An Overview of ArcGIS Workflow Manager - Sep 2021

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hi everyone this is going to be a quick overview of really everything workflow manager i'm going to explain a bit about its purpose and problems that it solves some of the overall technology and use cases so who are we well we're esri's solution for scalable enterprise workflow management systems we help organizations become more productive by automating and simplifying many aspects of performing and managing repeatable work so workflow manager is a great fit for improving the performance and dependability of repeatable processes it's easy to do any process once but trying to scale it to hundreds of times or thousands of times while still maintaining consistency quality and productivity is very challenging it's a coordination management and processing nightmare bottlenecks get magnified the process can often slow down mistakes happen quality drops and this is where workflow manager comes in to streamline production processes and act as the orchestration factory to really automate as much as possible so we assist in all sorts of applications from things like data submission to national mapping boundary adjustments and many more that you see on your screen we deliver many benefits from improved data quality to reducing overall production costs improving knowledge transfer between staff and what really makes us special and different is our ability to use location as part of the work so whether that's in reporting whether that's using it as a geoprocessing boundary our ultimate vision here at workflowmanager is to allow you to create your own seamless end-to-end workflows across arcgis for completing your work so last year we released our new service driven deployment to support this vision focused on new use cases really tighter integration with enterprise and some areas of differentiation with our previous product workflowmanager classic so that we could mature the technology gradually and answer a lot of your requirements and use cases what is it well it's a new capability server with instances of workflow manager available as workflow items there's a new web app with web pages focused on specific tasks like performing and monitoring or administrating that work there's a new arcgis pro extension for those performing editing and analysis in pro while also still maintaining some of the extensibility opportunities for those of you who want to build your own apps or widgets users of the system are licensed not via the server itself but instead via their own user type extension licenses just like utilities or parcel mapping the new system is focused on things like performance ease of use deployability platform integration and a lot of new capabilities some of which i'll show you today let's start off by showing one type of use case a traditional submission and approval workflow on the web these are really good examples of a typical repeatable process that contains four stages of submission review completion and delivery and there are a lot of examples of this use case in real life like boundary and address changes permitting data submission and request so we're going to do a quick permit submission and show how workflow manager can input the submission details and then guide the submitter with gis based on the submissions proximity to a water source we'll be seeing the demo through the eyes of my co-worker arthi submitting a permit into the workflow manager web app so let's get started we start off in arcgis enterprise and access the workflow manager app from the app launcher and as a submitter we land on the work page where we can find filter perform or create work we'll create a new permit request and fill in some of our submission information using out of the box capabilities where users are provided prompts and inputs and help to complete their steps alternately form-based information can also be captured through survey123 either as a step in the workflow as seen here or externally through a mobile device the new integration with survey123 opens up opportunities for inputs like signatures as well as complex inputs and data validation as information is gathered through our system or survey123 it is all available and associated to the workflow manager job this information can then be used in later steps of the workflow like geoprocessing or emails question steps guiding decisions or for outside reporting and historical tracking returning to our submission we can now define the submissions location in a map using the drawing tools and we'll intentionally put it in a wet zone so that it is flagged for future follow-up using the attachment step we can also add supporting documentation either by linking to another system or adding the documents directly now that we've collected the submissions information the location can be analyzed using a geoprocessing step against our in-house resources to see if the submission was near water as expected we're within 50 feet of the wetland so we'll need to input some additional contextual information once complete we can then answer a question to confirm we're ready to submit and as part of submission we will get an email automatically from workflowmanager which contains information that has been seamlessly extracted from the job using arcade expressions so we saw gathering information from a submitter performing some gp analysis to guide them based on the submissions location and survey123 integration as well this workflow could then carry on to an automated or manual review of that submission and ultimately to final completion of the permit all right let's pivot to another use case and talk a little bit about data editing workflows for the utility network parcel fabric or pipeline referencing these workflows may have editing tasks in pro on the web or mobile and we're going to look at an example of a newly installed fire hydrant and incorporating those edits in pro and the web so we're going to go back to the work page as a reviewer of field submissions we have work that was automatically submitted from the field with survey123 and webhooks so all the details are pre-populated and ready to review in our web app we can