An Evening With Rakim Allah Interviewed by Chuck D

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On my recent acid trip I had the bright idea to listen to A Love Supreme for my first time ever. I listened to it for about 3 minutes but it sounded pensive and way too serious and complex. It was lowering my vibe so I had to turn it off. I put on Alice Coltrane instead and was like....yeah this is the shit.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/gprime38 📅︎︎ Sep 29 2020 🗫︎ replies

Resident jazz nerd checking in, it was probably the version from Live at the Village Vanguard Again! Features Alice C on keys and Rashied Ali on drums so definite free era but the melody is preserved and repurposed endlessly.

Check er oot.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/noguitarsallowed 📅︎︎ Sep 29 2020 🗫︎ replies

Thats awesome, i really love my favorite things by coltrane. I feel like a lot of people try and be prude about coltrane and davis since they are some of the most popular, yet they are amazing artists and have great catalogues

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/TickingDethklok 📅︎︎ Sep 29 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Applause] why - cuz he kind of taught me how to hold the mic y'all laugh but we go back a long long time then and I'm telling you yes sir yes sir I was telling the backstage you know rise Ben I'm Miles Davis you want to talk about the epitome birth of the cool there's no other brother in the planet especially in our ranks of hip-hop man that's cool into this man doesn't put it all trying to beat anything is he is the epitome thing go go thank you for always honored to be in his presence I have my book and when I heard this book was coming out of course I rushed it didn't come out yet I was like when can I get it in the first day I saw a 4/4 I think I sent you some flicks or added a couple of our people after our neighbor watch some this for MC is the epitome and the Grell four MCS and people in hip-hop and I was telling rockin backstage you don't grab this book like this this man you kind of like take it the inspiration you know what seriously like you know told you that it was time to capsulate those words into something that people could just read well it took a while man on throughout my career a lot of people kept asking me over I should do a book I never thought I was interested enough you know me was always far from you know reality for me man but on I think through time I kind of figured out a way where I can do it tell a little bit of my story you know more than that there just tried to inspire you you know I mean if it's wrapped if it's art if it's dance if this you know whatever you're doing life just try to inspire men so that was my guideline to keeping the book interesting you know a man just you know make it about to create a process and what we all go through trying to create you know man took a wild man but it was all they were peeled it and I'm glad I did it you've done a lot of cities man so I'm pretty sure you do your book signings you're seeing a lot of people close up because you know sometimes in an audience you just see one many handling the books you see it all this come as I peer-to-peer for real what are some of the best responses that you've got with somebody like you looking directly at them they looking at you man just just hearing the love you know that people have for me you know I mean um you know you hear it after shows you know somebody come up to you or you're having a crowd but the book signings just a little more intimate man and I see people from all walks of life younger know and just to hear how much I inspire them you know I mean it keeps me going there so I think just getting that love man and and just you know we confirming that I did something good and I'm getting that justice for you know they so it's a blessing I think very few people can actually come into a genre of music and changed the way that is approached you know like Louis Armstrong did to jazz he's the first one to change the whole way that people could actually sing with the with the phrases I tell people all the time what Louis Armstrong did in the 20s - just regular singing records you did to hip hop and you taught me because I came in on some other the other day other than ever in rock him and care is one with poetry in the South Bronx he changed the whole game with tuned to records I mean change the whole game and it taught me and I had to change up my game the whole next year because this man changed and the difference was it's like cats had to run to the beat before you made the beat move - you know I think I think I contribute death to jazz man growing up you know in my house man a lot of jazz lot of jazz my mom's she's saying everything from opera to jazz played a lot of good jazz in the house but it did two things for me man one it let me know that a record don't it don't have to have vocals on it for you to fill it and you know I should sit there and it has certain songs and know exactly what they wanted me to feel like when you're not married so no one that taught me how to listen to the music and kind of create the song from that let the music take me where I'm supposed to go let the music create the staff sometimes it might be a little rhythm inside of a you know guitar like something small but I like to emphasize all for certain things if I find you know a rhythm that could create my rap flow but on that and also man time and space hip-hop is you know relatively easy you know one two three four jazz music is down - down - down - down - down - down - down I mean so I still hear that when I have one true ray oh so you know that was my way of getting inside the beats and and learning