Analysing Pink Floyd's "The Wall," Pt. 1

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so it's November of 2019 which marks the 40th anniversary of Pink Floyd's the wall and I'd like to take the opportunity to do a song by song analysis of the album exploring its story symbolism and imagery used as well as some of its themes the first part of my video this one will have been released on November 23rd the date the another brick in the wall part 2 single was released and covered disc 1 of the album the second part of my video will be released on November 30th the date the actual album was released and cover disc 2 of the album before I get too much into the analysis I should probably give a brief overview of what the wall is about the wall is a concept album by Pink Floyd that explores themes of war and isolation it follows the story of fictional rock star pink who builds a metaphorical wall around himself to deal with the many traumas of life the wall was performed on a live tour from 1980 to 1981 featuring theatrical effects and in 1982 it was adapted into a film i'll mainly be focusing on the album but i'll be briefly touching on parts of the live show i probably won't be doing a full analysis of the last show anytime soon because the footage we have of it is low resolution and the lighting makes it incredibly difficult to see anything as for the film i'll set that aside for now and possibly return to it come the anniversary of the film while I do agree with Andy map it when he said quote since waters conceived at the stage show in the film at the same time as the record it would not be right to consider any one of them in isolation end quote film has a lot of imagery I would like to discuss in its own video and it's the anniversary of the album not the film before I start my announce that has not listened to the album yet to do so I'd recommend you find a way to listen to its entirety in one sitting with no ads but if you're only able to use a streaming service I won't judge you are you back alright let's analyze the wall [Music] [Music] in the flesh is named after pink floyd's in the flesh to her during which Roger Waters spat on a particularly rowdy fan inspiring the wall and its exploration of psychological separation the song itself introduces us to the character of pink a moody rock star whose life will explore throughout the album the song starts with some relatively quiet music before bombarding the listeners with forceful organs and distorted guitars thrusting listeners into the story and demolishing speaker's everywhere [Music] I'm glad I was able to fit one joke into this analysis the transition from the quiet melody to loud rock peace marks the beginning of Pink's rock concert pink tauntingly asks his audience what their expectations were [Music] I'll elaborate more on this later but at this point in the narrative pink is at his lowest his wall is completed turning him into a cynical deluded and just generally grotesque version of the Rockstar demigod his audience expects them to be when pink asks his audience the rhetorical questions [Music] he's mockingly pointing this out to them and blaming them for the caricature of the Rockstar figure he's become when he tells his audience [Music] it's an invitation to both the fictional and the real audience to look past as hardened exterior and see what he was before Pink's manifesto works on two levels as an introduction to the fictional rock concert criticizing the fictional audience for what their mindless devotion is done to the fictional rock star and as an introduction to the real album criticizing listeners for what their mindless devotion has done to real rock stars and other public figures the shouting of stage directions [Music] [Music] reminds listeners of the album status as a piece of art and the fact that its story applies to more than just the narrative within it as well as possibly alluding to Shakespeare's belief that the whole world is a play the sounds of a Stuka dive-bomber can be heard the significance of which I'll get to later just before the cries of a baby the infant cries contrasts the emotionally calloused person pink has become as well as the sounds of the flying death machine we just heard giving the listeners a glimpse behind Pink's cold eyes and leading us right into [Music] the thin ice is a flashback to Pink's infancy contrasting the innocence of childhood with the harsh reality of life and warning pink as well as the audience about this threat the song starts out as a lullaby in which the soothing voice of Pink's mother reassures him that he's loved [Music] before singing about the sea in the sky [Music] these lines may seem out of the blue pun 100% intended but both the sky and the sea are seen as symbols of life because of a little thing called water the color blue is symbolic of freedom like in blue skies research and of innocence baby blue will get more into the idea of blue skies later what's interesting about these particular lines is the word may as if the assumptions were incorrect and Pink's mother was going to elaborate she doesn't and returns to the comforting lullaby [Music] a harsher voice cuts in warning pink and the audience about the pitfalls of modern life [Music] these lines get to the other thing symbolized by the color blue sadness the silent reproach of a million tears stain diets refers to how you not only carry your emotional baggage but the emotional baggage of the millions or I guess if we're being literal 500 thousands of people whose emotional baggage you carry as well an idea I'll also elaborate more on later these lines also get back to the earlier lines about the sea the sea or modern life may look warm but it's actually a freezing layer of thin ice and if you skate on the ice