An Evening with Edgar Allan Poe - Starring Vincent Price

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This is fantastic!

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/IronSloth 📅︎︎ Sep 21 2013 🗫︎ replies

Thank you for my nights entertainment :)

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/KCosmo 📅︎︎ Sep 22 2013 🗫︎ replies

That's incredible. I wish he would've done Kafka, too.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/lola21 📅︎︎ Sep 24 2013 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/quothetheraven79 📅︎︎ Feb 08 2014 🗫︎ replies
you you true nervous very very dreadfully nervous I had been an AM but why would you say that I am mad the disease had sharpened my sense is not destroyed not dulled them above all was the sense of hearing acute I've heard all things in the heaven and in the earth I heard many things in Hell how then am I mad hearken and observe how how healthily how calmly I I can tell you the whole story it is impossible to say how how first the idea entered my brain but once conceived it it haunted me day and night object there was none passion there was none I love the old man he had never wronged me he had never given me insult for his gold I had no desire I think it was his yes it was this one of his eyes resemble that of a vulture of a pale blue eye hey with the film over it whenever it fell upon me my blood ran cold and so by degrees very gradually I made up my mind to take the life of the old man thus to read myself of the I left now this is the point you fancy me mad mad man though nothing but you should have seen me you should have seen how wisely I proceeded with what caution with what foresight I was never kinder to the old man than during the whole week before I killed him and every night about midnight I turned the latch of his door and I open oh so gently and then when I had made an opening sufficient for my head I put in a dark Lantern all close close so that no lights on out and then I thrust in my head ahoo you would have laughed to see how cunningly I thrust it in very slowly very very slowly so that I might not disturb the old man's Street it took me an hour to place my whole head within the opening so far that I could see was he laid on his pit now what a madman of him so wise is this and then when my head was well in the room I undid the man so cautiously i undid it just so much that a single thin ray fell upon the bow try this I did for seven long nights every night at midnight but I found the eye always closed so it was impossible to do the work but it was not to go mad vexed me but is evil eye and every morning when the day broke I I went boldly into the chamber and spoke courageously to him calling him by name in a hearty tone and inquiring how he had passed the night so you see he would have been a very profound old man indeed to suspect that every night just at 12 I looked in upon him while he slept upon the eighth night I I was more than usually cautious in opening the door a watch's minute hand moves more quickly than did mine never before that night that I felt the extent of my own powers I I could scarcely contain my feelings of triumph I had my head in the room and was about to open the lantern when my son slipped on the tin fastening at the old man sprang up in the bed crying out who's there I kept quite still and said nothing for a whole hour I did not move a muscle in the meantime I did not hear him lie down he was still sitting up in the bed listening presently I heard a slight glow net I knew it was the groan of long drawn-out mortal terror it was not a groan of pain or of grief oh no no it was the low stifled sound that arises from the bottom of the soul and overcharged with awe I knew the sound well many a night just at midnight when all the world selected it whirled up from my own bosom deep in with its dreadful echo the terrors that distracted me I say I I knew it well I I knew what the old man felt and I pitied him although I chuckled art III knew that he had been lying awake ever since the first slight noise when he had turned in the bed his fears it an ever since growing upon him he had been trying to fancy them causeless but could not he had been saying to himself it's nothing but the wind and the chimney it's only a mouse crossing the floor it is merely a cricket which is made of a single chirp yes is he been trying to comfort himself with these suppositions but he had found it all in vain because death stopped with his black shadow before him and in left of it he felt the presence of my head within the room and I had waited a long time very patiently without hearing him lie down I resolved to open a little and very worried little crevice in the lantern so I opened it oh you cannot imagine how stealthily until it length a single dim ray like the thread of a spider shot for them out the crevice and full upon the boat should I it was open wide wide open and I grew furious as I gazed upon it I thought with perfect distinctness all a dull blue with a hideous veil over it the chill the very marrow of my bones nothing else you ran space a person for I had elected to raise