Analyzing Evil: Amon Göth (Goeth) From Schindler's List

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hello everyone and welcome to the 20th episode of analyzing evil in this video i'll be covering our patron pick for the month of march among gert the dreaded commandant of the placa of labor camp a dreg of human history the infamous ammon was reviled by those who lived through the second world war in europe and by those who had heard of the deplorable crimes he committed during his tenure as the commandant of plachoff when schindler's arc by thomas connelly was published in 1982 it and its subsequent film adaption schindler's list spread knowledge of his crimes the world over and terrified readers and viewers alike educating the populace at large on one of the more sadistic perpetrators of the holocaust in this video i'll be taking you through both the novel and the film as well as providing a variety of insights into the life of ammon through a number of sources and even though it may seem impossible informing you on some cruel actions and attitudes he displayed that were left out of both the book and the film the many sources i used when making this video will be provided on screen when possible or down in the description but the bulk of this video will be comprised of the information we're given from both the book and film before we begin i'd like to provide to you a small disclaimer in this video there are going to be quite a few words spoken by myself in a number of languages and i assure you i have done my best to educate myself on the correct pronunciation but it's likely to have trained here some of these words may sound off coming from me helping me with my pronunciation for some of the polish words is a channel called occupied krakow a polish channel dedicated to telling the story of krakow during its occupation by nazi germany this channel is a great resource for all the different aspects about the occupation of krakow and i encourage you to check them out with that in mind forgive me if my pronunciation is a bit off and try to take it easy on me you valiant keyboard warriors now without further ado let's begin we'll start by taking a look at aman's life before becoming commandant of blashoff much of the information i'm presenting to you here comes from a book titled oscar schindler the untold account of his life wartime activities and the true story behind the list by david crowe amon gert the third inheritor of his name was born december 11 1908 in vienna austria to a wealthy catholic family in the publishing business his father owned the amon franz gert publishing house and his mother berta spent her time working for her husband as a result of his father's constant traveling for the business and his mother's work at the publishing house amon was mostly raised by his aunt this had an impact on the young aman as he would state to his mistress ruth that his parents neglected him and it was for this reason he turned on the bourgeois social values they had tried to instill in him during his youth he took more of an interest in athletics rather than academics contrary to his parents wishes who were counting on him to take on studies to prepare himself for inheriting their publishing business rather than publishing amon took up agriculture in college for a brief time but before long he returned home to his parents to pursue a career in the publishing industry amon's time as a student was perhaps the most crucial component of his pursuit of membership in the nazi party as at that time teachers and professors were encouraging their students to take part in nazi-sponsored organizations and he found among his peers a source of further education on the party's values and encouragement to sign up to become a member of the party to a young ammon who had already taken interest in far-right ideas it was natural that he should sign up to join he stated to his mistress that his interest had developed when a fellow student of his had joined the hitler youth and he had taken strongly to the values the nazi party espoused particularly that in his words nazism knew how to appreciate his physical strength and athletic ability and fostered friendship and youthful rebellion in 1927 after his return home and brief stint in publishing ammon would go on to join the styrian home protection organization which according to david crowe was the strongest and most virulently anti-semitic wing of the austrian heimware or home garden the principal fascist competitor to the nazi party in austria which at the time had a more organized structure and consolidated political power than the nazis had after a failed coalition attempt between the nazis and the home garden amon left the party and after a decree by one of the top leaders of the nazi party in austria which stated that one could not be a member of both parties amon decided to side with the nazis on may 31 1931 amon became a full-fledged member of the nazi party being assigned the member number 510-764 this made amon a member of a prestigious group within the nazi party and alta kamfer old fighter or who had been a member at least a year before hitler took power in germany on january 30th 1933 it was also at this time that amon's interest would grow in the fledgling organization that was the ss to which he was attracted to due to its promise of comradeship and was assigned the ss membership number 43673 from his new position amon would go on to contribute in a number of ways to the party including involvement in smuggling operations terrorist activities and an alleged part in the assassination of the austrian chancellor in the years following this attempted coup by the nazis amon would perform various functions for the ss and by the time of the ancillus the annexation of austria by the third reich in march of 1938 amon had already begun a slow rise in the