carrying all of your emotional baggage [Music] yes [Music] behind you [Music] the song said it better than I ever could as with the previous song a recurring trend within the thin ice is things not being what you expected to see the song may seem like a lullaby but it's actually a warning about the perils of life the color blue may seem free and innocent but it's actually sad and melancholic the seemed a liqueur but it's actually a freezing layer of thin ice that you could fall through at any moment it may seem like a good idea to build a wall to protect yourself from life's perils but it will only make you sink faster I'm getting ahead of myself the song ends with the menacing sounding guitar solo that bleeds into the next song in another brick in the wall part one pink begins building the wall to cope with the death of his father a loss very near and dear to Roger Waters heart as will become apparent in the future many events in Pink's life are based on events in waters life his father Eric Fletcher waters was killed when Roger was five months old on February 18 1944 during the Battle of Anzio the sound of the Stuka dive-bomber we heard earlier was foreshadowing this as it would have been the plane that killed Pink's father and possibly Roger Waters father as well the song starts with the line this line can be interpreted in several different ways there's the literal ocean between England and Italy but then there's also the fact that the sea is seen as a symbol of life like we discussed earlier and Pink's father flying across it could be interpreted as him flying to his death as Brett Urich of the wall analysis calm said it brings to mind the quote ancient notion that the afterlife lies beyond a vast uncharted body of water end quote the song has wider applications than just the death of a fictional rock stars father like Roger Waters said so it's not meant just to be a simple story about you know somebody getting killed in the world growing up and going to school but about being left more generally the next few lines are about pink separation from his father but with each line pink becomes angry about the father he could have had until he misdirects that anger at his father [Music] as if to answer that question pink sings just breaks in the wall [Music] the word just diminishes the emotional effect the event had on him and the impact the walls having on his life justifying the creation of his wall pink views the bricks as an inevitable result of his father's death just the emotional baggage you inherit from previous generations in 1986 Mary Gordon wrote quote a fatherless girl thinks all things are possible and nothing is safe end quote while this quote was primarily about fathers girls it reentered the public consciousness when Anderson Cooper mentioned it during his interview with Stephen Colbert referring to his catastrophizing after his father died I'll admit I got it from here too and I think it applies to pink as well pig grows up to become an incredibly famous rock star but he catastrophize us as well leading to the construction of his wall the song continues with almost two minutes of lonely instrumentals as the sounds of a schoolyard fade in leading us into the next song [Music] the happiest days of our lives is about the cruel teachers and oppressive education system pink and waters suffered through its title as a sarcastic reference to the notion that the days of childhood in primary school are the happiest of one's life the sounds of children playing in the schoolyard are drowned out by the sound of a helicopter and the shouting of their teacher over a megaphone establishing an authoritarian and militaristic tone and communicating just how pink felt about school [Music] in the first three lines pink bitterly explains the problems he had as a child on school the problems pink had with school weren't academic nor are they just with the fact that the institution existed rather they were problems with the overly abusive teachers that went out of their way to hurt the pupils teachers whose only goal was keeping the quiet and still crush them into the right shape said that they would go on to university and do well another thing he had in common with waters obviously not all teachers but we had assured the school I was that they were really very like that they were taught that that was all they had really to offer was their their own bitterness and cynicism in the next lines pink elaborates on exactly how these teachers hurt the students pouring the original media news [Music] although the teachers did occasionally beat the children like in the movie I said I was going to talk about the real damage they did was to constantly insulting the children causing every one of them to build their own walls to hide their weaknesses then pink recalls the rumors of the teachers troubled marriages pink recalls the rumors that the teachers were being beaten by their wives with glee as if he viewed it as some sort of justice in an interview with Jim lad in 1980 waters revealed that he felt the same way as a child we actually at the school I was at had one guy who my you would fantasize that his wife beat Semmy she treated him like [ __ ] and he was a really Christ person and he had it as much as that paying on to us as he could and he did quite a good job of it however as waters points out quite the opposite is true the teachers may be being beaten or they may just be dissatisfied with their marriages but they take that pain and dissatisfaction and pass it on to the children forcing them to carry the emotional baggage of others the happiest days of our lives ends directly leading into the next song [Music] we don't need no thought control [Music] another brick in the wall part 2 is about how the abusive