as if by instinct precisely on the damn stock now have I not told you that what you mistake for madnesses but over over a cuteness of the senses now I say there came to my ears a low dull quick sound such as a watch makes when enveloped in cotton I knew that sound well - it was the beating of the old man's heart it increased my fury as the beating of a drum stimulates the soldier to courage but even yet I refrained and kept still I scarcely breathed in time the hellish tattoo of the heart increased it grew quicker and quicker and quicker and louder and louder every instant the old man's terror must have been extreme it louder I say louder every moment do you mark me well I have told you that I am nervous so I am and now it's dead hour of the night amid the dreadful silence of this old house so strange a noise is this excited me to uncontrollable terror yet for some minutes longer I refrained and stood still at the peak loud loud I thought the heart must burst and now a new anxiety seized me that the sound would be heard by a neighbor the old man saw or had come with a loud yell I into the Robo machine sure hey once only once in an instant I dragon to the floor composed in battle burden laughs I bet smiled gaily to find the deed so far done 30 minutes ha ha beat on with a muffled sound still this did not fix me it would not be heard through the hall and then at last ceased the old man was dead I removed the mantle examined the corpse yes yes he was stone stone dead I placed my hand upon the heart and held it there for many minutes there was no pulsation he was stone dead his I would trouble me no more now if you still take me mad you would think so no longer when I describe the wise precautions I took for the concealment of the body first I dismembered the corpse I cut off the head and then the arms in the legs I then took up three planks from the flooring of the chamber and I deposited all beneath the floor I then replaced the board's so cleverly so cunningly that no human eye not even his detected anything wrong there was nothing to wash out no stain of any kind no blood spot whatsoever I had pee too weary for that a table had caught it all it and then when I had made an end of these Labor's it was four o'clock still dark is midnight as the bell sounded there came a knocking at the street door I went down to open who are the light heart for what did I now to fear their end could three men who introduced themselves with perfect suavity officers of the police at shriek had been heard by a neighbor during the night suspicion of foul play had been aroused and they the officer had been dispatched to search the premises I smiled for what did I to fear I've had the gentleman welcome the shrink I said was my own in a dream the old man I mentioned was absent in the country I took my visitors all over the house and IBAD them searched and searched well I led them at length to his chamber I showed them his treasures secured undisturbed in the enthusiasm of my confidence I I brought chairs into the room and desired them here to rest from their fatigues well I myself in the wild audacity of my perfect triumph placed my own seat upon the very spot beneath which reposed the corpse of the victim the officers were satisfied my manner had convinced him I was singularly at ease they sat and while I am so cheerily they chanted familiar things but ere long I felt myself getting pale and I wished them gone my head ached and I fancied a ringing in my ears still they sat and he chatted the ringing became more distinct I talked more freely to get rid of the feeling but it continued and gained definitiveness until it length I I found that the noise was not within my ears it was a low dull quick sound such as such a sound as a watch makes gelatin cotton cast for breath get the offices who did not I talked more quickly more vehemently but the noise steadily increased I arose and I I argued about trifles but the noise increased steadily why would they not be gone I paced the floor to and fro with heavy strides as it excited to fury by the observation of the men but the noise steadily increased oh god what could I do I phoned I raved I swore I swung the chair by which I had been sitting writing it upon the boards but the noise rose above all it grew loud louder and still the men chatted pleasantly and smile was it possible that they heard not oh mighty God no no they heard they suspect plain you they were making a mark I can bear those hypocritical smiles no longer I felt that I'm a screamer die now again Hawk louder louder louder louder villains dissemble no mejor I admit the deed tear up the price there is some peeking of his hideous during the threat reign of cholera in New York I had accepted the invitation of a relative to spend a fortnight with him here in the retirement of his cottage on the banks of the Hudson we should have passed the time pleasantly enough but for the fearful news which reached as every morning from the populous city another day elapsed which did not bring us intelligence of the decease of some acquaintance we Kemble dat the approach of every messenger the very air from