Anakin vs Arslan Ash - EVO 2019 Winners Final - Tekken 7

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it's almost time I'm just trying to see who's gonna walk up to the stage now I don't even know I don't know who's gonna come and play I don't know the players names I don't know anything today walk over right here they might give us a break but just to be clear you guys still with me make some noise I just wanted to be sure how you guys liking this good ass-kicking yeah I just wanted to be sure it's gonna get better I'm like doing it then again is nice I'm like what watch this you thought that was cool watch this you thought that last match looks sick watch this arseling ash vs anikan ladies and gentlemen that's going to be the next match this is the first time that these guys are going to meet ever and it's in winners finals three out of five is the name of the game this is actually going to be ridiculous this is a this is a very important match there's a very important match I mean we got what do we have on the loser side just waving taka knee those guys are pretty good too they're all right I mean they're gonna lose the fight how many how good can they be if they're on the loser side of bracket I mean I lose the side come on you guys are good to go I need to see I want to see what's gonna happen you see what they're doing their D syncing the controllers ladies and gentlemen D syncing the controllers yes yeah what's up man I ain't even seen you at all this [ __ ] what's up baby you already know you got to break the links huh I did see my boy Eric back there has been a while I see you Eric what's up baby how you doing also I want to say shoutouts to my friend Ripley over here she is over there unconscious right there a dead dead knockout also I don't know when Logan sama is but can we get a happy birthday put my boy Logan summer what song happy birthday Logan sober yo you guys are cool I like you guys he's like I was like I hate you Steve oh wait wait is that the vs. tree oh my gosh here's an important question it's not there's a pop quiz hotshot who you guys want to win is it Iceland ash everybody who cheered get out of here right now because I'm pretty sure everybody else once Anakin to take it makes up no 300 pop the name of the game the winner goes the final before one plus two gets over the lols that's a very good call on a spit a kiss to Jack and just like that the round turns around the sampling stop so let's start to arson ash jackhammer pressure and that's the thing about gg-got in the counter he can counter anything [Music] he was [Music] [Applause] marceline three rounds great wow that was impressive god damn you cannot take this man go for granted overall you cannot take them light the kind of Bickerton ridiculous that hurt me gotta shake it off three games back in okay alright this boot is actually ridiculous actually reject this dude is actually ridiculous Wow I thought I was gonna read for the party too nice for it too oh and he was looking great this time get the combo this huh big damage fancy jabs he wants to get the wall great clothes oh not quite there can Anakin hold on the drugs are set to make another comeback Wow that's my spring spa round this is crazy it started off with a low post again just like Ephesians I started off the first batch package there I expand the bar man he just seems his offenses up the roller good all right sets it back with the reppuken max who needs to be careful - and scouting right now yeah he's definitely Scouts he gives you one and then he takes to hold and keep trying to get on the board can you get around in here everyone every round has been like this look at the keep out philosophy fireball oh okay [Applause] gotta go somewhere baby you gotta go yo arts for the hands it's the real deal that dude is the real deal I think it might be the h2o rib so why I'm just kidding dudes good man mm-hmm there's no water in here can I have one of yours oh well she got me that's what I'm talkin about teamwork make the dream work I like this this is good guys it's getting tougher you guys still with me you want Anika to take it yeah he can hurt you he can hear you yo if we get to the glance around I'm gonna need a spirit bomb I'm telling you I ain't now get yo I hope y'all ready he's like go to the gym so I can spare bomb the homies here we go violet sisters for game 3 our clinic trying to get a full sweep here get all the winner final and food king tapping him on the legs knees confirms are ridiculous this match that is so hard for Jack to approach anything he does is it makes up for himself Arthur look at a low flush there that low hello welcome sure those in regional arts and ready for all right that's pretty big damage right there and check it whoa double rape charge me them all the way oh my god put the top on my water in these situations been arson every time can you can get it up on the corner first some battery to God the antidote he's so good fight man and now just a single jab to the key found Arthur Nash the loan from that forward one plus two so good okay get off choose ones on the sides after side step and the punish all right guys yo don't let me get that spray ball for Anakin let me get that spurt let me get this football let me get that fair ball of that energy let go baby let's go baby let me get them all that going working it working it working it working playing it slow playing it slow easy to the side grateful man oh my god bars juices Gary did the terrifying I don't want to say it back to the wall here trying to close it out Harris makes it to Grand Finals ladies and gentlemen Arslan y'all make some noise that boy good that boy there you go there you go you spend you spend that [ __ ] you spin it yes you gotta spin it and it gets still alive or losers side but that is a dangerous place to be that was so impressive go from Arslan after every right decision and around situation arson - wanted thing like 98% of the time that's a perfect statistic by the way but man old man arson - moving on to the grand finals guarantee himself top two in this tournament who can stop him he's already taken out me and Anakin the only person left his top where he has not beaten is talking well look that says a lot of could possibly happen right hey by the way I have a t-shirt for sale Wow why am I so big here do you guys see it and look at like this nice huh [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Level Up Your Game
Views: 1,109,748
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arslan ash, tekken 7, tekken, evo2019, arslan, pakistan, tekken knee, fgc, fighting game community, rip, reepal, luyg, levelupyourgame, tastysteve, tasty_steve, tekken tournament, vslash, esports, arslanash, tekken world tour, anakin, anakin jack 7, red bull anakin
Id: U0rOjJ7JOKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 12 2019
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