teachers and overly oppressive school systems mentioned in the happiest days of our lives turn children away from education and cause permanent psychological damage it is a fantasy of children revolting against their rigid schooling system pink and waters suffered through the song is one of the most famous from the album and it's easy to see why it was the first of the singles released from the album and it's powerful vocals and disco elements made at the catchiest however listening to it without the context of the previous song and the rest of the album may lead some people into thinking it's a protest song against all forms of Education which it isn't many of the lines are direct references to the problems brought up in the happiest days of our lives anyway now that I'm done ranting about it I can actually get to analyzing it the song famously starts out with the line [Music] this rallying cry is very clearly a double negative which could be interpreted in several different ways a double negative nets a positive so this line may be saying we do need education waters was very Pro education so it makes sense do you believe it most people be better off without a formal education the way formal education is today as far as any means no I think anything would be better people I mean you can't just take away once then leave a vacuum most kids have been provided with the necessary tools to educate himself I mean you've got to help children to that double negatives are also commonly used in slang so the children in this song may be using it to intentionally get at the education system or because the oppressiveness of the institution made them stop caring about school before they learned about proper grammar and why double negatives are incorrect the next line is [Music] this line reveals exactly what the children think of the oppressive education system they're forced to be a part of as an Orwellian form of brain control a factory that produces quote little more than faceless social clones who knew the definition of an acre yet who could not produce an original imaginative thought end quote this line also uses a double negative which makes my point about how the first line is pro-education less likely but whatever the next three lines are direct references to the abusive teachers mentioned in the previous song [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the line no dark sarcasm in the classroom refers to the sarcastic remarks mentioned in the happiest days of our lives that the teachers would make to verbally abuse the students in the schools pink and Watters attended we do this a physical way or middle torment mostly sarcasm okay the next two lines are a call for the teachers to stop this verbal abuse of the students and leave them kids alone the following two lines are called back to the metaphor behind the entire album [Music] [Music] the rigidity and oppressiveness of the school system as well as the abuse of teachers have done permanent damage to the students causing every one of them to begin building their own walls just like in another brick in the wall part one the word just diminishes the emotional effect the verbal abuse had on the students and the impact the wall is having on pink's life the first verse is repeated by a group of school children more specifically the students of ilink and green school [Music] the children all speaking in unison adds to the atmosphere of rebellion while simultaneously adding to the authoritarian atmosphere established in the previous song are the children all speaking simultaneously to heighten the impact of their voices or because the oppressive institution has stripped them of all identity I'm afraid I can't answer that question after these lines we are treated to a truly awesome guitar solo by David Gilmour [Music] [Music] the guitar soul is interrupted by the authoritarian shouting of the teacher breaking the fantasy of rebellion and bringing the listeners back to reality the sound of a phone ringing is heard leading us into the next song mother do you think they'll try to break my balls [Music] should have been the wall mother is about how the fears of Pink's overprotective mother helped build his wall much like the thin ice the song has the musical qualities of a soothing lullaby but with a much darker message a song starts out with a side before pre-adolescent pink begins asking his mother a series of questions about fears of his fears of nuclear war who you think they'll dump the bone fears of not being liked the do you think they'll like this song and fears of humiliation via emasculation do you think they'll try to break my balls before asking his mother if he should build a wall this should have been the wall pink has a brief moment of optimism and dreams of being an important figure for the day before realizing that in some ways those with power are even more vulnerable wondering if he should even trust the government whether sugar is the governor a question that waters helpfully answers for us in his live performance of the song if you would be put to death in a metaphorical firing line and whether or not life is just a waste this is just a waste in the concert version of the wall this line was replaced by the line is it just as loose which Brett Urich of the wall analysis comm points out refers to the quote chaotic post-war / postmodern world pink grew up in as well as the often tumultuous phase faddle essence end quote the voice of Pink's mother begins singing but instead of comforting him she only feels as fear through her overprotectiveness and promises she'll help him build his wall [Music] Mama's gonna make all of your nitrous Mama's going on the fizzy to Mama's gonna keep you right here oh we won't get you fly she might let you sing