how to just again time and space how much time do I have to fit worms in a ball and I've just manipulated a space where you know I can you know four or five syllable words or you know a little more words than normal wrapper with Jools man but just knowing jazz it just made that easy for me well you know you and Eric made you know the number one song for 2030 2035 you know that you you know this follow the leader well they never bet anything that sounded like that never matter of fact the first time I heard it man I took off my hat now that's like I looked at my toes and I was like what the they're like you know how back in the day man we wanted each of us to do well that's right and you pushed us and then we push every somebody else and we pushed you in a sack and and it changed when record companies and management's got in the middle of the mix but artists the artists the thing about it we wanted to beat each other out but not with the same thing but with very unique styles right and learn from each other and morph it and then come back up and then you see that somebody else would pick up from that and be like both of us be like damn all right well done brother and that was a beautiful period man yeah no doubt man if anybody ever heard of it they called it the golden era uh-huh and all yeah man I think just wanted to be original you know I may push the envelope and like you said everybody was coming out like you can you can driving you know driving home and drive us somewhere or son somebody new solar come on oh yeah I gotta get to the studio man man I gotta get home right stuff me off it without that that was the energy we was giving each other man and everything was different but it was just you know that that creative you know energy of just you know what I want to be better than and you know not so much better than the next man but good as you can be I mean because we pushed each other and we had no choice you know I mean Public Enemy Big Daddy Kane okay I rest one you know you know all of us kind of you know kept on a to the street to see what we was going to do next and you know ran in the studio my god I gotta top that many but that's what made it to Golden Arrow and that's why we here today don't buy it yeah they're right that's it no matter you have to stay off of people's territory cuz I'll tell you this but I've said this story many times man I know you got soul came out right after the back end of the year dominates bar my melody and Eric B for president and I stared at the DJ the DJ played at nine times and I wrote it like Old Westbury Oh Westbury college I came out of there like and you know air barrier Eric B's brother was talking so much cuz we all had to say management company so our first album was kind of dated cuz back then they would kind of push your stuff back so in fact then you had to record on the moment and you know like I said this man changed the styles so I was like man we can't man we can't bring no 86 style to work in 87 and then March came and it was I know you got soul and I said that's just the greatest of all time that's like I don't even under and I was half heated half inspired and I locked myself in the crib for two days man fact Hank wanted to come Hank Shockley came to my house and said yo man take a break one you know want to play some ball and I slammed the door in his face man that's what I'm talking about man that's that's that's that like yo I gotta get the studio man I gotta I gotta make a head and I was that creative or you know that just wanting to be good man want to have a you know don't wreck it out especially after you had one at a Jewish man so it was just good to be in that era and you know when we all seen each other it was not beloved you know I mean but when we got back in the studio was like yeah baby so there's a blessing man and a blessing coming up in that era man and being able to at that time hip-hop was growing and maturing and we was able to get it at that time and kind of shaping it so you know what we call hip-hop you know live you never made them you never has made a mistake all the way up to now here's a live album oh you aren't iTunes I think in the Apple Store and I and it was like a 2011 or something like that and I'm listening and I said this degrade is hip-hop live album of all time because I've never heard you make a mistake what does that pressure man's like I mean I you know hold my god that one our mistake is it's just gonna have to roll but this man has never made a mistake for pressure on me now man hey never I mean for real it's like my mouth was open and I was like that was soul you know that question and the question is right as a high school quarterback ass talk what about yeah sure why dance a name of a town that we very familiar with from strong ally yet people still care for now I I wanted answer with it there you go my straight path for the building straight path there we go wow that's about four blocks from my balls it passed great yeah rolled up I was right there 12 then yeah that's one washington minute I hope they do now man I mean my grandparents my property and wanna dance in the 50s but they sold it by the seventies so I missed the wine dance but I'm very familiar for Roosevelt up the road but as a quarterback high school quarterback what did that do for you yeah or did you see the line as a high school quarterback and I'm not talking about Ramat your production is there is there like a lineage between the two um actually man on I should go hard with working out for the quarterback and and football and trying to you know reach the next level man I remember before the season start maybe a week or two I start running to the iSchool if I run home plus you want anybody to see you you know