An Unexpected Narcissistic Influence In Our Culture

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hello guys today I have a video for you that I've wanted to do for a while I hope I can get all of my points out that I feel are very important about this topic and today I want to talk about a very unexpected origin of sorcery in our culture and by sorcery I mean an evil influence that comes in and manipulates and controls and takes over people to cause a lot of harm and selfish harm and damage to someone's life so of course I thought you guys would all be interested in knowing about something like that so you can avoid it this is an unexpected source of tremendous breakdown of society there are many things in in our world and what I say is the end times if you go back to the late 1800s you can start seeing systems that are being layered into the world that basically were designed for massive breakdown of society for in time for the for the events of the end times this includes of institutions belief systems sources of power and this this is like any and every level of information assistance control a lot of different areas that this was put into society and one of them that I'm talking about today is entertainment and I'm going to get very specific in a minute but this is part of the entertainment industry and so it's a very specific part of our world that has been put in to capture people as soon as possible into a very false way of thinking and a very false way of feeling and behaving that is meant for a massive breakdown of society of leading people away from truth into darkness without them really knowing it because they believe that it's a source of wholesomeness and assistance and making life better improving life and of course a lot of these things are hidden under the disguise of art like this is um this is art in our world and therefore it's making everything better it's making life more enjoyable and it's a very good positive thing in our world in our life and therefore we have to accept it with so-called no judgment or no criticism no real criticism for what's really going on or we will be seen as something wrong with us meantime if you can put the right things into art and have people accept them blindly then you have seriously taken over them in a form of hypnotic mind-control that's why a lot of these things are specifically designed to be very pleasurable it's because when a person it lacks wisdom and are not really taught a lot of wisdom about wisdom and truth come first before pleasure before feelings wisdom and truth have to be there or you're in a trap and a very damaging trap and so when something comes in and offers a lot of pleasure relief release but the wisdom and the truth isn't there and it's leading to harm that's how you know you're in a trap especially when a lot of painful things are in the world and so you're looking around for how to alleviate the pain and suffering and you find these things that bring a temporary form of comfort and that's how you know that you're being led into a trap and of course I call it sorcery when it has key things involved the deliberate agenda the plotting and programming that you never see to specifically design pleasure and entertainment and art and put it into places so that it can massively take over people from as early an age possible in such a way that is as damaging as possible in a covert way and whatever it leads people specifically away from truth in God into evil these are very serious crimes of sorcery against people it's deliberate and in a lot of these places wherever you see in the world a high worldly even some so-called Christian sources of entertainment you'll also notice if you do just a little bit of study there that what's also related with these places is other criminal activity that is associated with the more obvious crime the more obvious crime environments I guess would be known as vice but are even very terribly criminal and harmful to people like trafficking and the drug scene and that's really as far as I'm going to go you could probably list a lot more than just that but it's becoming even obviously criminal if you look very far into it but a lot of people will smooth it over and say well there's nothing come on guys don't judge be open be open-minded don't look at the obvious crimes of these classic rock and roll artists don't look at the obvious crimes that they did and the evil that they allowed into their life or if you do notice it just shed a little tear over to foe how sad you know they got caught up in that but they were so good no they weren't they were given over to evil and it's a very serious warning about what we are entertained with and how we're allowing our minds to be hypnotically controlled by these things once more I would suggest the work of good fight org or good fight ministries I think it's called on YouTube because they're awesome about exposing a lot of this it used to be a lot more covert now it's more in the open because people have even less discretion than they've ever had to understand good or evil and what to be aware of and what is damaging them so now I'm finally getting around to an unexpected source of this kind of evil in our world that a lot of people overlook some people overlook it because they're just not interested and some people overlook it because they think it's wholesome good old America this would be associated with good old boys that work hard and they're down home on the ranch on Sunday with apple pie and aunt bee and her apron serving Sunday dinner and everything's rich and American ideas that are supposedly very rich and and healthy a lot of those things need to be just looked at again though because this is one of the things in the culture that they will mix and match good things with bad thing so that it's a double it's a double game that's being played on people's mind of we're gonna mix patriotism with evil we're gonna mix um hard work and sweat with drinking and all the evil that drunkenness and that form of idolatry brings into people's world all the broken homes all the difficulty and when we do notice the evil we're just gonna say well that was an accident and there's no way around it couldn't have prevented that and the reason I'm kind of talking like this now is because the unexpected origin of sorcery that I want to talk about today is country music people do not understand that that cowboy with the guitar and of course as usual I'm not pointing out anyone specific I'm just pointing out a type here the cowboy with the guitar the good ol cowboy with the beer bottle and the play in the good old country music and it's something that's just kind of melded into the culture as a norm that we should