the city seemed to us redolent with death I could neither speak faint no dream of anything else my host was of a less excitable temperament to the realities of terror he was sufficiently alive but of its shadows he had no apprehension I was not so fortunate and the palsy fears of evil and death had taken possession of my soul my state of mind had been well primed for the terrifying incident which soon took place near their clothes of an exceedingly warm day I was alone sitting with a book in hand at this window commanding through a long Vista of the riverbanks of view of a distant Hill the face of which nearest my position had been denuded by a landslide of the principal portion of its trees my thought said being long wandering from the volume before me to the gloom and desolation of the neighbouring city of lifting my eyes from the page they fell upon the naked face of the hill and upon an object upon some living monster of hideous conformation which very rapidly made its way from the summit to the bottom disappearing finally in the dense forest below is this creature first came in sight I I doubted my own sanity in many minutes passed before I I succeeded in convincing myself that I was neither mad nor in a dream estimating the size of the creature I concluded it to be far larger than any ship of the line in existence I say ship the line to cause the shape of the monster suggested the idea the hull of one of our battleships might convey a very tolerable conception of the general outline the mouth of the animal was situated at the end of a chew some sixty or seventy feet in length and about as thick as the body of an ordinary elephant near the root of this trunk was an immense quantity of black shaggy hair more than could have been supplied by the coats of a score of Buffalo and projecting from this hair downwardly and laterally sprang to good-evening tusks not unlike that of the wild boar but of infinitely greater dimension the body was fashioned like a wedge with a point or the Earth from it they were outspread two pairs of wings each wing nearly 100 yards in length one pair being placed above the other and all thickly covered with metal scales each scale apparently some ten or twelve feet in diameter but the chief peculiarities of this horrible thing was the representation of a death's-head which covered nearly the whole surface of its breasts and which was as accurately traced in glaring light upon the dark round of the body as if it had been carefully designed by an artist while I regarded this terrifying animal and more especially the appearance on its breast with a feeling of horror and all I perceived the huge jaws at the extremity of the Trump suddenly expand themselves and from them there proceeded to sound so loud and so expressive of woe struck upon my nerves like an L as the monster disappeared at the foot of the hill I fell almost fainting to the flow on recovering my first impulse was to inform my friend of what I had seen and heard and I can scarcely explain what feeling of repugnance it was which in the end operated to prevent me a blink one evening some three or four days after the occurrence we were sitting together in this room in which I had seen the apparition I occupying the same seat at the same window and he lounging in this chair here by the association of the place and time suddenly impelled me to give him an account of the phenomenon he hired me to the end at first he laughed heartily and then he lapsed into an excessively grave demeanor as if my insanity was a thing beyond suspicion at this instant I again had a distinct view of the monster to which with a shout of absolute terror I now directed his attention look look he looked eagerly but maintained that he saw nothing although I designated minutely the course of the creature as it made its way down the naked face of the hill I was now immeasurably alarmed for I considered a vision either as an omen of my death or worse as a forerunner of an attack of madness I threw myself passionately Bakula in the window Seaton and for some moments I buried my face in my hand my host however had in some degree resumed the calmness of his demeanor and questioned me very rigorously in respect to the confirmation of the visionary creature when I had fully satisfied him on this head he sighed deeply as if relieved of something tolerable burden and then he stepped to the bookies and brought forth one of the ordinary synopsis of natural history he then requested me to exchange seats with him he took my places window and opening the book resumed his discourse but for your minut as he said in describing the monster I might never have had it in my power to demonstrate to you what it was in the first place let me read to you a schoolboy account of the chedi sphinx of the family Crepuscule area of the class of insects are or insects the account runs us for membranous wings covered with little colored scales of metallic appearance mouth forming a roll - produced by an elongation of the jaws upon the sides of which are found the rudiments of mandibles and downy kalfa abdomen pointed the deaths headed the deaths