I mean running down the street yeah I mean you feel important like yeah they go rocket ready for the season yeah I'm it but I remember it I remember home get my little workout on I remember coming back home boxers in the kitchen so you know coming the house like yeah I was like yeah just working out dad but he was like did you run backwards tops was real like he would give me half the story all the time but he said did you work backwards like and it was always trivia sauce that day I was trying to think of the answer first wise he asked me this because I don't wanna you know sound dumb um nah dad he said you a quarterback right like it he said well how you gonna you know after you take the snap how you gonna get back to okay so I became one of the Ellis straight drive back quarterbacks in the game and the first year after he said that to me I think he sacked the whole year yeah I mean what it is you got your eyes on the whole field still run it back this way you know you can see this side you got to look this way to see that side so I'll just drive straight back I got the old Fairport pump oh so you know me just trying to you know throw throw throw to run faster you know be better you know it was mine you know thank man put on things happen for a reason quarterbacks is six seven 280 pounds so uh you know Vlad Eric be knocked on the door because I'm only five eight buck forty on a good day yeah I made so big that before a reason man but I was in love with football man just like I love music man but I really thought I was gonna be an NFL one day man but again man you know it wasn't quite big enough and every beat knocked on the door some you know better things happen there so I was also as a Long Islander it all made sense when I heard your story about microphone theme because I come from the same place and when I heard it was DJ pleasure it's like blown away cuz and we were DJs in Nassau County a pleasure I was the king of deejays in Suffolk County Long Island I made out of the two counties really four counties if you cuz Brooklyn and Kings Brooklyn is kings and that's why they got Queens right so when they talk about you know Long Island is really Brooklyn Queens Nassau and Suffolk counties well it looks like a big fish and Brooklyn Queens out to fish but at the fish head but really so when it came down to it you know um you know the particular styles that that were going around that were going around and you came up with your new style and then you just particularly you know just change that whole game of that whole particular Island and speaks a little bit about you know you're on you're great I mean you're fantastic or does that blew me away too cuz you know I made the gold pleasure and the DJ thing and the microphone fein and then also your art is brown cuz anybody know Ruth Brown died in I mean mama treat your daughter mean the woman that built Atlantic Records you know Rock and Roll Hall of Famer back then when it first started and opened up Ruth Brown how long I mean when he was coming up and you would tell people your aunts Ruth Brown did it click to them immediately over something that they gained the more and more you would tell the story because that blew me away and I know we all related to somebody but that that's royalty in the family on the top to the bottom it was on you know it was always like being a branch used to babysit so I was able to kind of you know get a bird's-eye view of how she lived and you know did I think what was what was crazy man his on how laid-back and how cool she was about it I could be over there at the house she'll have a show later on that night native relax and watch a TV like you know you never know she had a show you should never watch the TV eat slim chances no slim chance watching the stories and I'm running around snotty-nosed doing my thing commercial come on she'd jump up go grab some clothes and she had this big table with you so you don't do our office stuff she thought clothes on the table go back sit and finish lots of TV commercial come on back up she grabbed a big thing of glue just the first time I seen she grabbed big thing of glue and just the backside back down commercial cable and she wondered a grab some glitter it's one set down my pocketbook shows Hatboro which he put that on that night man look like she got that from you know the the fashion gallery down on all 7th Avenue man regular regular school when she started man when she finished it looked like she was ready for the stage man so just like just watching her mouth was always at all never knew what she was door just like just trying to wonder what shoes won't do that cool his other side of the pillow man you know I quote I try to incorporate that you know with how I do before my show you know being just try to be as relaxed as possible with it doll ball was possible and that should carry on to the stage not being so that's you know big up to my heart wolf Brown for school to me on how to do yeah big only thing I ain't throwing yeah just throw up all closed up once I'm over call that next back when she was ill managed to get a glow don't like real crazy design let it sit for but it come back take it all right but don't man don't man like the whole experience man thinking back even like you don't throw the book it was don't push you know I kind of put myself back and up chills to get that um being in the chain there's been a lot of times we don't get a chance to look back at a lot of things you know made me so busy preparing for something or concentrating on the future you know I mean so the book gave me a chance to like reminisce or a lot of things that I've been through a lot of things that I've seen by the things that I experienced man so you know a lot different