Mama's gonna keep [Music] mom's gonna help I think it should be mentioned here that because the album is told entirely through pinks point of view we only get one side of the story we don't know if she was as overprotective as these lines make her out to be we just know that pink perceives her that way when listening to these lines I couldn't help but draw a connection to Philip Larkins this be the verse which goes hey [ __ ] you up your mom and dad they may not mean to but they do they fill you with the faults they had and add some extra just for you but they were [ __ ] up in their turn by fools and old-style hats and coats who half the time were sappy Stern and half at one another's throats man hands on misery to man it deepens like a coastal she'll get out as early as you can and don't have any kids yourself pink was [ __ ] up both by the absence of his father and the overprotectiveness of his mother however his mother wasn't solely overprotective because of fools and old-style hats and coats it's because her husband died and she's forced to raise pink on her own during World War two I don't mean to excuse this behavior as waters points out if you can level one accusation at mother's is that they tend to protect their children too much too much and for too long a guitar solo from Gilmour leads us further into Pink's adolescence where Pink's questions now have to do with fears about girlfriends [Music] other thing you think they'd give us [Applause] tubby [Music] the fuse a-pink's mother have made him afraid of dating and of his own sexuality instead of helping him overcome his fear Pink's mother exacts an almost Orwellian control over his dating life in order to distance him from his sexuality and prevent him from getting hurt [Music] mama will always find that very good [Music] I refer to the control pinks mother takes over the life of her son as our well Ian and I'm not the first one to make that connection while performing the song in his 2010 to 2013 live tour the words big mother is watching you with the M covering up the BR were projected onto the screen it's easy to make a connection between the two the government and 1984 rules through fear and at loss love because it risks a person's loyalty to the state and Pink's mother feeds him her fears and distances him from his sexuality to prevent him from getting hurt the intentions are different but the effect is the same all the instruments fade out except for a single acoustic guitar and pink asks the question need be so through all of her actions Pink's mother laid the groundwork for the wall and provided the necessary fears for its construction however pink isn't just acknowledging the effect her actions had on the wall he's shifting the blame to her everything fades to silence leading into the next song did you see [Music] did you hear the falling bombs flames were all gone [Music] [Music] just like the thin ice and mother goodbye a blue sky juxtaposes it's tranquil melody against its much darker lyrics as what appears to be a flashback to the innocence of Pink's childhood ends up being a memory of the Blitz the German bombing of British cities the song starts with the sounds of a Skylark chirping and young pink telling his mother about the airplane in the sky this imagery juxtaposes the tranquillity and childhood innocence of pink with the harsh reality of war the first verse begins the melody becomes much darker and pink describes the Blitz did you see [Music] did you hear the falling balls [Music] mr. brave the line about the promise of a brave new world may be an illusion to Aldous Huxley's 1932 dystopian novel brave new world itself a sarcastic reference to the scene in William Shakespeare's The Tempest for Miranda states Oh Wanda how many goodly creatures are there here how beauteous mankind is Oh brave new world that has such people in it the line in the song brings to mind Huxley's dystopia as well as reminding the listeners of the bloodshed and carnage beauteous mankind can bring the second verse repeats the first two lines of verse one before adding another line about the effects of these bombings did you see [Music] did you hear the falling bombs the flames were all gone [Music] just like the death of Pink's father the immediate effects of the bombings are in the past but the trauma on the national psyche and on the individual blinkers on and the songs outro pink bids farewell to the blue sky [Music] like I mentioned when I was talking about the thin ice the color blue is symbolic of innocence and the sky's a symbol of life and freedom in saying goodbye to the blue sky pink is saying goodbye to the freedom life and innocence that the bombings robbed him and the country of the music fades out and the sound of faint voices leads us into the next song [Music] [Applause] [Music] empty spaces acts as a transition between Pink's childhood and adulthood in it pink wonders how he can fill the remaining empty spaces in his wall the song starts with roughly fifty seconds of synthesizers over a machine like beat that creates an atmosphere of cold mechanical isolation before the song reaches its climax [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] around one minute and 12 seconds and some faint voices are barely audible [Music] all many listeners may view this as nonsense representative of Pink's mental state or of the failed communication that will become important later which it is it's also a back masked message when the section has played backwards the following can be heard [Music] [Applause] [Music] just like the stage directions shouted out and in the flesh this bit of humor on water's part reminds listeners of the album status as a piece of art and the fact that its story applies to more than just the narrative within it