headed Sphinx has occasioned much terror among the unlearned by the melancholy kind of cry which it others had the insignia of death which it wears upon its corset he closed the book and leaned back in the seat placing himself accurately in the position which I had occupied at the moment of beholding the monster there it is exclaimed his reoffending the face of the hill and a very remarkable creature I admit it to be till it is by no means so large or so distant as you had imagined it for the fact is that as it wriggles its way up this thread which some spider is wrought along the window sash I find it to be about the sixteenth of an inch in its extreme length and also about the sixteenth of an inch distance from the pupil of my eyes the thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as best I could but when he ventured upon insult I vowed revenge now you who so well know the nature of my soul will not suppose however that I gave utterance to a threat at length I would be avenged I would not only punish but punish with impunity it must be understood that neither by word or deed and I given Fortunato cause to doubt my good will I continue to smile in his face but they did not perceive that my smile now was at the thought of his emulation he had a weak point is Fortunato although in other regards he was a man to be respected and even feared he prided himself in his connoisseurship of wife I was skillful in the Italian villages myself and fought largely whenever I could it was about dusk one evening during the supreme madness of the Carnival season that I encountered my friend he accosted me with excessive warmth for he had been drinking much and the man wore the costume of the Jester he had on tights and his head was surmounted by the conical cap and bells I was so pleased to see him that I thought I should never have done with wringing his hand I said to him my dear Fortunato you are luckily met up remarkably where you are looking today oh I have received a keg of what passes for Amontillado and I have my doubts how said he a monkey out of a cask impossible and in the middle of the carnival but well I have my doubts and I was silly enough to pay the full amount er no price without consulting you in the matter you were not to be found and I was fearful of losing a bargain Amontillado Amontillado yes as you are engaged I am on my way to meet Luce see if anyone has a critical and it is he he will tell me lute says he cannot tell Amontillado from sherry and yet some fools will have it that his taste is a match for your own come let us go to your vaults oh my friend no I will not impose upon your good nature I perceive you have an engagement Luce see I have no engagement come my friend no it is not the engagement but the severe cold with which I perceive you are afflicted the bulbs are insufferably damp they are encrusted with mold letters though nevertheless the cold is merely nothing huh Amontillado you have been imposed upon as for Luce see he cannot distinguish sherry from Amontillado the speaking Fortunato possessed himself of my arm I putting on a mask of black silk and drawing a cape closely about my person suffered him to hurry me to my flats up oh there were no attendants at home they had absconded to make merry long the time I took from their sconces to torches and give one to Fortunato bout him through several Suites of rooms to the archways that led into the vaults i passed down a long and winding staircase requesting him to be cautious as he followed we came at length to the foot of the descent and stood together on the tenth ground of the catacombs of the monstrous also my family the gate of my friend was unsteady and the bells on his gestures cat jingle disease stroke where is the cash it is far on but observe the white web work which means from these cavern walls Oh Oh moe yet how long have you had that talk my poor friend found it impossible to reply for many men it is nothing nothing come we will go back your health is precious you are rich respected admired beloved you are a man to be missed for me it is no matter we will go back you will be ill and I cannot be responsible besides there isn't chasing in arson or the party Tamir nothing it will not kill me I shall not die of a coffin true true and indeed I had no intention of a Dom and you are necessarily but you should use all proper caution i draw to this Madoc will defend us against the death here I knocked off the neck of a bottle which I drew from a long low of his fellows that lay upon the mould Frank I said presenting him the wine he raised it to his lips with a sneer he paused and nodded to me familiar late while his bells jingle I drank to the bare aid that who opposed around and I to look long life care he again took my arm and we proceeded the wine sparkled in his eyes and the bells jingled my own fancy grew worn with the made of weird pass through walls of piled bones with castes and functions into mingling into the inmost recesses of the catacombs I paused again and this time made both to cease Fortunato by an arm come hold you see it increases it hangs like moths upon the walls you