"An Observable Walk" - Ephesians 5:15-21 - Bob Wade

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] open your Bibles up to Ephesians chapter 5 we're gonna look at verses 15 through 21 if you can remember back to January when we began our study in the book of Ephesians you'll remember that we told you that the book of Ephesians the letter to the Ephesians actually breaks into two natural sections first three chapters is one the second part of it is obviously four five and six and the first three chapters really we're talking about the amazing things that God has done for us and he's done in us and we talked about the fact that you know God loved us before the creation of the world that he you know he chose us in him he he adopted us that he brought us into a brand-new family he made us alive when him spiritually we were dead he's given us a purpose to live by sealed us with a Holy Spirit I mean there's so many amazing things that God has done for us but then when you get to chapter 4 the focus changes and the focus moves away from what God has done - the focus starts to turn in on us - what we're now supposed to do with our faith and Paul makes this statement right from the very beginning in chapter 4 verse 1 he tells us we're to walk worthy of our calling and that's sort of you know giving us this parameters of how we start the whole series you know we're supposed to walk worthy because we were made worthy well Paul's talking about is how we live how we carry ourselves the things that we say and we do the witness that we have before other people it's all observable you know you and I live observable lives the world's watching we live it in front of our neighbors I mean they know how we live they see us they hear us in the backyard they hear the things that come when the windows are open our co-workers they know all about us they see us in the stressful moments they hear how we treat other people in the office they see how we treat customers they see when we put on the happy face or just the normal side of us unless I'm living some kind of a secret lifestyle it's not that hard for us to peg who a person is we just watch what they do you know it's not always easy living a Christian life because very often the Christian life is counter to culture it was that way in the first century certainly and you know the truth is it hasn't really changed today 21 centuries later I mean there's still lots of distractions that we have to learn to live with there's still lots of challenges are still way too many options for us in life and so faith wise it's vital for us to start on this process of looking for clear direction from God in his word on how we're supposed to live our lives and what pleases him and so that's what we want to look at this morning follow along with me as I read verses 15 through 21 he starts off in verse 15 he says this look carefully then how you walk not as unwise but as wise making the best use of the time because the days are evil therefore do not be foolish but understand what the will of the Lord is and do not get drunk with wine for that is debauchery but be filled with a spirit addressing one another in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs singing and making melody to the Lord with our hearts always giving thanks always for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ now I don't know if you caught this or not but did you catch the contrasts there in three of the verses in verse 15 17 and 18 he makes a real contrast and he uses the word but in the middle of sort of change it off here for example in verse 15 he says look carefully then how you walk that is unwise but it's why so in other words there's a contrast here it's possible for us to live a wise life or an unwise life you can see that then you drop down to verse 17 and he tells us here he says therefore do not be foolish but but understand what the will of the Lord in other words it's possible for you to understand with God's will but it's also possible for you to walk foolishly and then in verse 18 he keeps going he says do not get drunk with wine for that is jabari but be filled with the spirit in other words you have this opportunity that be filled with wine that's one type of spirit or you could be filled with a Holy Spirit so the contrast here is real and the reason why he brings that up is we live in a contrasting world we're asked to live differently than other people around us and so to do that we want to make sure that we can hone in on exactly what God wants for us this morning and I'm gonna pray and sort of make sure our minds are ready for that would you join me father this morning as we look at the simple things you're gonna ask us to do or I pray we'd be focusing on you and we'd want what you want Lord nothing more nothing less nothing else Lord in Jesus name Amen all right the observable life we're going to look at that this morning and these herbal life is going to have two things that you and I need the first one you're gonna see in verses 15 through 17 is that it's about living purposefully we're supposed to live with purpose look at verse 15 again look carefully then how you walk not as unwise but as wise and that look carefully there is the Greek word akribos it's a word means examine Paulo saying examine yourself examine how you live pay really close attention to it you know we live observable lives and so he's saying you've got to stop and you've got to look at what you're doing you've got to try to live that examine life as opposed to the unexamined life well why why can't I just do whatever I want - well because it's possible that even as a