An Impossible Covenant — And How It Becomes a Permanent Joy – John Piper

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I invite you to turn to Deuteronomy 29 and I hope you will because we're going to look very detailed at units of this text and I want you to see for yourself what's really here in the last two weeks there have been several unusual Providence's in my life that have caused me to think that this text at this time in this place before this audience is of special urgency two weeks ago today I was in London speaking to the London men's convention and the text was assigned to me just like it was assigned to me here I didn't choose it it was first Kings 1816 246 the story of Elisha on Mount Carmel defeating the prophets of bale and the main point of the text was if you men turn to God God turned your heart here's the verse first Kings 1837 Elisha and Samia Lord answer me that this people may know that you O Lord our God and that you have turned their hearts back that was the point of the encounter with bale make Israel know when their hearts turned to the Living God who defeats these prophets you turn their heart that's the point of the text in London for the men now here we are in Indianapolis and the text was assigned to me Deuteronomy 29 and 30 it's not for the men of London it's for the women of t gcw 2018 and the point is the same if you don't turn to God with all your heart and with all your soul and love him God didn't give you a heart to do that chapter 29 verse 4 to this day the Lord has not given you a heart to understand or eyes to see or ears to hear but on the positive side if any of you women do turn to God if you find rising up in these days in your heart a love for God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength God did that chapter 30 verse 6 the Lord your God will circumcise your heart and the heart of your offspring so that you will love the Lord your God with all your heart now those coincidences my wife likes to call them God incidences those coincidences between London and Indianapolis and unchosen text and an unchosen text a main point in the main point do not increase the authority of this message this message stands or Falls with whether you can see it in the text however for me personally in preparation two weeks two continents to tax I didn't choose two meanings I didn't create one for man one for women both riveting our tension on the sovereign rule of God over the human heart is striking and gives me a sense and perhaps you I think God might have a very special word for you so let's pray and if that's so that we not miss it so God please help me to so open these two chapters that they're meaning for the book and for redemptive history and for the purpose of all creation and for the glory of Christ would be plain to these women's minds and power in their hearts make it visible that none depend on me but on your word seeing I ask this in Jesus name Amen chapter 29 verse 1 these are the words of the Covenant that the LORD commanded Moses to make with the people of Israel in the land of Moab so that's where they're standing right now on the edge of the promised land after 40 years in the wilderness and the land of Moab besides the covenant that he made with them at Horeb or Mount Sinai God is making another covenant besides the Covenant at Mount Sinai and this covenant is very strange very strange it has elements in it that are shocking very perplexing for the listeners now you should know by now but I'll rehearse it what's a covenant a covenant is a relationship between God and man with promises of God toward man and required responses from man and the nature of the promises and the nature of the response is determined the kind of covenant that it is and I'm just asking you for right now keep your mind open because it's weird it's a strange covenant and he is about to cut it that's the Hebrew word for how you establish make a covenant and it has more significance in these chapters than you think verse 2 Moses summon all Israel and said to them you have seen marked those words all that the Lord did before your eyes mark those words in the land of Egypt to Pharaoh and to all his servants and and to all his land the great trials that your eyes saw marked those words the sign and the signs and those great wonders but to this day the Lord has not given you a heart to understand or eyes to see or ears to hear but they have seen it says so verse two you have seen verse three your eyes saw seeing they did not see that's a quote from Jesus Matthew 13 13 what did they not see when they saw they saw the Red Sea split now these are the children of those who died in the wilderness so everybody he's talking to is 18 years of old I mean were 18 years of old or younger at the Red Sea because two years after the Red Sea Moses said everybody 20 years old and older is gonna die in the wilderness so you got 18 year old seventeen year old 16 year old 15 year olds hundreds maybe thousands and thousands of them who saw the seed split they saw water from the rock they saw manna every morning and they didn't see it what didn't they see they did not see in the sea and in the manna and in the rock and water and the shoes not wearing out in their feet they didn't see God as supremely precious they didn't see God as supremely valuable they didn't see God as supremely desirable above all else they didn't seek God with compelling beauty they didn't see him as their greatest treasure and of all the things that Moses might have said about why they didn't see he says this verse for the Lord has not given you a heart to understand or eyes to see or ears to hear he hasn't given you the kind of heart that moves from amazement