it's also possible that these lines refer to former band member Syd Barrett who left the band after suffering from drug-related mental health issues these voices subside and pink asks the question [Music] stop there empty spacing student role here pink is referring to his estranged wife who has grown further and further away from him because of failed communication he's asking how to fill the gaps in their relationship that arose because of poor communication it's also possible that the pink is using we char fur to society and asking how we as humans fill the voids in our lives when we used to communicate with other people something that is explored more fully in what shall we do now pink returns to the central metaphor in the albumen asks [Music] [Music] I should complain [Music] just as he wonders how it should fill the remaining gaps in this relationship with his estranged wife Inc wonders what he should use to fill the final places in his wall just like all of the other bricks in his wall the answer to this question will cause him a great deal of pain empty spaces leads directly into the next song where pink answers this question it's sex the answer is sex waters has described young lost as a custom Hey in which pink explores his newfound sexual freedom backstage at one of his concerts a pastiche is a style imitation usually for the sake of satire or criticism and it's easy to see how this applies to young lust it's guitar solos would feel at home in the hearts of 70s rock songs and it's vocals resemble those of the Niall song Pink Floyd's heaviest song [Music] the song starts out with pink practically screaming the lines [Music] [Applause] [Music] finally free to explore his sexuality without his mother's interference Hank searches for someone presumably a groupie to help them explore his newfound sexual freedom the chorus makes this even clearer with the lines [Music] Pink's exploration of his sexual freedom is partially rebellion against his mother who had a strict no dirty girls policy in the next lines pink asks [Applause] [Music] the traumas of Pink's childhood and the wall he built from them have caused pink to feel deserted and the rock songs young lost his satirizing have made him believe that sex is the only thing that can make him feel like a real man the lines of the chorus are repeated and were treated to guitar solo that wouldn't seem out of place in the hardest of 70s rock songs or six sentences ago [Music] [Music] [Music] the guitar solo fades out and we hear a phone call to Pink's wife that reveals that she's been cheating on him [Music] [Music] [Applause] young lost plays on the typical rock-and-roll sexual fantasy but this phone call reveals the very real problems happening within Pink's marriage just as pink is cheating on his wife with backstage groupies or at the very least fantasizing about it Pink's wife is cheating on him while he's off on tour the phone call ends and fades into the next song [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in one of my turns pink invites a groupie back to his hotel room but his obsession with his wife's infidelity and his inability to connect with people causes one of his turns emotional outbursts come on the song starts with the groupie admiring Pink's hotel room and trying to strike up a conversation with pink but pink just ignores her and watches television Waters has said that at this point in the narrative pink has got everything but nothing he's a huge celebrity with an expensive hotel room and access to groupies but the metaphorical wall he has built around himself has pushed his wife away from him and prevented him from making any real connections with people pink can't get his mind off of the fact that his wife is cheating on him and obsesses over how their relationship fell apart [Music] night after night we pretend it's alright but I have grown older but you have grown colder and nothing is very much fun anymore the language used here is very important pink views the estrangement of his wife as a natural process like aging and decay and not a result of his inability to communicate and connect with people the morbid imagery continues in the next lines when pink senses one of his emotional outbursts coming [Music] cold as razor blade tight as a torniquet dry as a funeral drum the objects pink mentions are related to death and injury as well as drug use razors are used for cutting cocaine and tourniquets are used for injecting drugs into the bloodstream the focus on morbid and drug related imagery communicates Pink's mental state and for shadows Pink's emotional outburst in the songs climax [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Pink's obsession with his wife's infidelity and his inability to connect with people causes a violent emotional outburst during which he turns on the groupie and destroys his hotel room in many of the lines tearing his outburst pink sarcastically refers back to the comments made by the groupie offering to show her his favorite acts refers back to her comment about all of his guitars asking if she'd like to watch TV refers back to her question about what he was watching asking if she'd like to get between the sheets refers back to the sexually suggestive nature of want to take a bath etc the school teachers from Pink's childhood used sarcastic mockery to verbally abuse their students because they weren't happy with their marriages and here pink is doing the same it's become the very thing he hated in his childhood this abuse almost becomes physical when pink threatens to throw the groupie off the balcony or let her watch him do the same an emotional guitar solo continues Pink's violent outburst before the effects of such outbursts are revealed [Music] Pink's inability to make connections