An introduction to the Cloud Adoption Framework Ready methodology

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Welcome to a new episode of the Azure Enablement Show today. We're going to talk about the Cloud Adoption Framework Ready methodology and how that helps customers in their Cloud journey. We also going to have a look at Azure landing zones. [MUSIC] Welcome back to the Azure Enablement Show mentioned. My name is Thomas, I'm here with Dom, and we're going to talk about the Cloud Adoption Framework Ready methodology. But before we do that, Dom, can you set some context about the Cloud Adoption Framework and where the Ready methodology fits in. Happy to. The Cloud Adoption Framework for Azure is our comprehensive guidance on how to deliver a successful Cloud implementation. It's a set of guidance and processes to help provide structure to the considerations and decisions needed when choosing to adopt Cloud services as part of an organization's IT strategy. That's great. What can we do to help our customers be more successful especially when we set up that environment? I know that with the Ready methodology, we set some tools and guidance for these customers. Absolutely. I mean it's a super important phase Ready sits at the center of the Cloud Adoption Framework. It's the point at which organizations make their first technical decisions and start to shape what the Cloud environment will look like. Now the crown jewels of the Ready methodology is Azure landing zones, which are a big part of that Cloud adoption journey. You mentioned Azure landing zones can you talk a little bit more about that? >> Now we're continually refining the content in the Cloud Adoption Framework, and we recently introduced some new guidance based on what we hear from customers and partners, to help shape the starting point for an Azure environments via the design and the implementation. To start with, we've got the Azure landing zone conceptual architecture, which is a really useful starting point for anyone looking to build out an Azure environment. It shows a great end state for customers who are looking to build a sustainable environment that will scale as they do. We include this conceptual architecture to help customers, but we also recognize that everyone's requirements are subtly different, so it should be taken and adjusted where needed to ensure it's a great fit for how organizations need to deliver their services One of the main challenges customers are having is actually building these Cloud architectures, how can we address this? To help make that implementation step as simple as possible. We highlight reference architectures and implementations within the Azure landing zone section, that can help customers get to a great outcome. Now an example of this is the Azure landing zone accelerator, which is an Azure portal-based implementation experience that delivers a fantastic set of opinionated configuration that distills down a huge amount of experience into deployment process that is intended to help customer start quickly. You can find the Azure landing zone accelerator on the front page of the Azure landing zone section in the Cloud Adoption Framework. Now that is pretty cool, and I love that we help customers to pick them up wherever they are in their Cloud journey. Can you tell us a little bit more about how we do that? Actually, we have with start, align, and enhance? Absolutely. We've recently introduced the concept of the journey to that target architecture, and as more and more organizations move towards Azure. The point at which customers referred to our guidance varies. Some are a blank sheet of paper, at the beginning of their journey and wanting guidance from the start, and sometimes we refer to those as Greenfield. Others have already tried out Azure. Maybe moved or built services and are now at a point where they want to bring their environment in closer alignment with our best practices to ensure they scale effectively. These types of scenarios are often known as Brownfields. Then finally, there are customers who are progressing well on their journey. They've got an environment that works well for them, but maybe they've got a new requirement, adding additional security capabilities, for example, and they want to enhance their landing zone. In each of these three scenarios, we have guidance to help organizations realize the benefit of Azure. We refer to them as start, align, and enhance. There's content in the Cloud Adoption Framework Ready methodology today, and we'll be continuing to add to this moving forwards. This is pretty awesome, and again, I like how we pick them up wherever they are in their Cloud journey, and help them to basically do all that. Another question I have is, now we obviously talked about it, do you have some common examples and common ways customers are actually using the Ready methodology in the Cloud Adoption Framework to be successful? Yeah. I mean, when we think about how organizations take their first steps into Cloud services, you have to think about it as being similar to constructing a building; the designs or the architecture are an important step, and starting with strong foundations is vital to supporting the building as it grows upwards. The same is true with Cloud environments, the design and first decisions set strong foundations to enable safe scalable growth through migrations or innovation with new services. Now because of that, the Ready methodology is used by a wide range of customers, big to small across a number of industries to help form design decisions and build a fantastic platform with things like landing zones. We talked a lot about Cloud, and a Cloud journey for a lot of our customers doesn't really end just Cloud. They are often in a hybrid or multi-Cloud stage. Do we have some guidance for them as well? Yeah, that's a great point. Hybrid and multi-Cloud scenario is becoming increasingly common. It's important to build out from a strong starting point, like a centralized management platform, to ensure that visibility and control. We see a lot of customers use the Ready methodology to create the Azure footprint as their core and expand this by using tools like Azure Arc and Azure Migrate to manage workloads, and ultimately move them into those Azure landing zones Now this is awesome, and again, working with a lot of our customers in a hybrid space, I really like that. Now, let's say a customer decided to go and implement the Ready methodology and use that what we have there, where do they go next? As organizations progressed from building their landing zones into using all of those shiny new Azure services, there are two key next steps. The first one, it's about lifecycle methodologies. As with any IT system, wherever it is, great operations are as important as great implementations. We definitely recommend people read them, manage, govern, and secure methodologies which focused on the runs day for Cloud environments: the people, process, and technology guidance to help organizations run fantastic environments in Azure. Secondly, a big part of why customers choose Cloud is because they want to build their businesses there, and that means a mixture of migrating and innovating in the Cloud. We've got great guidance for them too. Our adopt methodology helps organizations really realize the value of hyperscale Cloud platforms like Azure, and everything I've mentioned can be found in the Cloud Adoption Framework. You just mentioned the Cloud Adoption Framework. If people are now interested in implementing the Cloud Adoption Framework into Ready methodology, where do they go? For people looking to jump straight into the Ready methodology and the Azure landing zones content, go to For those who want to explore the other topics I've mentioned, go to, and check out the full set of Cloud Adoption Framework methodologies. Now something else that's really important to mention is that this content is created to address customer needs, so we love feedback. Each page has a feedback button which sends feedback to us, which is read by an actual human being, so feel free to tell us what you'd like to see in this content. Thank you very much, Dom, that was awesome. Thank you to everyone watching, and make sure you check out the Cloud Adoption Framework at [MUSIC]
Channel: Microsoft Developer
Views: 1,852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Azure, Microsoft, Tech, Technology, Dev, Development, Cloud Computing, cloud adoption framework, cloud adoption framework for azure, cloud adoption strategy, cloud adoption journey, cloud adoption challenges, ready methodology, azure landing zones, als, cloud journey stages, cloud journey tracker azure, cloud computing explained, azure cloud adoption framework, digital transformation, cloud migration tools, cloud adoption framework strategy, cloud migration strategy, cloud adoption
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 39sec (459 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 10 2021
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