An intimate conversation with Burt Reynolds

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well before we say anything else I just wanted to say thank you for over 50 years of wonderful performances and laughter and great good times I'm still doing it you're tired it's part of the fact my agent in you're in the book you write a lot about your childhood and your boyhood here in Palm Beach County yes and I came here 30 some years ago so I came to a completely different environment than you knew as a kid growing up when you look around now do you see any do you see any of the Palm Beach County you grow up with us all completely change oh no it's it's changed enormously yolk American Dreams the other thing that hasn't changed is the warmth and good feeling that I feel towards the people here and the city my life is so screwed up that we're not he still laying here my blood pressure is low and I felt so good to be home this was home so I finally said the hell with it I'm movin down here well I have to fly get my blood pressure and I love it here so much people play what do you think it is about this area this county Palm Beach its energy of the nation swept off the the terrible cares of the world well first of all your BS barometer is handed to you very early done you could put it away in summer but usually I see a glow pretty quick about things and people and all that and there's some wonderful writers here and I'm setting with one and there's my friend ugly boy I adore her and we've known each other forever and your friendships in the press can be they could turn on you know but nobody has you yet you write a lot about your dad in your book it is clearly one of the if not the most important influence on your life and there's there's respect in the book there's love and there's there's something else we a little frightened them a lot he was he was in the war and he'd lost her a lot of men Ezra tell you was he in the European front Italian yes who's in five major battles sir and he came home after dodging all those bullets and he comes the chief police for his dodging more boats and CSUN Riviera or rivers or wherever you miss Rivera and we clean definitely felt pretty good really and they loved and he always hated the fact of the flat section didn't have police force and so they got up which force and a chief and chased everything full and lonely that they got the blue gurney it's pretty frightening I think there's people in there still lying behind that was right across the street from the drugstore my mother ran and it was a tough play but you if you could go up in this town and not get too stupid and carried away by oh you can this is a greatest place in the world so let this friend is a guy named mo Mustang oh hey cuz i watch his name mo must say what a great name and when I went I played offense football team and he was we came in for me on defense and he was a stolen killer I always thought maybe we're munchers like if credit roles tackle but he's still very close so when up what does a guy has been through five major battles in World War two and clean the Riviera Beach do when his kid tells me wants to be an actor well first of all he thought of us had to go to a psychiatrist I was in he got he got used to it a little bit when he met some of my friends the actors that he met he was very much impressed it's a lot who can who impressive the convince them that this was a reasonable profession for a grown man I see David Ricardo won't alone Ricardo always makes it collective back his profile and he was that it was an amazing sweet man his wife was Loretta young sister cure for him George n14 who I have been in love with forever and we see each other it's a lot of sexual tension there's a lot of that going around is it I was watching some old gun suppose with you is acquainted asthma and what was interesting and I never watch the show as I was ten years old and they wouldn't let me watch it this was too much done play but it was interesting to see you at that stage and you're already Burt Reynolds you already pop through the screen you know you got your books you got your attitude you're a good actor at a very young age and it just struck me as interesting that she was so fully formed as an actor so young you know a lot of it started right here I did two plays one was Buster and I remember in the audience was Tennessee Williams and I I saw him he was charming wonderful I said why are you you didn't write this he said I didn't but he was charming and I always wanted to do the things that he wrote but I couldn't do something that Marlon Brando did I looked too much like him as a young actor and he disliked me in norms for that because he looked like yeah I didn't know what to do I can cut my head if I just do this intentionally yeah yeah I think if I got a big fight and we do his all kind of hanging out but I could have gone by and see him and he would been very warm I didn't and if I did anything that he thought was his he thought this was good so I never did that it I do that a lot at home but I just didn't do and Marlin was a genius my lord we can't ignore that but streetcar is untouchable because it belongs to him you can't do it I mean you and get comparative ya know when they're actor is a lot of actors have done it but nobody has made anybody forget well Grantham no probably never will I don't think what were your at this point at that point in your career you're a young actor in Hollywood you've got a supporting role my huge it's series what was your idea of your own career we did you want to be a working actor did you want to get a movie star what were what was how we formulated the plan I I wanted it to be working at which is what I wasn't and I didn't want to I didn't even think about being in movies but Milburn stone duck he said to me get up so y-you said your movie at work but then I thought about it and I didn't and I decide so he delivers stunning 80 the confidence to leave the nest of God's yes and that was a beautiful man oh I should have go on that 410 where you won one thing about that was it was illegal to go to the gym and and a man and I mean you were all just so wonderful but I knew that I wasn't Chester Chester was gone never look at the Chester what a long penis guy playing fester and I was dead at 110 hurt yes there who's a lot was originally one of the sons of the pioneer time and I'm with a boy gorgeous and John Ford son-in-law that's right [Music] after your career took off I remember watching you in the Tonight Show when you were about sometimes when your coat when your guest goes into time job and you gave every indication of being on top of the world use radiated pleasure and confidence and do you would just seem to be having the best time a guy could possibly have where you read was that an authentic projection of what we're feeling that we're really happy and I didn't know quite why but it is me buzz was