just accept and have no the no judgement toward and in this case I would encourage judgment that there is a lot of something here that is very basic evil that leads to a lot of harm in people's life that has been classically down through time known as idolatry and of course as I'm using the word here sorcery goes with it but this is an idolatry it's a very godless and wicked lifestyle that they're promoting and a lot of the music it's one more form of overriding and bypassing your barriers your boundaries back to having the proper boundaries this overrides your boundaries I've heard it called lowering the shields the good boundaries that you need to have to be a strong successful healthy person in your life to make you very broken and sick and and a lot of harm into your life is to open you up to all of these things are supposedly normal and good like I say mix and match things that we know are wholesome and good with things that are greatly deadly wicked and evil and will damage and stop and harm your life and good things in your life these things are very subtle in getting a lot of the things that we stereotype in our life is good and wholesome and strong healthy and rich with things that are extremely poisonous and just because one person can dabble with it and seem to be healthy and move right along that's not fair to the ones that are gonna be more weak to it and are gonna lose their life to it it's not fair and right we're not playing a percentage game we shouldn't be playing a percentage game with these things well only a certain amount of people get into a DUI or have a drunk driving episode that someone has killed these are things that I would like to protest completely we shouldn't have to have people come up with movements because their son or daughter died innocently from a terrible drunk driving episode or another type of a trashy evil situation that is completely avoidable we shouldn't have to have these advocates that come up because somebody died you know unnecessarily this should be something that we all can advocate for because we're a strong healthy culture and we advocate against wickedness sorcery and idolatry and I say this because there's evil poison I did not recognize the evil in country music until my 20s I think in my early 20s I quit listening to all country but I did listen to other evil music until later I realized it was all evil but I specifically did not listen to country because it had a specific type of evil poison that was harming me personally and this may be different for different people because it has the same type of an emotional appeal toward me that some people would get caught up in with emo or goth music or even some types of pop heavy-metal or rap music the types of music where and some people listening to this are gonna be like why are you saying you just don't like any music but music is meant to glorify and worship God and make us strong and healthy that way not to put in all this little poison that's going to tear people down and harm them and create narcissists and so if we're really looking at why we're in narcissistic abuse when you look at everything that's very powerful and evil like this it was a poisonous evil that was playing on my emotions and making me very emotional when I didn't have to be and very sappy and of course people joke about the barroom music some of it I completely ignored and was really silly and dumb like I think one song was like a D vo RC e and I'm like that that song I mean it probably would harm me and hurt me from listening to it but since I was nowhere even near a divorce situation I'm like whatever you know it's not making me um you know it doesn't make me emotional and sappy about that but it would make me sad about the world the state of the world and relationships not wrote they should be in things like this so I quit listening to it because I realized well this is just putting me into a whole mood where I don't even need to be in or don't or would not otherwise be in and so that's just one of like the examples of what it might do to you but it's basically poisonous because it also it's put into our culture like with a lot of things you see that young people deal with where it's it's it's like an entire country is given over to a level of idolatry to where from a very early age we were giving our mind in our body and our spirit over to a system where certain things should be considered normal or we're not progressing and growing at a normal rate and in steps the peer pressure and says we are sheltering your child too much because you're not giving them birth control when they're 15 and letting them just do whatever people are telling them to do when really I would say that's child abuse but it's this entire mentality if if these systems had their way there would be a whole lot of wicked horrible child abuse that's just rampant and we accept it and it's normal and we turn the other way and we don't judge we don't call it what it is the narcissistic epidemic would be even worse if that's imaginable that's what like the country music is just one of many many sources that are out there brainwashing and mind control programming people that all of this is normal it's even good and healthy everyone should be this way we should justbe we should practice ourselves into being this way and allow it and basically just really really brainwashing people that this is the norm and if you speak out against it it's not that you're telling the truth it's not that you're reminding people of how damaged that they're being by design it's that you're being an extremist and you're being backward is another thing another judgemental label that's put on people who are telling the truth it's that evil poison that's really minded controlling people from early age to follow an idolatrous lifestyle and never think twice not use their critical thinking lower their shields and not have strong boundaries because this is where boundaries begin this is where healthy boundaries begin as remembering what it is to be a healthy strong person from the inside out of that's bad for me that's that's trying to mind-control me into a very damaging lifestyle a very damaging emotional state and so that's what country music is excellent at a lot of people have I mean like I've listed all these other types of music are also but country music has its own genre of doing so to where a lot of people mock it and laugh at it and have already recognized it from another from like their own point of view but it's a deliberate plan to break down society and lead people into bondage and it's not good old boy it's not healthy it's not at the American Pie the dream home or whatever you want to think whatever stereotype you