did write the storm and so glad at that as a long I'm real glad I did it bad so if y'all got the book I hope y'all enjoy yeah I may not put a lot of love and time into it and AH Oregon really hope y'all enjoy one of the biggest struggles in writing the book is just letting it go yes that Nago you cuz it cuz sometimes I could be more perfect gotta be more perfect like let it go yeah but it's a real tough one but I mean this is a Holy Grail for real man and one of the stars your child in the book and it's just story your upbringing with always music in the house seeing you you know your brother Steve won on the road out first year out yeah and he was may look if you didn't say it he was telling everybody what music was yeah my brother he's you know we just like me man we love music man we squished it we sit in the room play you know certain records or you know just by about man who was sitting in a room one day playing John Coltrane my brother played the sax that's why I start playing the sax luckily my brother was lazy and he will play the sax and just put it down don't even take it apart put in the body just put it down and cut out like this trying to play the same thing he just played me my hair so anything he did I tried to do and so but we love music man analyzing that critiquing it join it whatever but one day we man man listening to John Coltrane my favorite things you know got to a certain point live joining got to a certain point and he played two notes in one time and we heard this song we used to play like you know at least once a week I mean you know it was like a ritual I can't tell you exactly what we was doing while he was listening but you know you get up in the morning you light one up and you know there but we at all the times we heard it we never caught it in the day that we that we call it we call it the same time and looked at each other like did you have must have been some good that thing look at each other like y'all did you hear that you pulled the needle back yo kept pulling it back because believe yo two notes at one time playing a saxophone is impossible every time you change your finger you change the notes so Flender play two notes at one time we was like so trying to figure that out and I take people's ideology of what they do it's probably converted in the hip-hop so now my thing is is if John Coltrane could play two notes of one at one time what could I do what would a pen in words and like and I mean like this is this is the elevators that push the envelope and and that's one of the reasons why he's drawing Coltrane you know I mean so I said well what am i bringing to the table yeah I mean I can't say two words in one time but I can do something where people say yo you know that's the next level and you don't just listen to the things like that then it kind of gave me the will to want to just don't be the best I can be you know man your words lock into your music because you understand what that music should be with your words so you just can't throw a beat and rock him and then you have to some people like all the musical sorcery to go in and make that beat do what you want to do like it's like you will make that beat do what you wanted to do and that's oh I get to the question is that well I never liked when I heard over the year years when they say oh yeah where I cam need to get away from Erik be he need better beats and I said it's not about better beats Rock him is the beat hmm you know and I always but I always just simply said hip-hop music as if they know better they couldn't come up with that so even likely the one when they say oh it's the automatic thing is Dre and Rakim and that's not necessarily like it like what a ball team you might have two all-stars doesn't necessarily mean they got chemistries right and the chemistry basically is what you could you could take but I can't go take bum bum bum and make a masterpiece out of that so I just wanted to tell you that and cats kept talking out oh look like oh wow on this there do a little something but I thought they overrated that because people didn't understand that you always gonna be the beat hmm Thank You Man I think and I think um jazzy jeff that's Will Smith - some of y'all it's covered in the boat so when I heard well do summer time I was like okay I guess the rules changed a little and you're the funny thing is man cuz I was behind in the car and a flashing through we had we had three stations back then in New York so flash it back and forth flash to one station flash stars like oh that's my I went back it was Will Smith Fozzie was bad y'all was mad as for a wild man Wow I thought you could when they did I got the power I was like yo uh yo do not do that joint hold up man yeah yeah you know I mean given your feelings when you know you sit back and create something that that you feel is is is don't and I mean and then someone come and basically do the same thing but they take all my medic and fight it fight it no biting yeah man and yeah and that was forbidden that's what was dope about that era we came up the Toolman we refused to do anything that you know the next brother was doing because that's a little bit like you know a little bit of it but you gotta get back in your skin that's right one thing I'm also your book very clarifies is that you know a lot of times people see your do write a book and the stereotype of the family is always the stereotype but you you know your families are straight up mom dad did they thing kids grow up they dig dang solid dope family unit you know and you the youngest I guess right yeah so so yeah so you got you just got the tree got it all it all pulled down on me rolled up you know definitely like I definitely learned a lot from each one of each