at Wonders to love for the wonder-working God himself he hasn't given you that heart so all you see is wonders amazing these are amazing no love for God you have seen him as powerful and not precious you love other things more do you so the banner flying over this covenant is you can't keep it the Covenant starts with that knowledge let's hear it starts this covenant starts with you don't have a heart to keep it you can't see reality for what it is you can't hear reality for what it is you can't sense in your heart reality for what it is your eyes your ears your heart are spiritually impervious they're dead to this beauty of God this value of God this desirability of God that's the starting point of the Covenant dead that's not peculiar to this generation at the promised land in the New Testament 2nd Corinthians chapter 3 verse 14 this is still true of Israel here's what Paul says their minds were hardened for to this day when they read the Old Covenant that same veil remains unlifted because only through Christ is it taken away in fact that's still true of Israel Israel today June 16 2008 een Israel as a whole has no eyes to see her Messiah Romans 11:25 a partial hardening has come upon Israel until the full number of the Gentiles comes in now thousands of Jewish people over the centuries have embraced Jesus says her Messiah or their Messiah but as a whole as you know the Jewish people haven't yet now what's more relevant for you Gentiles maybe Jewish people among us I hope so but for most of us who are not Jewish ethnically what's more relevant is Ephesians 4:17 2:18 where this condition God has not given you a heart to understand or eyes to see or used to hear that condition is our condition listen to these words in Ephesians 4:17 Paul describes the Gentiles the nations of the world all of us as darkened in their understanding alienated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardness of their heart dark understanding guilty ignorance hardness of heart that's us it's you and that's Israel that's the human race unless somehow Deuteronomy 29 4 can be reversed and for Moses that's the starting point for this covenant in chapter 29 and 30 this is one of the most fundamental facts about reality you need to understand everything in your life from your children to newscasts to President Trump to your husband to your church if you don't know this fact about reality you will be a naive observer of the world all your life every human being is blind deaf hard and unable to love God because of the hardness within that doesn't mean that an unbelieving mother can't have tender affections for her child it means she cherishes that child more than she cherishes God which is treason tender as she is it means that she has no delight in the Living God doesn't treasure the infinitely valuable God fallen people are capable of great sacrifices but not out of love for God here's a devastating description of that condition by the Apostle Paul in Romans 8:7 the mind of the flesh and that's over against the mind of the Spirit for those who have the Holy Spirit blood bought by Jesus the mind of the flesh is hostile to God it does not submit to God's law indeed it cannot and those who are in the flesh cannot please God that's a miserable condition to be in frightening and that's the condition of Israel according to Deuteronomy 29 verse 4 and you apart from the almighty Holy Spirit in the work of Jesus to this day the Lord has not given you a heart to understand our eyes to see or ears to hear and until that massive foundational all pervasive truth sinks in to the core of your being you will not begin to fathom or enjoy or spread what it means to be saved because you will have no idea the condition you were saved from do you have any idea do your children does your husband your friends do you have any idea how deaf and blind and dead in heart you were how impossible it was for you to hear or see or feel the beauty in the worth of God that's the beginning of this covenant they couldn't you couldn't now he proceeds to open the Covenant with its stipulations when he says in verse 9 so drop your eyes to verse 9 therefore keep the words of this covenant and do them that you may prosper in all that you do when he says that the the words of the Covenant in verse 4 are included believing embracing being broken and made helpless and helpless and desperate by verse 4 is the first act of responding to this covenant keep the Covenant let that happened don't kick against the Covenant indictment you'll never enjoy this covenant if you reject verse 4 about your life then in verse 13 Moses makes plain that the aim of this covenant relationship is that the people grasp with their hearts and eyes and ears God is their God and we as his people and that nothing is more to be desired than that relationship you are my god I am your people that's the aim of the Covenant look at verse 13 that he may establish you today as his people and that he may be your God so evidently what is impossible with man is going to be possible with God God is pursuing a covenant relationship he's not saying oh well in view of verse 4 this is over he's pursuing it where they will be his people and he will be their God even though their heart is hard and their eyes are blind and their ears are deaf they can't keep the terms of the Covenant and he means to have it as he does it's gonna happen now what could that possibly mean what could that possibly mean you can't keep it I'll have it I'm gonna have a people what could that mean and the first thing he does strikingly you say what it does knock me in verses 16 to 21 so important that you understand what God's sovereign intention to have a people does not