ranks of the ss and by 1941 he would receive an assignment that would guide him on the path to becoming the dreaded commandant of the plachoff labor camp but before we go any further i'd like to touch on what we've already learned to see how it pertains to amman's identity as we learn in schindler's list as a psychopath now the further we get into this video the more i'm going to cover the fact that amon eventually displays the characteristics of a psychopath but up until this point i can find no indication that amon showed any violent tendencies or murderous behavior during his life before 1941. there are a few possible instances like when he was operating as a terrorist and a smuggler in the years preceding the ancelus and of course with his involvement in the assassination of engelbart dolphus but from what we know of amon he grew up in a wealthy family he was tall and handsome and had an interest in athletics and many opportunities before him we have no record of him being violent towards those around him or towards animals or any indicators that he displayed any kind of anti-social behavior or any of the other characteristics that would indicate his eventual transformation into the sadistic psychopath we know him as today it's entirely possible that early on in his life he may have shown more characteristics of a psychopath than we're aware of as at the time he was growing up many of these traits were often written off as boys will be boys or ignore it altogether especially considering he had absent parents he certainly held a good amount of hate for the jewish people indicated by his induction into a heavily anti-semitic wing of the austrian homeguard party as well as the other peoples that the nazis had specifically targeted in their promotion of race-based ideals and these sentiments undoubtedly only grew more intense as he immersed himself more and more into the ideology of his party and surrounded himself with like-minded people but other than this and the few things that we can speculate on regarding his possible violent tendencies it would seem we have a case of a psychopath who was able to keep his worst tendencies in check until he was given the opportunity to release them without repercussion these feelings kindled by a view of certain humans as nothing more than scum this opportunity to release his inner beast presented himself in the summer of 1941 when amon was assigned to opposed in upper silesia serving as an einsatzghir an action leader and worked with a resettlement commando under obersturmbonfier franz wildgong at the karafitsa office of the ethnic german central office it was here that he showed his administrative talents as well as his ruthlessness in helping to organize the resettlement of jews into ghettos highlighted by crowe in his novel on schindler was the important distinction that amon worked in a part of the greater reich where economics took precedent over racial policy when it came to the fate of jews that's not to say that the jews were safe in this area but rather their eventual liquidation would be prolonged so they could be used as slave labor in a particularly resource-rich area of the reich at this time amon's overseer was albrecht schmelt who according to crowe developed a highly efficient and extremely profitable jewish slave labor system that housed jews in a network of 200 camps scattered throughout upper silesia albrecht would influence ammon and not only his efficiency in handling his jewish slave labor but in corruption as well shmelt made vast sums of money by hiring out his laborers to factories and other businesses to line his own pockets and to fund a resettlement program for ethnic germans to be relocated to the district as well as providing aid to ss men killed in battle amon learned well from shmelt and here in upper silesia he excelled honing his skills in preparation for what looked to be a promising career in this terrible field after his tenure was finished at the office in katowice he was transferred to lublin in the summer of 1942 where he was to be involved in the highly secretive operation reinhardt here he had another master of corruption and brutality to idolize odilo globochnik the police leader in the lublin district and the man in charge of operation reinhard according to crow this is where amman honed his skills in rounding up and transporting jews into ghettos working under both gulbochnik and hopstrom fewer hermann hoffel who headed the main department of the program we know nothing more of what amon did during the time he served under these men but suffice to say he likely excelled at the tasks he was assigned and six months later he was commanded to oversee the labor camp at plachoff in preparation of becoming its new commandant he also ran into trouble with hoffel which was part of the reason he was transferred but if it had been a grave transgression he had committed during his time with hoffel he likely wouldn't have been given the high position of commandant so we can assume that regardless of the trouble he experienced his skills in dealing with jews played a hand in his transfer to his new position and now we've arrived at the place we all know amon from so well flash off and his time is the commandant of that camp from here on i'll be pulling most of the information i'm providing you from schindler's list guiding you through his appearances in the film while intermixing it with information from the book that was left out along with a few more unsavory acts ammon committed that weren't included in the book or the film first i'll read for you an excerpt from the novel describing amman's personality appearance and quirks that will give us a good reference to look back to as we travel through as many scenes in the film and i quote amon shared with oscar not only his year of birth his religion his weakness for liquor