Anaconda Installation on Mac OS Catalina | Python Installation on Catalina Mac OS

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all right so now let's go ahead and get started with the installation of anaconda for mac operating system and for the mac operating system you need to go ahead in your default browser and type their anaconda okay so once you type there the anaconda you will get this search result and there i am gonna click on this installation once you click on this installation you will see here a detailed documentation about the installation of the anaconda and i'm gonna put here on the installation on mac os this is really very important so for the installation of the mac os there are two option here a graphical installation and then here we have installation with the command cell or you can say with the command line terminals so i'm gonna prefer with the command line installation because after the ios update ios catalina update with the graphical user interface installation anaconda don't get actually an anaconda doesn't get all the permission to run it on the catalina operating system so here i'm gonna prepare it with the with the command line so for the command line installation you need to click on here mac os installer so click on this mac os installer it will it will lead you to another another web page and there you go you click on this download and then here we are gonna click on these 64-bit command line installer so once you click on this one it will start downloading this uh command line installer okay it might take a little time and before that let's go ahead and go back to that installation instruction this installation instruction is really very important okay so once it it's download get completed i think it's just just a few second left to complete this installation then we need to copy this base download and the anaconda this one so the download is here a default directory where this download of anaconda happens so we are gonna open the terminal at that place all right so let's go ahead and open i terminal from a macbook finder so i'm gonna open here item once you open this item then i'm gonna change the directory to downloads and then in the downloads we have the anaconda there and here is instruction to install this command line package copy it and paste it here so once we paste it here we hit the enter and then then it displays the license of the anaconda you need to keep hitting the enter so that we can read and navigate to all over through this license and at the end of this license we need to accept this license where we need to hit the s so yes and now this says that this is a default location to install this anaconda 3 on this mac os so let's go ahead and hit the enter and now it has started to install this anaconda at this particular location so we need to wait a little and it takes some time to install it so let's go ahead and wait for that time all right so now you see here installation is done for the anaconda in mac os now let's go ahead and see here the next step for the installation so in the next step it says that once its installation is done and you hit the enter and its installation is done in the default directory then you need to let me see here yes then you need to activate it all right so we need to find here on the mac os catalina if you are having mac os catalina then we need to go ahead add the path where it is installed and then finally we need to activate it so you see here by default it is not activated if you if we type here jupiter notebook you will see here uh it's it should show some error otherwise let's see if it is working just wait a second to complete its processing yes so now you see here it is working all right so we don't uh we we i i think we don't need to activate it although i'm gonna show you the process of that activation anyway if you need to activate that so for the activation you see there is a default directory where we have installed it let me show you the default directory so that default directory is here so this is default directory so i'm gonna just copy it okay so we can copy it and once i copy it it says that we need to put here source and then the directory where it is installed and inside this bin we need to put here activate so once you click on this one now you see here in the base here anaconda base is activated now you can do you can open your jupiter notebook now as well so in both ways it should not uh it should not show you any error to complete its installation and once it is installed then you need to go ahead at your desired directory currently we are in a downloads directory and then you need to click on this new and with the python 3 then you can get started with this jupyter notebook and now you can do the coding and other things all right so apart from this in the next lessons we will i'll take you through how you can get started with the coding in the jupiter notebook so this is all about in this lesson thanks for watching i'll see you in next lesson
Channel: KGP Talkie
Views: 4,398
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xtcBQvZ3a5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 37sec (397 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2020
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