mean it does not mean that God's sovereign ability to create a people for himself where there's only deadness implies you can go on boasting in your stubbornness and think you're safe just because you belong to Israel and I'm gonna have Israel arch a church or a family I belong to this church I belong to this family I belong to this nation I'm safe no you're not verse 18 beware lest there be among you a root bearing poisonous and bitter fruit one very important word one single person woman man one who when he hears the words of this sworn covenant blesses himself in his heart saying I shall be safe though I walk in the stubbornness of my heart that's an important verse notice two things one God deals with individuals in Israel oh so many scholar types say that we teach ECW types our way too individualistic in our thinking about salvation you don't grasp corporate realities corporate categories in the Bible which are everywhere and all important you make salvation way too much a matter of the individual heart and that hearts relation to the Almighty well verses 18 to 21 are pretty clear just be Bible of women would you please just be Bible women this text is radically focused on the individual over against the corporate pointing out the danger of corporate thinking safety in my corporate nets that's the danger I would venture to say not in the text an opinion I would venture to say there are vastly more people in Hell today because of the fall securities of corporate thinking then there are in Hell today because of over individualizing the doctrine of salvation no question in my mind about that millions upon millions of people led to destruction because they belong to some institution verse 21 are you with me verse 21 the Lord will single him out from all the tribes of Israel for calamity in fact this person's horrific mistake is to think he's safe in his stubbornness because he belongs to Israel oh how many people have perished because they think my family my tradition my tribe my church my nation in fact nobody i've thought carefully about this sentence nobody is saved by belonging to a group any group when their individual heart is hard toward God that's the first thing to notice from verse 18 I said there were two the first is don't let anybody give you mumbo-jumbo about the Bible not prioritizing the individual when it comes to getting saved second thing to observe from verse 18 this verse is quoted in Hebrews 12:15 and the issue in Hebrews 12:15 is exactly the same of course they're inspired New Testament gets the Old Testament right and the issue is an individual in the community to which Hebrews is written thinks he's safe with no heart for holiness stop in the I'm in the covenant community I'm the new covenant community you need holiness we were justified by faith to which the writer in Hebrews says in verse 14 of chapter 12 strive for the holiness without which nobody will see the Lord that's straight out of Deuteronomy theology that's a warning to the whole church don't play fast and loose with grace in God's new covenant community thinking you are safe because of baptism or church membership or eating the Lord's Supper every Sunday you're not safe if you don't keep the Covenant now the rest of chapter 29 is a warning it matters mr. stubborn it matters miss stubborn it matters whether you boast in your brokenness before a god you need mercy from a whether you boast and your belonging to the chosen people matters because judgment is coming and oh it will come it's gonna come now at this point they have to be confused I'd be confused I was confused the Bible regularly confuses me which is why you have to meditate on the law of the Lord day and night pleading for help is why would be confused if I were in their shoes was confused first Moses God you tell us that we're standing here to enter a covenant verse 1 then you tell us you haven't given us a hard to keep the Covenant we can't do it verse 4 and then you tell us you're gonna do it you're gonna be gracious to us there's gonna be a covenant we're gonna be your people you're good to be our God verse 13 and then you warn us about these Rascals that we might be who presume upon that promise that we're going be your people and strut around we're safe in that promise and then you tell us huh judgment is coming there's gonna be an exile oh yes there will it's not just a possibility it's going to happen I know you're stiff-necked hard to which they would say I don't get this I don't know what I don't know what you're up to it's not fitting together at all and is it not interesting more than interesting that at this point verse 29 one of the most famous self standing verses in the Bible for those who have problems the secret things belong to the Lord our God but the things that are revealed belong to us and to our children forever that we may do all the words of this law in other words there will always be things you might like to know that you cannot know some things God chooses not to reveal the secret things belong to the Lord and what he chooses not to keep secret but reveal is for your good so that you can do them which I take to mean I tell you all you need to know to live the way I want you to live if I hold things back you don't need to know it to keep my covenant you don't need to know it so relax it is confusing and I'm not done I'm not done there's another chapter and it will answer some of your questions okay so here we go amazing things are coming in chapter 30 verses 1 to 3 yes judgment and exile are on the way you are a stiff-necked people it's going to go bad for you I know that you kick against the pricks and harden yourself over and over again and then comes verses 2 & 3 when