but a massive physique as well gert's face was open and pleasant rather longer than schindler's his hands though large and muscular were long-fingered he was sentimental about his children the children of his second marriage whom because of his foreign service he had not seen often in the past three years as a substitute he was sometimes attentive to the children of brother officers he could be a sentimental lover too but though he resembled oscar in terms of general sexual voraciousness his tastes were less conventional running sometimes to his brother ss-men frequently to the beating of women both his former wives could have testified that once the first blaze of infatuation had died he could become physically abusive he considered himself a sensitive man and thought that his family's trade proved it his father and grandfather were viennese printers and binders of books on military and economic history and he liked to list himself on official papers as a literate a man of letters and though at this moment he would have told you that he looked forward to his taking of control of the liquidation operation that this was the major chance of his career and carried with it the promise of promotion his service and special actions seemed to him to have altered the flow of his nervous energies he had been plagued with insomnia for two years now and if he had his way stayed up till three or four and slept late in the mornings he had become a reckless drinker and believed he held his liquor with an ease he had not known in his youth again like oscar he never suffered the hangovers he deserved he thanked his hard-working kidneys for this benefit this is the man we first see riding in the back of a mercedes to the krakow ghetto here we see him being briefed on the structure of the ghetto after witch's only comment is why the top of the car is down as he's freezing again once they arrive at the camp his only comment as his officer is explaining the layout of the camp is to ask where he'll be staying and then to subsequently complain about his accommodations in the book as well ammon remarks how convenient it is that the camp is located close to a jewish graveyard stating to his fellow officer that they won't have to go too far amon would later use the gravestones from the cemetery to pave the path to the camp a very macabre way to show his disrespect for jews and to intimidate and shame them as they walk across the gravestones of their ancestors his next action is to choose for himself a maid for his new quarters at the camp from this introduction we immediately get the impression of a self-absorbed man who seems blind to the suffering of others whose only thought as he's traveling through a hellscape filled with suffering people is of his own comfort and a man who is tantalized at the sight of the shaking hands of helen hirsch a quiet excitement building behind his eyes as his mind eagerly awaits the future of abuse he has in store for her his physical description in the novel coincides with the appearance we see here and of the actor who portrayed him as aside from his sour looks and his snide comments he's handsome imposing and initially pleasant to the women who are lined up to be inspected by him here i'd like to note something pointed out to me by a subscriber who gave me this quote from screenrant which is in turn a reference to a time article about the film and i quote rae fine's performance as the monstrous ammon gert was so hauntingly accurate when real-life holocaust survivor mila fefferberg was introduced to him on the set she began shaking uncontrollably because he reminded her so much of the real girt with that in mind it's interesting to note that the man we see on screen though a dramatization is almost akin to watching him as he was when he was alive the terror mila felt upon seeing rafe is justified as this shaky image of pleasantry that we're met with initially crumbles quite quickly as the scene progresses when he orders the death of the engineer deanna reiter who is overseeing the construction of one of the barracks shot on the spot by his subordinate this act is treated as mildly as one would order coffee by amon showing his strange sense of disgust at taking the word of a jew as he proceeds to order his men to do as she asked anyway highlighting the feeling of superiority and the ruthless brutality of a man who sees these people as less than human and who actively takes joy in the fear and suffering of others and as many of the scenes we cover in this video will show the deaths of others as well an important scene for amman is his speech to his men about the state of krakow for the last six centuries as a place where the jews were given a home in poland by casimir the great and his excitement at the prospect of erasing those six centuries by completing his work here in krakow in the book he's described as having a paternal feeling when he looks upon his men lined up to do their duty in a comradely way and feels a sense of professional excitement at what he's about to accomplish in liquidating the ghetto unfortunately this next scene that shows the process of culling the ghettos and resettling the jews into place off is not unique to ammon and is an insight into what was occurring in countless cities throughout europe here we get to see him reveling somewhat in the bloody work he's engaged in and towards the end of the scene he's hit with a bout of exhaustion remarking how he wishes the night would be over already a characteristic selfish complaint among the carnage around him reported elsewhere but neither in the novel nor the film was that upon greeting his new prisoners at the camp amon reportedly told them i am your god which from the actions he takes would make sense as he behaves like a wrathful selfish god who sees those below him as things to be played with now this next scene