to other people and his emotional instability drive everyone away further alienating in Pink's voice fades out and the next song begins [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and don't leave me now pink blames his wife for their failed marriage begs her to come back and reminds listeners why she left in the first place the Reaver being synthesizers and heavy breathing communicate Pink's anguish over his wife's infidelity to the listener as well as how he is in the as Tommy Vance put it the depths if you like have deprived depravity pink begins begging his wife to come back unaware of the darker elements of his plea [Music] ah [Music] in his interview with Jim lad Roger Waters stated that don't leave me now as a very general song about men and women some men and some women the song of the surprised man who wonders why they finally leave after they've been treating each other badly for a very long period of time pink is surprised as wife left him even though he performed the superficial act of giving her flowers completely oblivious to how he used to verbally abuse her in front of his friends just as he did with the groupie and just as the schoolteachers did with him as a child pink continues his begging and it gets even darker [Music] when you know how [Music] to me pink is still wondering why his wife left him even when the answer is painfully obvious the inclusion of on a Saturday night suggests that he regularly abused her and applies that alcohol may be the cause Tommy Vance asked waters about this line and his response was well it's just a lot of men and women do get involved with each other for lots of wrong reasons and they do get very aggressive towards each other and do each other a lot of damage I of course as far as I can recall have never struck a woman Tommy and I hope I never do but a lot of people have and a lot of women have struck men as well there is a lot of violence in relationships of them that are working but I mean this is obviously an extremely cynical song mmm I don't feel like that about marriage now but you did um this is one of those difficult things where some of where a small percentage of this is autobiographical and all of that is rooted in my own experience but it isn't this isn't my autobiography although it's rooted within playing spirits like any writing some of its me and then awful lot of it is what I've observed pink continues accusing his wife of running away [Music] [Music] [Applause] these lines are the most oblivious of the song pink is asking how his wife could treat him this way completely ignoring how poorly he treated her Pink's questions are overwhelmed by a chorus of [Music] perhaps referring back to mother and her attempts to protect him from the pain of love the chorus fades out and the sound of a television remote changing the channel carries us into the next song [Music] in another brick in the wall part three pink angrily turns his back on everything the world has to offer him completely isolating himself the outbursts of the guitar chords the kick drum and the screaming vocals turn the anguished mood of don't leave me now into one of anger and violence this violence is apparent from the very beginning of the song when pink destroys his television while one may interpret this is pink D alienating himself after all the television was one of the things presenting him from connecting with the group B pink is actually violently rejecting everything the world has to offer him our rejection that has explored further in the first few lines [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] because Pincus had bad experiences with television drugs and emotional relationships to other people he's rejecting them outright further leading to his isolation Pink's claim that he has seen the writing on the wall shows how he thinks that those bad experiences were just warnings against being connected to anything as water sad pink is convincing himself really that his isolation is a is a desirable thing Pink's angry rejection of everything continues with the lines [Music] [Music] pink turns his back on everything and uses the accusation that it was all just bricks in the wall to blame everything and everyone for the construction of his wall absolving himself any blame and justifying the creation of his wall as necessary the song ends and slowly fades into the next one I'm leaving you today goodbye goodbye [Music] in goodbye cruel world pink delivers his final farewell to the world before isolating himself completely the Furious rhythm of another brick in the wall part three fades into a simple bass riff before pink bids everything farewell [Music] today good goodbye goodbye [Music] goodbye all you people there's nothing you can say to make me change my mind goodbye the anguish of don't leave me now and the anger of another brick in the wall part three have disappeared leaving a melancholic goodbye pink says goodbye to all you people referring to everyone that has contributed to the wall as well as the listeners pointing out the detrimental effects of our mindless devotion on public figures just like in the flesh then pink unknowingly admits that his isolation has put him in a position where even if someone warns him against further isolating himself he won't listen to them because he simply doesn't care Pink's wall finishes its construction and his final good-bye ends alongside disc 1 of the album [Music] you
Channel: Adam Baker
Views: 41,993
Rating: 4.9490714 out of 5
Keywords: Pink Floyd, The Wall, Another Brick in the Wall, Roger Waters, David Gilmour
Id: lZonMxnisMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 39sec (3279 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 23 2019
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