you return now literally when you turn when you turn that is repent turn repent change your mind stop going that way towards those idols go this way toward me don't let y'all go that way this way when you turn when you turn to the Lord your God you and your children and obey his voice and all that I command you today with all your heart with all your soul then the Lord your God will restore your fortunes and have mercy on you to which surely had he paused which he didn't but had he paused they would have said something like this so you make our restoration to favor and blessing you make our restoration dependent upon our repentance and you've told us we can't do that because our hearts are encased in a hard God rejecting didn't in calais flesh we can't see you we can't hear you we can't feel the treasure that you are how in the world are we going to turn repent to you with all our heart all our soul like you say to do in verse two well he didn't pause don't let them ask that question you can pause because you're reading it you just pause and ask it I did before they have a chance to ask that question he answers it in verse 6 this is the most precious most hope-filled verse in the book of Deuteronomy I would venture to say the Lord your God will circumcise your heart in the heart of your screen so that you will love the Lord your God with all your heart with all your soul that you may live now I admit to a certain awkwardness of a man speaking to 7,000 women about circumcision [Laughter] however I've gotten over it and now I'd like you to get over it because this metaphor describes the most wonderful joyful satisfying eternally pleasing experience in the world I don't think that's an overstatement I said experience there are greater realities but human experience this is the greatest so get over the awkward this is God's stunning all gracious answer to how people with hearts encased in deadening callous God's burning flesh can repent namely how God unilaterally sovereignly cuts this burning deadness away I said there was more significance to cutting a covenant than you might think meaning lay the metaphor aside now meaning he gives you a new kind of heart he gives it what kind of heart he tells us he tells us a heart that will have as its natural reflex its effect a heart verse six second half of the verse but you're very eyeballs on it so that you will love the Lord your God so the new heart does the meaning of the new heart it is not happening the heart's not there or there's a temporary hardening that's come upon this new heart the new heart loves God with all the heart and with all the soul that you may live you will keep the Covenant now I believe it's another sermon but I'll sum it up in a minute I believe that that promise applies literally to corporate Israel not apart from individual conversions but this I believe that if I live long enough I would see some day the headlines in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem flash millions of Jews turned to Jesus as their Messiah I think that's implicit here and the reason I do is because Paul does in Romans 11 verses 1 & 2 11 and 12 15 24 26 I can't put those verses together in any other way then all Israel will be saved does not mean all the elect from Jews and Gentiles will be saved which is what most of you been taught probably if you belong to a but I won't say the kind of church I love these people they're my best friends ok gonna kick anybody out of anything over this so another little sermon tucked in here by the way I think I haven't given you any arguments for this one now that that implies that kind of an argument that implies that today the State of Israel is a covenant breaking state they reject as their king and Messiah Jesus Christ and in that covenant breaking condition neither God nor the United States of America is obliged to treat them any differently than any other state justly a sermon I did not reach but a point I very much believe and hope that we can get it right as a church for the sake of the Palestinians especially now God has made it plain up to that that was a point that I think verse 6 of chapter 30 teaches that all Israel corporately because every individual be grafted back in to the rich root of the olive tree called the Abrahamic covenant that that's going to come true that's not my main point here and if you don't think I've given you enough support for that lay it aside let's go to points I want to make God has made clear and verse 6 now underlines that the miracle of having 29 for verse 29 verse 4 of chapter 29 reversed he has not given you a heart to know or ears to hear rajae that is reversed by chapter 30 verse 6 one person at a time because it's a heart it's a hard heart that's being replaced this is not an a corporate esprit de corps that comes across Israel this is a human heart with deadness and blindness and deafness cut away and in its place a heart that loves God loves God loves God loves God that's the new heart loving God with all your heart and soul and mind and strength this is God verse 6 of chapter 30 is God sovereignly securing guaranteeing bringing about the ultimate purposes of creation and redemption the reason he made the world let's go to verses 9 and 10 here he describes what happens when he gives his people a new heart to love him look at the second half of verse 9 want you to see these very words because I'm gonna build the rest of this message on this it's it's the greatest news in the world I hope you will see verse 9 second half of the verse the words the Lord will again take delight in prospering you let's let those sit for a minute the Lord will again take delight in prospering you surely that does not mean he