can though the rivers bed the drops of moisture trickle among the bones come we will go back here it is too late your call it is nothing left us go on let us proceed to the Amontillado is he leaned heavily upon my arm we continued our route in search of the Amontillado we passed through a range of no arches descended passed on and descending again arrived to the deep crypt in which the wholeness of the air caused our torches to glow rather than flame at the most remote end of the creek there appeared another room less spacious its walls had been lined with human remains piled to the vault overhead in the fashion of the great catacombs of Paris three sides of this interior crypt was still augmented in this manner from the fourth the bones had been thrown down and lay in a mound from the earth within the wall thus exposed by the displacing of the bones we perceived a still interior recess in depth about four feet in width three and height six or seven cut into the solid great proceed Furion is the Amontillado as for luce see he is an ignoramus he stepped unsteadily forward while I followed immediately at his heels in an instant he had reached the extremity of the niche and finding his progress arrested by the rocks stood stupidly bewildered in the surface of the granite there happened to be two iron staples from one depended a short chain from the other of padlock it was but the work of a few seconds to throw the Lynx about his waist and secure he was too much astounded to resist withdrawing the key eyes back from recess pass your hand over the wall Fortunato you cannot help but feel the mold indeed it is very damp once more let me implore you to return No then I must positively leave you but I must first render you all the little attentions in my power there Montreal no true the Amontillado as I said these words I busied myself among the pile of bones of which I have spoken throwing them aside I soon uncovered a quantity of building stone and mortar with these materials and with the aid of a trowel I began vigorously to wall up the entrance of the niche I scarcely laid the first year of the masonry when I discovered that the intoxication of Fortunato had in a great measure worn off the earliest indication I had of this was a low moaning cry from the depth of the recess it was not the cry of a drunken man then there was a long and obstinate silence I laid the second tier and the third and the fourth and then I heard the Furious vibrations of the chain the noise lasted for several minutes during which that I might hearken to it with the more satisfaction I I ceased my neighbors and sat down upon the bones when at last the clacking subsided I resumed the trowel and finished without interruption the fifth the sixth and the seventh tier the wall was now nearly upon the level with my breast I again paused and holding the torch over the mason work through a few feeble rays upon the figure within a succession of loud and shrill screams bursting suddenly from the throat of the chain form seemed to thrust me violently back for a brief moment I hesitated I tremble then I placed my hand upon the solid fabric of the catacombs and felt satisfied I reapply to the yells of him who clamor diarrhea cold I hated I surpassed him in volume and in strength I did this and the clamor uh grew still it was now midnight and my task was drawing to a close I had completed the eighth and ninth and the tenth dear I have finished a portion of the last the eleventh have remained about a single stone to be fitted and plastered in I struggled with its weight I I placed it partially in its destined position but now there came from out the niche though laughs that erected the hairs upon the back of my neck a very good joke indeed an excellent chest we will have many rich laugh about it at the Palazzo over our wine hahahahaha the Amontillado ha ha ha Monte our dough but it is it not getting late will they not be waiting for us at the Palazzo the lady Fortunato and the rest let it be gone yes let us be gone yes for the love of God won't you not but to these words I hearkened in vain for a reply I grew impatient I I called aloud Fortunato Fortunato no answer still like I thrust a torch through the remaining aperture and let it fall within they came forth in return only a jingling of the bells my heart grew sick on account of the dampness of the catacombs I hate them to make an end of my labour I I all the last stone into its position I plastered it up Kingston you masonry I erected the old rampart of Bones for the half of a century no mortal has disturbed them in torture a twister I was sick sick unto death with that long agony I felt that my senses were leaving me the direct sentence of death was the last distinct phrase which reached my ears after that the voices of the Inquisition judges seem to merge in one dreamy indeterminant hum I saw the lips of the black-robed judges white and thin even to grotesqueness writhing with their deadly locution fashioning the syllables of my name the decree of death by torture then the blackness loomed close up against my skin snuffing out even the even whiteness of those