where amon starts his day with murdering two people by shooting them from his balcony is iconic especially in the way it highlights the common casual way amon goes about murdering innocent women in this scene but there is a slight inaccuracy here in that in the book it stated that amon rather than shooting directly from his balcony would scan the camp with a pair of binoculars and rifle in hand then proceed to go out from his house to commit the crime so while it did take place this was a slight variation made in the film for dramatic effect but nonetheless this is a monstrous action to take as amon seemingly does this for his own enjoyment finding the smallest things to take to an extreme in order to justify these murders in his mind and to set a vicious example for those he rules over in our next scene we're given a view of ammon in a business-like setting wherein he is presiding over a meeting where he and his subordinates are attempting to negotiate the transfer of the factories of schindler and others to the place of camp in the book this meeting is much more formal as it is held in the office of sharner and doesn't have a personal meeting with oscar at all but even without showing amon's acumen for negotiation in the real world scenario we get a peek into what aomon may have been thinking from thomas connealy where he describes amman scanning the crowd as he speaks taking mental notes of who will be agreeing to move their factories into his camp and who will not based on the facial expressions and body language of those present in both scenarios though in different ways amon is shown to be friendly and whether it's genuine or not displays social aptitude and the ability to form bonds with those he works with not only do we see social aptitude but a general desire to be social as well as amon frequently hosts parties at his villa and enjoys the finer things in life this contradicts to a certain degree the notion that alman had put forth to his mistress when explaining one of the reasons why he decided to join the nazi party that being his parents nurturing him to follow a life in their bourgeois lifestyle at these parties and throughout his life as commandant at ploshoff living such a lifestyle seems to have been no problem for ammon as not only is he a hedonist and perhaps a nymphomaniac but he's a glutton and an alcoholic as well putting on considerable weight and destroying his organs with alcohol to the degree that his doctor at one point tells him that if he doesn't cut back he'll likely die soon as a result of his poor diet and excessive drinking and he was only in his mid-30s at the time now these last two points i've touched on his business acumen and his hedonism are definitely deplorable acts considering that his skill in business is tied directly to the persecution and mistreatment of others and the rewarding lifestyle he lives is also a product of this but they don't compare to the terror he instilled into people through the murders and torturous acts he committed and orders his men to commit though he was shown to have had an empathetic side to a certain degree the strange emotional tenderness he had melded with abuse in regards to his relationship with helen and even flirted with restraint and forgiveness for a moment in time amon is through and through a sadistic rage-filled psychopath and though we've seen a bit of that already it only gets worse from here and the rest of our exploration of ammon will be dedicated to highlighting the truly horrendous aspects of ammon's character take for example the scene where amon is pressuring rabbi levartov to make a hinge for him as quick as he can and then reveals that the reason he was testing levartov was to show that he in fact has been working at a slow pace the entire day owing to the small pile of hinges he has laying in the basket next to him highlighting his penchant for toying with people amon likely knew lovatov had been working slowly and whether that was due to him being unable to work quickly or doing so because he was lazy amon would have shot him either way but instead he chooses to play with levartov to in the moment give the man a sense of hope working as fast as he can in order to please amon only to be given a cold dose of terror as he reveals the reason for testing him later in the scene we see two of aman's guns misfire and as a result instead of murdering levartov he strikes him in rage and leaves him there throwing a tantrum as he's denied the satisfaction of murdering another person in our next scene amon is interrogating a group that came from a barrack where a stolen chicken was found when no one speaks up he grabs a rifle from one of his men and shoots around a man preparing to shoot another before a boy steps forward and points to the dead man blaming him for stealing the chicken in reality this moment claimed two lives as when ammon shoots the prisoner with his rifle through the head the bullet passes through his head and kills the man behind him as well in the book it's explained that perhaps he was in a good mood that day because when the boy pointed to accuse the first dead man amon left and accepted the boy's answer however i think this harkens back to something that happened when amon was liquidating the ghetto the moment when the poor soul trying to escape through the sewers stumbles upon ammon and makes up an excuse that he was ordered to clear the bodies from the road giving amon a proper salute as he speaks amon laughs and chooses to believe the man in both cases with this man and the little boy amon is choosing to forgive them because they amused him not out of any good will or belief in the words they're speaking it's simply a minor reward a delay of their death for providing him a moment of levity next we have stan talking about a day when ammon went to the barracks of a man who had escaped