above yeah and then what basically was get off that show no he said and then I got a movie or two very yes and then I worked with Sally to you and fell so in love is a joke and she didn't get it but the joke of the love we're really close friends the alone I think that's Bobby you try I'm sorry go ahead nobody you'd be happy for that good you talk about the movies that you're really glad you made deliverance starting over Longest Yard I would add Sharky's machine yes lovely picture and you directed that but I want to ask you about that later whether any movies looking back that you regret as a star I'm not talking about I'm not talking about a momocho were you know what you're treading water I mean after you I was always under the impression and that's doing that working makes you better yeah so do it just do it and shut up and open point people I mean office at all and I I was doing it I I met along the way these wonderful friends were still motivated john-boy was just about perfect the nicest smartest don't know Evelyn I got a watch daughter everybody else is the the the consensus favorite for the best film you ever managed deliverance which I I hate every conventional wisdom but I would agree but my second favorite of your pictures is the longest yard cuz it's the only movie I know of that got the visceral pleasure the football gives you and I attribute that to the fact that you play Robert Aldrich played football the director and it was made by people who understood what that gives to a man to be part of a team and playing that sport I remember pushed a strange I got hit out of balance out of balance and I tore my face and I looked at it was raining [Music] so they didn't let up my knee because you were nobody let up on me the whole what there was was very Swedish you could call it sweet after about four weeks of that we had a party every Saturday night and red got up and said Reynolds is a tough sob and you could make it in my record deficit well you oughta make my life it's equal pay he said not white but he was so did did those guys pro football players did all rich let them block the plays themselves or were they given the place they were given the play up because all the chemi in three four I never shot bright money but they I must say every play was for your life and what gave me pleasure was that they weren't pulling back nobody laid me down they but at the end of the vision I had lens flood hmm it's luck but I played it secret season with these guys and when I see them now it's still warm wonderful and they're better prepared for life than most actors are when it's over because it's over at a certain time you can't go on you know a movie star it stops and when it stops you've got to be ready to you know Evelyn and I was ready I thought it was going to stop long before it but when you did I was three so it wasn't hard transition for neither go go I've got such great friends here and the friends that I have the actors that I love they come down here so we go up we cause something fast because they couldn't care less I've seen me every day for X but I walk in there with our balls but I think I'm pretty and he's so charming you want to stop he directed some good pictures I mentioned records machine I love the end of audacious black comedy that didn't get enough credit when he came out was directing which that would were you thinking about trying to make it from being a leading man via the certain agent becoming a director full-time was that why he would have started to director than what you did and it's the most fun I ever had really it was so close to coaching and I just loved and I was good I brought the films in ahead of schedule and they give a pretty good the end was one of those impossible scripts to be commercial comment about the death but you know it came out and everybody was so one we would call Ryan and sensational and he had been he's talking to me about the live live when you were both for instance working with Carl Reiner who did there's nothing but comedy he doesn't know would you just let him go or how much direction would you give a master comedian like girls I let it go really let him go and where are you moving around like something safe for him okay and and he he really loved me for that does directing come from a different place man this is what I'm just directing come from a different place than acting yeah you better put your ego ego keeps it going as an actor because it no matter how much you put it down you have to keep the flow but when you directed the thickness works for me was that I'll take the young manager who's giving some people a hard time for whatever reason and I'll say son I was there reviewer and I never gave anybody that's why I'm here now say talking to you telling you what to do and you're just sort of going okay and you've got to keep it in check and you've gotta love your friends love your fellow actors but the director is the man and you go have enough respect for the man in the book you say that you didn't marry two women you adore and you didn't marry a woman weren't even sure you liked and I can see could you give me a little bit more but sure wasn't shiny but you know I just remember an hour and a half taking the makeup and then putting something else on to go to bed about that time I was and I tried to get her to stop it wouldn't make it because you know you're a beautiful girl you don't have to put it on with a trowel she she never thought that which I've you know I guess some ways to go to give her some credit what she wasn't as unendurable as everybody thought you which is why I like during honors and she was smart she was a mint and people don't know what Amanda is super high IQ and her daughter number one in her class she was an amazing lady but she's not active anymore give it up and to married her high school sweetheart I wonder if he's surprised by the amount of time sorry bear what was it about Sally Field that make her so special in your life when they ask you I thought we prayed I said sell it and it doesn't sexy me you guys don't get it you're thinking about flying on an end of it she is so channeled and a challenge some day she'll prove well if I got an Oscar comin in and an Oscar I couldn't match your man-of-war it's amazing she's gonna get another one they're always talking talking about it this and I I respect her and like every time together I screwed up the great thing about movies is there forever yeah and the bad thing about movies is there forever because everyone somehow know this with some actors I've gotten to know very well they see something they did 30 or 40 years ago they go what was they think that's all when you look at yourself in a movie you made 30 or 40 years ago do you critique yourself I can't I really can I couldn't look at under that why would I help you look at your movies when they were coming at home no only when I'm directing I have to go