will delight in doing good things for you while finding you yourself to be morally ugly displeasing reprehensible like I delight in doing good things but when I look at you I get no pleasure at all your hard your blind your rebellious surely that is not what verse 9 means the doctrine of just the justification of the ungodly okay let's get this clear now the doctrine that every one of you who is a believer a Christian was justified as an ungodly person before you were beautiful before you pleasing is a magnificent essential doctrine and it's not here in the foreground it's in the background what's in the foreground here is the beautification of the people of God on the basis of mercies what's in the foreground here is a heart that once hated God now loves that's beautification the beauty of the people of God is their love for God so when it says that he takes delight in them and prospering them he means I'm enjoying I'm going to enjoy you again verse 10 at the very last Clause of verse 10 when when it's gonna happen when you turn to the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul in other words when verse 6 comes true I'm gonna delight in you now let's linger here for a moment because we're on the brink of the most ultimate purpose for which God created the world and performed a history of redemption and sent His Son and established a church and we'll bring everything to consummation what what's it all about we're very close to the center of answering that question so God is securing in verse 6 securing guaranteeing bringing about you know hearts the purpose of creation and to see the wonder of this we have to pause here and ask about the meaning of loving God with all your heart well almost every speaker has alluded to this so let me pick on Don Carson entailments you like that word Don Carson likes that word and he gave us five and tailmon of loving God now Don that's an ambiguous word entailment he didn't leave us in ambiguity about the relationship between loving God and obeying God because Don Carson has not become a book writer blessing to the church by specializing in ambiguity I'm sitting right there he's right here and I know this point in my message is coming and I don't like to disagree Don Carson Tom listening really careful and on his first of five points he said loving God and Tails obeying God everything goes up to me what what is entail mean at that point because it could mean loving God is obeying God or could mean loving God results in obeying God well he left us in no doubt he went for number two he was his language consequence reflection grounded in a man a man a man Thank You Don don't have to disagree with Don Carson in public because I want to say and this is just vastly important that doing things for God is not the essence of loving dog it's fruit its result its consequence it's reflection of its grounded in love for God which raises the question well what is it and dawn quoted in lest anybody have this text in your mind jesus said if you love me you'll keep my Commandments right those are separate things if you love me result you will keep my Commandments it does not say if you love me that is keeping my Commandments or if you obey me that is loving me it's not equal ha you raised a kid who thinks that loving God means obeying mommy and daddy all you'll have is illegal this all his life there is something deeper something higher something more real on the inside before these little hands don't put their fingers in the electric socket what is it loving God is treasuring God more than anything or anyone else watch my verbs I'm just groping like you would I'm just trying to find English words treasuring loving God is finding him to be supremely precious loving God is being satisfied in God more than spouse more than children more than health more than life some sixty three three the steadfast love of the Lord is better than life what amazing word don't you love the Bible so that's the beauty i said verse 6 is about not about justifying the bride while she's ungodly it's about beautifying the bride by making her one who finds God to be her treasure to be more precious to her than anything that's what's happening in verse 6 so let's let's stay right here because we haven't gotten to the issue yeah how is this the goal of the universe big words so we're here verse 9 and 10 again I mean collapse the two verses the Lord will take delight in you I'm there at the end of verse 9 the Lord will take delight in you when you turn to the Lord that is when you love the Lord that is when you delight in the Lord treasure the Lord find the Lord to be supremely precious the Lord delights in your finding him to be your delight [Music] that's the end of all creation God has done everything in creation and redemption for that God has communicated so much of his glory so much of himself that by the miracle of grace that's verse six by the miracle grace we see him and love him as supremely beautiful and satisfying so that God now looks on us with delight because nothing reflects his own glory and his own worth like our delight in him loving him God enjoys our enjoyment of God forever that's the goal of the universe to create a people who would be first justified as ungodly ones through faith and union with Jesus and then beautified by having hearts of stone taken out or heart circumcised so that their hearts find Jesus to be supremely valuable supremely precious and satisfying on which he'd then forever looks with joy and it's all of grace free sovereign grace raising the spiritually dead giving sight to the blind eyes giving hearing to deaf ears from him and through him and to him are all these things to him be glory forever which leads