is all ships and a few squabbling Brads in a boardroom warring over the rights to Daddy's seat as tragic and Despicable as all of these things are it's the impersonal that sells the evil of this corporate monster though the people close to him are broken and money can never serve as a stand-in for human connection the Roy family and all its associates will ultimately come out the other side of all that occurs between them far better than the majority of us no one deserves to be treated the way that Logan treated people and children don't deserve to have a father who could care less about them one way or the other but the Roy children will never know many of the pains that plague the rest of us who can't ride our private jets at a moment's notice there are plenty Logan Roy affected who do though the millions or even billions of people that might have suffered for even a second so Logan and his Pals could hoard more than a person could hope to spend in a thousand lifetimes as much as it is the broken family it's more so The Strife the misery the the abuse and the suffering that all of these people felt or will feel because of one man's ambition and greed and when you're a man is gargantuan as Logan Roy was unfortunately for the rest of us the dread influence of such a man is not easily undone and when the party's over and this man is safely resting in his opulent Mausoleum the shadow of Logan Roy will still Loom over the world the evil of one man continuing to infect multiple layers of society for generations to come thank you all for tuning in to this episode of analyzing evil and I hope you've enjoyed what are your thoughts on Logan did I miss anything let me know down below and leave a suggestion for a villain you'd like to see featured while you're at it if you like this video hit that thumbs up button and make sure to subscribe if you haven't already a big thank you to all of my subscribers my patrons and to anyone who's decided to honor me with a super thing and the most vile thank you to those whose names you're seeing on screen now [Music] join the Channel's Discord server and subreddit to interact with myself and the community and follow me on my socials down below to keep up with the channel as always thanks for watching and I'll be seeing you soon
Channel: The Vile Eye
Views: 132,645
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: horror, evil, villain
Id: bNz_Kx0hwT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 25sec (2005 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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