damning lips driving all sensibility into retreat in a man rushing to centers of the soul in the Hades in silence and stillness and night were the universe had swooned yet shadows of memory reflectively upon the inner walls of my mind shadows of all figures that lifted and bore me down down to a place of madness and deafness and silence silence then always max I would not open my eyes I felt that I lay upon my back on bound I I reached out my hand and it fell heavily upon something damp and hard I long yet dared not to employ my vision it was not that I feared to look upon things horrible that I grew aghast lest there should be nothing to see at length with a wild desperation at heart I I could be unclothed my eyes I were startin the blackness of eternal night encompassed me I struggled for breath the intensity of the darkness seemed to oppress and stifle me transporation burst from every pore and stood in big cold beads on my forehead I thrust my arms wildly above and around me clawing grasping reaching for something either damnable or saving but something nothing the agony of suspense grew intolerable and so I rose cautiously I stepped forward my I straining from their sockets in hope of catching some faint ray of light but the blackness was still a disguise until finally a wall smooth slimy cold a wall I followed it up stepping with all that careful distrust inspired by the thousand big Romans of the horrors of later finally I took courage I I resolved quit the wall and to cross the enclosure in has to make the line as possible the floor was treacherous with slime I advanced cautiously some pen or 12 paces in this manner when suddenly I I stumbled and fell violently on my face the confusion attending my fall I I did not immediately apprehend a somewhat startling circumstance it was this my chin rested upon the floor of the prison but my lips in the upper portion of my head touch nothing the same time my forehead seemed bathed in a clammy vapor and the peculiar smell of decayed fungus arose to my nostrils I had fallen at the very brink of a secular pit groping about the masonry just below the margin I succeeded in dislodging a small fragment and did it fall into the abyss maybe many seconds I waited and hearken to its reverberations as it dashed against the sides of the chasm in its descent at length there was a sullen plunge into water succeeded by loud echoes the same moment there came a sound resembling a quick opening of a door overhead what a faint gleam of light flashed suddenly through the gloom they suddenly faded away shaking in every limb i I groped my way back to the wall resolving there to perish rather than risk the terrors of the pit agitation of spirit kept me awake for many long hours but at length I fell into a deep slumber upon arriving I found that objects around me were visible a wild sulfurous lustre by that I was unable to see the extended aspect of the prison but I had taken for masonry see now to be iron in huge plates figures of hideous things in aspects of Menace with skeleton forms overspread and disfigured the walls in the center of the floor on the secular pit from whose jaws I had escaped then I realized that I was securely bound to a low framework of wood strapping casting many convolutions about my body leaving at liberty only my head and my left arm said that only with much exertion could I supply myself with food from an earth and dish which lay by my side on the floor the food and the dish was meat pungently seasoned looking upward I surveyed the ceiling of my prison it was some thirty or forty feet overhead and suspended therefrom was what appeared to be a huge pendulum such as one might see on antique locks and I gazed at it I fancied it I saw it move ever so slightly I watched it for some for some minutes somewhat him in fear but more in one the noise attracted my notice and looking to the floor I saw several enormous rats maybe shoot from the pit with ravenous eyes and iord by the scent of the meat it required much effort and attention to scare them away from the food when I again cast my eyes upward what I saw confounded it amazed me the sweep of the pendulum it increased in extent by nearly a yard what mainly disturbed me was the idea that it had perceptibly descended I know it's moved what horror it is needless to say its lower extremity was aggressive belittling steel foot in length from horn to horn horns upward and the underage evidently as keen as that of a razor and it hissed is it swung through the air inch by inch with a descent only appreciable at intervals it seemed ages down and still down it came stays pastorate swept so closely over me and sip and me with its acrid breath I prayed for its more speedy descent I grew frantically mad and struggled to force myself upward against the sweep of the fearful scimitar ah then suddenly I fell calm and they smiling at the glittering death as a child would at some rare bauble I saw that the Crescent was designed cross the region of my heart it would pray the surge of my garment it would return and repeat its operations again and again but the fraying of my garment would be all