and had the escapee stand in his place as he murdered everyone in his immediate vicinity and then every other man as he walked down the lines totaling 25 innocent men in the span of what must have been five minutes if ammon had been casual with killing before this shows to an even greater degree what length she's willing to go to to prove a point and how easy it is for him to waste any number of lives that he pleases our next scene with ammon is meant to highlight the developing feelings ammon has for helen but in the book this manicure is instead performed by a girl named rebecca tannenbaum who spoke german and would chat with amman as she worked on his hands this instance has a far more sinister note to it as when rebecca gave aman a manicure he kept a revolver placed at his elbow and one day when rebecca was feeling courageous she asked amman what he kept it there for he replied quite coolly that it was there in case she ever nicked him directly after this passage we get several instances of violence rebecca was privy to which i will quote directly from the book if she ever needed proof that a chat about spas was all the same to ammon as an act of madness she had it the day she entered the hallway and saw him dragging her friend helen hirsch out of the salon by the hair helen striving to keep her balance and her auburn hair coming out by the roots and ham on if he lost his grip one second regaining it the next in his giant well-tended hands and further proof came on the evening she entered the salon and one of those dogs rolled for ralph materialized leaped at her and holding her by the shoulders opened its jaw on her breast she looked across the room and saw ammon lawling on the sofa and smiling stop shaking you stupid girl he told her or i won't be able to save you from the hound during the time she tended the commandant's hands he would shoot his shoeshine boy for faulty work hang his 15 year old orderly poldek dershowitz from the ring bolts in his office because a flea had been found on one of the dogs and execute his servant lysheck for lending a droshka and horse to bosch without first checking yet twice a week the pretty orphan entered the salon and philosophically took the beast by the hand this is as good a time as any to mention that amon had trained the dogs rebecca mentions to attack people on command and would routinely use them to mutilate many of his victims now our next scene with ammon is the scene with him having a two-way conversation with himself in front of helen this scene was an act of creative dramatization on spielberg's part as nowhere in the book is it mentioned that a moment like this ever occurred between ammon and helen but it is however mentioned several times in the book that amon had an attachment to helen and though he abused her he never wanted to kill her and he was reluctant to wager her on the card game between himself and oscar later in the film though it was a bit of creative liberty i think it does well to highlight the strange relationship amon had with helen in a short amount of time showing us to an even higher degree how sadistically self-centered ammon is abusing a girl he has feelings for while also satisfying his never-ending appetite for suffering after this birthday party scene is concluded we get a scene where amon is speaking up on behalf of oscar after he's been detained for kissing the jewish girl at his party this scene is also an exaggeration as it was oscar himself who did the talking with sherda after he served five days in a cell but this scene like the scene with helen serves the purpose of highlighting amon's friendship with oscar in the book it's said that amon went on believing till the very end that oscar had been nothing but a friend to him and from the scene at aman's dinner table earlier in the film and the scene where oscar is trying to convince him to become ammon the good we also get the notion that he to a certain degree was both envious of oscar and respected him though amon was similar to oscar in many respects it was said that oscar had a sort of charm about him that amon likely envied as well as his bravado and the comradely nature that seemed to be an extension of oscar himself we can discern then that with his previous comments about his attraction to the brotherly values the nazi party espoused that amon saw an oscar what he was actively trying to be but oscar was just a step ahead of him amon was described by keneally as being in oscar's mind his dark and berserk brother his evil counterpart so to speak so it would be fair to say that the opposite were true for ammon and he was as equally fascinated by the good of oscar as oscar was at the evil of amon now we don't get to see any more of amon after the scene where he's playing a game with oscar for helen's life but before we get to the end and talk about aman's arrest trial and execution i would like to highlight a few more terrible things the man was reported to have done during his tenure as commandant i'll be directly quoting these from the sources that i state beforehand from schindler's arc regarding a prisoner who was singing banned russian songs engineer krautworth himself seemed at first stunned and had nothing to say in an uneven voice he reasoned with the hapstrom viewer who stood beside the scaffold i am not a communist air commandant i hate communism they were just songs ordinary songs the hangman a jewish butcher of krakow pardoned for some earlier crime on condition that he undertake this work stood habenstalk on a stool and placed the noose around his neck he could tell amon wanted the boy hanged first didn't want the debate to drag on when the butcher kicked the support out from beneath habenstak the rope broke and the boy purple and gagging noose around his neck crawled on his hands and knees the girt continuing his pleadings ramming his head against