An Epic Injection SwimBait | Inject to Catch

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shot this yesterday just to see how lamination works on this bait and good lord what has Jason from epic bait molds made now what has he done if you guys aren't aware of the possibilities with this bait our pretty intense skin pores laminations I thought the PUD was borderline unbeatable but the open pore two-piece aluminum mold I don't know let's compare I set them side-by-side take a peekaboo this is a 5 and 3/8 inch bait the PUD was three and a half with injection stuff you are more limited like you have to inject it and you can't just layer the colors up as much as you want by pouring it in it has to be a single color or laminations with a lamination block but at the same time with this mold you can skin pour it you can pour a color and let it droop down the lateral line see the ridge that's the lateral line of the bait and plastic just pours down that perfectly I haven't done it myself I just got these molds in yesterday this was the first one it's the first one it's a perfect little bait fish once again designed by me and epic bait molds I mean they're making a name for themselves with stuff like this this is insane this is an insane mold took a while to get out we designed this one up for a while epic bait molds calm link in the description if you want one of these there's certainly no machining path spared to get this bait looking this good he told me he had to learn like 3d animation and there was just stuff he had to learn to be able to even make the shape of this bait and get the paths right for the tooling and you know I'm not I'm not familiar with machining myself like but from what he was able to explain to me and I was able to understand from it complicated very complicated to get this shape let's let's shoot some comes with bolts and wing nuts and it's got the pen keys to align on the other sides of the bolts too and and you can just clamp this in your vise - and shoot it that's kind of apps what I've been doing with this you're gonna scuff it up a little bit if you clamp it in your vise and you have metal jaws like me but in that cool even puts our logos on it epic bei mold Marling baits this sort of stuff's like a dream come true for me I didn't I never thought in a million years I'd have I'd be working with a company designing aluminum molds for other people to make baits thank you Jason and Amanda thank you let's shoot some we'll do this gently scuff it up as little as possible it's in there can you guys tell I'm kind of dumbfounded with this one I don't I don't want to under express how freaking good this is but I can't believe he made it I can't believe he made something that's nice very hard to express yourself on YouTube through a video button I'm kind of giddy can you tell all right back to the lure making these are the colors of the first one I poured her shot there so I'm gonna warm these back up I'm gonna add some plastic to them do some stuff with it make a make a even cooler color from the cool color I'm getting very low on plastic do I need to get another five-gallon bucket for that dead-on dead-on - problem is what I use mostly I think the PUD that open pore putt mold that you can use this one baked plastic for that for sure this one bait blend of the dead on floating I always use a floating plastic to with swim baits is how I roll so a lot of dimension if you guys aren't familiar a lamination block is one of these plastic comes from this end and this end and it gets funneled through an injector port with two holes like that and it shoots one side of the bait and the other side of the bait at the same time and it's at the same time because you use one of these injectors something like this this is a bass tackle injector has never given me issues like this is a really good injector I think they're kind of hard to find now - but lucky me you just go at it like that you know perfect explanations on this channel this plastic is getting hot we're almost there just give me another minute these colors were very good I just think I add a little bit of something-something I think I'm gonna put some very fine silver flake into the white not skimp on that too plenty of it in there and I want some gold same sized flake just gold in the top add some shimmy shine absolutely stunning I'm gonna vacuum these two one just barely fits two cups at a time so with laminations it's important to measure the temperature and make sure each cup is the same temperature before you shoot and this one's a lot colder so it's going back in the microwave for just 15 seconds this one's cooling down while that one's warming up so it doesn't take a long time to get those temperatures even this one was over 350 though that one is 320 that felt pretty even here we go coolest part is it's like less than two minutes later and this is ready to be demolded the aluminum sucks all the heat out of the plastic you know look at that lamination man like what a bait fish I'm going to some good ponds today too I'm excited for the fishing section of this video already okay I want to try to do a skin pore in this groove and then inject it too so let's do that on video too and then after that I'm just gonna shoot a bunch of these and take them fishing as you do you know I'm going with that I think you do guys like watching me clean an injector I think you do it is a bit of an unsettling process I'll admit okay you guys saw that pink I was thought that I was gonna use I made some fresh stuff much more pink I added some pearl white into it as well with the scale pattern on this date and stuff pearls are the way to go it's ready doesn't even need to be vacuumed I'm gonna fill up the head first well not fill up the head just pour some in the head and let that droop back like such as try to do the same thing on the other side look at that I did that one better now we're gonna laminate this with our two colors I'm gonna add a little bit more green to this it's too gold a little just a tiny bit more of a hint too green to this and then that's gonna look like a rainbow trout I'm gonna add some black flake to this to a