and every one of my brothers and sisters man you don't they wasn't watching me or you know babysitting me all you know I mean if I wasn't blackmailing them you know little did you know I definitely um you know learned a lot man till to the point where you know growing up and becoming a young man I look back at a lot of things that you know he taught me man and helped me you know it's the way I was going on you know whatever the case is missile you know I've been blessed man do you feel that did you feel their presence when you do rock him let me tell you you get Rocky able to do an interview man you better be you've got to be special I mean I feel special right here right so hope well one thing you always had one thing I always had in check man that he always look they gonna talk to Ron he's gonna think he's gonna you know think five times before he talk and he's gonna always just leave some jewels for people when they listen and always like I guess you always just always thought about well your family could be looking at you today show do so right and again coming up around my pops I think since a young age he was always you know trivia a type you know always made me think that and I think that kind of pulled off and and I kind of that's my method to I like people to think to me I mean um I remember the craziest thing my pops dead to me you know I ain't I ain't get it to I grew up young K running around ice cream truck used to come down the block four or five times a day the same truck same block for five pounds of day went up to my pasta boxes it's my scream I got about 10 15 people will be don't yummy box look at me give me them look like got me on the spot cuz you know I mean usually I would have told you no but there you go later on that day trucks come back the pop could I get a little more money for I said now I've got about 20 people with ice look at me like you gotta be kidding gave me some more money true story later on that day about four or five o'clock I scream chuckling come back so I wanted to go down to the corner store you Dad can I get a couple dollars I want to go down to the corner store gave me the look got about 15 people looking gave me another 20 he's a you gonna squeeze the green off it gave me a look so I looked up I grabbed it almost balled it up I thought he meant don't lose it fold it up in my hand walk to the store clear despite out through the 20 I'm gonna count at me and all my dogs be left not a penny son just thought I did good I had my son same thing one there's ice cream shop 10 times 10 times a day of another block my son got about 30 little kids for the layout there's football basketball just they all come your dad ice cream shop so about the third time when he did it to me I started catching flashbacks I said yo here you go squeeze the grain offering I should hit me boom my pasta me don't lose it don't spin it over yeah I'm in but pops you know I'm a he'll leave me like that though here tell me something just leave me hanging up sitting there like but um he definitely kind of you know got me buddy man for what I'm doing at a band that's making people think I'm a segue right it's a song that uh you know I lost my dad you know four years ago and that's the natural transitional lifestyle you lose a parent yeah yeah but I cried and this is a rare thing when you hear a hip-hop song rap song whatever and it draws the emotion out of you tell us about the song you talk about your late parents and I played on my radio show and uh you know I've been told this is my brother a man on my past passed away 88 you know I'm still still a young kid man you know just it was rough because I was won't talk I'd have that quality time to spend with so I felt I felt a little bitter towards hip-hop when he passed I didn't want to rap line went ahead right I cancelled the tour remember we're supposed to go to Africa I cancelled the tour like I said man I didn't want to I didn't want around money when it beats I don't want a hip hop I listen to artists for like two three weeks straight and that was Bob James no one listened Miles Davis which is which is broke you know that's like the only songs they made sense you know to me at that time but um a couple weeks went by and friends was telling me though is just brothers trying to get in touch with you got some beats for you it's about the time yeah I I'll get out see a brother couple yellows brother you said he got some joints for you ride and I mean yeah a problem I'm out so one day I'm going down to the store and his wife approaches me so you know y'all pay a little attention to my wife you know approaching my husband's trying to get in touch it - he got something for you like oh this is real so I took the number gave my man to call you know he's like yeah man you know I do beats I'm just a beast with home casanova rough super super love a suit oh there's some toys for that man I got some beets and I mean you might you might like something I I come to know come to the crib he invited me to his house so I get up in the house and you had a nice room all four walls and record shelves on so we walk in and the first thing I notice is every record got the plastic cover mint condition I'm already jealous I got my records shit's Africa covers is missing that's to have two covers got wet from the flood last year I see my everything mid condition so I'm like I might be in the right place he sat down first rector he played let's go she songs are these ones it came home and I was i okay okay he's trying to get back at it yeah I mean that record just like it it made me feel like I now got reason to wrap that makes sense I made and if i'ma say something it'll be on that beat not me so I was able to long kind of get back in my bag you