believer that you and I could live unwise lives let me show you them talking I keep your finger here in Ephesians and I want you to go back to 1st Corinthians chapter 9 back to the left first Corinthians chapter 9 now the context here that Paul uses here in this passage in first Corinthian 9 is the Olympic Games see he's writing to the people in Corinth in Greece and he wants them to understand this truth and so he uses something they're very familiar with they're very familiar with the athletic competitions that took place there and so he wants to sort of bring them to this point where they can see how important it is for them to watch how they're living their lives so he says in verse 24 do you not know that in a race all the runners run but only one receives the prize so run in such a way that you may obtain it every athlete exercises self-control in all things they even do it to receive a parasail breath in other words they get this simple little like garland when they win but we we run for something better an imperishable wreath so you do not run aimlessly do not box as one beating the air but I discipline my body and I keep it under control listen after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified and what he's saying here is the life that we live in front of people that observable life requires us to have a sense of self-control and a sense of discipline in our lives look at verse 16 it's gonna tell us why he says making the best use of the time because the days are evil now a part of wise living is making good use of our time and you know what really hit me as this was actually written 2,000 years ago and they had time problems 2,000 years ago anybody here ever struggled with time issues I mean this hasn't changed right the fact that hasn't changed tells me it's an issue of human nature I mean just something that we can easily fall into in fact it might even be worse today I mean we may be busier than we've ever done I mean today's day and age we don't think about slowing down a lot what we think about is how many more things can I throw into my schedule how many more things can I get done if I can stay on this list and Mark off all these things I've really succeeded we even live in a world where we've invented things that were supposed to make things every you know quicker and easier and you know people pull out their laptops their tablet their TV the worst of all horses the phone right I mean we live in a world where it's really difficult to go two or three minutes without going just to make sure that we're caught up on everything and this is the whole world I've been in Haiti and sidon happened I thought well maybe everybody has never phone oh they all have a phone the very things that we invented to free us up and to improve life seem to be consuming more and more time now see this whole issue of time and and redeeming it back again is a real major issue in Paul's life I mean keep your finger here and in Ephesians go over to the right to Colossians chapter 4 Colossians chapter 4 look at verse 5 Paul says walk in wisdom towards outsiders making the best use of the time well question is how do you do that how do you make the best use of our time well really it comes down to a simple thing we gotta set priorities now here's I know when even just saying that that who this crowd is who they're all going oh I have priorities well then maybe we rephrase that maybe we need to reprioritize my life you see my life is not all made up just of a to-do list I'm not gonna be a success at 90 years old when I've checked off every single thing on my LIF but I missed the most important things of life that's not how it works maybe that reprioritizing my life is gonna change what I do with the 24 hours that I get because God is not gonna give you I don't care how hard you pray God is not gonna give you three or four more hours in a day he's already given you enough to handle in one day we just have to decide what is gonna get downsized what's gonna get cut and go back to verse 16 there in Ephesians 5 because he's going to tell us why this is so important he says because the days are evil so much for that thought that the good old days were back in the past right verse 17 he says therefore in other words as a result of the days being evil because he's always looking back when he says therefore he says therefore do not be foolish but understand what the will of the Lord is understand what the will of the Lord is don't be foolish you know when I was studying this week I saw realizing that the Bible actually has a lot to say about foolish living you know you can go back into the wisdom literature in the Bible you can go back to proverbs and psalms and Ecclesiastes and it really carefully describes foolish living for example just listen to some of these things in Chapter 1 in proverbs chapter 1 it tells us the fool does not want to be told how to live that they actually despised wisdom and instruction proverbs chapter 12 tells us that the fool always thinks that they're right always about everything if you go to chapter 18 a fool likes to express his opinion but they're really not inclined to listen to your opinion you go to chapter 18 in chapter 29 to put two together here and it talks about the fact that a fool will more than likely because of his mouth and his anger put together get himself into a fight because that's what they do but the most interesting one as I was going back through this whole foolish living thing was I went back into the Book of Psalms and in Psalm 14:1 it describes a fool this way it says the fool is said in his heart there is no God in other