there for several minutes it would accomplish to the ride to the left far and wide down steadily down except with a shriek of a damn spirit to my heart with the stealthy pace of the tiger I ultimately laughed and howled as the older of the sharks to you forced itself into my nostrils down relentlessly down it vibrated finally within three inches of my bosom ten or twelve sweeps would bring the steel in actual contact with my clothing and then with this observation there suddenly came over my spirit all the Keen collected calmness of despair for the first time in many hours or perhaps days I thought rats he had been literally swarming around the low framework upon which I lay a wild bold and ravenous their red eyes glaring upon me as if they waited for motionlessness on my part to make me their prey what food I thought have they been accustomed doing a bit they devoured in spite of all my efforts to prevent them all but a small remnant of the contents of the dish although my plan was scarcely saying I had you see that it once to attempt his execution with the particles of the oil in spicy meat which now remained thoroughly rub the restraining binding wherever I could reach it then I lay breasts he still at first the ravenous animals were startled and terrified at the change observing however that I remained without motion one or two of the boldest left upon the framework and smelted my bonds they seemed the signal for a general rush they leptin hundreds upon my person the measured movement of the pendulum disturbed or not at all avoiding its strokes they busied himself knowing the anointed bindings they pressed they swarmed upon me and ever ever accumulating heaps they rise the one race out there cold lips at my own I would have stifled by their surrounding pressure disgust for which the world has no name swelled my bosom and chilled with a heavy clam eNOS my heart at one minute and I felt that the struggle would be over plainly I perceived the loosening of the strapping I knew that he more than one place it must be already severed more than human resolution pain a skill or had I heard in my calculations nor had I am Jordan vain high at last felt that I was free stroke of the pendulum already pressed upon my bosom needed divided the surge of my garment twice again it swung and a sharp center pain shot through every nerve but the moment of escape arrived wave my hand my deliveries hurried tumultuously away with a steady movement I slid from the embrace of the bindings and beyond the reach of the Scimitar I was free free but still in the grasp of the imposition I had scarcely step for my wooden bed of honor and the motion of the hellish machine ceased and I beheld it drawn up my very motion was undoubtedly watched free I had but escaped death in one form of agony to be delivered unto worse than death in sum up with that thought I rolled my eyes nervously on the barriers of iron that end me in I observed that the figures of the beings upon the walls had now assumed a startling and most intense brilliancy diamond eyes of a wild and ghastly veracity good upon me from a thousand directions it was unreal lively they came to my das truths the path of the paper of heated I suffocating odour pervaded the prison I panted I I gasped for breath I shrank from the burning metal to the center of the cell with the thought of the fiery destruction they depended the idea of the coolness of the pit came over my soul like bomb I rushed to its deadly break I I threw my straining eyes below to clear from the engine who feel human ated its inmost recesses yet for a wild moment did my spirit refuse to comprehend the meaning of what I saw at length it forced it burned its way into my soul so for a voice to speak O Hara oh la jara baños the heat increased rapidly once again I looked up it would be in a second change in the cell and how the change was obviously in the form the room had been square the fearful difference quickly increased with a low rumbling sound the apartment was shifting his form into that of a rectangle death I screamed and he danced with that of the pit fool might I not have known that enter the pet was the object of the burning and now closer and closer through the world I tried back but the closing walls pressed me resistlessly onward at Lake for my seared and writhing body that was no longer an inch of foot hole on the firm floor of the prison I struggle no more but the agony of my soul found bent in one long loud and final stare i felt that i tottered upon the brink and suddenly there was a discordant hub of human voices there was a loud blast as many trumpets the very walls rushed back an outstretched arm caught my own as I fell fainting into the abyss it was that of general nacelle the French army had entered two layers the imposition is in the hands of its enemy
Channel: Zombie Popcorn
Views: 375,114
Rating: 4.9447436 out of 5
Keywords: Vincent Price, Edgar Allan Poe, horror
Id: ZzyYzK94UU4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 49sec (3229 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 10 2009
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