know after going through that man it was even you know that were pure like I've mentioned my father in the record you know I mean just I'm glad I listened when my father was rapping something you know I mean but that was my way of getting back in and you know I know that's what he wanted me to do you know I mean work that was my way of all get back in and get back on my bed and and I saw you you did on your recent album you know about your parents yeah I did a song got my mom mom passed away 2005 and all told me up there and I did the song you know what was so crazy about that did the song I could even listen to yeah but when you know like my parents had such a you know profound impact on my life man it's like to this day I still look you know for the improvement will not do some livers you know teaching my kid something if it's handling something in a certain way you know you know if it's music you know I mean I hope they listening and open that yeah I mean so to me you know they still they still around me and I still look for the consent than anything I do this always just it keeps me on focus to please me focus I mean you a brother than a pretty epitomizes like let the rhythm hit him because you don't really go to no kind of schedules that would never know I rock him album is like a comet passing you know I made the 18th letter and then that passed around and then one of my favorite rock him album that y'all need to support you know with holy all you wanted you know you know and that you broke and I played the hell that and other poke for those albums and so a lot of times when you were a sister and you can mold it all that people's like yeah I got this and I got this albums and I think what hip-hop needs to recognize is that a lot of your greatest work you know several sido it's it's an untouchable record man and and hip-hop we talk about people that sleep on records but we need more administrators curators you know scientists teaching the schools and because there's a it's already out there so a school could be could get taught just on breaking down to several seals fantastic album cover mmm holy are you your mom you doubt that Isaac Hayes out because your mom's had that back in the day every - come downstairs that's the first thing I used to see Isaac a saying they like this come down the stairs always got what I like for chairman it's um you know just trying to paint that vision ain't that pitching and you know sometimes you know with like the Seventh Seal there's no song on there called seven cell just named album so we wanted to try to explain as much as we could on the cover as well then but on again man thought provoking I wanted people to understand what the SEVIS sales was and you know hopefully somebody would research it I think revelations in the Bible is one of the most important chapters in there because it has to do it now and I'm just trying to we don't make people just again go out research it so you know that we aware of what's going on it's definitely taking place right now so good time then it's real complicated revelations took me about I read it about six times it's still quite them you know I don't understand it you know but this is something that we definitely need to read and it'll show us what's going on and answer some questions and kind of let us know what to look out for which is where the border revelations y'all do y'all do you get tired of people asking you questions like what do you think of hip-hop now yeah is it you know madness it's annoying you know I mean it's it's like it's almost like a setup I'll be feeling like a setup like some michael the TMZ gonna pop out on you though wise you always actually be that bad but on I think I think hip-hop is traveling and it's going at different cities man in different places and they they get a hold of it and they try to express it you know the best way they can when he was young in the Bronx it was head David every hip hip hopper you know of it and you know you think of that done it's like what the is heaven it was young Namie so hopefully you know that it'll grow and in a lot of the places where it's young down there hopefully it'll mature man but I'm proud of it came a long way it's lucrative and leveland honest it's considered a genre now so you don't proud of it you know I just hope that it you know again matures in a lot of ways we we definitely getting beat up for creative content that we putting out on a lot of these records man but hopefully it'll get better and again you know what sure you know and a lot of the places with you know that's the way I like to explain it instead of some of this is wax but you're not be politically correct either with the yeah just you know hit up it David okay do you think a good a good barometer like sometimes somebody might ask me and I and they'll ask me about error and I said look man it's not about comparing to the to the goddamn see cuz you just can't do that I mean that's my personal opinion but I say I tell people I said well look if you RM seeing you on the stage and you don't see the difference between the stage and the audience and you don't turn your own crowd out then I don't think I don't I don't think you rank it I mean if you don't but it might because the baby thing sort of like flooded a lot more but when cats are you they quit because I mean cuz they you know it was almost like you know Rock Rogers slowed everything down to him so it looked easy but then you can't you can't come in unstudied and you can't come in not understanding that you have to have Polly rhythms to see him it seems simple but he got Polly rhythms going on so and then he got tonality and all this stuff going on so it seem easy but it's almost like a boxer that it looks like