want to think about of how wonderful and strong and healthy and wholesome this is it's not it has all the poison in there that's meant to do the exact same damage it's one of the influences out there that are creating narcissists and I would say watch probably my classic videos on here is narcissism and the war at home to kind of understand the backdrop of what I'm talking about there because it may seem extreme for me to say country music is creating narcissists everybody laughs you know that that would be a joke but it's uh it's a lot more subtle than that it's a very subtle and covert thing it's a form of sorcery that's leading an entire culture into idolatry there's a lot of types of entertainment out there whether it's music or television shows or movie types there's a lot of different types of entertainment that are deliberately split out into different genres by design to catch whoever is going to go for that genre and fall for it and that's their poison you know pick your poison kind of idea but of course if you heard very much country music at all you know what I'm talking about of the different types of things that it promotes or at least it predictively programs you constantly into accepting it as normal when it should be with strong healthy boundaries rejected as abusive abusive to your life the bar scene the hook-up scene if you're the kind of person where you're still completely convinced that a bar scene or a hook-up scene is fun then you are a prime target of narcissistic abuse you have it written all over your face please come abuse me if you are a narcissist because you're in that environment in culture where that's where you go and getting artistically abused first it can happen anywhere at any place these days but that honey is asking for the worst kind of abuse you've ever seen they these type of entertainment is deliberately trying to constantly push push that border on people push and push and push down your boundaries and push damaging abusive evil things into your life more and more and more like I say if you've heard any country music at all or even heard the jokes about country music you know what I'm talking about the poisons the false these false norms that are being forced into you and pushed into your boundaries if this is normal this is good this is acceptable and something's wrong with you if you say otherwise there's so much entertainment just the just the gas lighting of the things that are shown to us over the screens and the way that they're shown to us that's a very gaslighting thing that teaches someone from a very young age that if someone comes to me and tells me the truth and they don't look as polished bright or sound or look a certain way that I always see on the screen then I need to reject it because they're not legitimate it's kind of like I accept everything that my teachers tell me at school because they have a very high degree of education but when I go to church and hear them read the Bible they don't have all this education so that needs to be looked at more like mythology and ideas and even kind of backward or not quite as educated because they don't have the same credential over here but a lot of people that's the way we're trained from a very young age as if things don't look and sound a certain way on a screen then they're not acceptable or they're not as thankfully there's so many people out there that are breaking through that and there's the truth movement the Internet has exploded with a lot of truth and just grassroots effort of people sharing more breaking past these breaking past the mind control into reality on so many levels and it's great I've been watching this for like the past 10 or 15 years and I've been so happy about it but there is a lot of mind control with a lot of people sometimes when you're like why are they still believing those lives can't they see through it it's just as simple as they believe what they see presented to them on a glossy brightly lit beautifully decorated screen more than anything else to them that has become an authority that they trust because it can look a certain way it must be legit and it must be the truth the the epitome of truth and anything coming from anywhere else is more like well I might need to question or doubt that like way more because it doesn't have a certain look that I'm told is the authority but if you notice what's going on with country music just it's become to me to where just listening to really a lot of these types of entertainment the classics are this way to me if you want to think about Elvis The Beatles maybe because I have a high degree of discernment that I hope to God thank you Jesus for giving me that but I hope to goodness that I have actually exercised it to a high degree that whenever I hear the classics when I hear the Beatles when I hear Elvis and Madonna Michael Jackson I mean fill in the blank Britney Spears there's different generations of it when I hear any of those classics whether it's the doors or I don't know a lot of their names but when I hear them and they're just the classics or when I hear a certain tone come on a tone a vibe and these days it's all the little popular girl singers that are out now and if I'm out in public and I hear that if I overhear the songs on a speaker or something my instant gut instinct feeling which I believe is a very healthy godly boundary is I can feel what that really is I can I can smell the poison in it immediately and it's down to where I've stayed it for so long and it's my passion and I would love to make a documentary on all of this I really do um not promising anything but I would love to make you guys a documentary of full disclosure and it would probably be three or four hours of while we're in the end time narcissism now today the different things the different influences that have led up to it but whenever I hear these influences I can I can smell that poison and I like I say I've studied it for so long I can split it down to the genre of the time the intent the purpose what was really behind it and what it's trying to tell people and where it's trying to lead people so I definitely have a major passion to warn people about this for those who have ears to hear that where it's leading and where it's really coming from so when I hear these influences come over the airwaves I'm not going to say that I pick up on it every time from every source I haven't gotten so called that good yet or whatever I know something slipped by me but guys I'm telling you what the music it's real strong with me I can feel it I can smell it and whatever it comes over those airwaves I'm like boom there it is and some of it is very appealing to the ear I'm not gonna say that it doesn't