to this climactic stunning statement in verses 11 to 14 here with me we've got two more brief verses to look at I mean Eunice this one and one more we close with verses 11 to 14 yes Moses could say I did say back in chapter 29 that you don't have hearts don't have eyes don't have ears to love God yes I said that and you don't and yes I said that God's going to have you he's gonna have a people he's going to beautify her and he's going to delight in her yes he will and to that end you got to keep the Covenant kind of love him and you can't oh can you verse 11 this commandment that I command you today they need to keep this weird covenant this commandment that I command you today is not too hard for you neither is it far off it's not in heaven that you should say who will ascend to heaven for us and bring it to us that we might hear it and do it neither is it beyond the sea that you should say well who who would go over the sea we can't get over the sea to bring it to us that we may hear it and do it but the word is very near you it is in your mouth and it is in your heart that you can do it with man it is impossible you are dead but with God when he puts the word in your mouth and in your heart not on tablets of stone not on parchment in your heart you will love the Lord your God you will love the Lord your God not just you can't you will love the Lord your God and if you needed any encouragement as we close if you need any encouragement that Jesus by his blood bought out power bought that ability bought that circumcised heart bought that miracle of grace if you needed any encouragement would it be nice if Paul or somebody like that had quoted those four verses and told us what they meant well he did so I'm gonna read them to you and I'm not adding anything Paul added what's added all right and he added it to interpret okay here we go this is Romans 10 verses 6 to 8 do not say in your heart who will ascend to heaven that is to bring Christ down or who will descend into the abyss that is to bring Christ up from the dead what does it say the word is near you in your mouth and in your heart that is the Word of Faith that we proclaim in other words this covenant of chapter 29 and 30 is not too hard for you because God sent Christ to security absolutely for his people he secured bought guaranteed made certain both the divine promises and the human response at the point of chapter 30 verse 6 and 29 for he bought the miracle for you Christ came down from heaven Christ came up from the grave so that this is doable because by the Holy Spirit poured out in consequence of that bloodshed your heart is taken out and a new heart is put in the ultimate aim of creation and redemption guaranteed by the blood of Jesus he calls it the blood of the covenant chapter 22 verse 20 of Luke the blood of the Covenant at the cost of his life Christ bought the beautification of his bride and her beauty is her delight in him that's what I've argued from Deuteronomy 30 now here it is one more time Ephesians chapter 5 verses 25 to 27 we so often read this in relationship to marriage which it is of course that the wonder of what it says about Christ and the church goes by a little too fast so let's take it as the consummation of the purpose of creation Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her verse 26 that he might sanctify her that is beautify her verse 27 so that he might present the church to himself in splendor that's the goal of creation everything was designed that the son might purchase a bride beautified in splendor for himself to the honor of his father in the power of the blood bought spirit on behalf of his father Christ came to create a beautiful bride out of a hard-hearted rebel people you and me this blood-bought beautified bride will be God's delight forever I mean what else does it mean when he said I want her to be beautiful when she comes to me why I enjoy beauty she's gonna be my joy forever this would have been about all these thousands of years and her splendor will be her delight in him and so it will be forever so I closed back to Deuteronomy 30 I'm gonna close where chapter 30 closes middle of verse 19 chapter 30 verse 19 middle of the verse she's life women that you and your offspring may live loving the Lord your God obeying his voice holding fast to him for he is your life it's not too hard for you it is only as hard as it is to enjoy what is supremely enjoyable look to him as your greatest treasure and he will do it father do it do it now in this room granted women who have labored under the illusion that to love you is to work we lay down that error and see you as all satisfied see you is their supreme treasure and their greatest delight just see you and be changed do it I pray we can we know we can't we can't do it at the beginning we can't keep it happening we are so utterly radically deeply dependent on your grace and your spirit every moment of our lives to wake up believers and lovers in the morning that we despair of any other source of hope do this miracle I pray as these women go to the four winds the aroma of Christ be spread I ask in Jesus name [Applause] you
Channel: Desiring God
Views: 51,258
Rating: 4.8823528 out of 5
Keywords: Desiring God, John Piper, God, Jesus Christ, Christianity, Christian Hedonism, Sermons by John Piper, Covenant, New Heart, Heart of stone, Heart of flesh, New Covenant, Old Covenant, Bible, Scripture, The Gospel Coalition Women’s Conference, TGCW18, Why did God create the world?, New and better covenant
Id: D7sc86cMdyo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 52sec (4072 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 02 2018
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