easy to hit but you never even hit them you know so that's why I always try to tell somebody like yo man if you can't turn your own audience out and they feel that they could do what you could do easily then that's the about barometer and so when somebody ask you about them and say well if they sending people home shaking their heads man and then why are we talking about them and and I just one thing about the golden era you shake your hand be like y'all I think I go to the lab or I gotta give this up man cause then it's too incredible and so again so that's that's pretty much it at any time you step to the mic when they call you the greatest MC of all time and sometimes they switch it up ki wrestling you know but to them of you I mean cocaine up in the mix but it has to feel good like you the top three times five and stuff like that do you understand when you see young people or young MCS or I mean 30 and under right do they really understand what that means because it's like look everybody today regardless whatever they want to say they want to do this you in the house might be cooking some eggs or whatever do it like like your auntie roof down a snag another Slim finish they come in and see you know pop duo COO you know I mean it got to be amazing because at the end of the day just do it in the kitchen is the greatest MC of all time Mitchell trans man you know I got it I got it you know check myself man you know what I mean it's this song it's a blessing man like you know the accolades it's one thing where you know you said you the best but it's a whole different thing with anybody else do and you know and and you know luckily I was able to kind of use it as a fuel people used to say oh they ain't done a lot of pressure I should say y'all rather have that accolade than none or even you know less than that you know what I mean so it always inspired me and always just tried to you know I try to you know reach that level that they was giving me you know what I mean so they kept me on my toes man so no pressure no pressure watch a man just saw it's definitely a blessing man to be able to you know impact the game and to get you know praise like that I kind of spoken in the fruition I always said loads even better than the rest of them and you know I mean things like that but I had no idea that you know that phrase advocate said from the public emcees up in alive I was frying now oh I was hoping I would you know be somewhat good one day man but that was you know my alter ego you know telling me hey man you do whatever you want man this kid ain't better than you you better than that you you know I mean but a good writer you know needs that man you know I mean so my alter ego definitely uh wrote a bunch of songs and probably heard a couple of people feelings well the way we saluted that man had helped enough to break New York from stroke you know yeah that was big for us yeah I had to let him know I'd let him know a lot of times people talk about hip hop and you know they talk about Manhattan Brooklyn Queens or they had their thing Arad was that the beginning of putting Long Island on the map and and and it was heavy competition we had yeah yo it was you come out to Long Island it was it was it was it was a forest fire man that's right well we felt proud that Rob was the first that really seriously significantly said look man this is the epicenter of what this is all about more books more books you know you could just have a book with just all your lyrics hey you ain't gonna front man by the time I got half week done I started having fun with the man and before you know it I started and she did like Joel laughs for poor - man like yo we got room and just throw that in the back cover managers talk that put a little wall you know book book savers and page save as a in there cuz I was trying to put as much info as possible in a book man I kept some things kept some things back man hopefully the next couple years man I can do another one and kind of take down this to the next level you know what they say now now we're 2020 the decade of clarity and hindsight is that uh once you got that book then comes that biopic yeah man you know and thinking about that too man that'll be dope I think that'll be dope man I kind of I would like to see mom you know world or my life depicted on TV you know I mean I'm interested I you know I've been you know on the inside so I could be on the outside looking at now I want to see you know what I did you know I'm a modest dude that's right nothing okay I'll try not to think about the too much man so I need to see this and I know it's rare the beautiful thing man it's saluting when we know a king when the king is a canyon we ain't got no problem that real man ain't got no problem with that not thank you I think man this man this man helped for me to do what I do he lives from coming up and watching them and the tripped-out thing looks like he came in he was like 10 years younger than me he came he was still in high school I was an old man in second half that's like Oh cuz you know yeah yeah like a demeanor like he was 31 yeah I'm the way that she came from talking like you 31 oh yeah man I think you know coming up man you had to kind of learn fast you know what you know it wasn't from the city but um it's from a nice little hood man and I guess cuz it was love I guess what you call a small neighborhood I was literally raised by our village you know I mean like I couldn't go down the street without one of my brother's friends one of my sister's friends my father's old my mother's beat you know I mean he couldn't do nothing yeah I know you I know your pops better guy get off this corner for me I mean so you couldn't do nothing out there man and the jewels was daily