sound good some of it some of it just sounds really horrible to the point where you're like they're just making noise and how does any buddy get anything from that but um I know everyone's different right and that's why they market to everyone like that but for the most part they tried at least in the classics they tried to make it very appealing to the flesh and to the ear so that people would actually accept it but my theory on that is as time went along they didn't worry about talent so much because they already had people fooled and tricked and deceived where now people don't even realize the line they're crossing to listen to some of this horrible that stuff they just think well this is just like kind of going outside and seeing green trees it's normal part of the environment they're not even concerned so much about talent anymore completely talentless it's kind of sometimes I've wondered if they're having a competition of how tasteless and talentless can we make it and still sell billions of dollars of this stuff just to kind of have a private joke on people or something but it's terrible the lack of talent sometimes and just atrocious in the newer music even some of that can be more appealing to the ear because that's always there - I do believe it is a massive marketing campaign to see has many people as they can catch in it back to the country music though when I hear it come over I hear a lot of trash and ignorance and that's true for though a lot of different genres but there's a lot of trash and ignorance a specific type of trash eNOS and ignorance that's just immediately associated to me it's a huge insult and a slap in my face very very huge country music is a huge insult to me it is very very insulting it totally insults my intelligence completely and really I should be that way toward any kind of wicked evil music that's trying to come in but I think country music for me is just like a special little insult of not only am I going to come in and pretend to be wholesome and pretend to be sentimental sentimental is a very good word for it I'm going to pretend to be very sentimental and draw you into this completely unintelligent state of thinking and feeling but if it were - if I were to lower my boundaries in my guard which would probably be impossible without brain damage at the state because I wasn't this way even as a as a young adult especially not even now but if if I were the kind of person that would lower my guard and lower my intelligence and my healthy boundaries and live the kind of life that country music is promoting or even just accepting you talk about the deepest pits of despair and agony and misery and desperation and so I think that's why it's so insulting to me is it that it expects me to to completely put aside all intelligence and accept an extremely violent situation onto my life and to go along as though that's normal and acceptable and I think it's just the color and the flavor of how it's done that is extremely insulting to me because like I'm saying a lot of this entertainment is exactly exactly fundamentally the same it's just for me country music has a special little color and flavor to it where it's really trying to be wholesome and all-american and good-old-boy and it's just straight rattlesnake poison and so hopefully I've made that clear enough and I could do a video on every type of genre today I think the reason why I really wanted to pick out country music is I wanted to show this little stereotype of the beautiful it should be just as beautiful as the sunset right a guy on a cowboy hat playing a guitar or a girl with her cowboy hat and boots playing the guitar that should be just as wholesome and beautiful and acceptable to us as the sunset in the clouds and I think that's what insults my intelligence so much is it's it's it's ridiculously not at all and so this has been my very unexpected origin of sorcery in our culture today trying to appear the very opposite of what it truly is I hope this has been helpful I'm sure you guys will have your own criticisms of the music for one reason or the other but hopefully it will just help you to be aware of like what's really going on and that that lowering of your shields that's going on the hypnosis you know catch you up in a feeling so that you no longer have discernment so that you no longer have healthy boundaries it's the same old trick going on there hopefully can make you just a little bit more healthy and stronger hopefully you can pick out some of these stereotypes that are going on a little bit easier and recognize that whenever it comes to these sources where a lot of power a lot of money are flowing through there more and more in the end times this includes religious sources too that's where you need to be on your highest guard for evil influences into your life no one's going to be perfect at this I'm not expecting perfection it's just you can do a whole lot of good with just a little bit of extra discernment you can do so much wonderful good healthy wholesome things for yourself and loved ones with just a little bit of extra effort and knowledge and understanding no one's going to be absolutely perfect but just that little just a little bit more discernment here there can make you tremendously more healthy and stronger and wise for some people it can be like that magic bullet too like I didn't realize how much this was tying me down or depressing me because sometimes guys when we're in a bad mood for good reasons because we were violently harmed or what have you sometimes if we especially if we've never been shown that before sadly we can be tempted to go to the very places and things for comfort that's only gonna make it worse that's just another little warning about everything but hopefully can help you see that you're being sold the very opposite these things will promise you the very opposite of what they're gonna do so I hope you found this somewhat educational and helpful I plan to see you all very soon on my next video
Channel: Niches of Narcissism
Views: 1,076
Rating: 4.9047618 out of 5
Keywords: smear campaign, gaslight, gaslighting, narcissist, narcissism, narcissisitic abuse, narcissism bible verse, narcissistic evil, revenge on the narcissist, spiritual narcissism, spiritual narcissist, justice, jezebel narcissist, narcissist family, narcissist revenge, jezebel spirit, narcissist end times, cluster b disorder, psychopath, spiritual wickedness, spiritual deception, narcissist bible verse, histrionic, borderline, anxiety, depression, counseling
Id: 6ZNszB1uE9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 31sec (1711 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 24 2019
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