to Russia but I don't I don't go okay I don't like I think we will always like that or do they grow over time it grew on me when I got smarter I figured it out that you know you're damn lucky I don't know how long are you gonna have this kind of life but as long as you've had have fun with it and try to have some class and a little bit of grace but don't don't start believin because you're crashing I have too many good friends that did good I mean things are people you get to think your gold and then everything you do is accurate yeah I had some great friends that could have gone to very illustrious careers as they grew older but they didn't know that I guess or something but they growing old for actors is not just a desire to say but they they don't know how to hang and you know I'm not saying that I do but house it and that's what comes out there it's great it's crazy everywhere you can go first there's no we don't have to tell you and then suddenly it's we don't have to you gotta be able to handle it yeah and I think that's the biggest test there because some whole town knows I'm standing up for something before I am but they're right using dinosaur time but mr. Reynolds what would you say to if you have live your life over ago that what would you tell your friends from your high school that Burt Reynolds in high school well I suppose so kind of what you said buddy take it back thriller I got so emotional about the fact that he trusted to coaching it back to you and I want a they won 11 games and I like the game when you're talking to somebody that's been in it it's like we talked to him I bet you been shot sometimes yeah the way they talked about whether they talked about my dad was such develop and he was rough he's rough I mean he didn't take any prisoners when I came home at night if it was past a certain time I thought the man never sleeps came into the front door where I know you've been well Silas well Jim lady and the place closed and then we went to the beach beautiful well and get away with that too much I mean couldn't talk about the rulers was very different [Music] who's they seen a couple of people I knew and liked and admire and was afraid of because they were curious about anything which is alright if they're alone in a boat but we never do that you got to go the way and it it was an interesting time I'm so blessed for a stone with a bunch of guys know what they're doing really and I became pretty proficient out of sheer terror but it's this way to look not the right hole get on the throne and get back on saying that he anything especially neck because you are going to get booted off the stage when you start out or get reviews of one of my cuts risk but you gotta go on and you gotta learn something but life isn't over because you've got a bad review you Lisa kids but everybody doesn't know that I remember I got it worse is known to man for the Bears to go to dinner but I got it in there people came up and said I love that well first of all I wish you right I wish you'd invited somebody but I appreciate that and in the long run that's what matters I guess the number one in a box office for four years I didn't know what I was scared this has been go away from Hamburg wake up so enjoy and I did I'm sure you did help okay let's see [Music] well comedy came easier for me I don't know why I just did like this because I was a little squirrely going up and I was the class and I got me out of trouble and it was very common and when I got on his own I had many a discussion with a director about certain things he wanted me to do that that not only were funny but there were being discussed and I would get it on mice now that's how you get a reputation as a troublemaker and I didn't you I thought is that right I'm looking at this and I'm going to hate myself for doing it but more importantly my dad is going to take me so are in the room for sales and I must turn down for words and a lot of people and think of that we're not very nice but I still have to say a lot of them that one part of the character I try but I know I guess that's why you go home because for all of it's false we go over that bridge on the other side over there in Hemet change it had pulse in 1952 got falls now but the people that see and major teams and the ones I know so well for a hundred years it seems like are still there and very warm very friendly I guess that's the reason and I come home is that I haven't been and then a lot of which would think you get a lot of all the movie stars you know here's the mood that day but this I can't see you but I got a terrible feeling I love that I lost the me but [Music] well I'm at the home and it's pretty hard to ignore it it's in your face it's hard to ignore anything that means but I guess through it all I'm still around and I'm jump out a window I've jumped out of windows I don't regret the decisions I've made become an actor my son beautiful was about an act he said I might get it closed up like that but he's a wonderful you know man and that's you know that's all it's about she was kind of know like dogs dogs are easy to housebreak [Music] sunlight for all years you're very thank you means a lot I've probably spread it over crying over stupid stuff it was written about me that wasn't true but you can't deny it so I don't know that anything else from our meeting today remember at our next meeting that I want you to watch out for what we and what whether you believe it and now unfortunately it's just not the national wiring you want it seemed on the way to the major leagues and they write things about friends might athletes hello efforts and I get to help get down but you look at me as somebody that was big kick one member and I like that I haven't really but I bet my share of stuff it wasn't true doesn't do i concern them I guess my dear friend Karen medicine so took a year and she won yeah when she won anybody what a nickel I said to her Carol with important issues Debra I love her and she won they were lying she said she was a drunk he's a lot of things in terms of founded what these never would ever I'd never even see your ticket for me I'm leaving close close friends for a long long time very special [Music] can you tell me about your memories in the trail well I loved I loved it up there and misses it was a great time in my life I'd go up and get on a horse by the rounding I had some wonderful wonderful people that there have to do the same design work and wanted me in the city and they also understood what life is all about I mean if you really want to get some sage advice the last you
Channel: PalmBeachPost
Views: 1,839
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: burt reynolds, scott eyman, the bandit, bandit
Id: -0G1RKFIM48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 38sec (2918 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 07 2018
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