nah man you know you walk down the street something happen somebody say something to you I mean so a lot of people out there man that I love and respect and and you know I definitely know the feeling when you know it you know and I know that's what's missing now they know that a lot of kids may need there was a lot of love in the hood you know I mean and it seemed like you know people cared for people I mean the you know without crazy at times man but for the most part being that it was a small neighborhood you know my big brother's friend gonna make sure I'm good you know me my sister's friend gonna make sure I'll get a snap if I'm hungry Nepal I mean so you know it I definitely took advantage of you know being out there and being you know close without people out there well I'm a radical advisor brother and you not just you know there for me rather yeah and I just think that uh straight piped straight path just too long because there was a lazy way to neighborhood street I was up yeah it needs to be rockin Avenue right now right basically you need to take that straight to the town that's the thing out there god help they gave me a Street out there man but I think I need to I need straight path I was born he's straight path I did a lot did a lot of things out there some so bad but mostly good so they ought to be dope all the years we'll take it all now be from what's that master people all the way down to dip all right well now let me hold that now be whatnot hey push it it music around corner yeah um I'm actually having a studio built right now I just moved two years ago you know had two studio in the house for a while man and it kind of got complacent you know me get up in the morning go down your boxes and your wife beat on and you sit there for a minute you know I mean I need to get up take a shower go out the house like I'm going to work now me so I built this tool your way on the other side of the yard yeah I'm a so I feel like I'm going to work and yeah baby so I'm definitely working on some bands y'all couldn't even imagine this year right for real y'all got this urban pitch in your head man yeah forget it man is I'm looking forward to it make us some music man I think it's just this point in my life like like like what's dope about being all these fans the more you know the more you learn the more creative you get I wrote a lot of albums where you nice to see you know I didn't I didn't write half the that uh that I wrote I had help you know what I mean you know some people call it that half of it writes itself it is exactly that I mean that all define consciousness like you know I think a couple times I might have tapped into a couple of things but um you don't get there you don't get there often yeah but then don't last for long rolled up and you you got it you got it you know suck it up when you do get in there and absorb it but um I think at this point in my life man back then I had to think about it figure it out researches and then write it I think I'm at the point now where I don't have to do you know as much research so I'm looking forward man to sitting down and writing some rounds and you know doing another album so I hope y'all you know not only enjoy this book what a joy this out I'm done working over that last couple questions right he's also ideas the yard at first here you ever think about your next book just doing an acapella album cuz you you to do that they want to put like a trillion beats behind cuz I know you put an ad of eight million beat makers over the last thirty years like your rock to do this before you know you let that's a good idea and it'll be it'll be interesting the head you know like some of the beats to come back you know I mean you know there'd be a lot of garbage oh yes a lot of trash up but there'll be a select few what you listening is that that's good out there there may be a maybe I'll do that I don't know if I'll do a new acapella joint maybe one of my old joints just do old put it out let them enjoy yes of course I caught you a couple towers of social media I only do Twitter so sometimes you know the thing that I said well see Rafi and on social media but they gotta be ways that people who averaged person could get in top contact which you stay up with all your stuff you just be part of whatever you got to give out so do you have anything that people could go to witness Oh where's my manager ID and all my sources means nothing with Chris Matthews standup it with Wiz map do Kent Batman she says it okay oh yeah haha what else she beat the CB probably no - I think it's Brock him the goddamn seal on Twitter a mass media page bro got a few I'm trying to do so you should know this - yes there's no social media pages were kind of all over the place so on Facebook it was rock him a lot so Facebook talk on rock have a lot on Instagram it was official rock ever LA and on Twitter it was official rock him so we changed it all up thanks to your son Tom now and now everything's migrating over to just the god rock Kim's Facebook this that ever got covered because that's easier for me to remember them the god Rob Kim we don't run with that one without one at home sign up for that one because I wasn't quite as many as everything else yes hi I won't need you no more for that question man oh man man they should ice my bad back hey y'all make some noise as I raise the mic to the god MC vacuum Thank You from their basic Deutsche Bahn batch update please go go appreciate your Big Town bro all right you
Channel: sitesantafe
Views: 50,660
Rating: 4.9551659 out of 5
Id: pMeBCQX81Dc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 32sec (3572 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2020
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