words this is the person who will foolishly live a life outside of the knowledge of what God wants them to say or do they're going to do it their own way what they think is the best and so they neglect or they need to go ignore the things that God wants them to do so verse 17 tells us that this person needs to seek to understand what the will of the Lord is now that tells me a couple of things one it tells me that God's will is knowable 2 it tells me that he expects me to search it out the fact that God's will is Noble means some interesting things for example it's not some deep dark secret that you have to turn to this page and go half way down and look for a certain letter you know I mean it's not something that they make movies out of you don't have to do some mystical pilgrimage to go find it I mean I remember you know years ago Tyler McGrath and I took a large group of kids to Spain on a mission trip and one of the places we went to was a place called Santiago de Compostela and and there was this place here that ended people's pilgrimage and they would really walk like a hundred miles and they would do the last mile on their hands and knees because they were searching to try to find this this deeper picture of what God really wanted for their lives and so you know about a hundred yards from that the end thing there it was like there was like blood on the ground from people that you know that they were on their hands and knees and this was a tough situation it's not that hard to find God's will you don't have to go out in the middle of the desert and spend you know weeks by yourself weeping and wailing the Bible is really clear about God's will in fact since we're in it and since it mentions it I'm going to quickly give you God's will this morning okay keep your finger here in Ephesians and I want you to go over to the to the right to first Timothy chapter 2 first Timothy chapter 2 look at verses 3 and 4 it says this is good and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior who desires all people to be saved they come to the knowledge of the truth okay here's the first thing God desires that you come to know him to believe in him go back over to the left from Timothy there to first Thessalonians chapter 4 look at verse 3 it says for this is the will of God your sanctification that you abstain from sexual immorality ok here's what that means God's will is you morally live different from the world if you're in Thessalonians go over to chapter 5 look at verse 18 Paul writes and he says give thanks in all circumstances for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you so in other words God wants your attitude to change to the point that you're thankful for everything go back to Ephesians 5 look at verses 15 through 17 look carefully then how you walk not as unwise but as wise making the best use of the time because the days are evil therefore do not be foolish but understand what the will of the Lord is in other words God wants you to learn wisdom and he wants you to live it out to more keep your finger in Ephesians there and go back to 1st Peter chapter 2 just before you get to John the 1st John 1st Peter chapter 2 which by the way when we finish the book of Ephesians we'll start off into a study of 1st 2nd and 3rd John that's where we're going next 1st Peter chapter 2 look at verse 15 it says for this is the will of God that by doing good you should put to silence the ignorance of foolish people in other words God wants you to have a visible testimony in your life one more first book of the New Testament Matthew chapter 6 Matthew chapter six look at verse 33 it says but seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and then all these things everything you've ever wondered about worried about they'll be added to you know let me just tell you it's not that hard to figure out God's will you say well wait a minute you know for the single people they're all going wait a min you didn't tell me who I'm supposed to marry they're right I mean because we've all prayed that right I can remember being in college you know and you know I thought you know well I'm you know I'm an athlete I can do you know whatever I want to I remember going to the prayer chapel and getting on my knees and praying okay god I really don't care whether you give me good grades so I don't care about the poo my roommates gonna be I don't care about the could you just tell me who I'm gonna marry and we've all probably all done that at one time right you know what that comes under Matthew 6:33 you know if you just seek first the kingdom he'll give you that stuff but what he want you to do is seek his kingdom our problem is we have a tendency to seek our kingdom first we have a tendency to want to do what's best for me what makes me feel comfortable and then we have this caveat we put at the end and by the way after I make plenty of money and do all the things I want to then I'm gonna give my time to the Lord that's not God's will God's will as I seek first his kingdom if you follow those simple things that we walk through right there I'm gonna comment I guarantee you you will be right in the center of God's will for your life now there's the second thing about the observable life that that Paul requires of us here and that is living in the spirit in verses 18 through 21 and I'm going to invite the band to come back up and enjoy join me here look at verse 18 Paul writes in he says this and do not get drunk with wine for that is debauchery but be filled with the spirit do not get drunk with wine that is a pretty clear command you're probably not gonna you know question whether