add some comments based on the review and accept it then pass it on so that a spatial version can automatically be created for the job to store edits and then we'll see the submission reassigned to an editor in pro for further work now let's start as that editor in pro who is updating an organization's data as new changes come in we access the workflow pane to find our work on the ribbon the pane has much the same layout as the work page on the web i can find and start my work so running the step automatically opens the correct map takes me to the works location repoints the layers and if required would also open up an arcgis task to assist me in my work as well with a lot of that manual prep done it's pretty easy to complete those edits and we can move on quickly to the next step i can finish it here complete the remaining steps to provide a comment before the work is passed on to the next assignee let's start another job to see how the service driven architecture updates both pro and the web in real time so i can start a step in pro and immediately see its status change on the web which is great for keeping everyone current on work status particularly in distributed environments let's switch back to our original work and now over to the web but we're going to be the qc personnel who is going to check our edit in a web app so workflow manager can open web apps in an integrated experience we can populate the url with job information like the location and version information through web parameters on launch users can interact with the app see properties of the job as well or collapse the experience to gain more real estate after completing this web review the system can also reconcile and post the version this can be scheduled to occur automatically at a specific time directly in workflow manager in this case off network hours and that's a small peak into a simple workflow coming from the field reviewed on the web incorporated in pro and qc'd again on the web this workflow could also have automated qc it could also interact with the field more directly with arcgis workforce for another great example and demo please check out the telecommunications team network design through construction workflow you can look it up on youtube using some of the parameters on the slide so a lot of the workflows we've seen so far have manual components but that's not the only type of system we support more and more organizations are looking for automated systems that can assist with things like data ingestion and processing so really more autonomous monitoring of work more automated processing and verification only leveling up to manual interaction when is required so these types of workflows are also part of workflow manager and we make some functionality specifically focused on improving automated system capabilities under our advanced server capability license so we saw one piece of those with the step scheduling and we have many more pieces on the way now we've seen two simple scenarios both leaning into cots capabilities of the workflow manager system but how are these processes put together well using our diagram designer for workflow administrators also we've seen kind of a few jobs get created and how do we manage the work that's performed there well we use our manage page for production coordinators so let's check out how to build a process and also how to manage all the work that's created so we're on the diagram designer page looking at the workflow of our most recent demo it was built by dragging and dropping step types from our step library each with its own behavior and actions so things like defining the location opening maps in pro or asking the user questions running geoprocessing services and we can then configure their arguments in the diagram canvas on the right the results of steps or job information can also be used throughout the diagram with arcade expressions and we can also configure things like the a routing of assignments on the paths pretty easy stuff so if you don't know exactly how the workflow would go when you start using workflowmanager that's okay too you can really just start prototyping it roughly using manual steps question steps and path routing and then get your organization trialing it out within your team to fine-tune it with automation later let's switch over to the manage page now where we can see the work that is in the system spatially as well as in a list here you can create work you can see more job information you can put work on hold and you can actually get detailed graphic displays by clicking on your predefined filters for advanced colorization this really is the tip of the iceberg to workflowmanager there is a lot to know and understand but we wanted to keep this video short and we'll have more content coming out in the coming months here is at a high level a selection of the key features that you've seen today things like tracking the works location controlling the user access and assignment capturing job properties running workflows integrating with gp tools maps apps and data just to name a few and we have a really exciting roadmap of functionality coming out over the next few years a couple months from now version 109.1 will be released and it'll include such things as new step types for sending web requests and running data quality rules new functionality for job scheduling and just so much more you'll see this in an update video in the fall along with new demonstrations for workflow systems for incident management as well as data submission and review so look forward to seeing those okay that's it thanks for tuning in here are some additional resources a particular note is the new blog content we've been publishing as well as our getting started video for working with the service driven architecture thanks everyone for watching bye you
Channel: ArcGIS
Views: 803
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Esri, ArcGIS, GIS, Geographic Information System, ArcGIS Pro, Workflows, workflow management, workflow manager, arcgis
Id: rFEpURtrHhk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 3sec (843 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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