little bit of green black flake leave the belly as it is gonna be good have the hook slot plate can't forget that put it in there close up the mold get your holing nuts going nuts secure your wing nuts how I remember it is the bolt on the top is the top of the bait so the bolt on the tops the top that's how I remember how to orient this mold I'd say let's do 25 more seconds take him out and shoot you get a feel for time after a while of doing this you get you get a feel of time how much longer things need oh I need to add the green to the you also forget a lot of stuff green and black flake color shift green and black flake I don't even know where I got this off at eBay I don't even know what the brand is coral pleasures actually is the book that's the brand name pearl pleasures I just use a feeler gauge as a scooped the best use for a feeler gauge is this that was a lot this is going to be green but that's what we wanted with black flake a lot of green and plenty of black if that's not a color that you can't get behind you can exit out in this video right now you're not wanted here that's a good one rainbow trout coming right up sucked up a little bit of air but that's no big deal those bubbles rise to the top of the injector and then you can just inject anyway sorry I'm kind of shaky because I'm putting a lot of pressure on this you shouldn't put that much pressure on this I just have a bad habit of doing that don't put a lot of pressure on this very hot plastic under high-pressure danger not gonna have a good time I think that was a South Park reference I think the snowboarding thing look good have a good time you're not gonna have a phone talk good time it's good time and you just admire this color again for a second there's a lot going on with that color that'd be good in a warm maybe I'll save it for some worms later you guys ready it is so often that it's just like a couple minutes later I bet I've been getting used to like open port puds and stuff where you gotta wait like a half hour for that mold to cool down because you add it on a hot plate this is nice two minutes you got your bait I'm having trouble finding things to say about this because it's just um I just get dumbfounded like the laminations even aren't perfectly solid crisp lines across it but it makes it like natural and a little bit of the black flake got into the bottom mixed together just a little bit on the seam line and it fades into each other but then there's a crisp hard blood line that's just not even cold crack because if you put it under pressure you know you inject the hot plastic and it pushes itself into the seam yeah you know what I'm saying good gravy that's the thumbnail right there maybe if I make a better one I don't know so I have another idea mixing up some black right here pretty opaque black is what this is using them artistic words okay let's see how steady I am this morning probably be wearing a glove see if we can get a drop that'll do I just need to leave it there let that cool off you see it's not I got a little drip towards the head there I'm gonna be able to just peel that off with some tweezers like such as and you know what that is that's a shad dot let's do the other side that is that too big that'll do that one's bigger but it'll do yeah let's make it the same size I can do better than that that's what's nice about this you just peel it off and pour again I did the exact same thing that is not easy to pour an appropriately sized shad dot takes some practice but we're bait makers we're willing to practice third time's a charm right here yeah third time was a charm now my plan is to laminate this with just some typical shad colors and just make a shad with a dot yeah it's gonna be a good one these were the two colors I came up with then using that white belly a lot but then I came up with this I think that's a good you know top of the shad color middle contrast with that shad dot I think really well highlights and color shifts and that so it's gonna look pretty last one I'm gonna reveal to you guys and then I'm just gonna go crazy and make a bunch this is supposed to be a shad man I had that top dark color a little too hot and it bled into the white but does that really matter when you see that there's an eye on it for you if you like this effect which I kind of do just make the top call there hotter and then shoot it that is the easiest most amazing looking bait fish I've ever made stunning I didn't have anything to say I thought I did but I just turned the camera on and just did something weird right there and sorry my bad that is so incredibly easy to rig and it's so like it gets text posed and to the end of that hook slot you see that little bump that's the hook point right there just ready to collapse if a fish bites but with this baits it's it's it's totally win a fish by it's like I'm gonna catch multiple fish with this today I think not an issue at all I might be able to just use my normal one ounce bass rod these baits weigh one point one to one point two ounces with the beasts hook in them so it's not a lot of plastic it's just like an ounce of plastic how did I get this this freaking tangled what the heck this is 50 pound braid this is probably gonna be perfect yeah that feels like perfection to me you don't even need swim bed gear you can use a conventional rod if you got a 1 ounce rod because this is one ounce I made nine of them one two three four five six seven eight nine all different colors I think I covered the gambit I have confidence multiple fish will be caught today with this bait maybe one I don't know we're gonna catch something I'm not giving out till I catch something I decided to bring my swim bait rod to just four you know testing reasons see if it actually does feel better on the big rod see you on the water we're gonna start off where we caught a fish with the PUD thought it would be appropriate I need to figure out a name for this bait still I can come up with some stupid names I'm gonna have a I'm out of a good stupid one by the end of this video time to see the action on this bait it's insane a lot of people at the creek and I felt weird talking and it