what you're supposed to do on that one it's really clear now why does he say don't do well it calls it debauchery it means foolishness it's a waste and by the way alcohol causes us to do some very foolish things at times unwise things like with your money or with your your time or with your body things that we don't have the ability to do anymore like drive if we've had too much to drink alcohol creates a battle for control in our lives when the only one that should be in control of my life here is God's Spirit and again you see the contrast it says don't be your drunk with wine but be filled with the spirit you know what's interesting is I started thinking about this alcohol actually is a depressant and I you know I'm not really sure that in this day and age when there are so many different things in our world that can depress you do I really want to be more depressed I mean it's a that's a rough thing on the other hand the Holy Spirit is a stimulant in my life it's the place where I get hope it's the place where I get courage where I get Direction where God gives me clear ideas on how am I supposed to control my words and my thoughts and my actions and when you get to verses 19 through 21 Paul's going to do something different here Paul's were actually gonna talk about here is because come off of verse 18 where he talks about being filled with a spirit from verses 19 then through 21 he's talking about three signs here that the Spirit is in control of my life and he starts off the first sign here is worship that we're supposed to live a worshipful life look what he says in verse 19 he says addressing one another in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs singing and making melody to the Lord with our hearts in other words when the Holy Spirit is in control of my life I will become a worshiper so when the holy spirit is in control of my life one of the key things that happens here is I'm a worshiper but verse 20 I'll also learn to be thankful have a thankful heart look what he says giving thanks always for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ thankful to God means I give God credit for everything when God is in control then I begin to remember things like James 1:17 that says that every perfect gift comes down from from heaven from God and I'm thankful because I realize God has blessed me and he cares for me there's a third sign that the Holy Spirit is in control of my life and that's in verse 21 and that is mutual submission listen to what it says submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ folks that's all about the dignity of every single life to submit means I don't always have to have my way you know as Christians I want to encourage you that we more than anybody else need to be submission conscious we could never let the word submission slip over the line into abuse or control that is not God's plan you have completely missed God's plan if you think that's true and the problem isn't that's happened actually in the church before specifically to women there's been a redneck mentality that has been totally unbiblical that has completely taken submission and laid it down at the feet of women never expecting that the whole of every single believer that every person is supposed to find a place of submit submitting in their lives not just women Paul is clear here that we're to submit to one another next week Thomas will have a chance to present two wonderful pictures of submission through service to each other that just fulfills this perfectly in verses 22 through 23 of course Jesus is the model here Jesus submitted to the will of the Father but what's important to understand here is this Jesus wasn't less than the father in any possible way but what Jesus submission to the Father meant was that he realized that the father had accepted responsibility for him for our sin and for our Redemption and Jesus accepted that I give you another example in the Garden of Eden Genesis chapter 3 Eve actually ate of the fruit of the forbidden tree before Adam did but God held Adam responsible the reason why he held him responsible is because in chapter 2 verse 15 God told him to watch over the garden and he didn't he failed to protect his bride and God held him responsible God did not tell Adam to dominate your household God did not tell Adam you always get your way or you get to make every single decision that's not how submission works he failed in his responsibility to protect his bride and so in Ephesians 5:21 here submitting to honor is really about acceptance of responsibility sometimes it's me sometimes it's you that's the way it works and you see here and when he talks about the leadership of the Holy Spirit in my life I become a worshipper and become thankful I have become respectful and submissive sometimes I lead sometimes I follow this is who God has created us to be pray with me God would you help us Lord to walk exactly as you want us to walk with wisdom and with our priorities clear so that we could honor you in all that we say and do make these things real in our lives Lord in Jesus name Amen [Music]
Channel: Highlands Church
Views: 5,635
Rating: 4.8933334 out of 5
Keywords: sermon, church, highlands church, bible, scottsdale, arizona, jesus, god, religion, christian, non-denominational, evangelical, christianity, theology, christ, pastor, Ephesians, Ephesians: Made Worthy. Walk Worthy., Bob Wade, An Observable Walk, Ephesians 5:15-21
Id: C68wBfqaPTs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 22sec (1642 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 11 2018
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