the commandant's ankles and hugging his legs it was the most extreme submission it conferred on gert again the kingship he'd been exercising these fevered months past amon in an appel plot of gaping mouths uttering no sound but a low hiss a seusseras like a wind in sand dunes took his pistol from his holster kicked the boy away and shot him through the head when poor engineer krautworth saw the horror of the boy's execution he took a razor blade that he'd concealed in his pocket and slashed his wrists those prisoners at the front could tell that krautward had injured himself fatally in both arms but gert ordered the hangman to proceed in any case and splashed with the gore from crowdwar's injuries two ukrainians lifted him to the scaffold where gushing from both wrists he strangled in front of the jews of southern poland from an article on gert and the ploshov death camp by british military historian mark simner joseph bao a place-off survivor recalled gert as a hideous and terrible monster who ran the camp through extremes of cruelty that are beyond the comprehension of a compassionate mind for even the slightest infraction of the rules he would reign blow after blow upon the face of the helpless offender anyone who was being whipped by him was forced to count in a loud voice and if he made a mistake was forced to start counting over again during interrogations he would set his dog on the accused who was strung by his legs from a specially placed hook in the ceiling in the event of an escape from the camp he would order the entire group from which the escapee had come to form a row would give the order to count 10 and would personally kill every 10th person at one morning parade in the presence of all the prisoners he shot a jew because as he complained the man was too tall then as the man lay dying he urinated on him once he caught a boy who was sick with diarrhea and was unable to restrain himself gert forced him to eat all the excrement and then shot him from a detailed account of the trial of ammon gert at the holocaust research project very often mass hangings would take place in public in the presence of gert on the appel plots in the same manner he organized mass shootings of prisoners these executions on many occasions were conducted in a manner that the victims were ordered to stand above the prepared ditch after which they were ordered to jump in several at a time in cases of opposition they were knocked down with rifle butts at the moment of the jump the ss men standing on the edge of the ditch fired their guns at the jumping people after which others were being pushed in without worrying about those that were in that grave already still alive and only wounded in the end after all of this horror amon was arrested by his own organization for his gross misconduct diagnosed with mental illnesses and eventually arrested at an asylum in bad tols by the united states and then turned over to the new government of poland after the war which found him guilty of crimes against humanity and had him hanged he was reportedly unapologetic throughout his entire trial and typical of many men convicted of war crimes during this time he stated that he was just following orders for what it's worth it took three times to hang him properly so take that as you will but now we have come to the end of gert and in the end who was ammon gert he was a child born into a wealthy family who was taken in by the popular racial sentiments and fascist ideals of post-world war one europe fostering a desire for comradeship intense ambition and hatred towards the people he thought responsible for the decline of his country through a veritable license to kill ammon as commandant of the flash-off labor camp tortured abused maimed and murdered a staggering amount of people not only through the orders he gave his men but by his own hand reveling in the fear he instilled in others and his crimes committing these terrible atrocities as casually as you might brush some dust from your shoulder ammon gert was a cold ruthless sadistic psychopath who willingly and enthusiastically participated in one of the greatest crimes in human history though he deserves to be forgotten and his victims remembered his life and the lives of others like him who committed far worse crimes than he must serve as a lesson to all of us on the potential for human brutality and a terrible insight to what happens when you stoke the flames of hatred in someone to the point where their inner demon becomes more and more realized and is then allowed to roam free and so evil with impunity with everything that there is to know about ammon he is without a doubt one of the most heinous and despicable men to ever live and is more than deserving of being labeled evil thank you for tuning in to this episode of analyzing evil and i hope you've enjoyed what are your thoughts on ammon did i miss anything throughout the vast sea of information about the man let me know down in the comments and leave a suggestion for a villain you'd like to see featured in a future episode while you're at it don't forget to check out the many sources i used for this video listed down in the description if you have more interest in the topic as there is an enormous amount of good material to read on the subject thank you to all of my subscribers for supporting me and if you like my videos and want to see more of them appearing in your feed think about subscribing yourself and give this video a like while you're at it 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Channel: The Vile Eye
Views: 1,350,288
Rating: 4.8612165 out of 5
Keywords: Ralph Fiennes, Amon Goeth, Evil, Nazi, Plaszow
Id: d23Xd_Fx3Jo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 59sec (1919 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 09 2021
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