seemed pretty dead [Music] don't you hate red-winged blackbirds bird is the biggest jerk in the bird Kingdom let's have a look at the action again there we go fish on it doesn't feel oh it's a good one [Music] man I wish I had a name for this bait because then I could say bass on the whatever this is that's not a bad bass that is a solid christening of this bait two pounders two pounders it's a 2 pounder like that's one bait be free [Music] that collapsed beautifully and you can see the fish tore up the head right there bit the head bait collapsed it all just worked out one fish on the board wonder if it was the color oh there's no there's more down there back up this is a much more natural color so look at that that's another pound and a half solid hook set you know when it's in their eye socket they want it they want it it's official again bass like just bait I need a name for it really need a name for it now whoa that was a crappie I don't know why I even set the hook a crappie just came up and nibbled on the tail and I got all excited I'm kind of embarrassed that happened I did that that way oh it's one date fishing man kind of puts you on edge all right let's head back to that spot where I caught those two give it a few casts so I don't catch anything let's go make some more of these and we'll go to another pond and hit every spot on the way back as well oh that was crazy I just one-handed that bass these fish are going crazy for this bait not bad it's getting real official somebody's calling me my mom one sec guys hello nope what's up oh yeah okay I talked to my mom on the phone for like a half an hour and then I left and now we're at a different pond dare I say a better pond and I made some more of these but I think at this point I can get you a good video of the action shoot I think that's a smaller bass there we go decent bass again on this bait that has no name how bad where's the five pounder yeah something way out there that was closer to that drain oh you guys don't know what that is but let's catch this fish [Music] look at those hooksets [Music] must get closer to fish and catch them well there we go that's a good one this one is a little better yeah not bad get in here how much do you weigh yeah you're probably just 2.05 ounce point zero five pounds less I don't know how many fish that was but that did tear up my bait luckily I have a new one there we go yeah I toss one of these bears oh I was gonna say I tossed the one of these in the drain over there and just let it sink football and set the hook yeah thank you just one of the day back at this pond where we caught three did we catch the yeah we caught three here back at this pond I have caught a lot of bass today it's nice when you're able to say that and I'm not done first cast watch me catch one right here five pounder ignore that got one whoo right when it hit the water this guy's got orange eyes that normal an orange IDEs largemouth is that like a hybrid kind of thing don't they usually have gold eyes maybe I'm just really uneducated when it comes to large enough and that's really common now you guys can really see the action after a full day of fishing I'm finally showing you the action for real see that see how absolutely insane that tail goes I'm sure that you can see that look at that look at that gorgeous catching all those bass man makes you tired as a full day of fishing it's 8:35 right now I need a name for this bait I don't know of it yet you know what there's a link below to the product page for this mold and by the way the molds gonna be 135 Bryce has been lowered I guess it's not been lowered it's just it was going it was going to be 135 from the beginning and I just didn't know 135 for this bait that's whoo where is it there is not much like this out there there really is not anything like this out there that nice that detailed that smooth shooting of a single cavity amazing highly details one day there's not there's not much out there like that all right go find out what the name of this is click on the link I think that bait proved itself it's just it's it's over five inches and it just catches bass after pass the hook up ratio is amazing I've got that hook slide on the top and the bottom recesses it's just that's gonna be very hard not to tie on every time I go fishing that right there I just need to get something big with it now to fight it's over it's 5 and 3/8 inch like it's the size you know it's the right size you need to get that 5 pound committer anyway get one if you shoot plastics you'll enjoy it I guarantee you you'll enjoy that thing action on this bait there is one point I took off the tail just to see what it's like and yeah it's got it's a lot like and by tail I mean that little tail fin it's a lot like a kite AK when you do that just like consistent and the body stays still but with it with that little tail piece on the back it just like it'll flap flap up down and side and like faster you retrieve the more erratic that gets I think it's enticing I think that's an extra element of like woundedness a lot of the time when you fish with lures that's what you're mimicking is woundedness and it triggers a fish to get that wounded fish it's an easy target so I think that does it well who know like you don't know I don't know just a guess anyway I don't even have to do my weird little fade in with my logo and fade out with my logo I can just go like with these you know once again thank you Jason and Amanda good work videos over on to the next bait look at that there we go there we go there we go there's Oh got one is that normal I'm kind of giddy can you tell that felt pretty even it is a bit of an unsettling process complicated sucked up a little bit of air but that's no big deal you just peel it off okay I talked to my mom on the phone this is probably gonna be perfect very hard to express yourself on YouTube the punch
Channel: Marling Baits
Views: 661,817
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: eVtfDFUlDD4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 47sec (1547 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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